View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 27 - 31 July 09

13-07-2009, 12:35
From ITV.com

Monday, 27 July 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) confronts Faye (Kim Thomson) and asserts that she and Ryan (James Sutton) aren’t wanted in the village. Faye stands firm telling him she’s not going anywhere, but she’s intrigued when he warns her to stay away from Cain (Jeff Hordley). Later that day, she approaches Cain and asks him to reconsider taking Ryan on at the garage and Ryan’s thrilled when Cain offers him the job, while Mark watches on uneasy at their growing closeness. In the Woolpack, Cain hints to Faye that they might see more of each other now that he’s working with Ryan, but Faye makes it clear she’s wise to him and using Ryan to win her over isn’t going to work. Cain’s excited by the challenge and can’t help smiling as Faye leaves. Meanwhile, Mark has witnessed their exchange and is unnerved to think Faye is toying with him.

Determined to keep Rodney (Patrick Mower) and Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) apart, Val (Charlie Hardwick) jumps in when Diane asks him to cover Masie’s shift in the pub, claiming she’s already asked Pollard (Christopher Chittell) to help out. Pollard is less than impressed with his new role behind the bar and snaps when Lily (Anne Charleston) and Lisa (Jane Cox) take delight in being awkward customers and ordering their old boss around. Val’s irked when her plan backfires and Diane decides to take Rodney up on his offer of dinner – seeing as Eric is in control behind the bar. However, at Rodney’s, Diane feels uncomfortable when his reminiscing takes a romantic turn. What are Rodney’s intentions?

Meanwhile, Betty (Paula Tilbrook) is furious to find Eddy’s (Paul Darrow) bike parts littering her front room. She understands he’s an old friend of Turner’s (Richard Thorp) but he’s overstepped the mark using her tea towels as dirt rags. Realising Eddy’s pushing his luck Turner tries to appease Betty and starts to clean up, but she insists he’s outstayed his welcome. At the pub that evening, Turner tells Eddy he’d like to join him on the road trip and reluctantly admits that Betty’s asked him to move out. However, when Lily steps in and offers him a room at hers, he’s delighted. Will Eddy and Lily’s friendship blossom?

Tuesday, 28 July 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

As Cain (Jeff Hordley) probes Ryan (James Sutton) about Faye (Kim Thomson), Ryan quickly realises Cain has eyes for his mum and asserts he’ll have to work hard if he wants to attract her - she’s very choosy and doesn’t really do relationships. However, when Cain mentions Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) and alludes to the tension between him and his mum, Ryan clams up and end the conversation. Later, Mark approaches Ryan in the café and tries to persuade him to leave the village with Faye but when Mark warns that he’ll get her out of the village one way or another, Ryan’s furious. Faye watches in the distance as Ryan squares up to him and warns him to stay away from his mother. Alone with Ryan, Faye questions his run in with Mark and she’s angry when he tells her it’s time she moved on from Mark. Will Ryan get to the bottom of the real reason Faye wanted to move to Emmerdale?

Meanwhile, Val (Charlie Hardwick) is still convinced something is going on between Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) and Rodney (Patrick Mower) and her suspicions are fuelled when Diane receives a bunch of flowers from him, thanking her for a lovely evening. Amused, Diane laughs her off, insisting he’s just a mate, but it’s clear she’s feeling uneasy at Rodney’s gesture. When Rodney arrives in the pub later that day, Diane tells him he doesn’t stand a chance but is mortified when Rodney tells her he simply wanted to say thank you for her support after the accident and she’s got the wrong end of the stick. However, when Val spots Diane give him a friendly peck on the cheek she’s sure it’s confirmation that they’re more than friends and is determined to put an end to it. How far will Val go?

Elsewhere, Edna (Shirley Stelfox) is horrified when Lily (Anne Charleston) sets off for her job interview on the back of Eddy’s (Paul Darrow) bike. As they return to the village and head straight for the pub, Lily is on a high after a successful interview and an invigorating ride home. However, Edna remains the voice of dissent against Lily’s new found wild streak is affronted when an amused Lily tells her she should have a go on the back of the bike - she could do with blowing away some cobwebs! Is Lily falling for Eddy and his sense of adventure?

