View Full Version : Charity wristbands

05-06-2005, 14:39
I've seen a lot of controvesy surrounding the "ethics" of these bands. Who here owns one? where did you buy it from? And what were your reasons for buying it?

05-06-2005, 14:43
I've got a pink one which I got from Dorethy Perkins to support Breast Cancer Care. I brought it because it was a cause I believe in and a charity which I do alot of fundraising for.

I've also got a purple HUG help the aged band which I got from their website. Basically because I wanted to support the campaign to support elderly people because my Grandparents were very important and influential in my life.

I've also got a blue anti bullying wristband. I was bullied and I was a peer supporter and I think stamping out bullying is very important.

I've got a Make Poverty History one from Oxfam too. I haven't been able to get an Anti Racism in sport band but I did want one.

Of course I don't wear them all at the same time but I think they are good for showing your support at particular events. For examples the anti bullying bands in schools. I don't wear mine so often at the moment but I'd wear the pink one if I was doing any charity events :D I think they are a brilliant idea but I've heard that even bullies are wearing the blue bands and that people are buying the anti racism band and cutting up the black one. I think that's a disgrace. They aren't a fashion accessory and it annoys me when they are used in that way.

05-06-2005, 14:56
I've got a pink one which I got from Dorethy Perkins to support Breast Cancer Care. I brought it because it was a cause I believe in and a charity which I do alot of fundraising for.
Same here. And i agree its a disgrace about the bullies wearing the blue bands and people cutting up the black band. Thats just wrong! :thumbsdow

06-06-2005, 11:02
I believe the red one's for childline charity are actually made by kids in 3rd world countries.. that is a disgrace

06-06-2005, 11:17
I wear the Blue "Beat Bulling" band, which i got from Radio one, i war it because theres too much violence now a days from young people, the "Make Poverty History" white band which my sister got for me from her school i wear coz of the whole Comic Relief thing (you know what i mean!) and i wear the "Breast Cancer" band for my mum who has breat cancer, i got from the Breast Cancer website. :D

06-06-2005, 11:59
my sister has got just about all of these bands including Make Poverty history

06-06-2005, 12:07
My kids have piles of these bands. From what I can understand there is a thriving black market for them in every school with kids paying £5 or more for the ones that are not readily available. It isn't the charity that is making the money!

06-06-2005, 12:21
I have got the pink one, blue one, the make poverty history and i have just bought the NSPCC one which is green and available from topshop but it is really small unlike the others that I have.

06-06-2005, 16:38
I have nearly all of them but don't wear them all the time and think it's disgrace that kids are selling them and people are cutting up the black band.

06-06-2005, 16:52
Same here. And i agree its a disgrace about the bullies wearing the blue bands and people cutting up the black band. Thats just wrong! :thumbsdow

What are the black bands for and why are they been cut up??

06-06-2005, 17:05
What are the black bands for and why are they been cut up?? on the anti-racist one. There is a white band and a black band joined together and some buggers are cutting the black band off!! :angry:

06-06-2005, 17:42
i have got an antiracism one (from footlocker) a livestrong one (dunno where from...of my dad) a pink breast cancer one (dorethy perkins) feel the pulse for heart disease (the heart foundation shop - or something like that not sure) and some more but i cant remember really x x x x x x

07-06-2005, 09:06
on the anti-racist one. There is a white band and a black band joined together and some buggers are cutting the black band off!! :angry:

That is just nasty.. why bother buying one then??? Just get a plain white one for another charity.

07-06-2005, 09:23
When they used to sell for £2, the profit margins were:

Shop: £1.50 profit
Supplier: 40p profit
Charity gets 10p

My bro-in-law owns a shop and he was saying the charities get screwed.

07-06-2005, 09:44
When they used to sell for £2, the profit margins were:

Shop: £1.50 profit
Supplier: 40p profit
Charity gets 10p

My bro-in-law owns a shop and he was saying the charities get screwed.

that is stupid and the sad part is that shop is getting their pockets lined as a lot of people don't see them for charity but fashion accessory... If more money went to the charity then it wouldn't be so bad to be use as fashion...

07-06-2005, 09:51
I have a pink one for breast cancer and bought it off the website. I dont agree with kids selling them and i know a few people who have bought them off non official sites where none of the money goes to charity!!!!

07-06-2005, 10:38
And like I said before, the kids at school paying £5 to buy a band off a mate - it's not the charities making a killing!

07-06-2005, 10:40
That is just nasty.. why bother buying one then??? Just get a plain white one for another charity.

Because they are racist I 'spose and they think it's funny. I heard it's been happening in schools and that's why in alot of schools they are now banned.

07-06-2005, 10:45
Because they are racist I 'spose and they think it's funny. I heard it's been happening in schools and that's why in alot of schools they are now banned.

this is what i don't understand.. they are obviously very stupid ignorant people.. the bands are for anti-racist charity..by buying the band to cut of the black bit is giving money to a charity they are against....

07-06-2005, 10:56
But not if they buy fakes at a market stall, nick them from younger kids or even buy them from kids at school. It really has little to do with charity at this level...

07-06-2005, 15:07
When they used to sell for £2, the profit margins were:

Shop: £1.50 profit
Supplier: 40p profit
Charity gets 10p

My bro-in-law owns a shop and he was saying the charities get screwed.

the Charities should of got the whole £2