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15-05-2009, 15:07
So, after the shock horror ending of the season final (airing here in 2 weeks time) what does season 5 hold in store?

Hart Hanson has confirmed that Bones has most defintiely been picked up for a fifth series due to air this autumn on fox network America (its presumed that sky one will pick it up again here) and some episodes have already been written, although the only notes I can find on these so far are from Hanson's twitter:

May 6th: Giving Karine Rosenthal notes on her script "The Plain in the Prodigy" -- a tearjerker! Probably last notes before our hiatus.

One things for sure the events of the finale have the potential to change the dynamics of the show forever and not necessarily in a good way

18-05-2009, 09:18
Fox has renewed Bones for a fifth season, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Reports say that the show is likely to continue in its Thursday night slot when it returns in the fall.

Bones joins the previously-renewed Dollhouse and Fringe on Fox.

The network is expected to announce its full 2009-10 season lineup later today.

19-05-2009, 18:44
Several reports have now confirmed that Bones has been picked up for both a fifth and sixth series, keeping it on our screens for the next two years. Its America time-slot has now also been confirmed as a lead in for Fringe which can only do good things for the ratings

19-05-2009, 18:45
Hart Hanson has once more been generous, revealing a possible series 5 plot on twitter:

Hart Just responded to a fan on Twitter again:

@TinkonBrink "The Gravedigger will most definitely be back.
Brennan shouldn't have smacked her with a briefcase like that. "

I'm glad, I loved the gravedigger storyline, should be intersting to see where they go with that

19-05-2009, 19:41
I liked the gravedigger episodes.

I wonder how they will do this isn't the woman in prison! Wonder who will be buried this time!

20-05-2009, 19:18
well I've always thought that she had to have an accomplice (no way one woman can knock booth out and haul him through a window alone) so maybe they'll go with that. Maybe Booth and Brennan will get buried together, after all I suppose they're the proverbial 'ones that got away', her biggest challenge

20-05-2009, 19:25
* Warning, refers to currently unaired season 4 final

Matt Mitovitch Anwers a BONES fan question

At the end of the Bones season finale, during the credits, the narrator said new episodes would return in the fall. — Tom

MATT: My, isn't Mr. Voice of Fox well-connected! But did he tell you this?: We have not seen the last of Booth's brother, Jared. "They're just starting to write next season now, but I would imagine he'll pop up," says Emily Deschanel. Noting that Jared's affinity for Temperance was "not exactly resolved" by season's end - and progressed not at all during the surreal finale - she believes "it would make sense for him to come back." .

Also Season 5 premiere is currently scheduled for september 17th in america so I imagine we'll get it around the end of october-ish

31-05-2009, 21:37
season 5 summary released by fox:

As Season Five of BONES begins, Booth and Brennan contend with the emotional fallout resulting from the sea-change in their relationship brought about by events at the end of Season Four. This includes Brennan’s request to have Booth father her child and the strange, profound, almost psychic link they shared during Booth’s coma, which left both of them wondering what thoughts and emotions the other is experiencing. While Booth endeavors to come to grips with these unleashed emotions, Brennan insists that, with the aid of her “squints” in the lab, the two of them focus their attention and energy on their main job – catching murderers that no one else can catch.

Hart Hanson's twitter:

Cyndi Lauper appears on IDOL tom. ... and with only a bit of luck on the season premiere of BONES, scheduled for Sept 17!

31-05-2009, 21:38
Bones Doesn't Put Out

By William Keck

So the Brennan and Booth season-finale sex scene that Bones executive producer Hard Hanson categorically promised would not be a dream turned out to be...a dream. What gives? "It wasn't an out-and-out lie," Hanson says of what he told TV Guide Magazine way back in February. Viewers didn't see a dream but a postsurgical hallucination of a comatose Booth, following his brain tumor removal. That was combined with the fiction Brennan was typing on her laptop. "It was a strange combination of two people's experiences -- a book Brennan wrote and then deleted and a dream in Booth's head," he explains.

Having a hard time swallowing this? You're not alone. Hanson says he received tons of "very nasty" e-mails. (So did we!) The storyline even provoked palpitations among Fox execs when they realized late in the game that House was pulling a similar dream-sex stunt, with its grouchy doc hallucinating having sex with Cuddy before heading to the loony bin. By the time both shows learned about their shockingly similar finales, Hanson says it was too late for either to pull the plug. Some fans were also irritated by the Bones finale's closing moments when Booth awoke from his coma and seemed to suffer from a case of TV amnesia, asking Brennan, "Who are you?"

Hanson regrets he didn't do a better job writing the capper. "Shame on me that almost everybody thought he out and out just had no idea who she was," he says. "I'm unhappy that didn't come across. Oh, if I could redo it." When the new season picks up, Booth recognizes Brennan and believes his hallucination of having sex with her actually happened. "They can no longer pretend that there is not something inside both of them that is screaming out for that alternative reality," Hanson says.

But don't hold your breath for any Booth-on-Brennan sex next season. Hanson says it's not going to happen. Will we ever see the characters hook up for real? "That's the central question of the series," he says. "Fans desperately want it, but if they get what they want, they could be very, very disappointed." What a tease.

