View Full Version : Gavin Blyth, Series Producer 'Emmerdale' 2009

12-06-2009, 07:05
Having swiftly assumed the chief producer's office at Emmerdale at the beginning of the year, former Coronation Street assistant producer Gavin Blyth quickly initiated a reinvention period of ITV's rural serial drama. Since taking the helm, Gavin secured new signings in the form of Kim Thomson, James Sutton, Kitty McGeever - UK soap's first blind actress - and next month looks to change the face of the show's farming dynasty with the five-strong Barton family. Here, DS chats to Gavin about his new outlook for the show, Emmerdale comedy, the weekly hour-long episode and what's to come from the locals.

What aims did you set out when you took the helm? How did you approach it?
"I really wanted to instill some ambition and get the show back up there where it belongs with great scripts, great performances and great stories. I really want everyone to be proud of what we're doing and make it talked-about TV again. It's had some great moments in its history and we need to be there again. It won't be done overnight because it has to have longevity, so whatever we create for today has to be as relevant tomorrow. There's not a quick fix, we have to approach it carefully and always respect its history to move forward. Something I wanted to achieve was to take one step back and survey the show, because when Emmerdale's good, it's fantastic."

Did you have the infrastructure established when you arrived? Or have you changed the approach?
"Yeah, there's just absolute direction really. There have been changes. We have a new story editor on board in Stuart Blackburn - he came over and joined me from Coronation Street. We have some new storyliners and some new writers, too. So there have been changes in places - ones that I thought were the right ones to make in order to take the show forward."

What was the first thing you did when you took office?
"My arrival was all relatively short notice, so it was a case of getting to grips with the scale of the job in hand. Fortunately, a lot of people remembered me from when I was last here, which made it much easier. I re-familiarised myself from the off and then shared the vision of the show. That was a key thing because it's all very well having ideas about where you want the show to be in six to twelve months' time, but unless everyone else is on the same page, then it'll never be achieved. We sat down with all the various teams and shared our thoughts. Collectively, we decided where we wanted the show to go."

How is the reinvention going?
"There are so many things that need to be finessed at the same time… it all needs to work as one. It's an ongoing process, baby steps. The change is happening on screen already. It's about patience, though. It's looking good and I'd say to those watching it to stick with it. If I landed here with the biggest and most dramatic episode possible with nothing on the other side of it for the audience to carry on enjoying, it'd be futile. It's a slow-burn process, but it's coming."

Have you changed much?
"I've changed a lot in script and in some inherited story since I arrived to shape the show how I want to see it. Summer is when a bigger sense of what I'm about will be there. Ringing the changes for me is about the tone of the show, as opposed to making one big hit. It's about pushing characters back to the centre of the show that have perhaps strayed to the edges and who characters actually are - what do they want, who do they like/dislike, what do they fear? When I first arrived, that was the biggest thing I wanted to achieve."

There's been mention of something massive happening which would involve the whole village in October. Any hints as to what that might be?
"I honestly don't know where this has come from because it hasn't come from me! October will be hugely exiting and it's possibly because I used the word 'explosive' in a sentence. It wasn't literal, though. That was meant in storyline terms. I'm not going to flood the village! I read somewhere that I was meant to be doing that! It'd be great, don't get me wrong, but the main street is on a hill, so the water would only go one way! If you're looking for an event of that size in this day and age, there's not a lot that hasn't already been done. I'm always cautious that everything you do is diluted by how many times you do it. Death can easily be diluted by killing too many people in soap. People can stop caring unless you do it carefully and judiciously."

You mentioned recently that the Grim Reaper's on his way, too…
"Yeah, that was a comment when I was asked if there were any plans for anyone else to go. I mentioned the Grim Reaper because it's a soap and invariably he will be there. I said 12 months because in a soap, it's unlikely that someone's not going to die within that time frame. It wasn't a loaded warning, but I won't be afraid of change. I've come here to be brave and embrace the future of the show - and to make sure it has a future. So yes, characters will go en route, but it'll always be about the character and their story."

