View Full Version : Corrier Spoilers 25-29 May

19-05-2009, 14:42
Monday, May 25 19:30

Chesney’s (Sam Aston) still missing and Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) is worried sick. But he hasn’t gone far and when Eddie (Steve Huison) and Anna (Debbie Rush) find Chesney hiding in their garden shed he comes clean. Telling Sophie (Brooke Vincent) how Fiz has been visiting John in prison he refuses to go home. But when a relieved Fiz hears he’s safe and tells him Schemichel has been pining for him he reluctantly agrees to go back. Fiz breathes a sigh of relief but the backlash hasn’t ended. Sophie’s passed on the news of her reunion with John to the Websters and when Sally (Sally Whittaker) comes banging on the door a vicious row soon escalates.

With the loan shark piling the pressure on, Joe’s (Reece Dinsdale) desperate to get back to work despite still being in pain. As he loads up his van, Joe winces. Gail’s (Helen Worth) concerned for him but Joe takes some more painkillers insisting he’s fine.
Norris (Malcolm Hebden) is busy swotting up on his general knowledge for the pub quiz that evening. But when Rita (Barbara Knox) tells him Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) will be joining them Norris is furious and declares he won’t be taking part.

Eileen’s (Sue Cleaver) struggling with Julie’s (Katy Cavanagh) sister act and when she parks herself in the cab office wanting a cosy chat Eileen can’t wait to get rid of her, much to Lloyd’s (Craig Charles) amusement.

And Luke (Craig Kelly) pulls out all the stops to convince Michelle (Kym Marsh) they can have a holiday romance before she leaves.

Monday, May 25 20:30

As Sally (Sally Whittaker) flies at Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) Kevin (Michael LeVell) is forced to hold her back. Chesney (Sam Aston) defends his sister but with the Websters gone he tells her she has to choose between him and John (Graeme Hawley). In turmoil Fiz visits John in prison and as she breaks down revealing the details of her rows with Chesney and Sally John’s insistent they must end their relationship for her sake. Fiz is heartbroken but burying his pain John insists it’s for the best. Battling their emotions will Fiz and John be able to say goodbye?

As Luke (Craig Kelly) and Michelle (Kym Ryder) sip cocktails in the backyard with their feet in the paddling pool it‘s clear his efforts have had the desired effect. But as the couple move inside they’re interrupted by Ryan (Ben Thompson) and Sian (Sacha Parkinson), who were also looking for a bit of privacy. Ryan’s annoyed to find his mum’s romancing has put an end to his, although Sian’s secretly relieved. There’s no stopping Luke and Michelle though as they head back to his flat to finish what they started.

Rita (Barbara Knox) cunningly dupes Norris (Malcolm Hebden) into changing his mind about the quiz by pointing out that if he’s not there Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) might win. It’s a tight contest and Norris and Ramsay finish up head to head in a tie-break. Norris wins and instinctively he shakes Ramsay’s hand. Are relations between the two brothers thawing?

When Joe (Reece Dinsdale) refuses to pay Gary (Mikey North) double time for the Bank Holiday, Gary tells Joe he can stick his job.

And David (Jack P Shepherd) asks Darryl (Jonathan Dixon) to spy on Tina (Michelle Keegan) for him, sure she and Gary are getting closer.

Wednesday, May 27

Michelle’s (Kym Marsh) late for work after her night of passion with Luke (Craig Kelly). She lies to Peter (Chris Gascoyne) as to why she‘s late but he can see straight through it and it’s clear he’s jealous of her burgeoning relationship. So when Luke arrives asking Michelle to spend the day with him Peter refuses her the time off. He then decides it’s time to make his own move and presents her with a good luck card containing Eurostar vouchers for Ryan to visit while she‘s on tour. When Michelle then calls at Peter’s to thank him he admits how much he feels for her and begs her to stay in Weatherfield. Will Michelle be swayed?

Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) feels destroyed by John’s rejection of her yesterday. But as the factory girls gossip about Fiz’s relationship with John she refuses to accept it’s over. Fiz is all too aware of the repercussions of what she’s doing but she can’t help herself as she sends a letter to John in prison.

