View Full Version : Kat!!

04-06-2005, 18:26
I wonder what's going to happen in the next coupl of weeks with Kat. As I'm a Kalfie fan, I want Alfie and Kat back together. But I read in inside soap that she since she's returned (Jessie) she's already been in 4 punch-ups! She might fight with Little Mo, Alfie, Zoe, Chrissie, Sam,....WHO KNOWS? :searchme:

04-06-2005, 20:58
I really want Kat and Alfie to get back together! I've been really addicted since she got back I can't wait to see what happens! Does she ever find out about Mo and Alfie?

04-06-2005, 21:19
yer i want Kat and Alfie to get back together :heart:

04-06-2005, 21:20
Please let them be together!!! *prays* PLEASE!!!!!!!

di marco
04-06-2005, 21:22
Please let them be together!!! *prays* PLEASE!!!!!!!

ill pray with you! they need to get back together, whatever it takes! :)

04-06-2005, 21:27
whatever it takes! :) Would you stay a tank of parahna's for them......? :rotfl: lol

di marco
04-06-2005, 21:29
Would you stay a tank of parahna's for them......? :rotfl: lol

well id just make sure they were well fed first! :)

04-06-2005, 21:31
well id just make sure they were well fed first! :)
LOL :rotfl:

06-06-2005, 16:09
we all want Alfie and kat to get back together

06-06-2005, 16:17
read 5th june on digital spy enders actresses jessie wallace and letitia dean bickering over storylines apparently jessies jealous of her big return storyline and wants a love triangle with her sharon and dennis.poor alfie well wait and see but it looks to me like there going to drag it out

06-06-2005, 16:23
Another love Triangle

di marco
06-06-2005, 16:27
Another love Triangle

i really hope not! :( if it happened it would have to be something along the lines of kat wanting to be with dennis or just split them up but it not succeeding as i dont think dennis wants anyone other than sharon

06-06-2005, 16:30
I don't think that will happen and its ridiculous for Jessie to suggest it really. Since when do the actors get a say in the storylines? I hope ee don't fall at the whim or her or any other actor/actress demands.

06-06-2005, 23:11
No i dont think the article said she wanted to be involved in a love triangle in anyway...just be involved in the storyline a bit, mabe try and wreck it for zoe or well...just involved. It said that she felt like everyone was leaving her (shane, michelle) so was upset about having her closest friends going and was worried about where her character would be going after alfie leaves.

By the way i want kalfie to but have a feeling they are going to draw out this awful molfie storyline. Zonnis mark 2 im afraid a story that involves little, infact no chemistry in this case and something that the majority of viewers DONT want! Well done ee, you seem to be good at that! :wall:

13-06-2005, 18:43
Kat can have lots of stories with the Slaters and no doubt soon after Alfie's gone, she will find herself a new man!!

13-06-2005, 23:35
I think Kat's going to play a crucial part in this Den storyline. It said in The Mirror today that Zoe tells Kat about Den's death before she leaves. Kat is the only person who hasn't got anything to lose by telling the truth. If Sam and Chrissie came clean they would most certainly go to prison.

I could see Kat telling Dennis or Sharon about it in a heated argument. Although I don't know whether Kat would want Chrissie to go to prison. She would probably think it was too good for her, maybe she'd rather hand out her own brand of justice. Either way according Tracy Oberon 'Inside Soap' the body won't be staying under The Vic for long. I wonder how it will be found? And how Chrissie will get herself out of the situation? She clearly doesn't go to prison, before the actress isn't leaving, so what do you think will happen?

14-06-2005, 06:51
I Really Want Alfie And Kat To Get Together Too!!!!!
But Even If They Do Get Back Together,It Will Probably All End In Tears Again,Because,Alfie Is Leaving At The End Of The Year,In December Or Something Like That!!!!!

:heart: Melanie :heart:

14-06-2005, 07:40
read 5th june on digital spy enders actresses jessie wallace and letitia dean bickering over storylines apparently jessies jealous of her big return storyline and wants a love triangle with her sharon and dennis.poor alfie well wait and see but it looks to me like there going to drag it out

This is rubbish, it's been denied. There won't be a Sharon, Kat and Dennis love triangle. Not unless Dennis miraculously falls out of love with Sharon and back in love with Kat. Highly unlikely!

14-06-2005, 07:42
Either way according Tracy Oberon 'Inside Soap' the body won't be staying under The Vic for long. I wonder how it will be found? And how Chrissie will get herself out of the situation? She clearly doesn't go to prison, before the actress isn't leaving, so what do you think will happen?

Tracy Ann didn't say the body would definetly be found. She just said that it's Walford and in her opinion she can't see it staying there for long. Tracy Ann's contract runs out in February but I don't think she'll leave. Kat will be taunting her, question is can she stand the pressure. And would Kat really go to the police. Like Sam said last night, Chrissie's suffering enough with what she has to live with. There is a softie under the hard front she puts on. You'll see that in the next couple of weeks.

14-06-2005, 12:34
it would all end in tears... one way or another, it is inevitable, i can see xmas being another tear jerker.... hope that they get together but kat finds out that alfie was kinda with mo so she tells him to leave and he does.. i donno... lets wait and see
