He first raped her when she was 14 and then again on her 16th birthday, when she said 'not again.' I don't know whether were other times, but got the...
The assumption is that Anthony has April, but it's possible that her change in personality was exacerbated because he did something to her beforehand...
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the show is going there but everything seems a bit contrived with the aftermath. I was crying along with Aaron...
It's sad that Beth Cordingly has to put out on social media how much she loves Nicholas Day and how if we see him in real life to remember that he's...
I like that it's a Murder on the Orient Express type killing and hope that the police response is similar. This ending is so much better than getting...
I would love this to be an Orient Express-type situation, whereas everyone in the town did something that could lead to his death, so that no single...