View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 6th - 10th July

22-06-2009, 17:34
Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) wakes in his hotel room only to find Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) is gone. He finds her enjoying breakfast and is shocked when she notices a call from Faye on his mobile and discards the phone in a pot of coffee. Mark declares that he sees no way to escape from Faye and that Natasha should divorce him if they can’t mend their marital problems. Natasha is shocked as his forthrightness but quickly gathers back her anger and states that he may not be worth fighting for anyway. They head home and confront the children ready to explain they’re getting a divorce, but Natasha backtracks at the last minute. Natasha tells Mark she’s decided the only way to make their relationship work is to get rid of Faye and Ryan once and for all. Can the Wyldes unite to silence Faye?

Meanwhile, the doctor tells Lexi (Sally Oliver) at her follow up session that her remaining fallopian tube is damaged and therefore there is no chance she will ever be able to conceive naturally. Lexi returns home and dissolves in floods of tears as her world falls apart around her. Carl (Tom Lister) gets home from work eager for news and Lexi lies that she was given the all clear. Carl is awkward when Lexi tells him there’s no time like the present to start trying for another baby. Despite reservations from Carl, Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) Lexi pledges to give Carl a child no matter what. Will Carl be honest with his wife that he doesn’t want children?

Elsewhere, Gennie’s (Sian Reese-Williams) pride has been sorely wounded by her failed attempt at internet dating. Jamie (Alex Carter) tries to encourage Gennie to go back to the dating site by rewriting her profile. He speaks of his belief that the new profile will bring many admirers but Gennie isn’t so sure. When Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) expresses her fears that the internet breeds weirdos and perverts Gennie snaps and tells Jamie his experiment is over. Gennie complains that any man she meets will think the same as her other date and her only option is to wait and see if Mr Right finds her the traditional way. Can Gennie find happiness?

PI for rest of the week
Tuesday 7 July

Faye (Kim Thomson) is rocked when Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) and Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) arrive and insist she leaves the area. Faye confronts Natasha’s intimidation tactics and says no amount of money will convince her to leave. Realising Natasha is worried for her marriage Faye reminds her that Mark has a son and they’ll always have a bond. Getting nowhere fast, Natasha wonders how Faye would cope with a life behind bars and Mark regretfully confirms that he would be willing to go to prison to prove she was in on his disappearance. Natasha tells Faye that they’ll set her up for life if she will have nothing to do with them ever again. Faye is still clinging on to the hope that Mark is being manipulated by Natasha and pleads with him to think of Ryan (James Sutton). Natasha seizes the moment and explains that if she accepts money from them then Ryan won’t have to join the army. Faye finally explodes and orders them to get out. On their way out they come face-to-face with Ryan who is confused and disgusted with Mark for bringing his wife to Faye’s home. Ryan storms off but when Mark defends his son’s anger Natasha slaps him and reminds Mark that she blames him entirely for their problems. Natasha is relieved when Faye takes the money and goes. Can the Wylde family get back to normal?

Meanwhile, Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) can’t believe it when Lexi (Sally Oliver) admits she can no longer have kids. A distraught Lexi goes on to explain that she can no longer give Carl (Tom Lister) a perfect life and Nicola realises she hasn’t told him yet. Nicola says that she has to be straight with him so Lexi visits Carl and work and tearfully comes clean. Carl comforts her but when he fails to show a shred of emotion Lexi erupts and blames herself for ruining their lives. Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) witnesses the exchange and shares her sister’s despair while Carl feels totally inadequate. Carl leaves to talk to Jimmy (Nick Miles) who can’t help but criticise his brother’s lack of compassion. Jimmy advises him to let things calm down and then admit his true feelings to Lexi. Will Carl carry on his charade with Lexi?

Also, Pollard’s (Chris Chittell) spirits are lifted when planning permission for his funeral parlour is approved, though Val (Charlie Hardwick) reminds him they still have to defeat David‘s (Matthew Wolfenden) opposition. When he visits the old factory site Lisa (Jane Cox) asks whether his new venture will result in the closure of Pollard and Pollard’s Interiors and his answer fails to provide her with any comfort. She informs her factory colleagues about the situation and they all fear for their future. Later, David tells Pollard that he sees no point in pursuing a business plan which could jeopardise both his health and financial wellbeing. Pollard is thoughtful and later announces to the factory staff that he has abandoned the funeral parlour idea. However, he also secretly proceeds to make a call about having his factory business liquidated. What is Pollard planning?

Wednesday 8 July

Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) is hopeful when Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) tells him Faye took the money. However, his mood is soon dampened when Natasha rejects his offer to take her for dinner. When the key to Faye’s apartment arrives in the post Natasha leaves for the flat to check she’s really gone. Natasha and Mark are glad to see Faye has gone but it is clear that it will be a long time before their relationship is on the mend. Natasha confesses she saw Mark’s affection for Ryan the previous day and worries that they’ll always have one foot in his past life. Mark begs her to see past his mistakes but she can’t and tells Mark she’s going away to clear her head. Will Natasha give up on her marriage?

Elsewhere, Lexi (Sally Oliver) explains to Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) that IVF is her only chance of having kids. Scarlett suggests that she go for it believing that Carl (Tom Lister) would do anything to support her. When he arrives home Lexi broaches the subject and asks for his opinion. When Carl hesitates Lexi senses a problem and wrongly assumes he’s worried that IVF will fail. Lexi tries to convince him they can do it together, but will Carl tell her the real reason for his anxiety?