[source: tvguide.com]

I'm not really expecting any proper spoilers now until mid august before the new season starts so most bits and pieces from now on will most likely be interviews and speculation. On the plus side (at least I think I'm happy about it) Booth doesnt seem to have some super-serious amnesia as the season finale suggested so I have no idea what the 'who are you?' line was supposed to make us think if not that.

01-06-2009, 12:12
To me, by them having the "who are you" line at the end, everyone was bound to think it was a case of memory loss, as opposed to anything else, although I did say to my eldest afterwards, that maybe he was meaning it in the sense of, is Bones, Bones or is she the wife and woman he was with during his coma if that makes sense.

Good thinking by me lol

Although I will admit to being totally disappointed with the whole Finale, and even my hubby who loves Bones, decided that he'd go to bed halfway through, because we were both so hacked off with it.

01-06-2009, 23:15
To me, by them having the "who are you" line at the end, everyone was bound to think it was a case of memory loss, as opposed to anything else, although I did say to my eldest afterwards, that maybe he was meaning it in the sense of, is Bones, Bones or is she the wife and woman he was with during his coma if that makes sense.

Good thinking by me lol

Although I will admit to being totally disappointed with the whole Finale, and even my hubby who loves Bones, decided that he'd go to bed halfway through, because we were both so hacked off with it.

Yeah, I think the whole 'who are you' line made people pretty angry for a while but now the dust has settled i think people are starting to see he could ba maybe just a bit confused, especially since the line before was him commenting how real his 'dream' had felt.

Personally I liked the final, right up until the end. It wasnt even the 'amnesia' thing that ruined it, it was just that the end totally contradicted the feel of the rest of the episode and it felt a bit disjointed, that and I dont think cliff-hangers really suit Bones, they're still pretty much a stand-alone story kind of show so any major continuation doesnt really work as far as I'm concerned

02-06-2009, 09:37
I was just confused at that whole episode. :lol:

I still think Hart was quite misleading in saying it wasn't a dream etc in the first place...and and it was real and the fact they don't get up to anything next season well....that's going to make some fans very annoyed.

02-06-2009, 14:45
Reading some of the Bones forums and tweets etc, there were a lot of very angry fans out there.

I didn't totally hate the finale, just found it weird and confusing (which isn't hard these days lol). I no way would have missed it for the world though, as it revealed a lot about how Booth and Brennan feel (even though we and everyone else had figured it out, it was just them that hadn't lol)!

07-06-2009, 20:39
Variety has a new interview with Hart Hanson!
There are some general questions and some spoilers!

‘Bones’: Brennan is so much smarter than I am

Hart Hanson has answered your questions about "Bones." We had an overwhelming response and so not all of your questions were submitted to him but I tried my best to represent the most burning questions. Whenever possible, I combined similar queries.
"Bones" has been picked up for two more seasons so you have more adventures of Booth and Brennan to look forward to.
"Bones" obviously has a loyal and fervent following. We appreciate your participation. Enjoy.

Q. What is something you really want to do on the show but feel you would break the budget with if you even attempted to have it done? (Natashadelovely)
A. Oh, there’s so much we could do with more money. We’d like to be out in the world more, we’d like cooler effects, we’d like to use the Angelator more, we’d like to give David more action sequences, we’d like to do a “train” episode … it’s a very long list. In fact, we’d like to utilize some of our favorite guest stars even more. But this is a harsh world and somehow we have to use intelligence and creativity in place of budget to get the effects we want — money is a lot easier.

Q. Will the writers approach the writing process differently now that “Bones” has been picked up for 2 seasons instead of 1? (Miraya) And how much will the cliffhanger affect the creative direction of the show for season 5? (Quratulain)
A. Being picked up for two seasons will indeed have an effect on the unfolding storylines within “Bones.” We may be able to get a “run” at a few things that we’d be guessing about otherwise. And the cliffhanger from last season may mean something different to us than it did to the audience. But having fudged that answer brilliantly (didn’t need budget for that, did we?) yes, the cliffhanger from Season 4 has a very definite effect on Season 5.

Q. Mr. Nathan has experience as an actor. Would he act in one of the episodes you write? Would you want to see Mr. Nathan in front of the camera? Now be honest. You guys are a great team! (Brian)
A. In fact, I am one of Stephen Nathan-as-an-actor’s biggest fans. Not counting his stint in Musical Theater. Even Stephen cannot get me to enjoy that stuff. I'm handicapped in that way. But I think Stephen is a terrific actor and my prophesy is that he will do it again, as an (even older) old fart.
We were just about to utilize Stephen in a role on “Bones” but it occurred at about the time we knew that a writer’s strike was going to occur and it just seemed wrong to deny an actor who didn’t moonlight as an executive producer the pay. So it didn’t happen.

Q. Any plans for any other crossover episodes and if so, with which Fox series would you most like to cross? (Corinna)
A. There are no actual plans for a crossover though we nave notions and ideas. Perhaps this is the year when “House” and “Bones” could find a crossover opportunity. Both Stephen and I are big pals of David Shore and Katie Jacobs (exec producers on “House”) and one of us is a fervent admirer. Also, we’re paired up with “Fringe” so that could possibly turn out to be a natural. Also, everyone on “Bones” now suffers deep and inappropriate crushes on Seth McFarlane.

