View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 20-24 July

14-07-2009, 08:31
2606: Lauren's heartbroken by Newt's admission
Airs on Monday, July 20 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

When Lauren sees Calvin's bruises, she's suspicious about what he's been up to. Calvin tells her that he incurred his injuries sparring in the gym, before quizzing her on the duffle coat she's wearing.

At Relish, Ash finds it hilarious that Lauren wants to work for him. Newt also arrives in uniform and Lauren teases him for looking daft. But when she takes off her coat, she's wearing the same outfit. Theresa turns up and Newt feels awkward as the two girls make digs at each other.

While Newt's out on his lunch, Frankie pops into Relish. She's been told that Newt's bringing someone home for tea and mistakenly assumes he meant Lauren. Realising what's going on, Lauren accepts the invitation, a plot forming in her mind. Later, Calvin is perturbed to find Lauren working for Ash but she quickly brushes off his concerns.

After work, Lauren turns up at Frankie's and does her best to trip Theresa up in front of Newt's family. In the end, Steph takes her to one side and tells her to stop being childish. Lauren's mortified. What's more, she's completely devastated when she hears Newt telling Frankie that no girl has ever made him feel as good as Theresa does. Heartbroken, Lauren rushes out.

On her way home she meets Calvin and Ash. Calvin's warned Ash to look after his sister and Lauren doesn't know how to take it when Ash offers her a promotion. Lauren confides in Calvin about Newt and allows him to take care of her. Back at home, she gathers up Newt's gifts and burns them…

When Newt confides in Steph about Theresa, Steph can barely contain her excitement. However, she's not sure Frankie will be as pleased. To show Steph it's no big deal, Newt asks Frankie if he can bring someone for tea. Later, during his lunch-break from work at Relish, Newt tells Theresa that she's been invited round, too. Theresa's later furious when Lauren turns up to spoil the evening.

As they all have dinner together, Lauren continues to snipe at Theresa, while Theresa manages to put her foot in her mouth with Frankie. She's worried that she's made a bad impression, until she overhears Newt singing her praises to Frankie. After dinner, she persuades Newt to go back to hers for a raunchy session…

When Zak notices that the money is down, the lads start tearing the flat apart. Convinced the thief is amongst them, Archie follows Kris as he goes for an interview at the job centre, but Kris catches him. Kris is soon distracted when he sees a battered-looking Ravi. He reprimands Ravi for having gone ahead with the fight.

Archie, meanwhile, has laid a trap to catch the money thief - and Zak's caught red-handed. Later, the real culprit is revealed when we see Elliot paying the fine Leila incurred for drawing on the street.

In the end, Leila receives a caution and they go back to the flat to replace the money. Zak returns home and nearly catches them. As Leila leaves, Zak reprimands Elliot for letting her near the money.

Later, as the others head to bed, Zak and Archie decide to sleep next to the money. While they're dozing, Elliot manages to slip the money back into the bag…

2607: Kris begs Ravi to stop fighting
Airs on Tuesday, July 21 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Newt's shocked to hear about Lauren's promotion at Relish and realises that there's more to her moodiness than meets the eye. Lauren receives a text from Wade and tells Anita about his offer of a date and that she's agreed to meet him. When Theresa arrives at Relish, Newt bears the brunt of Lauren's jealousy. However, her mood lightens when Wade makes an appearance and she can't help but be thrilled by his kiss.

When Wade turns amorous, Lauren grows uncomfortable and mistaking her reluctance as distress, Newt steps in. When Wade leaves, a furious Lauren lets rip at Newt. Eventually, they make friends and Newt's pleased when Lauren promises that she'll be careful with her love life in future.

Catching up with Anita and Theresa, Lauren's talk soon turns to boys and she informs them of her decision to take her relationship with Wade to the next step. While Anita has thoughts of dumping Ricky, she has a sudden change of heart when he finally contacts her online. As Lauren and Wade meet in Evissa, she wonders whether she's ready to move on.

An intuitive Wade recognises her indecision and promises not to rush her but Lauren eventually convinces him that it's what she wants and the lovers consummate their relationship.

At the lads' pad, the money's burning a hole in everyone's pocket. While another recount proves that all the money is there, Archie suggests that they should each take £250 as a taster of what's to come. As they dream about how to spend their share of the money, Archie suggests that they head to the pub. With his £250, he splashes out on drinks for everyone, but soon realises that he's blown the lot on nothing!

As money fever grabs the boys, tempers begin to flare and Archie and Zak are soon fighting. Elliot jumps in and takes charge of the situation, stunning them all when he admits that he took the money, before putting it back when he realised he didn't need. How long can the boys fight the urge to blow the lot…

As Ravi experiences a ringing in his ear, his illness begins to take its toll. After a pep talk from Ash about his forthcoming fight, the glory of winning soon diverts his attention. However, with the ongoing ringing in his head, his temper begins to fray and he lashes out at Anita.

