View Full Version : Has Bin

04-06-2005, 17:07
Derek and Kemal enjoyed a bitchy little row this morning, with Roberto helping out for good measure.

Kemal was appalled that someone had used the dustbin for putting rubbish in. "Why has someone thrown a cigarette in the bin?" he asked.

"It is a bin," said Derek, tersely.

"But it's my bath," said Kemal, who had requested another bin from Big Brother, to be used, surprisingly, as a bin.

Roberto told Kemal he had to communicate with everyone in the House about such matters, as neither he nor Derek were aware that the bin was not, in fact, a bin.

And the lack of communication drove Derek to snap. Banging down cutlery on the surface he was cleaning, he shouted, "He's bloody nineteen and he's got to learn how to communicate properly! Words! Words! Words!"

Derek silently fumed as he cleaned until Kemal brought him a dirty cup and told him, "Don't get stressed."

"I'm not stressed," he said, through gritted teeth. "I just want some common sense applied. You're an extremely intelligent person."

"Thank you," said Kemal, with a hint of sarcasm.

"You are," interjected Roberto. "But sometimes you act like a spoilt brat."

"Thank you," Kemal repeated. "Even though I was talking to Derek," he said as he left the room.

"He's so absorbed in himself, that's what the problem is," concluded Derek.

One of the problems, Derek.