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View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 29/06/09 to 03/07/09

23-06-2009, 10:32

Rhys is refusing to forgive Josh for wrecking their hopes of hitting the big time with 'The Somethings' and perhaps more importantly, his chances with Hayley. Josh goes to find Hayley in an attempt to absolve Rhys of blame and rekindle their friendship. Hayley, however, brutally tells Josh where to go but his humility doesn't go unnoticed.
Hayley goes to the SU Bar to meet Hannah, Nancy and Zoe for a drink and bemoans her luck with the Ashworth boys. She's surprised, though, to be given relatively short shrift by Zoe who encourages her to at least hear Rhys out.
Josh heads back to The Dog to grovel to his brother who finally relents and accepts him back into the fold. However, any chance of a reconciliation between Hayley and Rhys is dashed when a drunk punter plants a cheeky snog on Rhys just as Hayley arrives…
Hannah's taken to an officious tidying programme in Nancy's flat to take her mind off Justin. Out to get some air, Hannah soon runs into Ash who attempts to convince her that now Justin's out of the way, they should get back together. When Hannah knocks him back, he scolds her about her eating disorder.
Hannah storms back to the flat and announces that she won't let men make her feel bad about herself any longer. Worried that Hannah will relapse into her old ways, Zoe and Nancy drag her to the SU Bar. Hannah decides to take control of her life and, spotting Ash at the bar, gets her own back by completely humiliating him in front of everyone.
Theresa and Newt are struggling to keep their clandestine relationship under wraps and are desperate for some time alone. They decide to go camping together for a couple of days and ask Anita to cover for them. Anita gets the wrong end of the stick, though, and thinks that she's been given an open invitation to join them.
When Anita arrives, she's soon joined by Lauren and then, much to her embarrassment, Ricky. Newt and Theresa quickly realise that their dirty weekend is ruined. With no choice but to go anyway, they arrive at an isolated field. Apart from Newt's modest tent, Ricky is the only other person who has come prepared.
Ricky pulls out his luxurious six-man marquee and tries to tempt the girls in but it's quickly agreed that they would rather get cosy in Newt's tent and leave the boys to it. Newt panics that he and Theresa have been rumbled when Ricky offers him equal rights to a jumbo box of condoms.
Come nightfall, the teens spook each other by telling ghost stories and nobody can sleep. Theresa sneaks out of her tent to see Newt but makes the mistake of curling up next to Ricky instead. Ricky promises to keep their secret if they'll pretend they like him in front of Anita.
The pact is sealed just as the other girls arrive in the tent, too scared to sleep. Everyone beds down, though, blissfully unaware that in the dark of night, a creepy individual is pitching a tent right next to theirs.


Waking from their first night of camping, the gang are freaked out when they realise they're not alone. Spying on the neighbouring tent, they spot someone heading into the woods. In an attempt to gain respect from the group, Ricky chases after him, leaving Anita worried for his safety.
Fed up of Anita's nagging, Newt heads into the woods to search for Ricky and a bored Lauren soon follows, which only increases Theresa's worry that Newt and Lauren are getting back together.
While in the woods, Lauren makes a pass at Newt but she's left humiliated when he lets her down. Ricky returns along with Wade, the mystery camper who immediately ruffles some feathers among the others.
Everyone takes an instant disliking to Wade except Lauren. The pair quickly hit it off and she agrees to go for a walk with him alone. Newt's concerned for Lauren and it doesn't go unnoticed by Theresa. It's not long before she snaps, telling him that he better start giving her some attention or they're over. Newt responds by kissing Theresa passionately, not realising a heartbroken Lauren is watching nearby.
After kissing another girl in front of Hayley, Gilly tells Rhys that he has some making up to do if he wants to get back with her. Not long after they arrive at 'Rock the SUbar', Rhys and Hayley come to blows and Hayley storms off.
A cool Rhys shrugs off their run-in and gets to work flirting with other girls in full view of a Hayley. Fed up, she decides that it's time to play dirty and reveals a pair of frilly pink knickers in front of the other girls, claiming that they're Rhys's.
Humiliated, Rhys decides to exact his revent. While she's chatting up another guy, he accuses her of giving him an STD. Secretly enjoying their 'game', it's not long before Rhys and Hayley are reuinted.
Fed up with being mollycoddled by Nancy and Zoe, Hannah's determined to prove that she's not the naïve little girl they see her as. The trio head to the 'Rock the SUbar' festival hoping to find some hot guys, but they're left sorely disappointed.
Hannah's attempts at 'rocking out' are mocked by the others as they don't think that she has it in her. Frustrated, Hannah knows that she has to do something wild to shake off her good girl image.
A down-in-the-dumps Josh is still gutted about 'The Somethings' not playing at 'Rock the SUbar'. While helping set up for the gigs, Josh is introduced to a cocky, confident 18-year-old friend of Charlotte's called Dave.
Dave's rude to Lydia and, already in a bad mood, Josh takes an instant disliking to him. The boys continue to grate on each other, so when Dave boasts about how much he can drink, Josh is determined to prove he can drink more. However, when an inebriated Josh makes a dash for the loos, it's Dave who's there to help him.