Ash's arrival doesn't help Ravi's mood either as his brother reveals that he's taken out a loan and gambled the lot on Ravi winning his next fight. As the pressure mounts, Ravi heads to the SU Bar and runs into Kris.

Talk soon turns to fighting and Kris pleads with him to stop, offering Ravi his share of the money to stop the fight. Ravi realises how serious Kris is and takes the money, but maintains he may change his mind in the future and fight again. Handing the money over to an angry Ash, Ravi walks away with his spirits raised high

2608: Wade ends his relationship with Lauren
Airs on Wednesday, July 22 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Ash is furious by Ravi's decision not to fight anymore. Under pressure from the fight organisers, Ash calls Ravi a coward for listening to Kris. Ravi can't explain that his brain aneurysm is the real reason he won't fight, but keen to win back his brother's praise, Ravi agrees to carry on training.

When Kris sees the brothers training together, he intervenes and almost tells Ash about Ravi's condition. Ravi panics and punches Kris. Afterwards, Ravi feels awful and goes to apologise.

At the SU Bar, Ravi attempts to talk Ravi out of training, but Ravi explains that he needs his brother's approval. At home, Ravi tells Ash that he wants to fight. Ash is relieved but when he finds Kris in the SU Bar, he warns him to stay away from Ravi. Exasperated, Kris knows there's only one way to stop him from fighting…

The lads are tired of having to be careful with their money. Archie and Zak want more, but Kris and Elliot argue for due care and attentions. When Hayley arrives and asks them to help her move into Halls, no-one wants to leave the money unattended, so they reluctantly agree to go together. Hayley senses Zak is hiding something and under pressure, he eventually confesses to her about the stash.

Hayley tries to convince Zak to split the cash with her but Zak refuses, so she steals his keys and pretending to go out for ale, makes her way to the lads' flat to look for the money. Zak soon realises what's happened and darts home to stop her. However, while he's there, Hayley manages to convince him to take the cash. He goes to get the money, only to find that it's missing!

When Archie and Elliot arrive home, Archie fires accusations at Zak - until Elliot reveals that he's put the money in a safe that he bought with his £250. For it to be opened, everyone must be present. Zak starts to rue his missed opportunity…

Lauren feels neglected by Wade following their passionate evening. She goes to Anita for advice and she tells her friend to see Wade once more in order to find out what he wants. When Lauren meets up with Wade, he explains that he thought the previous night was just a one-off. She's clearly hurt by his presumption, but agrees to keep seeing him.

They go to Relish together, but the difference in their ages takes its toll – Lauren's jealous of Ricky and Anita's 'fun' relationship. Wade eventually realises that Lauren's not over Newt and he calls things off, much to Lauren's relief…

Anita's excited when Ricky tells her he has a surprise for her. But she's quickly disappointed to learn Ricky's the new paper boy. Sensing her disappointment, he pretends he has another treat lined up. Her faith restored, she goes to meet him at the skate park where he wows her with a new trick. Anita's impressed, but if the truth be known, she expected a better surprise.

Afterwards they go to Relish, where Anita can't help laughing at Ricky's daft made-up stories. She feels let down again, though, when Ricky leaves her to pick up the bill. Afterwards, Anita wants to go to Ricky's house, something that he's clearly not keen on. He deflects her with another joke and Anita's quickly won over by his charm…

2609: Ravi takes a turn for the worse
Airs on Thursday, July 23 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

It's the day of the big fight but Ash is torn after learning about Ravi's brain aneurysm. Ravi has no idea that Kris has told him about his condition and has no intention of pulling out of the fight event when Ash casually mentions cancelling it all.

When Kris asks Ash how Ravi reacted to the fact he'd told his brother about his condition, Ash lies and tells him he's agreed not to fight. Ash tries to cancel the fight and is desperate to get rid of the fight organiser when he turns up at the Roys' - but it's too late. Ravi sees him and assumes that he's trying to mess them around.

To save face in front of the organizer - and seeing his brother so fired up, determined to fight - a guilty Ash says nothing and accepts the money for the fight to go ahead. When they turn up at the wasteland and see money changing hands, Ash realises there's no way out.