What's your take on delving into the history books? Are you a fan of bringing back old characters?
"Only if they're right and if they're as current now as they ever were. I think it's very easy to bring back a lot of past characters, but they have to be relevant. Jeff Hordley's back and obviously Emma Atkins is coming back and I think they're justified, current and have ties [with existing characters]. There's unfinished business, too. There are so many characters you could bring back to Emmerdale - Kim Tate, Zoe Tate… but you always have to stop and think. If Kim Tate's helicopter landed back in the village as she left, who would be relevant to her?"

Doesn't she still own Home Farm?
"Ahh… There's a conundrum. It's passed hands several times since and the lines have probably been blurred as to who holds the deeds. I wouldn't rule anything out, though. Kim's fantastic, as is Zoe. I wouldn't rule anything out. I won't be afraid to bring someone back if there's a story on the table which justifies a return. I wouldn't want to bring someone back for the sake of it."

What can you tell us about the new family, the Bartons?
"They're a traditional nuclear family! Yes! God forbid! I think that's a soap first! Stories with younger characters are only relevant if they have a family that they can affect. I don't want to make Emmerdale a show about teenagers and young people, it's about family values. The Bartons are sexy, modern and contemporary. They're almost happy - and in soapland that's quite strange!

"John's a very charismatic and modern farmer who's actually a success. He's not weighed down with the troubles of the land. He'll take farming forward in the show really - it's a modern business to him. It's not all about flat caps and tractors. He's content and exciting and is about more than farming. Moira's beautiful yet homely, and she'll take her place behind the bar in the Woolpack. She's not there to be a farmer's wife - she's independent and supportive of what her husband does. She'll kind of plough her own furrow, to use a farming expression. John and Moira are fairly young parents with the notion that they've been together since they were about 16/17.

"Then the three kids Holly, Adam and Hannah. The kids are great because there's ambition and acceptance of who they are and what they are. Even though they're quite close together in age, they're really different. The Bartons will go forward hand-in-hand with Andy, and it's definitely not the end of the Sugdens farming the land."

Can you give us any hints on how Charity will make her comeback?
"Yes - in dramatic fashion! Obviously I can't say too much - all I can say is the anticipation will be worth the wait. There's a lot of unfinished business, she's got a lot of baggage still. And Charity has Noah, too. Yes she still has him! She hasn't palmed him off just yet! So returning to the fold with Cain and with the Kings still around... It's going to be the Kings' worst nightmare - first there was Cain now there's Charity. How much more bad news can they have on their doorstep? I think we've pitched this one so well, I'm so excited! This one to me feels fresh, original, exciting and true to the characters.

"I think, like Cain, we've got to remember that Charity's been away for a long time. She will have developed in that time. Noah's grown up and she will have matured as well and we've got to remember that. You can't just bring back the [same] character who literally walked out. You can't bring them back four or five years on and be exactly the same because it wouldn't be true to life. Obviously that's only the start - she'll embroil herself in things she shouldn't and go where she shouldn't go. She's not been back on the game - that's one thing I can assure you! Things have changed, though, and that will be fairly evident in the early days..."

Are you making a conscious effort to lower the audience demographic?
"No, it's all about balance. What I don't want to do is say 'here are a load of young characters' because that's not what Emmerdale's about. We're about characters from different social standings across the entire gamut of age ranges. We're almost topping up each age bracket. Fundamentally, that won't change. There's no desire by me to take Emmerdale to a place where it doesn't belong. There are shows out there that are aimed at the younger audience and they do it fantastically well. For those younger members of our audience, we want something they can relate to, but by playing stories through the family, there's something the older demographic can relate to at the same time."

