View Full Version : CSI being sued

25-05-2009, 14:55
It’s no secret that most procedural dramas are based on some nugget of fact, but one couple says CSI got it a little too close.

Sarah Goldfinger, a writer and producer for the CBS drama, is being sued by real estate agents Melinda and Scott Tamkin for defamation and invasion of privacy, says The Associated Press.

The couple are seeking $6 million in damages, claiming that the series hurt their real estate business.

How the heck could Goldfinger have used the duo as the basis for the CSI storyline that featured a real estate agent named Melinda, who dies under suspicious circumstances, and her husband, Scott, who is into porno, booze and is suspected of killing his wife?

Turns out the Tamkins represented the owners of a Los Angeles home that the CSI staffer wanted to buy in 2005, but she pulled out because the sale was in escrow.

According to AP, the lawsuit alleges that the Tamkins’ last name was used in the original screenplay, and that Goldfinger helped cast actors who looked like the couple; the surname was changed to Tucker at the last minute.

Chloe O'brien
25-05-2009, 20:30
No way they'll never win the lawsuit.

25-05-2009, 22:43
CBS can afford a better attorney than the complainant. CBS will drag it out until the other party can't pay their counsel and it'll never make it to court.