Ash's heart is in his mouth as the fight begins but he's more relieved than ever when Ravi wins and is safe. But it soon becomes clear that all is not well when during their post-fight celebrations in the SU Bar, Ravi takes a turn for the worse…

Anita's besotted with Ricky and is delighted when she bumps into him again. She's a little confused when he snaps at her but melts when he asks her to meet him after work in the park. Anita's gutted when he stands her up, though. Ricky catches up with a dejected Anita and soon wins her around with his charms and the offer of a burger. But once again, Anita's left to pick up the tab when he realises that he's left his bag and money in Drive 'N' Buy.

The pair head to Drive 'N' Buy to collect his bag but he's quickly confronted by Rhys who's found a bag of weed. Ricky's angry and insists that he needs it back. Given an ultimatum - the drugs or his job - Ricky snatches the bag of weed and leaves. Anita's stunned that her boyfriend is smoking weed but she's left heartbroken when he chooses the drugs over her.

Loretta feels a little left out as she watches Nancy, Zoe and Hannah having fun in The Dog. As the girls plan their summer, Loretta wishes that she was part of their gang and soon manages to ease her way in when she offers to teach them a few dance moves. With nothing better to do, the girls head back to Nancy's flat.

As Loretta teaches them some sexy moves, the conversation turns to men - and the fact that Hannah's married to the sleaze that is Darren. Loretta's quick to defend him and Nancy wonders why she's sticking her nose in but Loretta's quick to change the subject when they question her about Dom.

The girls are useless as they try their best to follow her lead but Nancy's determined not to give up and insists that a little of alcohol might help them loosen up. Nancy's intrigued as to why Loretta's not drinking but she doesn't give much away. The girls decide to head out for the night following Loretta's dance lesson, but they weren't expecting her to join them

14-07-2009, 08:31
2610: The Roys come to terms with Ravi's condition
Airs on Friday, July 24 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

When the doctor tells Ravi that the aneurysm caused his blindness, a guilty Ash feigns surprise. The doctor also suggests that surgery may be the only way to save Ravi's eyesight. Feeling claustrophobic, though, Ravi hurries away. The rest of the family is devastated to hear about Ravi's aneurysm.

Ash is quick to cover his own back and claims that Ravi's training had nothing to do with his recent lapse. Ravi's family do their best to comfort him but as emotions become charged, an argument breaks out with Ash accusing the rest of the family of treating Ravi like a loser. Leila's looking for someone to blame and directs her anger at Ash. She suspects that he had an ulterior motive in supporting Ravi's training.

Meanwhile, Anita's been researching Ravi's condition and is perturbed to discover that it can be passed on down the family blood line. Leila comforts her and reassures her sister. Ash wakes Ravi in an attempt to secure his forgiveness but Ravi reassures him that it was his own decision to fight.

When Leila sees how low Ash is, she softens and comforts him. Ravi joins them and they all enjoy each other's company for a moment - not wanting to think about the future…

Zoe, Hannah, Nancy and Loretta head out dressed to kill, expecting to find glamour and excitement. However, they're a little disappointed by the man-drought at the SU bar. Meanwhile, Gilly - whose front teeth are missing - bemoans the lack of romance in his life to Rhys. However, when he picks up Loretta's purse for her, he manages to make an impression. The other girls are gobsmacked when Loretta says she thinks Gilly is fit. Meanwhile, in the toilets, Loretta reveals that she's kissed Darren and it's clear that Hannah's a little jealous.

As Sarah and Lydia join in teasing Nancy about her sexuality, Nancy grabs Gilly and snogs him. He's mortified, though, when she notices his missing teeth, prompting her and the rest of the girls to jeer. Loretta, however, feels sorry for Gilly and reassures him that she can still see his 'potential'. Gilly can't believe his luck as she falls for his misguided charm.

Gilly lets slip to Rhys about Josh being off the rails and Rhys rushes off to get his brother. As the girls become more inebriated, they decide to pick up the atmosphere by dancing on the bar. Loretta joins in, too, but when a move goes wrong, the night ends in disaster…

Elsewhere, Lydia can't believe that Sarah ever dates Rhys. They're both disgusted when they witness him eating a burger off the floor and Sarah observes that it's no wonder she turned.

Afterwards, Sarah's embarrassed to reveal that she's never been to a festival. She decides to ask Rhys if he can help her get tickets as a surprise for Lydia, but he demands a cheeky kiss first - something which doesn't go unseen by Lydia.

As Lydia's jealousy rises, Charlotte stokes the fire and when Lydia sees Sarah sneaking around corners with Rhys again, she confronts them both. She's embarrassed, though, to learn that Sarah has been trying to arrange tickets for the Leeds festival. Sarah and Lydia settle their differences, while Charlotte is dismayed that they seem closer than ever…

14-07-2009, 10:59
Hannah jealous :eek:

It would be better if it were Hannah/Gilly and Loretta/Darren

17-07-2009, 12:20
Poor Ravi :(