As Sian (Sacha Parkinson) and Sophie (Brooke Vincent) discuss Ryan’s (Ben Thompson) gig, Sian reveals she’s worried that Ryan might go off with Tamsin Beasely as she‘s made it obvious she‘s interested. Sophie tries to reassure Sian but it’s still weighing on her mind as she and Ryan share a kiss in the ginnel she tells him tonight‘s the night. How far will she go to keep her man?

Blanche’s (Maggie Jones) hips are hurting because of Peter's stairs but seeing away to reclaim his flat he suggests Blanche uses the situation to her advantage to get some home improvements made at the Barlows. Blanche knows Ken (William Roache) and Deirdre (Anne Kirkbride) want her to move back in so she tries her hand at bribery.

With Joe’s back (Reece Dinsdale) back still causing him trouble he starts to rely on his painkillers to get him through the day’s work.

Friday, May 29 19:30

Ryan’s (Ben Thompson) despondent feeling he’s messed things up with Sian. But his day goes from bad to worse when Sian’s dad Vinnie arrives on the street looking for Ryan. Lunging at him Vinnie claims Ryan raped Sian. Stunned Ryan denies it but when Vinnie continues to threaten him it looks likes things are about to turn very nasty.

Natasha’s (Rachel Leskovac) had enough of Tony (Gray O’Brien) hanging around Maria (Samia Smith) and bitchily tells Maria how Tony only gives her the time of day out of pity. Maria’s hurt and confronts Tony. He assures her it isn’t true but inwardly he’s fuming with Natasha.

Chesney (Sam Aston) tells a hurt Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) that he’s decided to go back to school then he won’t have to spend any time with her. Meanwhile (Graeme Hawley) John receives Fiz’s letter in prison. He knows losing contact with Fiz is for the best but as his heart breaks will John stay strong?

Michelle (Kym Marsh) admits to Maria (Samia Smith) that deep down she fancies Peter (Chris Gascoyne) not Luke (Craig Kelly). But will Peter’s plea be enough to keep her in Weatherfield?

Gary’s (Mikey North) unemployment status is playing into David’s (Jack P Shepherd) hands. Putting his plan into action David then talks up a burglary he’s planning with Graeme (Craig Gazey) in front of Gary. Gary’s intrigued but will he bite?

And Joe (Reece Dinsdale) goes to see the doctor about his back. But he’s anxious when he’s prescribed some lower dosage painkillers.

Friday, May 29 20:30

Peter (Chris Gascoyne) rushes over and dragging Vinnie off Ryan (Ben Thompson) he makes him see that Ryan’s innocent. Back at home Michelle’s (Kym Marsh) furious to here about Vinnie’s accusations and threatens to go round there until Ryan assures her that Peter sorted everything out. With her head in a spin Michelle cancels her date with a put out Luke and goes round to thank Peter. Seizing his opportunity Peter pours out his heart to Michelle, thanking her for never judging him. As they fall into a passionate kiss are Michelle’s plans about to change?

Meanwhile Sian (Sacha Parkinson) explains to Ryan the reason her dad thought they’d had sex is because he found condoms in Sian’s bag. Ryan assures her they don’t have to have sex until she‘s ready.

Tina (Michelle Keegan) agrees to a date with Gary (Mikey North) but only as a mate. Gary’s chuffed and feeling life is on the up he tells David (Jack P Shepherd) he wants in on the burglary. David’s secretly delighted his plan is coming together but when he sees Tina and Gary getting on the bus together he resolves to get his revenge.

Tony’s (Gray O’Brien) at his malicious best as he dumps an unsuspecting Natasha (Rachel Leskovac). Stunned by the viciousness of his attack, Natasha’s scared by his threatening manner and warns Maria (Samia Smith). Apologising to her rival Natasha tells Maria that Tony’s a headcase and she should stay well clear. But will it be enough to put Maria off?

And Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) is gutted when Chesney (Sam Aston) makes it clear he wants nothing more to do with her.

19-05-2009, 14:56

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