View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 17th - 21st August

04-08-2009, 16:38
Hannah (Grace Cassidy) sets about sprucing up the caravan for Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and while John (James Thornton) and Adam (Adam Thomas) are amused, Moira (Natalie J Robb) and Holly (Sophie Powles) are worried about Hannah’s crush on Andy. Determined to find out the truth, Moira goes to the pub to speak to Diane about her concerns. However, Diane has popped out and the village gossips waste no time in filling Moira in on Andy’s troubled past. Back at the farm, Andy is uncomfortable when Hannah drags him into the caravan to show him her decorating job. When she invites him to her birthday party, he’s awkward as he tells her a crestfallen Hannah that he’s a bit too old for Kids parties and she should be hanging around people her own age. Mortified Hannah runs out of the caravan just as Moira arrives back and assumes the worst. Jumping to conclusions, she asks Hannah if Andy’s hurt her and when he protests she tells him she knows all about him and orders him to get off their land. Andy is hurt but will Hannah come clean to her mum, or will Andy lose his job?

Meanwhile, Paddy (Dominic Brunt) isn’t happy when Zak (Steve Halliwell) teases him that Carl (Tom Lister) is going to make a move on Chas (Lucy Pargeter) while he’s on his veterinary course. Meanwhile, Chas is getting increasingly annoyed with everyone asking her if she’s going to dump Paddy now Carl is a free man. Paddy tries not to let it get to him, but when Aaron (Danny Miller) tries to persuade him not to go on the course worried that Chas will be lead astray by Carl, he can’t help feeling insecure when Aaron reveals Chas only ended things with Carl because he gave her an ultimatum and made her choose between him or Carl. Later, Paddy tells her he’s cancelling his trip and Chas is furious that her boyfriend and her son don’t trust her. Will Paddy learn to trust Chas?

Elsewhere, Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) return from hospital and are enjoying settling Angelica into her new home. However, as they take a family picture Jimmy can’t help but feel guilty about throwing Carl (Tom Lister) out. Will Jimmy and Nicola forgive Carl?

Also, the villagers wave off Jake as he leaves Emmerdale to live in Spain.

PI for the rest of the week

Tuesday 18 August

Val (Charlie Hardwick) is feeling very sorry for herself in the B&B and when she breaks down in tears and begs Terry (Billy Hartman) for help, he’s worried he’s going to be stuck with her for even longer. In the pub, Terry tells Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) that he’s concerned that Val’s not herself and seems genuinely miserable, but Diane’s determined not to help. Later, Val approaches Pollard (Christopher Chittell) who is still refusing to speak to her and pleads with him to give her a second chance, offering to help him out with his financial troubles. However Pollard is still too angry and tells her he wouldn’t go into business with her if she was the last person on earth - she’s destroyed every feeling he’s ever had for her and he wants a divorce. Val is stunned and after wallowing in self pity all afternoon she comes to the pub and cries as she tells Diane that Eric wants a divorce. She finally cracks and tells Diane she can’t keep on coming into work every day putting on a brave face and pretending she’s happy – there’s nothing there for her anymore and she wants to be bought out of the pub. Will Val regret her decision?

Meanwhile, John (James Thornton) questions Moira’s (Natalie J Robb) treatment of Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and reminds her she doesn’t know what happened. Moira asks Hannah (Grace Cassidy) to tell her what happened with Andy, and she’s mortified as she’s forced to tell her mum the truth that Andy knocked her back. Back at the pub, as Diane urges Andy to stick up for himself, Moira arrives to apologise. Will Andy forgive Moira for accusing him? Will she offer him his job back?

Elsewhere, Jamie (Alex Carter) is jealous when Gennie (Sian Reece Williams) receives another letter from her boyfriend in Brighton. Is he falling for her?


Pollard has heard that there’s a new factory being built in the village and is desperate to find out who the new owners are

Chas (Lucy Pargeter) is still furious with Paddy (Dominic Brunt) and tells him if he doesn’t trust her there’s no point in them being together.