Q. Hart, what are your thoughts on becoming a Twitterer? What has surprised you most? Who was the one to talk you into Twitter? (re: Hart Hanson runs a Twitter: twitter.com/harthanson) (ForensicMama)
A. I am completely freaked out by Twitter. I started out thinking that I would simply give a little insight into the behind the scenes nature of “Bones.” But the response was so fast and large … I went from 50 followers to THOUSANDS in a very short period of time. Now there’s pressure to come up with stuff that is at least a little bit interesting. And sometimes I see my own Twitterings and wonder who the hell this smart-ass guy is talking so much about my day. I’m going to stick with it because Stephen Fry recommended it, because Paul Feig makes me laugh so hard on his Twits (Tweaks?), because it gives me an excuse to connect again with Amy Brenneman, and because I’m kind of interested in the phenomenon.

Q. “Bones” has some pretty enthusiastic fans. Do either of you “nerd out” for any show or movie? (Lisa)
A. My favorite show of all time, ever, without a doubt, is on BBC America and it’s called “Top Gear.” It’s everything you could ask in a TV show. I clap my hands whenever the theme music starts.

Q. Is there any character you find the easiest to write for? One that just seems to develop itself/take on a life of its own? (Tara)
A. We have this incredible cast of actors and they have all given their characters very distinct voices. That is a gift to any writer. That being said, and possibly because I’m the showrunner, writing for Dr. Cam Saroyan, is very therapeutic for me. Writing for Brennan is very hard because she’s so much smarter than I am.

Q. Will the tone of the show shift back a little toward drama (more like S1 and S2)? I really like the comedy but I would also appreciate more serious episodes again. (CantBelieveI said that); I think the writing has changed … toward comedy where it is hard for the audience to feel anything for the victims or the case. Any plans to address it so each case is humanized for the audience? (Quratulain); When was it decided that the show would forgo the drama in favor of goofball/wacky comedy? Did you worry that fans who signed on to the show as a drama wouldn’t stick around for the change? (Deb)
A. Our early discussions for Season 5 have included a plan to make the episodes more … um … EPISODIC. What that means is that we have to do our character storylines within distinct episodes. If we do our jobs correctly, you won’t even notice this but you may notice that the episodes will tend to be a bit more grounded. That being said, “Bones” is, for the most part, a “crimedy.” It’s part romantic comedy, part crime drama, part character-driven procedural. We’re pretty sure that the tone of “Bones” is one of the things that keeps our audience loyal. Do we worry people won’t stick around? Yes! That’s ALL we worry about, it feels like.

Q. I’ve heard that the fourth season is the roughest season for a show — a metaphorical hump. Does the fifth season of a show carry with it a new set of challenges? If so, what are your strategies for overcoming those challenges? (ForensicMama) S4 seems to be a transitional season for both Booth and Brennan. Can the same be said of the writing team? (1 critic)
A. I’ve never heard that the Fourth Season is the toughest. There does seem to be something horrible and malignant about EPISODE six in each season. Or maybe that’s just a coincidence. Each and every season carries a set of challenges unique to the series, in my opinion. What’s so tough? Not repeating yourself, for one. Not getting into a formulaic rut. Ensuring that characters continue to unfold in interesting ways. Keeping actors interested in their characters… it’s all a tough go.
We are very much looking forward to Season 5 though — we have proven ourselves in many ways and we as a theater company are more confident than ever.

Q. Many viewers loved the season finale, others reacted more harshly, even angrily. Thoughts included:

The cliffhanger is too cliffhanger … could you make it up with some fluff in season 5 so i can forgive you? (Sarah)
I HATE YOU… The last episode was WRONG. (Shrikha)
I think you two “need to grow a set” LOL. Either get Booth and Brennan together or don’t. Make a descision. But don’t mislead the fans into thinking they hooking up, it was just too cruel. (SHAZ)
Did you get cold feet? Fans want B&B naked in bed. (Tara)
Please dont make the I-don’t-remember-anything line on Booth for more than 5 episodes because this show mainly relies on Booth and Brennan’s chemistry. … “Bones” is my favorite show and I don’t want to see it go down in flames. (Alexa)

Two of you to summed it up best and posed your feelings in the form of a question:

Q. Are you taken aback the uproar of the S4 finale? (Mary) Just wondering what Hart must be feeling in response to the strong emotions he has sent the fans into … they seem to be very good or very negative. (Jennifer)
A. Hmmm, this is the kind of question that gets me into trouble. The fact is, if hardcore fans “really” didn’t like our season finales, we wouldn’t have more fans now than we did before. But we do. Ergo, fans felt something at the end of Season 4. The emotion they felt may not have been “joy,” for example. But they felt something. And that’s our first job, to make our audience feel something. That’s the tightrope we walk. If I did what everyone wanted me to do, then Brennan and Booth would have been married by the end of Season 1. My job is to make people want them together, not necessarily to put them together in the way the audience thinks they want.