The teens' blissful camping trip soon begins to go awry when jealousies start to tear the group apart. Newt's consumed with guilt after Lauren finds out about him and Theresa and what's worse is that she's now missing with Wade, who could be dangerous.
Newt takes his guilt out on everyone else and as tensions break out into arguments, Ricky and Anita storm off, leaving Newt and Theresa alone to look for Lauren. What they don't know is that Lauren's quickly making friends with Wade.
Meanwhile, Leo, Gov and Jack realise something's not quite right when they bump into Anita and Ricky in the village. The pair are forced to come clean as to the whereabouts of the rest of the gang.
In the end, everyone is safely reunited but tempers are still frayed. Lauren seems to be using Wade to make Newt jealous. Does Newt still have feelings for her?
Now bonded with Dave, Josh is trying his hardest to impress his new mate but Gilly tries to convince him to be himself. Out on the pull with Dave, things seem to be going well for Josh. Gilly offers him some wise relationship advice but Josh shrugs it off, claiming that he's not looking for anything serious.
Meanwhile, smooth-tongued Dave makes an impression but when he tries his luck with a vulnerable Hannah, Gilly has to intervene to protect his 'sister'. Josh manages to obtain a random girl's number and surprises everyone when he claims that it's for Gilly, not him. Smitten with his new mate Dave, Josh doesn't seem too bothered.
Hannah's still pining for Justin and her behaviour is far from normal. On the surface, Hannah's having the time of her life - dancing on tables and performing drunken gymnastics around the SU bar. However, her mood swings from ecstatic to depressed and close friends Nancy and Zoe know that there's something amiss. They try to comfort her by forcing her to get some perspective, but to no avail. Instead, Hannah simply lashes out as if she was the first person to ever lose a boyfriend.
Nancy, meanwhile, is also on the rebound after Russ but she doesn't know what to think when Lydia reveals that she may have lesbian tendencies. In a bid to prove that she's more adventurous than she seems, she makes a beeline for Hannah and snogs her face off.
Sick of being treated as a joke, Hannah lashes out at Nancy, belittling her feelings for Russ and her love triangle with Kris and Ravi in the process. Even Gilly gets an earful when he tries to stop her from doing something she might regret with Dave.
Gilly's persistent, though, and is determined to see that his 'little sister' is OK. Hannah eventually allows him to comfort her but he thinks that she's misunderstood his intentions when she goes in for the kiss.

23-06-2009, 10:33

The girls wake up feeling rough from the night before, especially Hannah who can barely remember anything that happened. Nancy and Zoe try to fill her in on events, leaving Hannah shocked to hear she was so drunk she kissed Nancy. Concerned for Hannah, Gilly turns up and reveals to them all that Hannah also kissed him. Zoe and Gilly set off to make sure she's OK.
While out, Hannah bumps into a bad boy rocker called Stav and after a run-in with Rhys, Stav and Hannah head off to the SU together. Gilly and Zoe's jaws nearly hit the floor when they arrive at the SU Bar to find Hannah up on stage with Stav rocking away, Kate Moss style.
Zoe eventually drags Hannah off stage, which only angers her. Hannah's enjoying her new wild ways too much. Just as they think they've finally calmed her down, Nancy, Zoe and Gilly are left gobsmacked when Hannah announces that she's off to Denmark with Stav and his band.
Meanwhile, Newt's still in the doghouse with Jack over his secret camping trip and is being blanked by Theresa and Lauren. When Steph calls in need of some help at the dance class, Jack's more than happy to offer Newt's services. Newt's just pleased to get out the flat. On his way, he bumps into Darren and seeing how down he is, offers to meet up with him later.
Eventually turning up at the dance class, Newt's forced to take over when things become too much for Steph and he surprises everyone with an impromptu freestyle dance. When Darren turns up to meet Newt, the atmosphere is unbearably awkward with Steph, especially when Jack also arrives and ignores his son.
As Jack and Newt leave, Darren takes his chance to profusely apologise to an emotional Steph, eventually managing to call an unspoken truce between the pair. As he leaves, Darren bumps into Stav, covering him in smoothie on his way. He's soon sweet-talked by the rocker into giving him his leather trousers.
Waiting for Stav to finish his gig, a trouser-less Darren falls asleep on the tour bus and wakes up to find himself on his way to Denmark.
Walking through the village, Zak spots a loved-up Hayley and Rhys snogging each other's faces off. Grossed out by his sister's public display of affection, Zak mocks the pair and calls Rhys tight fisted for sharing a smoothie. A defensive Rhys tells Zak that it's all about romance, something which Zak clearly knows nothing about.
Sensing a challenge, Zak tells them that he and Michaela are going to Il Gnosh that evening for a meal and they should turns it into a double date - then they can really see who's the most romantic. Neither is up for it, but not wanting to look like losers, they reluctantly agree.
Michaela's not happy about her date being ruined by Hayley and Zak but not wanting to lose the bet, she goes along with it. It's not long before Rhys and Michaela are bickering like little kids. A fed up Zak and Hayley can't bear to be around the squabbling pair so they walk out, leaving a stunned Rhys and Michaela behind.


