View Full Version : Corrie's Jack Duckworth set for millionaire lover

19-05-2009, 07:23
Corrie's Jack Duckworth strikes it rich when his new love turns out to be a millionairess.

Jack learns the truth about dowdy Connie Rathbone as they go to her home to look for his missing pigeon – and it is a luxury house.

He is stunned as she tells him: “I want to you to move in with me, string vest and all. What’s mine is yours.”

The widower had grown wary when his fellow pigeon fancier repeatedly refused to show him her home.

A Corrie source said: “She’s embarrassed, but only because she feels unworthy of such riches and fears he’ll dump her if he finds out.”

Bosses chose the plotline to give a lighter work- load to star Bill Tarmey, 68, who has played the loveable rogue for 30 years but is struggling after two heart bypasses.

Jack will be seen less on screen as he will be round at Connie’s.

The source added: “Bill will come and go as he feels able. We’d hate the idea of him quitting, so this explanation for his absence is just perfect.”