Also, the Season Finale of Season 4 was not universally disliked. It was contentious, certainly. And it in no way pleased everyone. But I do stand by it. I always thought of that finale as a very, very inside joke with our very dedicated fans and I think, for the most part, those people got it. Here’s the real question: are there enough of those harcore, loyal, longtime fans to justify dedicating an entire season finale to them and them alone? Even after four seasons? Maybe not. Probably not. But man, it was fun to make that episode which means that maybe it was a little too self indulgent. I don’t want to be self indulgent.
Many of you asked about spoilers…

Q. How do you deal with the constant leaks of spoilers? Does that encourage you to change things last minute or keep more details to yourself until later in the scriptwriting process? Do your fans reactions to those spoilers affect your thought process? (Maggie) Did you feel it necessary to tell the press and fans lies regarding the season finale in order to protect its integrity? I was so complimentary of you and the show for being honest with what was going to happen (sex), but still keeping the bulk of the plot secret (how). But now I am just saddened that a) the lies occurred and b) that someone felt it necessary to lie in the first place. I know spoilers are rampant on the Internet, but what did this accomplish other than alienating fans and causing them to be even more distrustful of the television industry? (Laura) Hart, (in TV Guide) you said “no dream sequence, no undercover assignment, not even alcohol, they’re actually in bed having sex, they won’t be able to just walk away from what happened. It will have serious ramifications” On E! you said “Solemn promise it’s not hallucination. We found out that sex is very closely related to having children.” Can you see why the fans are mad? (Tara)
A. I know it’s semantics, I know it’s splitting hairs, but I didn’t lie about the finale. All I said is that they would have sex (they did) and it wouldn’t be a dream (it wasn’t). And in absolute candor … I am never, EVER going to announce in advance when major story points will occur. The most common question I get asked is, “When are Booth and Brennan going to get together?” folllowed by “Are Booth and Brennan ever going to get together?” The answer to both questions will come out of the series. You have to watch. I’m not telling. I’m not answering. That’s what the series if for. So if you want a straightforward, direct, simple answer to those questions, I am the last guy you want to ask. And that’s the last honest reply you’ll get on the subject. Maybe. Most likely. No, definitely. Probably.

Cont. below...

07-06-2009, 20:39
Q. Do the writers take any of their inspiration for the B&B vibe, the comedy, and the action from the old Myrna Loy/William Powell film series, “The Thin Man”? I’m often reminded of those films when watching episodes where B&B banter while solving the whodunit. Enjoyed the finale! (Dianab) (Yoda also noted a “Thin Man” vibe) Did you watch “X-Files” and how much did you learn from Chris Carter? (Seriously, nine seasons and only four kisses, obviously you learned something.) (Alexandria; Emma also mentioned parallels to “The X-Files”). I was wondering if you could give a few examples of real-life inspiration in “Bones” episodes? (ForensicMama)
A. I absolutely love the “Thin Man” movies. “Bones” is part of a long line of shows. I always found the banter between Adam and Eve to be hilarious (until they ate the apple — that wrecked everything). I watched “X-Files” religiously, “Moonlighting,” “Gilmore Girls” … but I’ve often thought “Bones” is equally influenced by the original “Star Trek” and the Aubrey/Maturin stories written by novelist Patrick O’Brian. Also the Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn movies … also “Bringing Up Baby.” I could go on…

Q. Some the science lately has been incorrect or sometimes quite far off the mark (granted, most of your viewers would not catch the complexities of this, but you do tend to attract a science oriented crowd and we do catch the errors). Do you use a scientific consultant on a regular basis and if so, what are the qualifications of your consultant? (Jen) How much research do you do for each episode about the forensics involved with each murder? Have you ever had any experience in forensics or any affiliation with the FBI or military? How much of Booth’s ideals about America and patriotism parallel your own? (Jacey) As the series progresses, do you find it difficult to find new and interesting ways to involve the scientific part of “Bones” into the episode’s plot? What are some of your sources and how do they play a part in the writing process? (Maria) How involved is Kathy Reichs in the story lines and plot development? Is she involved in any character development, particularly the characters of Booth and Bones? (Tracy)
A. With all due respect, our science is pretty damn good, especially in comparison to the other forensic shows. We compress time and it happens from time to time that the fritzlegurber being referred to in dialogue comes up a gritzlefurber on the screen, but those are usually honest mistakes made in the haste of production.

Kathy Reichs herself looks at every script. We have a dedicated team of researchers and many, many technical consultants including a techie on stage with the actors.
We are also fortunate to have more than a couple of real forensic geeks on the writing staff. I hope I don't sound defensive but without naming other forensic shows, I gotta say, we kick everybody’s ass scientifically.

Q. In dealing with Brennan’s past how much of her personality have you based on the psychological information gathered from actual foster children? (Jacey)
A. I worked on “Judging Amy” for years and amassed quite a bit of knowledge about the foster system. Also contacts.

Lots of folks wondered about the “Moonlighting” effect with regards to the Booth/Brennan relationship:

Q. Do you think with David and Emily’s personal and professional chemistry
and with outstanding writing that “Bones” might be able to break that
“so-called” curse? Why or why not? (Dan Kelley)
Related thoughts:

As the creator of the show do you yourself fear your leads getting together? Or would you like to eventually see them end up together? (chubbybadass)
I’m hoping that B & B will finally admit and give in to their feelings for one another rather than dance around the issue. (Tracy Mc.)
How long are you going to exploit these HUGE elements delivered in the finale during next season? Should we expect a whole new kind of chemistry? (Cristina)
Don’t you worry that if you do not make a will they or won’t they choice , it will hurt the show anyway? (Rosie)
Are you guys afraid of the “Moonlighting” Syndrome? (1critic)
A. See my answer above? If I tell you what I think then you’ll know what I’m going to do and you won’t see the need to watch “Bones” anymore and that would be bad.

