View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 10 - 14 August 09

27-07-2009, 17:47
Monday, 10 August 2009, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

Tina’s (Michelle Keegan) convinced David (Jack P Shepherd) has something to do with Joe’s drug addiction. David proclaims his innocence but Tina knows David of old and is not buying it. Meanwhile the doctor wants to prescribe Joe (Reece Dinsdale) with methadone to alleviate his withdrawal but Joe refuses any more drugs. The doctor tells Gail the only way Joe will get through the next few weeks is with her full support – Gail lets Joe know that she will be there for him but later admits to Audrey (Sue Nicholls) she’s not sure she can deal with Joe’s addiction and is feeling trapped.

With the wedding just days away Eddie (Steve Huison) shows Steve (Simon Gregson) his grand design for the wedding cake but Steve’s unimpressed and is distracted by seeing Becky (Katherine Kelly) with Slug (Marshall Lancaster) again. Unbeknownst to Steve, Slug demands cash from Becky and when she’s not forthcoming he threatens to turn up at her wedding.

Ready to start work at the garage Chesney (Sam Aston) asks Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) if she’ll alter his overalls for him. Fiz is just glad he’s talking to her and with slightly lighter heart she heads to the prison to visit John, (Graeme Hawley) wearing her engagement ring. John assumes she’s got it back from the jewellers and Fiz is forced to lie to him, still unable to tell him about Chesney’s disapproval.

Tony (Gray O’Brien) apologises to Michelle (Kym Marsh) and they agree to put their differences behind them – just in time it seems as Maria (Samia Smith) and baby Liam arrive back from Ireland. Tony’s delight is evident but shortlived when Maria drops the bombshell that she’s thinking of moving to Ireland.

Elsewhere Rosie (Helen Flanagan) threatens to withdraw her investment if Luke (Craig Kelly) doesn’t stop sniffing round Michelle. To appease her Luke promises to market her underwear designs.

Monday 10 August [2]

Maria (Samia Smith) and Tony (Gray O’Brien) pussyfoot round each other, neither daring to admit their true feelings. Michelle’s delighted to see Maria and the baby and suggests that she could rent No.7 from her when she moves to Ireland. Maria’s non-committal, still unsure if the move is what she really wants. Maria finally opens up and admits to Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) that she’s in love with Tony and romantic Fiz reckons she should just tell him. Emboldened by Fiz’s words Maria’s about to admit her feelings for Tony but she bottles out and searching for something to say asks him if he’d like to be Liam’s God Father. Tony accepts but makes it clear he would like to be more, finally admitting his true feelings. How will Maria react?

Tina (Michelle Keegan) quizzes first Joe (Reece Dinsdale) and then Graeme (Craig Gazey) about the drugs. She finally realises how David (Jack P Shepherd) took advantage of her dad and furious she confronts David accusing him of feeding Joe’s drug habit and tells him if he ever crosses her or Joe again he’ll regret it.

It’s a bad day for Ashley (Steven Arnold) who first has to cope with Graeme building a ‘Blackpool Tower’ out of sausages. A sensitive Ashley accuses him of taking the mickey out his vasectomy. But worse is to come when Claire (Julia Haworth) makes it evident she is looking forward to a romantic night in and Ashley is sure his guilt will affect his performance.

Elsewhere Becky (Katherine Kelly) arranges for Jim to attend the wedding as a surprise for Steve (Simon Gregson). Steve’s concerned, wondering what she’s up to, convinced her secretive behaviour has something to do with Slug.

Thursday 12 August

Unaware of the events of the previous evening Michelle (Kym Marsh) lets herself into No.7. Maria (Samia Smith) quickly chucks a blanket on the sofa and pretends Tony (Gray O’brien) spent the night there. Michelle’s none the wiser but the close shave prompts Maria and Tony to agree they must work out a way to tell Michelle how they’ve fallen in love. But the plan doesn’t quite work out when Michelle and Ryan (Ben Thompson) arrive home later only to be confronted by Tony and Maria snogging on the sofa. Michelle’s furious with Tony and Maria pointing out that Liam’s barely cold in his grave. Tony tries to defend their actions but Michelle storms out in disgust.

Becky’s (Katherine Kelly) thrilled when she gets a call telling her she’s won the honeymoon competition and they’re off on the trip of a lifetime. As her hen night starts Becky sticks to soft drinks, determined she’s not going to mess up her wedding again.Steve’s stag night is not quite such a sober affair as Ashley’s (Steven Arnold) on a mission to get drunk – unable to face telling Claire (Julia Haworth) the truth about the vasectomy. Steve (Simon Gregson) is also still concerned about Slug and confronts Becky about her furtive phone calls. Becky gets upset and explains how she was trying to get Jim along to the wedding as a surprise.

