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Thread: Eastenders Spoilers 9th - 13th September

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    Eastenders Spoilers 9th - 13th September

    Chrissie Watts returns to Albert Square! What brings her back?

    A tricky week comes to a head for one of the Knight sisters

    George tries his best to build a relationship with his brother
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    A familiar face returns with the reappearance of one of Walford's most notorious killers Chrissie Watts!

    Twenty years ago, Chrissie was married to Sharon Watts' dad Den Watts and they ran the Queen Vic together.

    When Den slept with Kat Slater's daughter Zoe Slater and got her pregnant, Chrissie vowed revenge on 'Dirty Den'.

    Along with Zoe and Phil Mitchell's sister Sam Mitchell, Chrissie confronted Den in the Vic. After Zoe knocked him out with a dog-shaped doorstop, the three women thought he was dead and Zoe panicked about killing him.

    He came round and grabbed Chrissie, who dealt him the fatal blow and the three buried Den's body under concrete in the beer cellar...

    Eventually. Chrissie's crime was revealed and she was put in prison for murder.

    Is she out of prison on parole and what does she want with the residents of Albert Square?

    Elaine Peacock has been keeping her worries about fiance George Knight's long-lost brother Kojo Asare to herself since he arrived.

    After an autistic Kojo turned up in Walford with brother Kobina Asare, George offered Kojo a place to stay, while Kobina returned home to Ghana.

    Kojo has already struggled with sensory overload after witnessing the aftermath of the crush at the club that put lives in danger.

    When he freaked out in the cafe, Martin Fowler took him under his wing and called George to bring him back to The Vic, but Elaine was rattled to hear about the outburst.

    Things seem to have calmed down since Kojo moved into the Vic and George takes his brother for a day out to do some brotherly bonding.

    When they get back, Johnny Carter accidentally triggers Kojo, who hits out at him.

    A shocked Elaine tells George that they're not equipped to manage Kojo's needs and it would be best for him if he left them.

    Overhearing Elaine, an upset Kojo slips out of the pub and disappears...

    George is horrified when he finds Kojo missing and he blames Elaine for driving him away.


    Anna Knight is struggling and she confides in boyfriend Bobby Beale. Desperate to cheer her up. the pie shop manager is frustrated when he has to rush off to tend to business at Beales' Eels.

    Not wanting to leave Anna on her own, he asks best mate Freddie Slater to spend time with her, not realising that Freddie is struggling with his feelings for Anna.

    Anna's touched when Freddie turns up to look after her but she's soon left hurt when a flustered Freddie makes up a rubbish excuse to leave.

    Worried that Freddie is upset with her for some reason, Anna sets off to confront Freddie and ask him if everything is okay between them.

    On the way, Anna has a dizzy spell...

    Is there something she needs to tell Bobby?

    George is beside himself with worry about his brother Kojo Asare, who went missing after hearing Elaine Peacock tell George she wanted him out of the Vic.

    Kojo agreed to stay with George after visiting Walford with their brother Kobina Asare.

    As the police turn up to search for a vulnerable Kojo, a furious George freezes out Elaine when she offers her help.

    Meanwhile, Kojo has been hiding and he emerges and heads to the tube station.

    When Junior Knight spots Kojo, he runs over to him and begs him to come back to the Vic. A miserable Kojo tells his nephew that he wants to go back to Ghana.

    Can the Knights persuade Kojo to stay?

    Also, killer Chrissie Watts' presence continues to send shockwaves after her return to Albert Square, 20 years after Chrissie murdered Sharon Watt's dad Den Watts...


    Freddie Slater has been doing his best to hide his feelings for Anna Knight, but it's been a BIG struggle!

    After sharing one drunken night of passion last year, a guilt-stricken Freddie parked his feelings for Anna, knowing that his best friend Bobby Beale was completely smitten by her.

    When Anna started dating Bobby, everything seemed to have worked out smoothly,. But both Anna and Freddie have been secretly harbouring feelings for each other and neither of them want to admit it!

    Feeling confused after Freddie abandoned her after being sent by an oblivious Bobby to cheer her up, Anna visits Freddie to check if he's upset with her for some reason.

    Awkwardly telling Anna everything is good, he's put on the spot when she asks whether he wants to go birdwatching with her. She suggests going for a meal with Bobby and her sister Gina Knight instead and feeling more comfortable about being in a group, Freddie agrees.

    Anna and Freddie arrive for the meal at Walford East but both Bobby and Gina have been delayed. When waitress Priya Nandra-Hart teases them about being on a 'date', Freddie internally cringes and makes an excuse to leave.

    Poor Anna is horrified that he's left her on her own and when Gina turns up she tells her how weird Freddie is being with her.

    Playing detective, Gina wants to get to the bottom of things and she works out that Freddie's in love with Anna!

    Junior Knight and dad George Knight have fallen out with each other AGAIN and Cindy Beale feels bad for her secret lover.

    Giving Junior some advice about her ex, she encourages him to talk to George and give him a chance to make things right.

    Taking Cindy's advice on board, Junior approaches George and they have a heart-to-heart, sharing a touching moment.

    He wastes no time in using the feelgood vibes to his advantage when he texts Cindy to ask if he can thank her 'properly'!

    Jack Branning is worried for his daughters Amy Mitchell and Penny Branning in the wake of the terrifying crush at the club that happened on Penny's watch.

    Amy is only just starting to recover after being hospitalised during the horror event and Jack tells her that the police need to talk to her about what she witnessed.