Q. It seems there have been changes in the characters this season. You’ve portrayed Brennan as oblivious, sucking at interrogations, lacking empathy, unable to recognize basic facial expressions. It seems as though she was somebody else.She used to be so multi-faceted and special.Where did that go? The goofiness you added in Booth hasn’t gone unnoticed either. Was it done on purpose,for some reason we haven’t seen yet? Is there any chance we’ll get our beloved characters back,the way we got to know and love them? (Jen)
A. I respectfully disagree that Brennan’s character has become increasingly oblivious. I think she is getting better at human interaction, not worse.

Q. Would it be too much to ask to let Booth do his job properly? He doesn't need any help to do so, let from alone Sweets. Remember Booth is the guy who reads people, can tell when people are lying, uses his gut. Remember the essence of the character that you created? You are doing a real disservice to Booth by letting other people do his job i.e Sweets and Brennan, interrogating suspects and figuring out the murderer. (Amber)
A. See what I mean? The above question assumes that Brennan is getting better at interrogation while the preceding question assumes she’s getting worse at it. You guys have to get together and then holler at me. I think we've done a pretty good job of having Sweets be right sometimes and wrong sometimes. On more than one occasion Sweets has suggested Booth take a tack in an interrogation only to watch as Booth goes another way and gets the answer. Sometimes Booth listens to Sweets. We like to think that Booth listens to the Sweets on the theoretical stuff and not so much on the life-lessons stuff.

Q. What does the title of the last episode (The End in the Beginning) mean? What significance does it have? (Hannah; also Leanne)
A. It’s a very, very literal title. That’s all I have to say about it. It was inspired by John Milton’s line: “The childhood shows the man, As morning shows the day.”

Q. In what way has the network made a significant impact on the show, in an episode by episode basis as well as an the show as a whole? (Maria)
A. The network is our client. They are heavily involved. We get network notes on every single step of the show from the inception of the idea to the final cut. It can be a very contentious relationship. We are often at odds. That means they have a huge impact on the show.

Q. I have always enjoyed the cultural, ethnic and social diversity featured on ““Bones”” in both its cast and the plots of some episodes (especially the interns this season). How do you think this diversity adds to the show? (Combined TV Watcher and Suzanne)
A. Well, it’s the world, isn’t it? Weird as network drama can be, it succeeds inasmuch as the audience finds a world they recognize within the series.

Q. Are there any past episodes you would submit for a “do over” if you could? (Corinna)
A. Every single one. Every — single — one.

Q. From what we’ve seen of on-set footage, things seem pretty laid back behind the scenes. Can you share some examples of any frantic moments? And, are there any notorious pranksters or running gags on the set? (Lisa) So I was wondering are the cast and crew as good friends as it seems in the behind the scenes videos? (Megan) The actors have commented on many occasions about the playful and joking atmosphere. How much of the characters’ banter do you have to script and how much can you let that talented group of actors loose with your idea? (Alexandria)
A. We are a very harmonious group — for a TV series. There is plenty of conflict going on behind the scenes, believe you me. What’s true is that the cast are extremely fond of each other. David and Emily, especially, are in so many scenes together. I’ve never understood how such a brotherly/sisterly vibe offscreen turns into a sexually charged romantic vibe onscreen. I don't want to look too closely at that, it might be creepy.

Visiting directors love working on “Bones.” I have always thought of a TV show as a Company. A few hundred years ago we’d all be driving around in wagons, putting on shows — only without any females. TV is better.
We have a very good deal with the actors. They say the words that are in the script and we are open to improv above and beyond that. So far it works well for us.

Q. I’m curious about the writing process as you put together the cases for the episodes. Do you create the method of death/body condition first (possibly based on an interesting/unique forensic technique in a forensic journal that you can then use to solve the case) or do you build the case first and then backtrack to create a body to match your desired scenario? (Jen)
A. Every story arises differently. The only commonality is that there is a room full of creative, smart, invested people yelling back and forth at each other. I try to stay out of there.

Q. One thing I have really enjoyed about season four is how the crimes are used to spur character development. How do you develop murder cases to mirror the character issues? Which do you plan first? What kind of “fact checking” process do you use? Do you sometimes just choose to change the facts of the series for purposes of the story? (AngelBuffMel)
A. The personal stuff tends to arise after we have the murder case laid out. The murders themselves inspire what goes on between our characters.

source: weblogs.variety.com/season_pass/2009/06/bones-brennan-is-so-much-smarter-than-i-am-.html

13-07-2009, 22:34
Episode 5.01: The Harbingers in the Fountain (Season premiere)

Twelve human skeletons were found beneath a fountain and all of them were poisoned and at least one of them was murdered with a speargun because the poisoned didn't work on that victim. Their ingestigation brings them to the Harbingers of a New Day, which seems to be a sort of religious group or cult that wants to live in a underwater utopia. Booth wants proof that one of his suspects was actually named differently in the past. As hinted in the spoilers below from Korbi TV, Booth and Brennan will indeed share a kiss after he rescues her from a dangerous situation. It looks like Cyndi Lauper's character may be named Avalon Harmonia and would be introduced in this episode. Caroline, Angela, and Sweets also appear. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Sides for the episode can be read here: http://spoilertv.blogspot.com/2009/06/bones-episode-501-harbingers-in.html

13-07-2009, 22:41
Episode 5.02: The bond in the boot

No news on the actaul case yet. Brennan seems to be narrowing down the rotating interns. Booth and Brennan talk about a book (hers maybe). Some people think B&B are sleeping together. Brennan mentions government employees with financial problems. Perhaps Booth is having trouble paying his medical bills.