Meanwhile, Pollard (Chris Chittell) is guilty in front of his staff when the liquidation officer arrives so he can sign the papers. He hesitates before the officer explains that closing down the factory will net him 10 grand. The factory girls have no idea what’s happening as Pollard calls them for a meeting. He announces that the factory will close with immediate effect. As the staff sadly accept the inevitable, Pollard is left alone to contemplate the end of his shattered business. Val (Charlie Hardwick) is furious to find out from the factory workforce that Pollard has closed down the factory for good, but cools her anger when she sees how beat up he is. Can Pollard rise from the ashes?

Thursday 9th July

Val (Charlie Hardwick) schemes when Pollard (Chris Chittell) tells her he’s earned no money from the factory closure. Val conspires with Lisa (Jane Cox) to get the Dingle’s to rob the factory so she and Pollard can claim on the insurance. She arranges a dinner party so Pollard is preoccupied for the evening. The Dingles get the go ahead from Val and break into the factory as planned. However, Val’s guests decide to leave early to escape the culinary concoction she’s prepared and in desperation Val rushes the pudding through in order to keep Pollard exactly where she wants him. Back at the factory the Dingles are startled when David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) arrive for some adventurous late night passion, but they luckily decide to take their liaison elsewhere. Val gets the all clear from the Dingles and tells a mystified Pollard that everything’s going to be ok. Will Pollard discover what she’s done?

Meanwhile, Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) is hurt to find out that Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) is leaving on holiday sooner than he thought. Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) is concerned to witness the unease at Home Farm and tells Maisie (Alice Coulthard) about the holiday. Taking the opportunity Maisie corners her mother and tells her she’s coming on the holiday too. Maisie excitedly breaks the news to Mark who is grimly resigned to being abandoned by his wife. Will Natasha return from holiday with a new outlook on her marriage?

Elsewhere, Lexi’s (Sally Oliver) problems are compounded when she learns she’s lost her job. Back home Carl (Tom Lister) is quietly discomfited when Lexi shares the IVF news with Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley). Desperate to buy himself time, Carl asks Lexi not to tell anyone they are looking into IVF. Jimmy (Nick Miles) pours scorn on Carl’s latest capitulation and urges him to tell Lexi the truth before it’s too late. Will Carl swallow his fears and be straight with Lexi?

PI for Friday 10 July

Pollard (Chris Chittell) arranges to meet the liquidation officer at the factory to dispose of the equipment. A wary Val (Charlie Hardwick) accompanies him and tries to cover her complicity when Pollard discovers he’s been robbed. Pollard goes ballistic and Val questions why as he’d told her the equipment was of minimal value. Val tries to raise his spirits by suggesting they can make an insurance claim, but he reminds her that he was refused a claim after the factory fire and his chances of succeeding this time are zero. As Val tries to put a gloss on the situation Pollard sees through her and Val admits what she’s done. Pollard tells Val she has scuppered his liquidation plans as the equipment was really worth 10 grand and he has now lost everything. Has Val condemned her husband to the financial wilderness?

Meanwhile, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) is unnerved to still sense a frisson between him and Gennie (Sian Reese-Williams). Jamie (Alex Carter) arrives to give Bob receives a letter from Viv but he refuses to open it. Terry (Billy Hartman) hears about the letter and marches Bob home to make him open it. The letter asks for Bob to visit the following day. Bob questions the formality of her correspondence and confesses that he fears Viv wants to see him to tell him their relationship is over. Will Bob ignore his fears and come face-to-face with his wife?

Elsewhere, Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) does her best to avoid going to the antenatal class by staying late at the farm shop opening. Jimmy (Nick Miles) finally drags her away from her work and they are greeted by a sickly sweet group leader. Jimmy turns of the charm offensive with the other prospective parents but ends up insulting Nicola by imparting the grisly details of her pregnancy. Jimmy throws himself into the class and proves to be a much better pupil than Nicola who storms out in a huff. Nicola tells him she won’t be coming again. Can Jimmy overcome the latest obstacle in Nicola’s nightmare pregnancy?

24-06-2009, 14:14
I hope Lexi and Carl break up soon

Jimmy and Nicola :lol:

25-06-2009, 00:01
I hope Lexi and Carl break up soon

Me too her sulky face gets to me!

25-06-2009, 16:00
Carl just needs to man up and tell Lexi he is in love with Chas and has never loved her and never will be able to get over Chas.

25-06-2009, 17:45
Carl just needs to man up and tell Lexi he is in love with Chas and has never loved her and never will be able to get over Chas.

That would be rather cruel and extremely hurtful to Lexi, Carl should have told her straight from the beginning that he does not love her and he should not have married her in the first place. He should just be honest about his feelings for her but not mention Chas. I am sure Lexi knows deep down anyway.

25-06-2009, 18:04
But he got blackmailed into marrying her, because she knew he killed his Father, so basically she is going through this tough ordeal if he told her he never loved her and she went to the police, the police have no evidence and they will not believe her as she has just lost her baby and they will put it down to depression and out of revenge, the whole village will think the same as the police:hmm:

25-06-2009, 20:42
Carl just needs to man up and tell Lexi he is in love with Chas and has never loved her and never will be able to get over Chas.

That would be rather cruel and extremely hurtful to Lexi, Carl should have told her straight from the beginning that he does not love her and he should not have married her in the first place. He should just be honest about his feelings for her but not mention Chas. I am sure Lexi knows deep down anyway.

She knows thats why she always feels the need to be nasty to Chas whenever she sees her

29-06-2009, 11:56
It gets a little steamy in Yorkshire's quaint little village of Emmerdale in a fortnight's time when David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden) and Leyla Harding (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) pop to the factory to spend some quality time together.

Little do they know, though, that the Dingles have been hired by Val (Charlie Hardwick) to steal the factory equipment in the hope of an insurance payout. Luckily, the amourous couple decide to take their passion elsewhere.

These scenes air on Thursday, July 9 at 7pm on ITV1
