Next week on Casualty, Nicole reaches breaking point and takes drastic action, while Sophia has life-changing news for Dylan and Indie struggles in both her work and home life.

Read on for more details about these dramatic stories, in our round-up of all the biggest moments coming up in next week?s episode of the current boxset ?Public Property? ? titled ?Freefall?.

1. Ngozi worries about Nicole

Nicole continues to worry that baby Nicholas is making Rosie unwell, but Ngozi has seen that Rosie is fine and is concerned about her girlfriend?s welfare. Nicole doesn?t react well and tells Ngozi that if she doesn?t give her the space she needs, their relationship won?t work.

As Nicole carries on with her shift, she is faced with treating a patient in Resus. She works under pressure with the team watching her, but she manages to successfully stabilise the patient.

2. Indie faces uncertainty

Indie is struggling for money and hasn?t paid her rent, so faces losing her nana?s house if she doesn?t pay up soon. She also has a difficult time at work, as she fails to insert a cannula into a patient and Teddy is forced to take over. Later, Indie considers asking Jan for some call handler shifts to earn some extra cash. What will Jan say?

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3. Sophia has big news

Dylan receives a call from the police, who ask him to come to the station for questioning about Thea Bayliss? death ? in the wake of Aaron?s article which was published in the newspaper. But this isn?t the only surprise for Dylan, as he is left stunned when Sophia reveals that she is pregnant with his child.

He doesn?t have a chance to react as he is pulled away by an urgent situation at work, but Dylan agrees to meet Sophia later to discuss this news. Is he ready to become a dad?

4. Nicole reaches breaking point

Rosie is rushed into the hospital, and Ngozi finds out that she has fallen ill because of the medicine that Nicole previous gave her. Nicole is devastated by what has unfolded, and heads into the busy ED. But this puts her in a worse state, as the loud noise of the machines makes her disorientated and she tries to switch off the equipment.

She then goes upstairs and takes Nicholas from the ward. When Sophia, Siobhan and Ngozi discover that the baby is missing, it is a race across time to locate them both. What is wrong with Nicole, and are she and Nicholas in danger?

5. Faith helps a friend

When Faith spots her friend Astrid being treated in the ED again, she feels guilty and apologises for previously not giving her the support she needed. Astrid complains about the amount of pain she is in and asks Faith to get her stronger medication, and while understandably hesistant, she agrees.

Later, Faith finds Astrid outside her house and ends up offering her a place to stay. What are Astrid?s motivations, and what is Faith getting herself into?