View Full Version : Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 27th - 31st July

Jessie Wallace
14-07-2009, 23:11
Monday 27th July

Steph's confession sparks anger in Declan and his violent reaction rocks the street. But Lucas is even more shocked when Elle announces her plan to name and shame Steph in her story. She justifies her actions by telling him that implicating Steph is the only way to protect his business, but Lucas suggests it's really down to her continuing jealousy of Steph. After a conversation with Paul she lies to her editor to suppress Steph's name from publication. But will her journalistic hoodwink land her in hot water?

Tuesday 28th July

Given a dressing down by her boss for attempting to protect Lucas, Elle blames him for nearly costing her her job. Lucas' loyalties are tested again when the West Waratah Star publishes a new story on the net, implicating the garage. Despite Elle's pleas that he think again, Lucas staunchly supports Steph. With Lucas' reputation and livelihood at stake, Elle takes matters into her own hands...

Wednesday 29th July

Having spent the last week organising grief counselling for his students, Dan himself is not coping. Libby can see that something's not quite right and she challenges Dan - who insists that everything is fine. But Libby finally makes him realise that he'd be a hypocrite to offer help to others and not accept it himself. Dan rings Dr. Levi to make an appointment.

Thursday 30th July

After the latest attack on Steph's home, Toadie makes it his mission to find the vandal and bring him to justice. When Toadie discovers paint on Harry's shoes, he's revealed as the culprit and gives Harry an hour to tell Kate and meet him at the police station. Harry tries to come clean to Kate - but given her new found confidence earned from working on the Deb ball - he can't bring himself to rain on her parade. Left to make the decision on his own, will Harry rise to Toadie's challenge and do the right thing?

Friday 31st July

When Declan returns to work, Rebecca and Paul babysit India. Paul struggles, but eventually finds he enjoys spending time with the baby. But when Declan returns home and sees Paul make a mistake, he lashes out. Rebecca makes Declan realise he's being unreasonable and he apologises to Paul. The rift healed, they head out for dinner together as a family. But Declan's anger re-surfaces when he sees Steph celebrating with Libby and he vows to sue for damages.

14-07-2009, 23:15
What's this all about Steph :s

Jessie Wallace
15-07-2009, 01:21
I think she is getting the blame for the car crash which killed Bridget

15-07-2009, 11:50
WTF is Steph and Lucas being pushed together - he is better with Elle

So Declan and Rebecca kept baby India :cheer:

20-07-2009, 13:50
So Declan and Rebecca kept baby India :cheer:

:D Im so happy about that too
It will make good storylines I think, well I hope

22-07-2009, 20:30
why is harry so angry at steph? i live i the uk, i've seen a few of the eps b4 didge dies and the eps she does (through curiosity.) is it something to do with didge(steph being responsible?) or something else? i'm confused

25-08-2009, 00:08
why is harry so angry at steph? i live i the uk, i've seen a few of the eps b4 didge dies and the eps she does (through curiosity.) is it something to do with didge(steph being responsible?) or something else? i'm confused

Its because of how his mother was killed in a car accident and like him India is left without a mother