View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 14th - 18th September 2009

01-09-2009, 13:42
Leanne’s (Jane Danson) back on the street and reveals to Janice (Vicky Entwistle) that she has split up with her boyfriend. Hearing about her arrival Peter (Chris Gascoyne) dashes round to see her and they arrange to meet for lunch. As Peter explains how he’s dealing with his drinking Leanne’s impressed. He thanks her for helping him realise his problems and lies that there’s been no-one else since she left. As he begs her to come back for good will Leanne be able to trust Peter again?

When Eileen (Sue Cleaver) walks downstairs in the morning she’s horrified to discover she’s been burgled. The TV, DVD player and radio are all missing and in her panic she fails to spot Jesse’s parrot escaping. Jesse’s (John Thompson) mortified, especially as his van’s gone too. The police arrive to investigate but when Sean (Antony Cotton) admits that he brought a bloke home last night and he must have robbed them Eileen’s gobsmacked.

Sally (Sally Whittaker) suggests a holiday to Kevin (Michael Le Vell) but he dismisses the idea as too expensive. Kevin thinks the discussion is over but when Sally later reveals that Rosie (Helen Flanagan) has offered to pay for their holiday he and Molly (Vicky Binns) are less than happy with the news.

And Amber (Nikki Patel) apologises to Darryl (Jonathan Dixon) for their row the night before. But she’s stunned when he tells her he saw her kissing Mitch (Marcquelle Ward) and finishes with her on the spot.

This episode is written by Joe Turner and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is Joe Turner.

PI for the rest of the week
Monday 14 September [2]

Peter (Chris Gascoyne) knows he’s going to have to work hard to regain Leanne’s (Jane Danson) trust. He promises to be entirely honest with her if she will let him cook for. Leanne agrees and as the evening proceeds it looks like she’s thawing. When she compliments him on his improvement as a father Peter opens up about the fire and his two conquests. But ever the coward he fails to mention Michelle‘s name. Leanne however is impressed with his honesty and when he tells her how much he loves her she kisses him. But as the couple get it on Michelle (Kym Marsh) arrives back on the street.

Molly (Vicky Binns) worries that Kevin (Michael LeVell) will finish with her after a posh holiday with Sally. He reminds her that they have something special and he’s not prepared to give her up. Molly feels slightly reassured but as Jack (William Tarmey) prepares to move out she knows she should be working on her own marriage and when he tells her she and Tyrone are made for each other a guilty Molly struggles to hold back the tears.

Sean’s (Antony Cotton) full of remorse for admitting a burglar to the house. Eileen’s (Sue Cleaver) forgiving until she discovers that the insurance company won’t pay out as the robber was invited in.

Amber (Nikki Patel) begs Darryl (Jonathan Dixon) to forgive her but he insists their lives are going in different directions and they should end their relationship.

This episode is written by Joe Turner and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is John Anderson.

PI for Thursday 17 September

Leanne (Jane Danson) and Peter (Chris Gascoyne) have spent the night together. Peter’s elated, as is Simon (Alex Bain), but when Simon mentions Michelle’s name Leanne becomes suspicious that she’s still not had the whole truth from Peter. After tricking Michelle (Kym Marsh) into divulging her one-night stand with Peter Leanne confronts him. Branding Peter a compulsive liar she says they’re finished. Gutted Peter tells Blanche (Maggie Jones) he’s blown it with Leanne. Knowing what she means to him Blanche goes to talk to Leanne. Urging her to consider Simon’s feelings, she says if Leanne intends to leave again she must stay away for good. Leanne’s thoughtful.

As Sally (Sally Whittaker) excitedly prepares for her holiday, Kevin (Michael Le Vell) books himself and Molly (Vicky Binns) a motel room for tomorrow afternoon. Molly’s gutted to learn that Jack’s leaving drinks clash with her planned tryst with Kevin.

Norris (Malcolm Hebden) informs Emily (Eileen Derbyshire) that Ramsay’s funeral is set for tomorrow, although he doubts anyone will be interested. Frustrated by his lack of emotion Emily suggests to Norris that he give the eulogy. Will he finally let go of his emotions?