Casting sides can be read here: http://spoilertv.blogspot.com/2009/07/bones-episode-502-bond-in-boot-casting.html

09-08-2009, 15:10
The season 5 promo can be seen here:


09-08-2009, 15:15
Just found this too:

'Bones' scoop: Stephen Fry is returning
Gordon Gordon Wyatt is back!

While chatting with "Bones" creator Hart Hanson at the FOX TCA party, he spilled that Booth and Brennan's original psychiatrist will be making a return appearance to the show.

"[Stephen Fry (Gordon Gordon Wyatt)] seems to be available, so we're going to try and get him for episode ten," Hart told us. "It may be [for] the Christmas show....if it's the Christmas show, he's the perfect guy to come back."

Last time Gordon Gordon showed up on "Bones," he informed Sweets that either Booth or Brennan was very aware of their romantic feelings for their partner, but wouldn't tell him which one. He also helped Booth, Brennan and Sweets bond over their childhood traumas.

Wonder what kind of magic he'll be cooking up this time

10-08-2009, 22:50
New Scoop: Angela Related
New Scoop related to Angela under cut!

Angela's self-imposed celibacy will end early next season on Bones. And the person she'll hook up with is someone we've met before.

"Hot!," said Michela Conlin (Angela) upon hearing her new sex partner's identity from series creator Hart Hanson at a recent Fox party. "I didn't expect that. It's been six months for Angela." Since we saw Angela last season in a relationship with a woman named Roxie, what will be the sex of her new partner? "It will be a male," confirms Hanson.

So who do you think Angela will be getting it on with? Hodgins? Jared Booth? Or someone else?

source: www.tvguidemagazine.com/kecks-exclusives/bones-sex-scoop-2010.html.

10-08-2009, 22:51
Bones: David Boreanaz Hints on "Pretty Sexual Scene"
When Bones returns for its fifth season, things will be a lot different for Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel). With Booth still struggling to recover from his brain injury, it's as if their relationship is back to ground zero. However, that doesn't mean that the sexual tension between these two characters is off the table.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, David Boreanaz teases about how a simple plumbing scene ended up to be something very sexual.

"I forgot to do the plumbing in my house so I realize that I have to get a book How to Plumb for Dummies. So in the beginning of the show we're walking to a crime scene and she says 'Well you're so verse in plumbing you should probably do it yourself' and I said 'I can't do it myself because of this whole coma thing and now I have to get a book for dummies'. It was a very adorable and endearing moment the two of us had talking about books for dummies and we were right back to the give-and-take of our relationship pretty easily," Boreanaz said of how the scene first started.

"We ended up under the sink and there was water spraying all over us," the Bones star said of this fall's can't-miss scene. "It was pretty sexual."

OK so Booth and Brennan didn't exactly do it in the kitchen. But at least fans are left with the possibility that something could still spark amidst this whole brain injury ordeal, right?

"We have sex in our minds every episode. You guys just don't physically see it," Boreanaz teased. "It's really going on between the two characters. If you guys can only imagine what we're really thinking when we're working, it's crazy."

Fans can catch Bones' fifth season beginning Thursday, September 17 on FOX.

-Kris De Leon, BuddyTV Staff Columnist

Article: BuddyTV

Actual video can be seen at: Entertainment Weekly

12-08-2009, 22:58
Televisionary Talks to Hart Hanson About "Bones" Season Five
Wondering what's going on with Booth? Why Brennan ran off to Guatemala? With whom Angela will end her celibacy vow? You've come to the right place.

I caught up with Bones showrunner/executive producer Hart Hanson last week at the FOX party at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour in Pasadena, where I grilled him about Season Five of the FOX drama series.

Among the Bones-related topics under discussion: Booth's mental state when Season Five begins and his fantasy life, Hanson's reactions to fan complaints, Angela's celibacy vow, whether we can expect to see Stephen Fry reprise his role as Dr. Gordon Wyatt, Cyndi Lauper, new characters, the 100th episode, a return trip to London, and more.

But don't take my word for it. Dig in for my exclusive interview with Bones' Hart Hanson below.

Televisionary: Given that we last saw Brennan when Booth came out of his coma, what lands her in Guatemala?

Hanson: We've set up a few times that when she's really miserable she goes down there and identifies victims of the genocide down there and there are so many still remaining unidentified. So when she's really miserable she just throws herself into that. I've been getting grief on the message boards and Twitter about how she could just abandon Booth and all I can say is: she didn't. I promise you, Brennan did not abandon Booth. Watch the season opener; you'll see.

Televisionary: What is Booth's mental state when Season Five of Bones begins?

Hanson: It's six weeks later and Booth is contending with the confusion caused either by his real feelings for Brennan or the hangover--is that the right word?--the residue of his experience in his coma.