Wednesday 19 August

Val (Charlie Hardwick) has had an epiphany and tells Terry (Billy Hartman) she’s not going to wallow in self pity any longer. Elsewhere, David (Matthew Wolfenden) is sick of seeing how down Eric (Christopher Chittell) is without Val and urges him to give her another chance and not rush straight into divorce. Meanwhile, Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) is shocked when she realises Val was serious about selling her the pub but is unfazed when she dramatically apologises for every time she’s ever wronged her sister and tells her this chapter of her life has closed. As she goes she leaves a letter for Diane in the back room and heads over to Farrars to give David a letter for Pollard. Still angry, Pollard refuses to read it and rips it up before throwing it in the bin. Meanwhile, Val readies to leave the B&B with her suitcases and as Terry drives her to the airport, she tells him it’s for the best as Diane and Pollard have made it clear they don’t want her around reveals she’s going to Australia for good. Back in Farrars, Pollard has relented and is piecing Val’s letter together. Horrified by it’s contents, he frantically asks Terry if he’s too late and is devastated when Terry confirms she’s gone. Has Pollard lost Val?

Chas (Lucy Pargeter) has been ignoring Paddy’s (Dominic Brunt) attempts to make up, but she finally softens when he tells her he loves her and that’s all that matters - he’s going on the course and he trusts her completely. Paddy ignores Aaron’s (Danny Miller) accusation that he’s weak, but will he regret his decision to leave Chas?

Meanwhile, Jamie (Alex Carter) is getting increasingly jealous of Gennie’s (Sian Reece Williams) excitement over her new boyfriend and when she asks to borrow some cash to pay for a ticket to Brighton Jamie tells her he’s skint. Gennie’s delighted when Bob (tony Audenshaw) offers her the money, but when Viv (Deena Payne) finds out she refuses to let him pay for her.

Also, Andy is relieved everything seems to be back to normal with the Bartons, but Hannah is utterly humiliated.

Thursday 20 August [1]

Aaron (Danny Miller) agrees to accompany Paddy (Dominic Brunt) to the Barton’s keen to see Holly (Sophie Powles) who he still has a crush on. However, after being teased about his crush and laughed at by Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and John (James Thornton) when he attempts to tame a sheep, he’s furious and storms off. Sulking in the barn, he starts to light stands of hay and watching them go up in flames. When John witnesses what he’s doing he’s furious and pushes him out of the way as he rushes to put out the flames. Aaron’s fuming and when John tries to take the lighter off him he refuses to cooperate, John slaps him across the head and drags him by the scruff of the neck out of the barn determined to teach him a lesson. Aaron’s irate as John drags him to a stable to cool off and locks him in, and vows he’ll make John pay for this. Will John regret his actions?

Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) finds Val’s (Charlie Hardwick) letter and says good riddance, but it’s clear she’s shocked by her sister’s sudden departure. Later, she admits to feeling torn but insists she’s not going to go running after Val as that’s just what she wants. When she mentions she’s looking for someone to cover Val’s shifts, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) offers his services. Meanwhile, Pollard (Christopher Chittell) is devastated about Val leaving and is angry with himself for being so stubborn. However, he’s unaware that Val is closer than he thinks – she’s hiding in the B&B and Terry is an accomplice in her plan!

Meanwhile, Viv (Deena Payne) and Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) continue to clash and Bob finally snaps and orders them to stay away form each other. Viv’s fuming when he arrives back form the pub tipsy and tells her he’s got his job back at The Woolpack and nominates Gennie (Sian Reece Willaims) to cover his shift. Will the feud between the two get worse without Bob around to mediate?

Thursday 20 August [2]

As Aaron (Danny Miller) tries to break out of the stable, John (James Thornton) tells a shocked Moira (Natalie J Robb) what he’s done and she insists they go let him out. As they unlock the door, a furious Aaron jumps out and lays into John. Paddy (Dominic Brunt) orders him straight into the car but Aaron warns John it’s not over. Later that day, the Bartons are stunned when the police arrive at the farm and arrest John for assault and false imprisonment. Will Aaron drop the charges or will John face prison?

Pollard (Christopher Chittell) makes the decision to move on with his life without Val (Charlie Hardwick) but it’s clear he’s missing her desperately. Meanwhile, in the B&B Val is driving Terry (Billy Hartman) mad and tells him she can’t take being cooped up anymore and needs to know how Pollard is reacting to her disappearance. As she continues to watch the comings and goings of the village behind her net curtains in the B&B, Terry enquires after Pollard in the pub. He arrives back and informs a delighted Val that Pollard is gutted. However, she can’t bring herself to call him and put him out of his misery yet. How will Val’s plan play out?

