View Full Version : Dental Pain

07-06-2009, 00:56
Last month, I had a tooth pulled out as it was causing me some very bad pain. That was fine, the pain had gone as soon as the bad tooth was out.

Now, a month later I am in absolute agony. I have been to my doctors, he's given me antibiotics and anti-inflammatorys, I can't get into my dentist until next Wednesday

My face all down the right side has a very bad shooting pain lasting for around 10 minutes too! This happens the most when I lay down to go sleep, although its been happening alot today, and my Ear also really hurts.

Anyone know what could be the problem? I am in so so much pain!

07-06-2009, 00:59
Could be an infection or abscess (:D)

Have you had any painkillers? Paracetamol and ibuprofen work well together. Don't take ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory together.

A hot flannel against your face might help.

If it's still bad tomorrow, ring the out of hours doctor.

07-06-2009, 01:22
Yeah, I've tried Paracetamol, Co-codomol, and even Tramadol, nothing works! :(

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2009, 01:25
Have you tried phoning NHS 24 or going to the local A&E to get them to give you stronger pain relief until you see your dentist.

07-06-2009, 01:28
salt water to rinse in the mouth to keep it clean, no smoking incase there is an infection in there as smoking doubles tooth decay and a call to NHS could be an idea too.

07-06-2009, 02:17
Could be this if you've recently had a tooth pulled out: http://www.animated-teeth.com/dry-sockets/a1-dry-sockets.htm

07-06-2009, 18:06
Yeah, my friend is a Dental Nurse and she said it could be a dry socket.

Can not wait to go to Dentist on Wednesday!

07-06-2009, 18:11
Can not wait to go to Dentist on Wednesday!

Hang on in there... Wednesday will soon be here. :)

However, if the pain does get too much for you to bear, I would go to A&E, like has been suggested, for extra pain relief.

07-06-2009, 21:14
Yeah, my friend is a Dental Nurse and she said it could be a dry socket.

Can not wait to go to Dentist on Wednesday!

If it gets worse over night, ring the dentist and tell them you need an emergency appointment. Most dentists keep a few slots free for emergencies.

07-06-2009, 21:27
The pain isn't as severe today, yesterday was just absolutly horrific, I can't explain how much pain I was in. It's still there today but a bearable pain. I just keep taking my pain relief every 4 hours, but I've nearly had my lot for today. :(

07-06-2009, 22:39
Seems a shame to make another thread for dental stuff - as I have a problem, well not so much a problem but..

Last year (I think), I had to have some teeth out, as I was in heaps of pain and stuff and well if I'm honest hadn't been in years, and one of the teeth they took out, something happened, not sure what now, I can't remember, and they could only take out half of it at that time, and I was meant to go back in a couple of months to have the rest taken out..

But because I am with a private dentist ( so hard to get NHS around here ), I can't afford it like EVER. It cost like 150 or something stupid just for one tooth out, and now sometimes (not always) it's really painful!! (Though not as bad as before I had it out). But I don't know what to do, I can't afford to have it out.. I take painkillers and stuff, but I'm worried that it's going to get SO bad that I'll get some sort of mouth disease or something lol.. What to do???!?! It's ridiculous the amounts you pay for dental treatment these days!!! I'm a fricking full time student, part time job, which doesn't pay much, I can't sponge off my parents, so what the hell, how am I meant to afford it? Does anyone know if there are any student reductions that can be looked in to or something?

07-06-2009, 22:40
The pain isn't as severe today, yesterday was just absolutly horrific, I can't explain how much pain I was in. It's still there today but a bearable pain. I just keep taking my pain relief every 4 hours, but I've nearly had my lot for today. :(

Get someone to knock you out with a mallet... then you will be soooo distracted by the splitting headache you have, that you will forget about the dental pain! :thumbsup: Seriously hope you get in sorted sooooon.

07-06-2009, 22:44
Does anyone know if there are any student reductions that can be looked in to or something?

Can you gooo to your doctor and ask for a referal to see someone through them? If you explain your situation... or at the very least they might able to point you in the right direction, ie towards a NHS dentist.

Jessie Wallace
08-06-2009, 01:02
Go to emergency dentist on a weekend, they'll sort you out no matter what they do for the bargain price of £16.50. I had wisdom tooth out one Sunday afternoon, fantastic :)

08-06-2009, 10:26
Try an NHS dental access centre. You don't need to register with most of them.

05-10-2009, 15:20
I had a tooth taken out today at around 11.10am.

The pain I have been experiencing since having it out is absolutly terrible. Is it this common to experience such a terrible pain after having a tooth out? The toothache I had it out for was no where near as painful as this.

05-10-2009, 15:32
I would phone the surgery and let them know, it should not be more painful than before you had the tooth out. Have you got strong painkillers? Have you eaten/drank anything? Hope you feel better soon xx

05-10-2009, 15:38
No I've not eaten/drank. I've got headache because of it, my Jaw aches like mad. It is horrific!

05-10-2009, 15:41
I would phone the surgery, I had that once and I was able to go straight back to see the dentist and he had another look at it and treated it there and then (can't remember what he did, years ago). It helped though so I hope your dentist is as accommodating. Good luck

05-10-2009, 15:46
Have you been smoking since you had the tooth out?

06-10-2009, 17:02
I had one but hardly had any of it, was in too much pain to smoke it.

Its calmed down abit today. Hate how it feels though, my gum feels jellyfied! :sick: