Makosi approaches friendship like an amnesiac Marmite eater: one day she loves you and the next day she hates you. It can be very confusing, as Orlaith has discovered.

During a candid conversation in the kitchen Orlaith tried to figure out whether Makosi was her best mate, or her mortal enemy. It wasn't an easy task.

"If I say something about you I will eventually tell you that I said it," Makosi said honestly.

"I've got a weird personality, either you like it or you don't," she explained. "Some people find me too much."

"You're very honest," Orlaith said, complimenting her friend. But suddenly Makosi turned a teeny bit nasty.

"We're so much alike that we can't get on," she told Orlaith sternly.

"I think we get on okay," Orlaith protested, seeming a little surprised by Makosi's bold statement.

Makosi confused things even further when she said that she didn't want Orlaith to go, whilst at the same time not thinking of her as a friend.

"It's a hard week for me this week, I don't want people to go," Makosi said. "If Kemal goes, that's a friend gone. If you go, then I'm alone." Well that's clear, as mud.

It would appear that Makosi doesn't relish the prospect of being the only girl in a House full of lads. "It's nice to know that there is someone I can talk to about things," she said, referring to boys, bras and other sorts of girl stuff.

Friend or foe? We don't know.