He is very confused about the world right now. He hasn't got amnesia. We come back just as Sweet says, okay, you can go back to work. But there's definite repercussions from what he went through at the end of the season finale. And I hope that will make people feel like their complaints about the season finale are being addressed in the season opener and people will like it more in retrospect. We'll find out.

Televisionary: How do you react to frustration from the fans over that reveal?

Hanson: I can't react. I just can't allow that to affect me. I always said, if you give the fans what they want, you'll be off the air almost immediately because all of their desires are met. And you need to play it out and risk being hated once in a while. But it's hard not to react.

The season opener was designed and mostly written before the season ender was edited together so I didn't know precisely [what the reaction would be]--though I had a pretty good idea of what it would be--I just got the proportions wrong. So I didn't have reactions to the season ender before I wrote the season opener but I stuck pretty closely to what the intention was from the beginning.

Televisionary: Will we see elements of Booth's fantasy life continue into the new season?

Hanson: (Pause.) No one's asked me that, damn you! Yes... We will see that other world, although not in the form it was in when Booth was in the coma. But we will have glimpses of what's inside people's brains.

Oh, my god. That was hard. I haven't practiced that answer yet because no one has asked me. I wonder why no one asked that yet!

Televisionary: Any chance that Stephen Fry will return to the series this fall?

Hanson: We are going after him. He's a very busy man; I talk to him all the time. Big brain box. We're checking his availability now for Episode Ten, which is our Christmas episode. We'd like to have him back. We already missed a chance to have him in the season opener because he was busy. He's just always busy! He has what? A million quiz shows and he's doing documentaries and what a lovely man. He wants to come do the show again. So Episode Ten and I hope one other [episode] after that or two, if we're lucky.

Televisionary: You said at San Diego Comic-Con that Cyndi Lauper heard Emily singing her cover of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and that's what led her to guest starring on Bones. What was it like working with her?

Hanson: It was awesome. She is a crazy, fascinating character. Her voice, everything about her. She just has a unique way of speaking that you just try to cram into the script. She was just wonderful, just terrific. We'll have her back, we'll have her back a number of times.

Televisionary: Is Lauper contracted for a set number of episodes?

Hanson: No, we can't do that. We can tell our intention to her people that we'd like to have her back here and there and [ask] what her schedule looks like. Same with all of our guest stars. We can't tie them down so it's a constant juggling of availabilities and stuff. But she wants to do it and we want her back. We know her touring dates, we know when she's available, so we'll make it work.

Televisionary: Who else do you have showing up this year as guest stars?

Hanson: We have Stephen Fry showing up for two or three [episodes], Jared [Booth]--Brendan Fehr--will be back. I want to cast one more intern. I have an idea for a severely bi-polar intern that will be amusing and touching; that's what we do.

Televisionary: Male or female?

Hanson: Don't know yet. Probably male, just because the lab tends to be heavily female anyway and we want to keep the balance. And we have Daisy. We will look at both men and women and see who pops. We've had a lot of luck with these interns, with what good actors they are. They are awesome.

Televisionary: So we'll still see a revolving door of squints then?

Hanson: Yes, we're going to keep doing that for a while. Eric Millegan--who plays Zack--is moving to New York so he's a little bit less accessible than he was before. But we'd just love to have him back. We love that guy but he's a guest star now too.

Televisionary: Where do we find Angela next season?

Hanson: I just today wrote Angela breaking her celibacy. If you remember from last year, she was going to do six months of being celibate at Sweet's advice, so just today she broke her stretch of celibacy... I'm not saying with whom. Someone we know. I told [Michaela Conlin] about fifteen minutes ago and she went [makes excited gasping noise]. So it was a good reaction!

Televisionary: Is there any chance of Booth and Brennan returning to London next season?

Hanson: I just met Stuart Murphy, who replaced Richard Woolfe at Sky1, and he would like very much to help make that happen. I guess Bones is a great performer for Sky and he's very interested in talking to us about making that happen. We would jump at the chance to go over there again. For one thing, it would be great to use Indira Varma again. Wow! She's incredibly good and it was fun with her and Booth. So we'd be interested in looking for a way to do that. Maybe, though it's too soon to say, for an episode later in the season or a season ender there. It would be great then.

Televisionary: What can you tell us about Bones' upcoming 100th Episode, which will be directed by David Boreanaz?

Hanson: I don't know a thing about it yet! Except that it will be a story with lots of swoopy camerawork because that's what David likes. He likes those cranes swooping around. It will be Episode Sixteen of this year. I don't know what the story is but we will pull out some stops for that one. It's a big, important episode for us.

Bones' fifth season launches September 17th at 8 pm ET/PT on FOX.

13-08-2009, 22:05
Ask Ausiello: Angela and Brennan’s friendship is tested
Question: I watched all your Bones Comic-Con vids and I didn’t hear one question asked about Angela and Hodgins. Sad day. Got any scoop on where they are headed next season? —Shanna

Ausiello: Good news: When it comes to Ang and Hodg scoop, my Press Tour vids succeeded where the Comic-Con ones failed. Check ‘em out. And here’s a bonus Angela scoop for your trouble: Exec producer Hart Hanson tells me that early in the season Angela will break her vow of celibacy with a man. “It’s someone we’ve seen before,” he teases. “I just told Michaela who it was and she shrieked.” It’s probably no coincidence that in the same episode, Angela and Brennan’s friendship is tested like never before. “Angela and Brennan have a big fight,” Hanson reveals. “Their friendship is deeply challenged. It’ll be the first time that Brennan realizes that being totally rational about something isn’t necessarily being a good friend. And every time she has done that in the past, Angela has come around and excused Brennan’s behavior. This time, if they’re friendship is to be maintained, Brennan has to take a step toward the irrational.”

