View Full Version : Luke does a runner with Rawsies money

06-08-2009, 11:14
CORRIE rogue Luke Strong is about to flee to Brazil - after fleecing £90,000 from Rosie Webster.
The factory boss takes the poor little rich girl to bed - and then to the cleaners.

The gullible teenager has been flashing the cash - she splashed out on a Porsche - since her jailed kidnapper John Stape paid her £125,000 to ease his conscience.

Luke, played by Craig Kelly, has been lying about owning, rather than just running, the Underworld knickers factory.

But he needs to get out before the real owner Carla (Alison King) returns from her extended trip to Los Angeles.

Luke, realising Rosie is infatuated with him, tells her he needs £90,000 for an investment that will make them both rich.

He claims he can do this by selling Rosie (Helen Flanagan) his alleged share of the factory.

So her parents don't spoil his plan, Luke convinces her to keep the deal secret, saying: "Imagine their faces when you make your big announcement. It will be brilliant."

Luke, after a night of nookie, persuades Rosie to transfer her money to his account, saying his solicitor will draw up papers the next day.

But he withdraws the cash and books a one-way flight to Rio.

Rosie will be left reeling when she realises she has been duped.


Craig, 38, revealed in June that he was leaving the ITV1 soap.

He said: "I've had a ball as Luke - and though it has been fun, I always knew he would be a character that would enter the Street in mysterious circumstances, ruffle feathers, make his mark and leave.

"Being in Corrie was something I wanted to do but I didn't want to stay too long."

From todays SUN

06-08-2009, 11:51
haha so he doesnt know Carla AT ALL? brilliant!

06-08-2009, 12:18
Brilliant, about time that madam had some bad luck :lol:

06-08-2009, 12:44
Pity he didnt take Rosie with him and dump her in Rio

06-08-2009, 12:45
oh actually ive just re-read this, sounds like he has been sent by Carla to run the factory but shes not signed anything over to him.

06-08-2009, 15:10
ahahahha, this is BRILLIANT!

06-08-2009, 17:53
haha brilliant, i hate Rosie Webster bad luck will make me happy!

06-08-2009, 19:07
fantastic! that will wipe the smile off that smarmy little bitch's face!!! :D

06-08-2009, 21:19
Forget her face it will stop Sally walking around like Lady Muck and looking down on everyone else!

07-08-2009, 16:05
bloody great news cant wait to see the look on Sally and Rosie's faces :cheer:

Chloe O'brien
07-08-2009, 21:53
Serve her right for walking around like lady muck, it's about time she got taken down a peg or two.

08-08-2009, 08:33
I now LOVE Luke!