    As the family discuss the situation, Jack's son Ricky Branning asks if club manager Penny could go to prison for allowing the club to become so overcrowded.

    A guilty Chelsea Fox listens in as Jack tells Ricky that Penny could well end up with a prison sentence.

    Will Chelsea confess that she was responsible for selling the extra tickets?

    Also, the drama continues for Chrissie Watts...


    Anna Knight has been in a tizzy over Freddie Slater's odd behaviour, as he seems to be doing anything he can to avoid being alone with her!

    Although Anna is secretly sweet on Freddie despite dating Bobby Beale, Anna has no idea that he feels the same way too.

    Anna's sister Gina Knight is on the case as she suspects that they pair of them are secretly in love with each other and wanting a love story, she's determined to prove it!

    With Anna suspiciously feeling faint earlier in the week, when she throws up on her way to talk things through with Freddie, it's clear that something is up...

    Gina suspects right away that Anna could be pregnant and she heads out to get her a test, almost getting caught by their mum Cindy Beale.

    At the Vic, Anna takes the pregnancy test and nervously waits for the result...

    Chelsea Fox has been living in fear ever since her petty revenge on Penny Branning led to deadly consequences. When Penny stole her job as manager of Peggy's,

    Chelsea secretly fiddled with the booking system for an event to increase the numbers to make Penny look bad.

    Her plan spectacularly backfired when the club became dangerously overcrowded and several people were seriously injured in the crush, including teenager Amy Mitchell.

    Now that Amy is home from hospital, a guilty Chelsea is fussing round her. Irritated, Amy tells Chelsea that she needs some space. Wanting to do a good deed for Amy, Chelsea arranges for Amy's ex Denzel Danes to visit her and cheer her up.

    Later, Chelsea's blood runs cold when copper Jack Branning reveals that the police tech team are trying to piece together the corrupted video footage from the club on the fateful night to find out what really happened.

    After Jack recently admitted that Penny could go to prison for negligence, Chelsea is terrified that if the truth comes out that she maliciously increased the ticket numbers, she'll definitely land some jail time.

    Avani Nandra-Hart has agreed to hang out with newcomer Barney Mitchell but he soon gets fed up when she's constantly on her phone sending messages.

    Bored of being ignored, Barney asks her if she's texting a boy. A defensive Avani tells him to mind his own business but it's clear he's touched a nerve.

    Who could the mystery boy be?
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

    Ruffed_lemur (03-09-2024)

  4. #3
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    Exclamation EastEnders Spoilers 9th - 12th September 2024

    Monday 09 September 2024 at 19:30

    Chrissie Watts returns to Walford, which inevitably sparks some drama, but why is she back?

    Meanwhile, Johnny accidentally triggers Kojo, who hits out at him. Elaine warns George that Kojo has to leave The Vic, arguing that they aren't able to manage his needs. Elaine is unaware that Kojo has overheard her comments.

    Later, Kojo sneaks out of The Vic while George is distracted. When George realises that Kojo is missing, he blames Elaine for making him feel unwelcome.

    Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 19:30

    The police help out with the search for Kojo, while George continues to blame Elaine for the situation. When Kojo wakes up in his hiding place, he heads off in the direction of the Tube station.

    Junior spots Kojo and tries to convince him to come back to The Vic, but Kojo insists that he wants to go back home to Ghana.

    Meanwhile, Chrissie's presence continues to send shockwaves.

    Elsewhere, Freddie is determined not to be alone with Anna, but his flimsy excuses upset her. Anna decides to ask Freddie whether everything is okay between them, but she suffers a dizzy spell before she gets a chance to.

    Wednesday 11 September 2024 at 19:30

    Freddie tries to reassure Anna that everything is fine between them, but he's reluctant to confirm another birdwatching meeting. He agrees to go for food with Anna, Bobby and Gina, but his worst fears are realised when he ends up alone with Anna because Bobby and Gina are late.

    Priya teases Freddie and Anna about being on a date, causing Freddie to flee. Anna is upset over Freddie's latest strange behaviour and she confides in Gina. Determined to get to the bottom of this, Gina realises that Freddie has feelings for Anna.

    Meanwhile, the drama continues for Chrissie.

    Elsewhere, Junior takes some advice from Cindy and decides to give George a chance. Father and son end up sharing a poignant moment. Junior texts Cindy, admitting that he wants to thank her properly later.

    Also today, Jack warns Ricky and Amy that there's a chance Penny will go to prison over the club crush. Chelsea is horrified as the severity of the situation becomes clear.

    Thursday 12 September 2024 at 19:30

    Anna throws up in the caf?, prompting Gina to ask whether she could be pregnant.

    Cindy almost catches Gina as she buys Anna a pregnancy test. Anna takes the test at The Vic and discovers that she's pregnant with Bobby's baby.

    Meanwhile, a difficult week comes to a head.

    Elsewhere, Chelsea's constant fussing irritates Amy, who asks for space. Chelsea changes tactics by asking Denzel to visit Amy instead. Denzel continues to blame himself for Amy being in the club that night, but will she feel the same way?

    Later, Jack reveals that the police's tech team will soon discover the truth, as they're working on some corrupted footage of the crush.

    Also today, Avani snaps at Barney when he quizzes her over the texts she's exchanging with a boy.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    lizann (03-09-2024)

  6. #4
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    denise doesn't make chelsea fess up then

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