13-08-2009, 22:46
07/24 - Series creator Hart Hanson confirms that a season-opening smooch "was scripted," but adds, "I'm in no way confirming that it was a sincere scripting. Could have been a way to identify leaks."

07/12 - Twelve human skeletons were found beneath a fountain and all of them were poisoned and at least one of them was murdered with a speargun because the poisoned didn't work on that victim. Their ingestigation brings them to the Harbingers of a New Day, which seems to be a sort of religious group or cult that wants to live in a underwater utopia. Booth wants proof that one of his suspects was actually named differently in the past. As hinted in the spoilers below from Korbi TV, Booth and Brennan will indeed share a kiss after he rescues her from a dangerous situation. It looks like Cyndi Lauper's character may be named Avalon Harmonia and would be introduced in this episode. Caroline, Angela, and Sweets also appear.

07/10 - Apparently, when Booth asked Brennan who she was in May's finale, he didn't mean to imply that he didn't remember her. Apparently Booth just wasn't sure whether she was his partner, Bones, or his wife/baby mama from the hallucination/alternate reality he experienced while drugged up. Because of his confusion, we're hearing Booth will continue to struggle with romantic feelings for the good Dr. B throughout the season premiere and may even kiss her after rescuing her from a dangerous situation.

06/14 -"Booth's problem isn't remembering who Brennan is," [Hart Hanson] tells me, "it's remembering which Brennan she is. " Source: The Ausiello Files
04/05 - '80s pop icon Cyndi Lauper is in talks to recur next season as a kooky psychic that Booth and Brennan bring on as a consultant.

29-10-2009, 17:01
Zooey Deschanel will guest star in an upcoming episode of Bones, Fox has announced.

The December 10 episode, titled 'The Goop On The Girl', will see Deschanel united with her real-life sister Emily for the first time on screen.

She will play Margaret Whitesell, a distant relative of Dr Temperance Brennan, who arrives when Brennan's father invites her to spend Christmas with them. Ryan O'Neal is also appearing in the episode.

Fox has also announced that the milestone 100th episode of Bones, which is due to air next spring, will be directed by David Boreanaz.

29-10-2009, 23:21
Zooey Deschanel will guest star in an upcoming episode of Bones, Fox has announced.

The December 10 episode, titled 'The Goop On The Girl', will see Deschanel united with her real-life sister Emily for the first time on screen.

She will play Margaret Whitesell, a distant relative of Dr Temperance Brennan, who arrives when Brennan's father invites her to spend Christmas with them. Ryan O'Neal is also appearing in the episode.

Fox has also announced that the milestone 100th episode of Bones, which is due to air next spring, will be directed by David Boreanaz.

The 100th episode will be a flashback in which we see Booth and Brennan on their very first case which occured before she went to Guatemala in series one and finally explains why she was so against working with him on the Cleo Eller case(episode 1.01)

15-09-2010, 13:43
Michaela Conlin has revealed that her Bones character Angela will be pregnant this season.

Speaking to TV Guide, Conlin confirmed the news, although she admitted that she was "bummed" Fox decided to include the pregnancy in a trailer for the show.

Conlin also confessed that she was initially unsure about having a pregnancy storyline so soon after Angela married Hodgins (T. J. Thyne).

"I have to be honest, at first I was a little hesitant," she said. "To marry this wild child off and get her pregnant had me worried that this would limit her, story-wise. But I now feel, getting into the sixth season, it's going to be interesting to see her try to fit her wild life into this maternal situation."

However, Conlin suggested that the paternity of her baby will not be an issue, saying: "I am pretty convinced Hodgins is the dad. Only because we were just married. That would be very slutty of her. This time, I think she played it right."

The new season of Bones begins on September 23 on Fox.

15-09-2010, 23:47
Michaela Conlin has revealed that her Bones character Angela will be pregnant this season.

Speaking to TV Guide, Conlin confirmed the news, although she admitted that she was "bummed" Fox decided to include the pregnancy in a trailer for the show.

Conlin also confessed that she was initially unsure about having a pregnancy storyline so soon after Angela married Hodgins (T. J. Thyne).

"I have to be honest, at first I was a little hesitant," she said. "To marry this wild child off and get her pregnant had me worried that this would limit her, story-wise. But I now feel, getting into the sixth season, it's going to be interesting to see her try to fit her wild life into this maternal situation."

However, Conlin suggested that the paternity of her baby will not be an issue, saying: "I am pretty convinced Hodgins is the dad. Only because we were just married. That would be very slutty of her. This time, I think she played it right."

The new season of Bones begins on September 23 on Fox.

Hi, I've created a thread for season six now so if you want to re-post this or get it moved there I just thought I'd let you know :)

16-09-2010, 12:02
When is it starting on Sky 1?