Emmerdale came in for some criticism last year for its overuse of comedy. Are you making a conscious effort to move away from comedy?
"I'm making a conscious effort to move away from the comedy that was. I'm not a fan of sitcom-style comedy. I don't want to apologise for that - it's not what soap's about. Some people enjoy it, some don't. Characters to can be funny and witty, yes. Characters who can make you smile and chortle to yourself a little, great. I like humour as do most people, but I like humour that's based on characters we have as opposed to set up, forced humour. That style of humour doesn't belong comfortably in soap for me. I want humour that's born out of the character as opposed to humour that's forced upon them. So yes, there will be a very deliberate effort to move away from the humour that's been there in the past in flashes."

What's the latest on filming in HD?
"It's not strictly my call. The tests have been done and we've proved that we're capable of doing it. It'll always be dependent on the call from ITV. Obviously the sets have to be right because the higher quality picks up the blemishes and can make a set look like a set unless we're careful. We're ready to embrace HD as and when we're asked to."

Any plans for Emmerdale to get a later repeat on ITV2?
"I don't know the answer to that. It falls outside my remit. For me, though, the possibility of there being another chance for the audience to see Emmerdale is great."

What's your take on the weekly hour-long episodes? Do you think it stretches the show?
"I've tried to balance this out. To me, every other night is just as important as the hour. The hour episode has to deliver because we're asking people to invest an hour of their time to watch a soap, which is fairly unusual. I try to ensure that it delivers and that it's not entirely based on one storyline. Otherwise there's the potential to put all our eggs in one basket and the rest of the week could feel linear."

12-06-2009, 07:05
Exclusive 'Emmerdale' character teasers

I recently popped up to Leeds to chat with new Emmerdale producer Gavin Blyth about his vision and long-term plans for the show. As I noted back then, times are a' definitely changin' with the programme. I left the building with a newfound confidence that Emmerdale was on the up again.

So, without further ado, here's the final part of Gavin's interview. If you haven't read the main part, though, then what are you waiting for? Click here!

The Wyldes have been quite a success already - what's in store?
"Well, it was a family I inherited with a lot of weight on their shoulders to take that Home Farm reign and make it succeed. I worked very closely with Amanda [Donohoe] and Maxwell [Caulfield] to finesse what was there and move their characters forward, round them out, sharpen them up and make them as credible a family as you can get at Home Farm given its history. They've absolutely embraced that and they've really loved the direction we're taking them in.

"I think what's really telling is that we're about to see the house of cards be brought to its knees. It will tumble - it's just whether or not they can keep things going, that will be the test. Mark's past is about to catch up with them and he'll earn his rightful place in the show. We'll see new layers to both Mark and Natasha and then Nathan and Maisie find out what's going on... I think they've really started to bed in and the future for them - certainly the one we've got mapped over to at least the end of the year - is an exciting one."

James Sutton was such a coup... What plans do you have for him?
"I love James and I've really been a fan of him for quite a long time. He's a very, very good solid actor. He's fresh, he's exciting and he's got a huge fanbase. He's a young star and I was so excited about landing him! We looked around at who was out there, but James became my first choice. I met up with him, told him about the character and was delighted when he agreed to come on board! It would have been very easy to bring him in as a bad boy but I'd rather he earn that place - I'd rather see it develop on screen and see a transition in the character.

"There's a notion of Ryan becoming slightly darker as we go along and I'd rather the audience have a chance to share that with him, rather than rely on a backstory. I want to allow that to establish and grow over time and the audience to share that journey. Yes, he will no doubt have dark tendencies lurking under the surface but he might not be aware of them.

"I'm not afraid of a slow build with these characters because, for me, they're all here for the future. I don't want a rotating door policy of people in, people out. Kim [Thomson], who I brought on board, is here for a long stay, as is James, as is the new family. I'm not afraid to allow them to bed in before I force a big story on them. There's huge story happening around Ryan, but he's unaware of it and he'll grow into that story over the months. Anyone expecting a 'wham-bam-here's-a-character-you-don't-know-about-but-here's-a-massive-story-in-your-face' [shouldn't expect that]. I'd much rather people say, 'I'm starting to like him - I know what he's about,' because then when you get to the big story - which will undoubtedly be linked to the story he comes in on - you'll care and you'll very clearly know whose side he should be on. It's very exciting!"

