Well its definitely been a messy week with all these flashbacks.
Im not going to lie, Im really disappointed. Expected something way, way better.
Why the writers didnt make MEL, KRISTAs mother I will never know? Even EDENs mother?.
We were introduced to EDEN and not given the chance to find out more about him. Im not sure if I care what happens to him.
KRISTA on the other hand was a character that had real potential! Cant believe she is dead?? Thats so silly after weeks of REECE looking for her. What was the point???
And the whole DAVID, ARON & NICOLETTE piece of the puzzle? no thanks
If nothing else, PAULs part of the story was true to his character.
Was great seeing the old cast, not really warming up to the newbies.
Definitely missed the mark for me.
How do you all feel about flashback week??? Did it live up to the hype or was it a crash & burn????