View Full Version : Hows Everyone Doing?

04-06-2005, 18:07
How far along are you now?
Do you have any new symptoms?
Have you bought any baby stuff yet?

06-06-2005, 11:51
4 weeks left today... aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I have some stuff and will get more when I start maternity on friday

06-06-2005, 13:42
Wow, I've still got a long way to go.
I've not done a thing yet though, I need to buy all new everything because I throw everything away thinking I'll never need it again. It's going to cost me a fortune. I've not been very well with this pregnancy, spent a short while in hospital because the baby wasn't getting enough iron and vitamins.
I've kind of bought some baby clothes because if I see anything I like I grab it mainly because it's cute. I haven't got a clue about the gender though so have to stick to neutral colours like white etc.

Atm a huge weight off my mind is the fact that I'm already sort of on M.leave from work. I'm off on perm sick leave until after the babys born but that's if I don't feel well enough to go back to work. Sue my boss is really good. I'm working next week though because they don't have anyone to cover my rounds but I can just mix and choose when I work at the moment. I'm a home carer so it's all v.flexible.

06-06-2005, 13:45
You need to take care..

06-06-2005, 13:47
It was awful being stuck in hospital but I knew I had to stay there for baba, if it was just for me I'd have walked out.

06-06-2005, 13:56
It was awful being stuck in hospital but I knew I had to stay there for baba, if it was just for me I'd have walked out.

I was in and out of hospital on my first.. she pulled all the muscles in my stomach and now on this one I have the same problem.. it is hard to tell when I was in labour...

I have no idea what I am having but my sister had a girl at christmas and her friend had a boy 3 months ago so I am sorted for clothes either way.. I have got some neutral clothes to take to the hospital...

06-06-2005, 14:00
My sister recently had a baby girl Siobhan and she's only 15, I'll PM you a pic.

06-06-2005, 14:05
My sister recently had a baby girl Siobhan and she's only 15, I'll PM you a pic.

Got it.. she is beautiful..

06-06-2005, 14:09
She said she would never have another or even sleep with a boy again.

06-06-2005, 14:31
I swore after my first, i would never ever have another child but here I am, second time out..

06-06-2005, 15:15
I think she's just being melodramatic.