View Full Version : Roberto's rising popularity

05-06-2005, 15:46
It's not all arguing and shouting in the Big Brother House. Roberto, Lesley and Craig appear to have formed a mutual appreciation society in the kitchen.

Lesley is giving Roberto's shoulders some sexy rubbing and scratching while he does the washing up, and along with Craig, they are getting on famously.

"You know what, I've got to take my hat off to myself because I've been the least vain man in here," Craig proclaimed, forever his biggest fan, but assured Roberto he's a close second.

"When I get evicted I'll be doing some posing on the way out," said Roberto showing a few of his moves for the benefit of Lesley, who pointed out that her massage had given him an erection.

"Don't you just love Lesley? I would die without her, she's me baby," Craig gushed, prompting the aroused Roberto to reply, "Much better than many girls around here."

In response, Lesley assured Craig that he won't be up for eviction this week, only for him to exclaim that if she was evicted it would be like a part of him had died. Roberto somehow managed not to vomit upon hearing this.

But Lesley's attention is elsewhere. "You wash these for me and I'll scratch your back," she said handing Roberto some dishes. "Oh beautiful woman," he replied as her hands wandered over his shoulders.

While they got intimate Craig, now virtually talking to himself, revealed that he wants a career as Britney Spears' double, but oops Lesley's done it again. "Oh ********** hell woman," groans Roberto, clearly loving her touch. "Oh Lesley, I'll make it up to you big style," he added.

It'll be worth keeping an eye on these two.