Wednesday, 29 July 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

Determined to stop Rodney (Patrick Mower) getting back together with Diane (Elizabeth Estensen), Val (Charlie Hardwick) puts her plan into action dolling herself up to go and seduce Rodney. He’s bemused by her provocative attire and is stunned when she reveals she’s still in love with him. As Val pursues Rodney extolling her feelings for him, he struggles to get away and rejects her advances telling her to control herself! However, when Val lies that Pollard (Chris Chittell) isn’t satisfying her needs and hints she’s his for the taking, he finally relents to a kiss. Val pulls away triumphant that she’s proved he’s not serious about Diane. Rodney’s baffled and tells her he and Diane have already decided they can never be more than friends. Val’s flummoxed and tries to defend her actions claiming she was trying to protect her sister, but Rodney’s furious and threatens to let everyone know that she just cheated on her husband to try and ruin her sister’s happiness. Val’s horrified as Rodney kicks her out telling her she’s gone too far this time, has she sacrificed her marriage and her relationship with Diane?

Faye (Kim Thomson) is perplexed when she receives the keys to a brand new car through her letter box. Ryan (James Sutton) suggests it’s a bribe from Mark (Maxwell Caulfield), but when she confronts him about it he angrily asserts it’s nothing to do with him although he’d buy her a fleet of cars if it’ll encourage her to leave! Cain (Jeff Hordley) finally lets her know that he bought the car as a moving in present but she’s unimpressed by his grand gesture and tells him she’s not that easily bought, before dropping the keys at his feet.

Meanwhile, Edna (Shirley Stelfox) is getting increasingly worried by Lily’s (Anne Charleston) carefree new attitude to life and when she orders a flaming sambuca at the Woolpack, Edna’s sure Eddy (Paul Darrow) is a bad influence on her sister. Later, Turner (Richard Thorp) reveals his plans to go away with Eddy and as Edna talks to him about the reality of life on the road, he starts to realise travelling might not be for him. How will Eddy feel when he breaks the news?

Thursday, 30 July 2009, 8:00PM - 8:30PM

As Pollard (Christopher Chittell) waits for someone to tell him what’s going on, Val (Charlie Hardwick) is devastated and unable to face up to him, she runs out of the pub. A confused Pollard bangs on the door to the cottage demanding she let him in, while inside a tearful Val struggles to figure out what to do. Feeling terrible about what she’s putting him through, she finally confronts him, but is shattered when he reacts very badly to her confession and tells her to pack her things and leave. Realising how her actions have hurt and humiliated Pollard, Val is on the warpath after Diane. However, Diane refuses to be held responsible, insisting Val’s her own worst enemy and after a blazing row with her sister, Diane reveals she’s had enough of the drama and she wants her out of her life and out of the pub. Has Val lost her husband, sister, home and business in one day?

Meanwhile, at their consultation Lexi (Sally Oliver) and Carl (Tom Lister) are informed that there’s a long wait for IVF and the alternative is too expensive. Lexi is gutted and tells Carl how useless she feels not being able to conceive. Carl feels terrible seeing how much it means to her, but still doesn’t commit to paying for the treatment. Will Lexi let her dream of being a mother slip away that easily?

Elsewhere, Lily (Anne Charleston) is angry with Edna (Shirley Stelfox) for making her feel bad for having a good time and Eddy (Paul Darrow) is delighted when Lily asks if she can join him on his travels. How will Edna react to the news?

Also, Terry (Billy Hartman) tells Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) that he agreed to buy Louise’s half of the B&B if she drops her price.

Friday, 31 July 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

Val (Charlie Hardwick) has spent the night in the B&B and while Betty (Paula Tilbrook) fishes for gossip about what’s happened between her and Pollard (Christopher Chittell), Val continues to beg him for forgiveness to no avail. Realising she’s getting nowhere with Pollard, Val makes it clear to Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) that the pub is all she has left and she won’t be giving it up that easily! Will the sisters resolve their differences?

Lexi (Sally Oliver) tells sceptical Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) and Scarlett (Kelsey- Beth Crossley) that they’ve decided to postpone the IVF treatment. She’s touched but refuses Scarlett’s offer to pay for the treatment with her trust fund. Meanwhile, Carl (Tom Lister) is getting increasingly frustrated with Nicola and snaps when she challenges him about not being able to afford the IVF. Desperate, Lexi asks Diane if she has any jobs going in the kitchen and is upset when Carl criticises her desperation. Later that day, she tells Scarlett she’d like to take her up on her offer and when they excitedly reveal the news to Carl, he’s privately gutted that he’s now forced to go ahead with it. Will he come clean to Lexi?

Edna (Shirley Stelfox) is furious when she finds out from Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) that Lily (Anne Charleston) has taken Turner’s place on Eddy’s (Paul Darrow) bike trip and is determined to stop her. Will Lilly listen to her sister or is her heart set on the open road?

13-07-2009, 12:47
Why doesnt Val want Diane with Rodney :confused:

15-07-2009, 20:50
Val is probably jealous at the close bond the two still share after everything they have been through together over the years.

I am glad they state that they are just friends, because although I like them together, I still think it is too soon for Diane to move on from the love of her life Jack.