Where's the Carl/Chas/Lexi/Paddy storyline is going?
"It's a marriage built on sand. It's a mess but it's a great mess! Its day will come. It actually has a very exciting denouement. Carl's trapped in a marriage where the love is pretty much going one way and it's not from him to Lexi. She truly dotes on him - she absolutely truly loves him and I don't doubt that for a second - him probably less so. He's a man who's trapped and we saw on his wedding day where his true feelings belong - or at least where he believes they belong.

"Again, any couple that stays together a long time, splits up, gets back together, splits up, gets back together - every time that happens it has to wear away the fabric of their love. But the marriage that he's in is built on sand and it'll start to dissolve. When it does, it goes in dramatic fashion with heartbreak and with repercussions for everyone. Not just for Carl and Lexi but those waiting in the wings of those stories. It's not a million miles away!

"But on the other side of that is Paddy and Chas - it's the most unlikely partnership and almost deliberately echoed in Carl and Lexi. Carl felt somewhat forced to take up Lexi as his wife, whereas Chas fell into a safety net in Paddy. Paddy's in there and we've seen from the outset that he pretty much knows that one day, it's bound to end in tears. I imagine that Paddy wakes up every day and almost checks the pillow just to make sure she's still there - he just can't quite believe his luck. There's every chance that his luck might run out - who knows?

"I think you'll really care for both parties because you'll know - if and when something happens and if anything tests their relationship - you'll hopefully feel for both of them. Paddy's this kind of strange loveable vet who obviously dotes on Chas, and Chas has strangely grown into it. It's like a big security blanket that she's wrapped up in and while she's there, the outside world can't hurt her. Admittedly it probably doesn't bring the excitement of other relationships but... So yes it's a mess and it'll get messier before anything else."

Jimmy and Nicola? Where are they headed?
"They're just fantastic! They're magical! Honestly, I look at them and think 'they so shouldn't work' and yet they work so brilliantly. Never has a couple argued so much and yet entertained at the same time. I think most couples in soap, if you made them argue as much as Nicola and Jimmy did, you'd probably want to turn the TV off. I think you actually turn your TV on to watch Nicola and Jimmy argue because it's pure entertainment. I think the chemistry between those two actors is just awesome... There's a baby in the mix too and they're two people who want to be loved in life and they've found that love in the oddest place - it started off in the back of a wagon, as did that baby!

"It's [definitely Jimmy's] baby, too! I heard a rumour that it wasn't but I can put that straight now - it is Jimmy's! Someone was suggesting the dates don't add up but they do. It would have been easy to throw in a twist like 'it's David's' but I think that would have disappointed the audience... [This story's] about two people and about that small baby who - bless him or her - is going to grow up with those parents!"

Andy's storyline's taking quite a strange turn...
"It is, but it's a journey that will bring him back to the light. I don't think there was anywhere for him to go when I inherited him. He was fairly loathsome and there wasn't an awful lot you could - and that's fine, you can take people to some dark places as long as they retain kind of a touchstone that the audience can say, 'Yes, but I like him because...'. Had we continued to hurl him down the hill of darkness towards a pit of despair with no way out, the character could almost have run out of life.

"I think he's got a future as long as his past catches up with him in terms of what he's done - and I think it's starting to. What you'll start to see on screen is him dealing with the physical and mental effect of what he's done. He'll go through mini-hell and it changes the face of Emmerdale because ultimately, it will mean he loses his farm, hence making way for our new arrivees The Bartons.

"It will take a little time - he won't suddenly wake up and all is well in the world and Mary Poppins is singing outside his window! Again you've got to earn the return [from the brink] as much as he earned his place in the dark side. It'll take time... Nothing changes overnight in real life and nothing changes overnight in the show - certainly not while I'm here!