It's the day of Warren's funeral and Sasha's struggling to keep it together - especially as she's having to deal with Spencer's grief as well as her own. Warren and Spencer's sister Katy phones to say that she won't be there to support him, resulting in Spencer saying that he's not going either. Lauren then makes things worse by filling Spencer's head with stories about vampires.
Spencer reluctantly attends to the funeral, but a sombre affair soon turns into a farce when Cheryl turns up unannounced looking for Zak. Arguments soon spark between her and Michaela and Mercedes is also irate to find Malachy with her, too.
Sasha soon kicks everyone out of the church, leaving just her and Spencer. But she can't bear it when Spencer starts banging on Warren's coffin, believing that he's still alive.
Later, Warren's solicitor Timothy turns up to discuss Warren's will. Spencer's inherited everything, but he just wants his brother back. He's lifted, though, when he receives a message from Warren…
Mercedes is looking after Malachy, while Michaela's keeping Zak on a tight leash. Malachy's down with the flu but despite Mercedes worries about his health, he's determined not to miss his first day at work. Michaela, meanwhile, browbeats Zak into attending Warren's funeral with her.
It's not long, however, before Malachy has to give in to the fact that he's too unwell to work and he returns home to his loving wife who offers to pop out to get some medicine for him. The cat's thrown amongst the pigeons, though, when his ex Cheryl turns up completely out of the blue.
Malachy attempts to get rid of her but before he knows it, she's dragging him to Warren's funeral to find Zak. Her arrival at the church causes trouble with Michaela. On top of that, Mercedes turns up and slaps Malachy when she sees him with his ex while she's been out stealing medicine for him!
Cheryl attempts a peace offering by turning up at the McQueens' with booze and crisps. The atmosphere threatens to boil over, though, as the McQueen women compete with her. It all ends in laughter, though, and Cheryl leaves on a relatively friendly note. Cheryl's made up with her new village, but where will she stay?
Elsewhere, Newt's torn between the two women in his life. Just as he receives a text from Lauren asking whether he'll be attending Warren's funeral, he bumps into Theresa. She teases him about a YouTube video of him dancing, but she's clearly not happy with the way he's been treating her. He says that he really wants to meet her later, but she still thinks she's being treated as second best. Newt then doesn't tell her that he's going to meet Lauren.
Later at the funeral, Lauren berates Newt and calls him a sell-out for dating Theresa. He explains that they'll always have a connection, though, and it seems clear that they're still close. However, Newt can't keep everyone happy.
When he meets Theresa later on, she discovers evidence that he's been with Lauren and she storms off.

23-06-2009, 11:53
Cheryl arrives :thumbsup:

24-06-2009, 11:10
Warren Fox’s funeral ends in chaos when an uninvited mourner turns up to cause trouble.

The bad boy killer is being laid to rest when Malachy Fisher’s Irish ex-girlfriend Cheryl gatecrashes the service.

The blonde vixen shows up looking for Zak Ramsey, with whom she had a brief fling earlier this year.

But her surprise arrival doesn’t go down well with the locals.

Malachy’s wife Mercedes is particularly hacked off – and ends up slapping both her husband and his troublesome ex.

Our Hollyoaks source told us: “Cheryl turns up unannounced at Malachy’s house on the day of Warren’s funeral.

“Malachy has decided not to go as he’s sick and Mercedes is worried it could be linked to his HIV.

“So when he turns up with his ex-girlfriend in tow, Mercedes freaks out. She goes for Cheryl before taking out her anger on Malachy.”

And, according to our insider, the new arrival is set to cause plenty more trouble during her time in Cheshire.

The source added: “She soon wins over Mercedes and the rest but chaos follows Cheryl around.

“So it won’t be long before she’s involved in more drama.”

Catch all the action on Friday July 3 at 6.30pm on Channel 4