Next week on Casualty, Dylan is questioned by the police as Sophia has an anxious wait, while Stevie treats a colleague's relative, and Rash is given a generous gift by his uncle.

For all the details of these stories and more, here is our round-up of all the biggest moments from next week's episode of the current boxset 'Public Property' ? titled 'Out of Time'.

1. Sophia feels abandoned

Dylan arrives at the police station in handcuffs after being arrested for manslaughter by gross negligence. While he is worried about being charged with a crime he didn't commit, he is more concerned about Sophia, as he hasn't had a chance to speak to her after she told him she was pregnant.

He is told that he has to wait and can't make a phone call before he is interviewed. Meanwhile at the ED, Sophia ? unaware of the situation ? rings Dylan after he failed to show up at their meeting and tells him that she is booking an abortion.

2. Stevie gets a shock

Stevie treats patient Ben who had a fall at his leaving drinks, after he decided to quit university. She is confused when both Siobhan and Rich turn up at the ED and is horrified when she works out that they are Ben's parents.

The pair aren't pleased to hear about their son's major university decision, and Siobhan grows even angrier when Stevie tries to defend Ben. Will this widen the rift between the colleagues even further?

3. Dylan faces questions

In the interview room, Dylan is shown footage of him treating Thea in the restaurant after the crash. Detective Bell brings up previous patients who have died under suspicious circumstances under his care, and the doctor is taken aback.

Noticing the wine glasses on the table at the restaurant, Dylan is asked if he was drunk while treating Thea ? but as a recovering alcoholic, he quickly refutes this. Dylan is adamant that he made the correct clinical judgment despite not being able to save Thea, but will he face consequences for simply doing his job? And will he be able to contact Sophia in time?

4. Rash gets a surprising gift

After Kareem's operation, Rash sits with his uncle in the oncology ward. While Kareem is still unwell, he still refuses to tell Tariq about his cancer. Rash is then left dumbfounded when Kareem gives him the deeds to his house ? wanting to sign it over to him and not his son.

Rash makes his uncle a deal, telling him that he will accept the house if he agrees to tell Tariq about his illness. But when Kareem is suddenly rushed into theatre, will Tariq find out about his dad's condition before it's too late?

5. Indie starts her new job

With Indie being kicked out of her late grandmother's house, the situation gets worse when she gets turned down for a place to stay for the night. Left with no other option, she decides to secretly sleep in an ambulance.

The next morning, Indie gets to work early and starts her shift as a call handler. Jan is watching her closely, following the irresponsible incident involving a photo of a patient. But Indie struggles with her first call of the day ? with long waiting times for an ambulance, will she be able to help?

6. Jodie speaks out

Jodie has agreed to help support Aaron and his child, and while at breakfast with her colleagues, she gets a call asking her to look after baby Elsie. Rida is frustrated with her, as she grows further apart from her friends. Later, Jodie speaks to the police about Dylan. Will her statement make things better or worse?