View Full Version : Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum

22-07-2009, 10:38
Anyone watch this on BBC3 last night?

It's a new programme, airing Tuesdays and Sundays with a 6 episode run.

Basically, it follows a group of lazy teenagers. I was shocked by how lazy they actually all are! All of them are in 18-25 age range, they sleep all day, none of them have jobs and their parents pay for everything they do. One of them said they would never get a job and they could never imagine themselves making a drink, ironing or cooking - how is he going to survive in life :searchme:

This programme shows them living together as they try to survive in the 'adult world'. Each programme follows them having a task to do, working for one full day in different types of employment. At the end of each episode, the parents of each teenager decide which one of the teenagers aren't pulling their weight and can't handle the adult world and they have to leave the house. In last night's episode, they had to work in a hotel for the day.

I was really shocked by some of these people. One of them didn't even know how to slice bread?!? and one of the girls didn't know how to crack an egg!

22-07-2009, 11:00
I saw that. Jeez they were something else! And I thought I was bad never having a formal paid job. :lol:

22-07-2009, 12:07
where the hell did they find this bunch of brats!? their parents should be ashamed of themselves! but it is good entertainment! :D

22-07-2009, 12:11
it was soo funny i mean when she said she learned how to slice bread that day i couldn't stop laughing. I'm 14 and i've known how to slice bread since i was like 8 :lol:

22-07-2009, 14:36
Basically, it follows a group of lazy teenagers. I was shocked by how lazy they actually all are! All of them are in 18-25 age range, they sleep all day, none of them have jobs and their parents pay for everything they do. One of them said they would never get a job and they could never imagine themselves making a drink, ironing or cooking - how is he going to survive in life :searchme:

It's the parents fault for allowing the children to become like that. If they had rules and discipline they wouldn't be so lazy.

22-07-2009, 14:50
this sounds intersting, will have to tune in

22-07-2009, 15:06
Basically, it follows a group of lazy teenagers. I was shocked by how lazy they actually all are! All of them are in 18-25 age range, they sleep all day, none of them have jobs and their parents pay for everything they do. One of them said they would never get a job and they could never imagine themselves making a drink, ironing or cooking - how is he going to survive in life :searchme:

It's the parents fault for allowing the children to become like that. If they had rules and discipline they wouldn't be so lazy.

Yes, you are right. One of the mums pays for everything her child does! He really got on my nerves actually, showing off about spending his own mother's money on everything - they have to learn that you've got to work to get the things you want.

It's still really interesting viewing though and I was compelled by how little these people actually do!

Chloe O'brien
22-07-2009, 17:58
If these teenagers are lazy and clueless then the parents deserve to be lumbered with them for life as it's their fault the kids are like that. My parents split up when I was 7 and my mum returned to full-time work. My sisters, brothers and I had to pull our weight around the house, by the time I was at high school I was the only one at home but I could cook and clean without any problems. At 16 we were all made to get out and find a job or go to college but we were not allowed to lie in our beds all day. Even now Marley is 10 and she helps around the house.

di marco
22-07-2009, 20:08
sounds good, ill try and watch it

31-07-2009, 15:40
Just watched the 2nd episode now - I thought the right person went as Jay didn't really know what it meant to be working as a team.

Rachel seems to drink a lot which is quite worrying but the way Doghan sp? ripped into her at the end was really horrible. He's the one I dislike most in the house, despite finding them all irritating. He has a nasty temper.

My favourite quote of the series so far

"we don't know what's happened to the hot water"

"Hot water...it lives forever"

04-08-2009, 19:17
Out of the whole bunch of these young adults, my favourite has to be Danielle. Whilst I am annoyed by all the others, I have a soft spot for Danielle (if she's the one that got nervous about the waiting in the first episode?)

I just see a bit of myself in her and I can kind of understand where she's coming from. I don't think she's lazy. I just think she is lacking in confidence, gives up on things too quickly and may have a low self esteem. I think what she needs is encouragement from her parents and her peers, that she can get on and do things. Then she can make progress and become pro active.

She has a lot of potential to develop into a mature woman. She just needs help along the way. Not complete ridicule.

Whilst the others in there, I don't have any sympathy for. I think the likes of Dina and Dogan just simply don't try and can not be bothered. I don't like their attitudes one bit.

Kirsty :]
04-08-2009, 21:54
Ahhhh I love this programme!!

I like Danielle too, she's my fave.. she's really blonde haha

Dont like Doughan or Dina, can give or take Nicky and the other guy who's name I've forgotten?... haha

05-08-2009, 17:06
my favess have to be Dina + Doghan < if thats how you spell his name :lol:
rachel and nikki are horrible i hate them .. they just annoy the hell out of me :thumbsdow

05-08-2009, 17:24
argh still havent seen this!

06-08-2009, 01:15
argh still havent seen this!

It's well worth the watch Chris - catch the series on the I Player so far. :)

My favourite quote of the series is when they are all cooking in the kitchen on their farming challenge:

"What's a sieve?"

"It's that thing with circles in it"

di marco
06-08-2009, 18:53
argh still havent seen this!

me neither. i really need to get round to watching it

12-08-2009, 10:08
Strangely addicting! I would like to see Dogan winning, Dina annoyed me at first but she's growing onto me with her attitutes towards things :) I feel like they've come a long way since the start. Sean's doing well too!

12-08-2009, 15:37
Dina is actually growing on me now. I think she's changed the most - in the first episode, I thought she was very annoying and disrespectful but now she's a lot more likeable.

So pleased that Danielle managed to gain some confidence and sell something on the market stall :)

I felt Nikki was the right person to go as she seemed to be central to most arguments but I'd like Dogan to go next. I still don't like him and I don't think he's changed much - his mum seems to be praise him for everything he does and doesn't seem to be critical of anything he does... that could explain why he is the way he is. I dislike his attitude and he may not be raising his voice and being aggressive, but I don't think he's very good at tact and telling people what he thinks in the nicest way possible..

16-08-2009, 21:42
I'm watching for the first time tonight. Danielle is REALLY irritating me. Everything about her is annoying, she's so self centred and up her self.

Don't think I will be watching any further episodes :thumbsdow

17-08-2009, 00:40
I watch occasionally when I can ( I am loving BBC3 progs right now).

I really liked Sean! I can't believe he went, should have been Dogan or Danielle IMO.

Hope Dina wins then. Every time I have watched, Sean has done his best.

25-08-2009, 14:30
Can't believe Danielle thought Princess Diana died because she crashed into the Eiffel Tower :lol: and then the kids putting on that play 'The Princess Diana Show" :D The parents were like wtf :confused: haha

I thought the most useless went each week so why did Sean leave? He did really well :confused:

I still like Danielle even though she is a bit dim and she's probably my favourite out of the three left. I haven't watched the final yet but will watch the repeat tonight.

Two more of my favourite quotes:

"What's a historical figure?"
"Is constipation contagious?"