View Full Version : The Croppers to be murdered

14-09-2009, 06:03
IT'S nearly a year since Corrie villain Tony Gordon ordered Liam Connor's killing - and he will soon try and add two more victims.
Murderous Tony decides he must bump off loveable couple Roy and Hayley Cropper after they discover he was behind Liam's death.

The twisted factory boss (Gray O'Brien) threatens to take both their lives after confessing to Roy about his part in the murder on what he thinks is his deathbed in Weatherfield General Hospital.

Do-gooder Roy (David Neilson) finds Tony after he has a heart attack and stays with him in intensive care, where he's not expected to survive the night.

Thinking he's about to die, Tony tells Roy: "There's something I have to say - I killed Liam! I killed him!"

But Tony makes an unexpected recovery and Roy orders him to hand himself in to police at once.

When Roy threatens to tell the cops himself, Tony warns him he might "have a tragic accident".

Poor Roy makes things worse by confiding in wife Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh), who advises him to go to the police straight away.

But Tony soon finds out that Hayley knows his secret too in the gripping Christmas plot.

TV Biz's man on the cobbles said: "The storyline will come to a climax in the New Year.

"The writers thought Roy and Hayley would be ideal to be a big part of the plotline that sees evil Tony finally get his comeuppance."


14-09-2009, 11:39
So the Croppers and Carla all know yet no one tells the police or Maria

18-09-2009, 23:22
They wouldnt kill them off would they?

18-09-2009, 23:50
nah, they've been in it too long to just kill em off

19-09-2009, 00:01
i dont watch coro but they cant kill the croppers off it wouldnt be right

19-09-2009, 00:03
I like the Cropper.
They cant kill them off:crying:

Chloe O'brien
19-09-2009, 00:05
Just like when Richard Hilliman was a killer Norris got the upper hand in and Roy and Hayley will conquer Tony.

19-09-2009, 10:39
The place won't be the same without them!

19-09-2009, 10:45
I am pretty sure Tony will not be successful with his plot

26-09-2009, 16:57
There is no way he could be.I couldn't imagine the street without the wierd speeches and behaviour from Roy and Hayley.

26-09-2009, 19:22
Roy and Hay;ey are an institution. They will survive.

28-09-2009, 14:48

It's been nearly a year since Coronation Street baddie Tony Gordon murdered love rival Liam Connor... so surely it must be time for him to kill again?
The twisted factory boss will threaten to kill couple Roy and Hayley Cropper after they find out he was behind Liam's death in a hit-and-run accident.
Actors Gray O'Brien, who plays Tony, and David Neilson (Roy) were spotted filming dramatic scenes by Manchester's Canal late last night.

Roy is bat-spotting at the canal when he spots Tony lurking in the shadows.
Unbeknownst to naive Roy, a disturbed Tony is carrying a blood-stained knife hidden behind his back.

Viewers will have to wait till November to find out if the blood belongs to Roy, another person or perhaps even Tony himself.

After successfully hiding the planned death of Liam - who was having an affair with Tony's now-wife Carla (Alison King), the murderous businessman is finding it increasingly difficult to live with his shocking secret.
His estranged wife Carla - who knows Tony killed Liam - is set to return to the cobbles in November after the actress completes her maternity leave.

The stress of his wife being back, especially now he is in a romantic relationship with Liam's widow Maria Connor (Samia Smith) will prompt Tony's increasing erratic behaviour.
Tony ends up suffering a heart attack and, falsely believing he is about to die, attempts to clear his conscience by confessing his part in Liam's death to Roy in hospital.

But after pulling through, a distraught Tony realises that Roy and his wife Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh) both know and could implicate him in the death.
A determined Roy tells Tony to hand himself into police, but is taken aback when the factory boss refuses and warns the cafe owner he may have a 'tragic accident' himself.

Scenes filmed last night suggest Tony may turn violent on Roy - or another unseen character - after he is seen brandishing the bloody knife.

Scottish actor Gray is taking time out from the soap in November to star in pantomime, before returning for a brief sojourn in March, before finally bowing out of the show.

30-09-2009, 05:54
ROY Cropper gets a soaking in the second part of Tony Gordon's mission to kill him.

Yesterday TV Biz showed photos of the twisted Corrie killer (Gray O'Brien) lunging at harmless Roy (David Neilson) with a bread knife.

The evil factory boss is determined to get rid of Roy after confessing to him that he had killed Liam Connor.

Roy tries to fight off Tony, but falls in the canal. He starts to sink and screams for help - but will anyone rescue him or will he become another of Tony's victims?


01-10-2009, 15:41
Tony Gordon looks like he will have blood on his hands again as Roy comes a Cropper.

The dithering cafĂ© boss is on Tony’s hit-list after the factory boss confessed to killing Liam Connor.

And, as our pictures show, Roy becomes Tony’s next target when he takes an evening stroll.

Ever since his shock confession, Tony has been hounded by Roy (David Neilson, 60) to turn himself in to the police.

The businessman knows that the only way to silence Roy is to send him to an early grave.

First Tony threatens him, warning: “Either you forget what you know, Roy, and we all move on in one piece – or you’ll be the next to have a tragic accident.”

But Roy remains determined to get Tony (Gray O’Brien, 41) to confess.

So Tony follows him to the canal side and even apologises about having to kill him before stabbing Roy and leaving him for dead.

The scenes were filmed this week but fans will have to wait until November to see if Roy can survive.


Roy Cropper desperately tries to free himself from the clutches of killer Tony Gordon.

As we revealed yesterday, the businessman carries out a night-time attack on Roy (David Neilson, 60) by the canal.

Tony (Gray O’Brien, 41) pulls Roy into the water and stabs him after confessing to the café boss that he is a murderer.

Chloe O'brien
02-10-2009, 23:55
I think Eccles the super dog will save the day when he takes Blanche for a walk and they witness Tony stabbing Roy.

03-10-2009, 11:12
I just couldn't imagine the street without the croppers

03-10-2009, 11:16
I think Eccles the super dog will save the day when he takes Blanche for a walk and they witness Tony stabbing Roy.

Eccles can't swim, she had to be rescued in a net last time she fell into the canal :lol: And Blanche has not taken her out for quite a while, but I guess Ken is no longer allowed anywhere near the canal in case a certain lady on a barge has come back :D

03-10-2009, 11:43
Martha will return to see Ken. As she sails up the weatherfield Canal she spots Roy and Rescues him

03-10-2009, 11:50
really? or are you pulling my leg

03-10-2009, 11:51
One of your legs should be a couple of inches longer now :lol:

03-10-2009, 11:54
God I am so naive:lol:

Chloe O'brien
03-10-2009, 22:33
I wasn't pulling your leg Cass. Eccles the super dog will save the day. Septic Peg the Soapboard psychic told me.