Meanwhile Lloyd’s (Craig Charles) fed up that he’s still had no word from Liz, (Beverly Callard) unaware that she and Andy (Nick Cochrane) have arrived at Piccadilly Station and are on their way to the Rovers.

Elsewhere love’s young dream Jason (Ryan Thomas) and Tina (Michelle Keegan) spend the evening in their new flat with a takeaway and Jason does his best to take Tina’s mind off the situation with her dad.

Friday 13 August [1]

It’s the day of Becky (Katherine Kelly) and Steve’s (Simon Gregson) second wedding. Becky is determined nothing is going to spoil this one as best man Lloyd (Craig Charles) helps Steve get ready for the big day and things get off to a great start for the groom when his mum and brother arrive at the Rovers.

Meanwhile over the road Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh) and Natasha (Rachel Leskovac) help an excited and, more importantly, sober Becky with her wedding dress, hair and make-up, whilst Eddie (Steve Huison) puts the finishing touches to Steve and Becky’s wedding cake and he and Anna (Debbie Rush) deliver it to the Rovers for the reception.

Despite some pre wedding nerves from Becky the stage is set for a fabulous day and when Jim (Charles Lawson) arrives at the last minute Becky and Steve feel nothing can go wrong and prepare to make their vows.

But neither had banked on Slug (Marshall Lancaster) and Hooch’s (Dominic Brunt) revenge and as the happy couple return to the pub for their reception the nightmare that awaits them makes Becky’s drunken antics at their first wedding pale into insignificance as the police announce they are searching the pub for drugs.

Elsewhere Michelle (Kym Marsh)collects her stuff from No.7. She apologises to Maria (Samia Smith) for overreacting and wishes her and Tony (Gray O’Brien) well.

Friday 13th August [2]

The McDonalds and their assembled guests are horrified to discover that the police are searching the entire premises and even more shocked when they find what they are looking for and arrest a devastated Becky (Katherine Kelly). Steve (Simon Gregson) reassures Becky and tells her he will stand by her but she realises that he has automatically assumed she is guilty and is gutted as she is taken away by the police.

But when he later discovers that Becky had really won the dream honeymoon and not paid for it by breaking the law he feels guilty and heads off to the station to support her.

At the station Hooch (Dominic Carter) is crowing over Becky’s arrest and she soon realises that he was behind the whole thing – but with no way to prove it she finds herself spending her wedding night in a cell.

Tony (Gray O’Brien) goes to see Maria (Samia Smith) at No.7. He’s delighted when she suggests that he should move in on a permanent basis and heads home to pack his things. Maria’s thrilled as she now feels they’re a ‘family’.

Elsewhere Lloyd (Craig Charles) and Jim (Charles Lawson) lock horns over Liz (Beverly Callard).

From ITV.com

27-07-2009, 18:06
I can't wait for this week about time something interesting happened!!:cheer:

27-07-2009, 18:41
So where does Michelle and Ryan live now?

27-07-2009, 18:54
With Maria

27-07-2009, 18:55
With Maria?

27-07-2009, 19:09
I can't wait for this week about time something interesting happened!!:cheer:
I agree. I'm really looking forward to Graham building the Blackpool Tower out of sausages....

27-07-2009, 19:25
Oh Graham he is priceless.......:)
I used to laugh at Kirk but now I like Graham!

03-08-2009, 19:50
Maria and Tony get it on - about time

03-08-2009, 20:39
I know he really does feel something for her.
It's shame that they didn't get together when he first came to the street instead of them getting together after a tragedy - caused by him!

14-08-2009, 20:50
How thick as Hit is Steve , ooh becky how could you ...

err last time , cop I'm going to do you I'll get the two of you back, I'm get you no matter how long it takes.

Wedding Day cops raid the pub looking for drugs and find them in beckys bag .. shock horror!

I didn't do it , they have been planted ! but steve can't recall the cop that told them he'd get them back and an ex of beckys turns up weeks before it.

dear god I love corrie but what drivel this is !

15-08-2009, 04:42
I think as Becky was a little secretive about Slug it made him suspicious of all her actions he didn't even believe she had won the honeymoon! He thought it had been bought with 'drug' money!