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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 24th - 28th June

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    Emmerdale Spoilers 24th - 28th June

    Tom spirals out of control and ends up in serious danger!

    Suni searches for advice as he considers his next move

    Matty's horrified when he returns to his cell. What's up?
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    katie hunter (11-06-2024)

  3. #2
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    Exclamation Emmerdale Spoilers 24th - 28th June 2024

    fans will see Tom King's life hang in the balance next week as his latest furious outburst has dangerous consequences.

    The evil villain accidentally hurts himself while privately raging over his wife Belle lying to him.

    Upcoming episodes see pregnant Belle decide to have a termination as she has serious doubts about starting a family with Tom.

    As Belle is too scared to be honest with Tom about her choice, she tells him that she had a miscarriage.

    Next week, Belle discusses the issue with Rachel, her Mental Health Care Coordinator.

    Rachel is concerned to hear that Belle felt forced to lie to her husband. As the appointment goes on, Belle worries that Rachel is starting to realise the extent of Tom's abusive behaviour.

    Rachel pushes the issue and encourages Belle to take a break from Tom. Belle appears to take notice of the advice, as she books a taxi and plans a sudden trip to Scotland to stay with Debbie.

    Meanwhile, Noah Dingle accidentally causes trouble for Belle when he tells Tom that she went into town for an appointment the previous day.

    Tom investigates and realises that Belle went to the abortion clinic. He takes his fury out on a nearby barn, grabbing an old and rusty iron bar to trash the place.

    As Tom starts to exhaust himself, he takes a final swing and the metal bar smashes against the rotary isolator behind him.

    Tom is electrocuted and hurled violently against a beam, before losing consciousness.

    With Belle heading off for a trip, will Tom's life-or-death drama go unnoticed?

    Emmerdale airs these scenes on Monday, June 24.

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    katie hunter (18-06-2024), lizann (20-06-2024)

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    Emmerdale's Cain Dingle shares some difficult advice with his jailed stepson Matty Barton next week.

    The bad boy warns Matty that he'll need to toughen up as he starts to interact more with the other prisoners.

    As next week's episodes begin, Matty's wife Amy struggles to be apart from him ? especially as he has told her not to visit again.

    Matty talks to Amy over the phone instead and draws strength from her support. As the conversation ends, Matty heads back to his cell with a brave smile on his face.

    Matty's upbeat mood turns to one of concern when he finds that prison hardman Les has moved into his cell. Although Matty has been isolated from the other inmates so far, the situation is changing due to a lack of space.

    The new living arrangements get off to a bad start when Les taunts his new cellmate with some unnerving jokes. Matty can't help fearing for his safety as he wonders how seriously to take Les's comments.

    Later in the week, Cain visits Matty and becomes worried when he struggles to lift his stepson's spirits.

    Matty discreetly points out Les as his new cellmate and admits that he's worried about the situation. He struggles to keep his emotions in check, despite Cain trying to offer advice.

    Cain encourages Matty to use violence against anyone who threatens him, predicting that he'll be left alone if the other prisoners know he's not to be messed with.

    Matty is left terrified over what this means he'll have to do. Will he follow Cain's advice?

    Viewers saw Matty's big new story begin earlier this month as Samson Dingle was accidentally stabbed during an attempted robbery at The Hide.

    Samson and his new friend Josh Cope both lied that Matty went on the attack deliberately. With little evidence available to prove his innocence, Matty is now being held on remand ahead of his trial.

    Emmerdale airs these scenes on Thursday, June 27 and Friday, June 28.

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    katie hunter (18-06-2024)

  7. #4
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    Monday 24th 7-30pm

    Tom King flies into a rage but this time it's himself he hurts!

    Will he survive when his anger gets the better of him?

    Belle has a chat with her mental health coordinator, Rachel, and tells her that she told Tom she's had a miscarriage, not an abortion.

    As Belle talks, it's clear Rachel is beginning to understand the extent of Tom's behaviour, and she encourages Belle to take a break from her husband.

    With the penny finally dropping, Belle gets in a taxi...

    Meanwhile, Noah tells Tom that Belle was in town for an appointment the day before. As Tom puts two and two together, he realises Belle went to an abortion clinic.

    Unable to contain his fury, in the barn Tom grabs an old iron bar and smashes anything and everything.

    As he flings his arm back to strike again, the metal bar smashes against the barn's rotary isolator behind him - and gets a huge electric shock.

    Tom's thrown violently against a beam and lies unconscious... or worse.

    As he's out for the count, Belle has her case packed ready to visit Debbie in Scotland.

    Will Tom survive?

    Thursday 7-30pm

    Laurel Thomas has some BIG questions for husband Jai Sharma. Will Jai finally fess up to what happened between him and Amit? And how will Laurel react?