Meanwhile, Jamie (Alex Carter) is upset that Gennie (Sian Reece Williams) has fallen for Dominic and admits to a horrified Bob (Tony Adenshaw) that he has feelings for her. Bob tries to put Jamie off telling Gennie, suggesting he’s probably on the rebound from Louise but Jamie insists he knows how he feels. Later when Gennie arrives in the pub, she’s appalled when Bob implies she’s been leading Jamie on. She firmly assures him she isn’t on the rebound and got over him long ago. Seeing he’s overstepped the mark, Bob insists he only wants them both to be happy but Gennie snaps he merely wants to keep his secret safe. Will Gennie take heed of Bob’s warning?

Friday 21 August

Chas (Lucy Pargeter) tries to reason with Aaron (Danny Miller) and get him to drop the charges against John (James Thornton), but he’s adamant John will pay for messing with him. At the Bartons, Hannah’s (Grace Cassidy) birthday celebrations are subdued as the family are so worried about John being in prison and decide to cancel the party. They’re all relieved when he arrives home, but when he reveals he’s only been released on bail and is still being charged, Moira’s horrified that her husband could face jail and urges him to apologise to Aaron. John is torn – will he swallow his pride and say sorry to the thug who could have burned his barn down or will he face the prospect of prison?

Meanwhile, Terry (Billy Hartman) is getting annoyed at having to cater to Val’s (Charlie Hardwick) every need but she’s determined to show Pollard (Chris Chittell) and Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) that they can’t live without her. Diane and Pollard are both clearly missing her and are worried when they contact Paul who hasn’t heard from her for months. As they wind each other up about who is more to blame for her leaving they finally succumb to calling her. Val receives the voicemail message from Pollard and is delighted that her plan seems to be working and decides to move it to the next phase..

Elsewhere, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) dissuades Jamie (Alex Carter) from confessing his crush to Gennie (Sian Reece Williams) and is relieved when he overhears her telling Leyla (Rokhsana Ghawam Shahidi) she doesn’t think he’s interested in her. Has Bob successfully put a stop to anything happening between Jamie and Gennie?

04-08-2009, 16:48
I feel mixed about this week. I want Pollard and Val to be together as I think they deserve one another but I can't take Val's constant scheming.

Plus Jamie and Gennie together? I didn't think he saw her in that way and isn't Louise on her way back?

04-08-2009, 16:57
Looks like another interesting week in the Dales, with Aaron becoming another brat again, he seemed alright a few weeks back, but once he cannot get what he wants he does something stupid, he did it with Vic by telling Andy about her and Daz, and now he gets John charged, I mean its not like he doesnt deserve to be hit:lol: Holly has made the right decision by knocking Aaron back, but with dire consequences.

Val and Eric need to realise that they are made for one another, they need to stop scheming.

My liking Aaron has officially gone now, because he also tries to destroy Carl and Chas potential relationship getting back on track, aswell as pushing her and Paddy away from one another.

04-08-2009, 17:31
I thought Aaron and John got on afterall he stood up for Aaron after the home farm shop accident :confused:

I do like the new family the Bartons :thumbsup:

04-08-2009, 17:33
I thought John liked Aaron too but I must of read things wrong!
I would like to see Chas and Carl back together again they are meant to be together!!!

10-08-2009, 14:02
HANNAH Barton steps up her pursuit of hunky farmer Andy Sugden by turning his new home into a caravan of love.

But the wheels are set to come off their fledgling relationship when her mother bans him from their farm.

Mum Moira and her sister Holly are worried Hannah’s crush is getting out of hand when she steps in to re-decorate the caravan Andy lives in on their land.

Village gossips later fill Moira in on his past troubles, including his wife-beating.

So when Moira sees teary Hannah leaving the caravan she assumes the worst.

Our mole says: “Hannah invites Andy to her party but he says she should be with people her own age.

“She walks out as her mum arrives and Moira jumps to conclusions.”

Find out more on August 17.

10-08-2009, 14:42
What age is Hannah?

10-08-2009, 20:41
She looks about 16 or 17 why in the world would she go after Andy?

11-08-2009, 18:53
I wonder what will happen to Lexi after the rooftop drama? In these spoilers it says Carl is a " free man ".

11-08-2009, 20:11
Does Lexi die or get arrested?