View Full Version : Soaps Insight: Ashley and Claire's baby woes

22-07-2009, 11:29
Having been found unconscious by Lloyd during Friday evening's episode, über-friendly Claire Peacock was rushed to hospital with her husband Ashley by her side after suddenly collapsing while ironing.

Distraught, Ashley - played by 34-year-old Steve Arnold - waited patiently for news from the doctors tending to his wife and was devastated by the medical diagnosis: Claire suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by deep vein thrombosis and miscarried their unborn child that they knew nothing about.

When she woke from her life-saving operation, a disorientated Claire - portrayed by 29-year-old Julia Haworth - was indifferent as Ashley explained what had happened.

With Claire's history of post-natal depression weighing heavily on her mind, Claire's almost relieved by the tragic turn of events. "It's not been talked about but she doesn't want anymore children because of the severity of her post-natal depression last time," Haworth explains. "The fact that it could have happened again terrifies her, as does the thought that if she hadn't have had the blood clot, she might have continued with the pregnancy and faced suffering with depression again."

It's therefore unsurprising that a sense of relief overcame her thoughts. Haworth continues: "Claire's hugely relieved which contradicts the maternal feelings. Then she gets really upset about that and it leads her to ask a lot of questions of both herself and Ashley."

Her mind dead set against becoming a mother again, Claire has a big ask of Ashley and in what he believes to be a delirious state, Claire suggests that a vasectomy will solve their problems and allay her maternal fears. "She can't face being in that situation again," Haworth insists. "The whole vasectomy thing becomes a big issue between them. There are a few lies told and it will come back to haunt them."

With his indifference to the idea casting a shadow over their relationship, Ashley returns home. However, he's thrown into a state of panic when he receives a call informing him that Claire's gone missing. Rushing to the hospital, the mild-mannered butcher fears the worst.

Describing the events that unfold, Arnold says: "When Ashley arrives at the hospital, he finds Claire on the roof. She's stood up on the roof and he does wonder what's going through her head. For a moment, he thinks that she's going to jump but when she tells him what's on her mind, he understands and is able to reason with her."

Ashley eventually manages to coax Claire down from the roof when she sees the police as she's worried that they'll section her again. Inside the hospital, Ashley agrees that he'll have the vasectomy so she never has to worry about potential motherhood.

Despite having one of his best friends Peter (Chris Gascoyne) in tow during Friday's episode, Ashley can't go through with the procedure and runs out of the clinic in a blind panic. Keeping the knowledge that he backed out of the operation well under his hat, Ashley returns home and can't bring himself to tell Claire the truth.

Arnold adds: "I think it would take a lot to split them up. They're both still really in love. They've been through the mill with so many things and come through it. They're a really strong couple and I would like to think they can get through this, but who knows in soap land. I don't think things are going to run smoothly over the next few months for Claire and Ashley."