And Eileen’s (Sue Cleaver) less than impressed when John the parrot turns up in her back yard. Jesse (John Thompson) however is delighted.

This episode is written by Martin Allen and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is John Anderson.

PI for Friday 18 September [1]

It’s the day of Ramsay’s funeral and Norris (Malcolm Hebden) has decided he can’t attend as it would make him a hypocrite. Rita (Barbara Knox) urges him to make the effort for Emily’s (Eileen Derbyshire) sake and Norris eventually capitulates. As they arrive Norris is stunned by the good turn-out and realising he never got to know his brother like so many did he makes a last minute decision to address the congregation.

Peter (Chris Gascoyne) pleads his case to Leanne (Jane Danson) one last time, telling her he’s never really wanted to commit to anyone before her. Janice (Vicky Entwistle) can see she’s wavering and tells her that Peter is bad news and she should forget him. Leanne’s torn, will she give Peter one final chance?

Kevin (Michael Le Vell) and Molly (Vicky Binns) have arranged to meet at the motel earlier than planned but as they give into their passion time gets the better of them and Kevin doesn‘t realise he‘s in grave danger of missing his flight. Molly notices but enjoying herself too much decides to keep quiet. Back on the street Sally (Sally Whittaker) starts to panic about Kevin’s whereabouts.

And Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) bids Amber (Nikki Patel) an emotional farewell as she leaves for university.

This episode is written by Jayne Hollinson and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is John Anderson.

PI for Friday 18 September [2]

Kevin’s (Michael Le Vell) realised the time and is in a blind panic as he races back to the street. Meanwhile Tyrone (Alan Halsall) is furious that Molly (Vicky Binns) is late for Jack’s leaving do as everyone else is assembled in the Rovers. They finally make it through the traffic and as a relieved Sally (Sally Whittaker) drags Kevin off to the airport Molly joins the gathering in the pub. Molly’s less than contrite and as they wave off Jack (William Tarmey) and Connie (Rita May) she accuses Tyrone of being angry with her. Tyrone’s had enough of her moods and as a row ensues a few home truths come tumbling out.

Ramsay’s funeral has clearly had a profound effect on people. Emily’s (Eileen Derbyshire) drained, while it’s given Rita (Barbara Knox) much to think about. Praising Norris (Malcolm Hebden) for his words she tells him it‘s made her realise life‘s too short. Norris is stunned as Rita announces she intends to retire.

Lloyd (Craig Charles), Claire (Julia Haworth) and Steve (Simon Gregson) join forces to play a trick on Eileen (Sue Cleaver). They assemble a load of junk and offer it to her as a replacement for her stolen goods. Eileen’s affronted and tells them to get lost. But when they reveal they’ve bought her a state-of-the-art TV how will she react?

Steve (Simon Gregson) calls Leanne (Jane Danson) and asks if she will cover behind the bar while he and Becky are away. She’s not keen on the idea but agrees to give it some thought.

01-09-2009, 14:18
Leanne's back :cheer:

01-09-2009, 14:34
Could someone change the heading...it's a bit confusing!

01-09-2009, 14:46
Could someone change the heading...it's a bit confusing!


05-09-2009, 08:00
Exciting week!!

12-09-2009, 10:38
poor eileen she never has good luck

12-09-2009, 19:35
Molly and Kevin :nono: what a boring storyline and couple :thumbsdow

12-09-2009, 19:38
In another forum they were knocking this couple saying they wished that Molly was better looking I thought the dynamics of the relationship worked as they looked like 2 ordinary people who have grown close.

14-09-2009, 18:06
PETER Barlow ends up with egg on his face when Leanne Battersby gets her revenge on him this week.

Shortly after reviving their relationship, Leanne (Jane Danson) is furious to discover that Peter (Chris Gascoyne) had a one-night stand with Michelle Connor (Kym Marsh) in her absence.

She calls him a compulsive liar and he begs her to forgive him - but she still pelts a dozen raw eggs at him from an upstairs window before dumping him for good.

But will Leanne crack and let him back in her life once again?

Watch the scenes unfold in Corrie on Thursday, September 17 at 8.30pm on ITV1.