    Jai's been wrestling with Pollard knowing the details of how he coerced Amit into signing over his share of the business - and brother Suni's too.

    Pollard's been taking advantage of Jai's secret, but Jai's getting fed up with it.

    So when Pollard shows up at the Hide, there's a tense exchange between the men.

    And Laurel sees it.

    Later, Suni turns to Laurel for advice about whether to leave with Nicky. Laurel tells him Jai would be sad to see him go, leaving Suni - who's in the dark about what his brother has done - thoughtful.

    When Pollard doesn't pay for his drinks, he tells Laurel to ask Jai about why. She does as he suggests and goes home to confront Jai about what's going on.

    Will he confess to his crimes?

    Meanwhile, Dawn comes back to Home Farm with baby Evan, but she's terrified about the kids coming into contact with their little brother and passing on germs.

    And Billy's just worried about his frantic wife.

    Will they make it through this stressful time?

    Elsewhere, Matty's time in prison continues to be hellish. Amy's worried about her husband, who's told her not to visit. When she finally gets to speak to him on the phone, the conversation is fraught.

    And when Matty returns to his cell he's horrified to discover hardman Les has moved in with him.

    He taunts frightened Matty, who's left fearing for his safety.

    With his life on the line, will Matty be able to make it through the next few weeks as he fights to clear his name for a crime he didn't commit?

    Friday 7-30pm

    Cain Dingle has some shocking advice for frightened stepson Matty , But will Matty act on what Cain's telling him?

    Matty's been finding things hard in prison, since he accidentally stabbed Samson.

    He knows he didn't mean to do it, and that Samson's friend Josh shoved him into Matty's knife.

    But Josh is a slick liar and Samson's not about to change his story - much to Matty's horror.

    So it seems newly wed Matty is stuck behind bars for now.

    When stepdad Cain visits, he is shocked when all his attempts to raise Matty's spirits fall flat.

    When a terrified Matty points out Les as his new cellmate, Cain knows it's time to get tough and he tells Matty that it's survival of the fittest and urges him to use violence against anyone who threatens him.

    Matty's even more scared as he contemplates what this could mean him having to do.

    Elsewhere, Dawn's still finding it hard being at home with baby Evan. She's worried about the tot being exposed to germs while he's undergoing chemotherapy treatment. But while Dawn's worried about her son, everyone else is worried about her!

    When she tries to make things better for Clemmie and Lucas, Dawn feels overwhelmed about trying to parent all her children in such different ways.

    But a heartfelt word about her skills as a mother from Rose hit home. Dawn's suddenly feeling more cheerful and the pair become closer as they build a fort together.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    lizann (20-06-2024)

  9. #5
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    jai and eric caught out? im guessing belle won't get to scotland

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    Monday 24 June 2024 at 19:30

    Belle explains to Rachel ? her Mental Health Care Coordinator ? that she told Tom she had a miscarriage instead of an abortion.

    As their appointment goes on, Belle fears that Rachel is starting to realise the extent of Tom's controlling behaviour and is desperate for her to leave. As Rachel reassures Belle, the reality of Tom's abuse finally hits home.

    Meanwhile, Noah accidentally informs Tom that Belle lied to him. When Tom realises Belle took a trip to the abortion clinic, he is unable to contain his rage. Tom grabs an old rusty iron bar and starts smashing up a barn.

    As the metal bar smashes against the barn's rotary isolator behind him, Tom suffers a huge electric shock and is hurled violently against a beam. Tom is left unconscious ? or potentially worse.

    Thursday 27 June 2024 at 19:30

    Hour-long episode

    Laurel notes a tense exchange between Eric and Jai. She's left suspicious, but Jai covers his fury at Eric.

    Meanwhile, Dawn and Evan return to Home Farm, but she is soon hit with paranoia at the thought of the kids seeing their baby brother. Billy worries about her overprotectiveness.

    Elsewhere, Matty talks to Amy on the phone and draws strength from their conversation. He's left bravely smiling when he has to hang up the phone.

    Matty tries to mask his horror when he returns to his cell to find hardman Les has been moved in with him. Les makes a series of quick-witted and unnerving quips, leaving Matty concerned for his safety.

    Friday 28 June 2024 at 19:30

    Cain visits Matty but his attempts to make him feel better fall flat. A terrified Matty points out Les as his new cellmate and struggles to keep his emotions in check, despite Cain's efforts to offer advice.

    Cain urges Matty to use violence against anyone who might threaten him, but Matty is terrified of what this means he'll have to do.

    Meanwhile, a heartfelt word about Dawn's natural ability as a mother helps bring Rose closer to her daughter.

    Elsewhere, Laurel is horrified.

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