Debbie's finally been granted full custody of Sarah. What's to come for her?
"I think her spell in prison was a wake up call for her because she hadn't particularly taken much notice or wanted to be part of Sarah's life prior to that. It made her realise it wasn't all about her - mainly about her but not all about her! And I think it gave her a sense of direction... Obviously the garage will take on some new credible faces and Debbie can still run it, but really she's got a very exciting future."

Cain's return underwelmed some people... What's in store?
"Again I think it would have been so easy to say 'here's Cain therefore here's a huge storyline' when actually where he was coming from, we had to work hard to make it credible that he could return at all. His MO has had to change ever so slightly... He had to keep his head a little below the radar at first to bed back into the show. I think the vast majority of the audience not only love him but also know him inside out and the expectation viewers have will be delivered in time.

"There are some of our audience who won't entirely know Cain and we have to allow everybody to get comfortable with him being back before you see him at his best. It's as simple as that and that's why I'm very happy just to see flashes of Cain for now. There will come a time when he can't resist putting his head above the parapet and trouble will surely follow and he'll become embroiled in people's affairs. He'll stick his finger in the Home Farm pie - and there lies trouble... It'll come just slowly and gradually. It's all very well having a baddie or a villainous character but if all they do is villainy it can become slightly one-dimensional.

"Looking at the history of the show, I don't want to ever ignore characters like Turner, Betty, Edna… They belong at the heart of the show. Whether that's in their own right or whether they're there with someone else's story, they'll never be far away. I don't in any way want to ignore the richness and importance of those characters in the village."

"Deena's back filming with us now, so she'll be back on screen in the early summer. It'll be good for Bob because it'll re-focus and reposition him. Acid-tongued Viv back after a spell inside! I met with Deena recently and we're both very excited about what's planned for her."

"Aaron's time in the spotlight will come. I really rate Danny [Miller], he's fantastic. What I've really enjoyed with Aaron is rounding him out slightly, in the sense that he's not there just to be a two-dimensional, trouble-causing hoodie. When he makes trouble, he's more entertaining himself, but it causes trouble for others. He'll go through the mill - the long-term story for him is hugely exciting. By the end of this year and into the next, it'll be hard to ignore Aaron."

"You can have comedy characters, but Marlon's someone who's worth taking back to the heart of a dramatically emotional story and he's probably ready for that again. Yes, you can exist on everything that Mark does - he's an immense actor and his comedy timing is just awesome - but he can deliver true emotional depth in his performance. There's always that sense that those tears of a cloud are all the more interesting when they're from someone who laughs their way through life. That sense that he could be masking something much deeper. We've seen Marlon in pain and it's not a bad watch! Again, though, the story has to be fresh and different, though. There's no point in playing Trisha all over again. There's no point in putting Marlon with a character so we can kill her and see Marlon cry… Whatever we do – and there are plans afoot - we need to ring the changes."

"Yes, I love David. I think still waters run deep with him. What we've managed to see lately is just a bit more of the human side to see what he's about and remind us that Pollard is his dad. So when the big truck sideswipes him - not in a literal sense! - we want to care about him. I don't think David can be straightforward and he seems he could be lured to the dark side. The character's been through a couple of changes since he arrived. I'd really like to pin-point what makes David tick. What is he? Is he all that he seems? I have a sneaking suspicion that he's not…"

12-06-2009, 11:40
So glad the baby is Jimmy's :thumbsup:

12-06-2009, 21:46
Glad he states that its not the end of the Sugdens farming in his interview, but I mean they need to bring back some more Sugdens.

13-06-2009, 06:56
Not many Sugden's around anymore though :(

13-06-2009, 12:58
Not sure if it was a hint at bringing back a Sugden, or bringing a long lost relative. But there are not many Sugdens alive.