View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 18 - 22 May 09

05-05-2009, 12:24
Monday, 18 May 2009, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

Paula’s (Sharon Duce) furious to discover Colin (Edward De Souza) is back on the street and staying with Eileen (Sue Cleaver). She accuses Eileen of being a turncoat but Eileen slaps her across the face. As Colin steps in trying to apologise to her Paula screams at him, saying what he did was abuse. She leaves but Eileen’s a mess, hating the situation she’s been put in. She tries to be strong but when Paula reappears telling them she’s been to the police Eileen’s devastated.

Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) tells Emily (Eileen Derbyshire) he wants to mend his relationship with Norris (Malcolm Hebden) before he leaves for Australia. But when he tries to apologise to Norris again, asking for his forgiveness, Norris counters that as far as he’s concerned Ramsay killed his mother.

Fed up of getting nowhere on the phone a desperate Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) heads down to the hospital to enquire about John. But she’s spotted by Julie, who’s there with Colin. Fiz doesn‘t give anything away and Julie‘s left puzzled by the sighting.

With Blanche still absent from the Barlows the atmosphere between Ken (William Roache) and Deirdre (Anne Kirkbride) is tense. It’s clear they’re struggling in each others company and Blanche’s return would be welcome.

Maria’s (Samia Smith) flummoxed when she receives delivery of a flat packed cot and is grateful when Tony (Gray O’Brien) offers to help her put it up.


PI for the rest of the week follows:

Monday 18 May 8.30pm

As Jason (Ryan Thomas) and Julie (Katy Cavanagh) panic about Paula’s (Sharon Duce) threat Eileen (Sue Cleaver) tries to remain calm but inside she’s reeling. Colin’s (Edward De Souza) devastated as they wait to see whether Paula was bluffing. Julie’s gone after her mum and as they talk she implores her to think about what good involving the police will do. But Paula retorts she couldn’t bear seeing them all together like one big happy family and she wants him to pay. Meanwhile as Colin starts to fall apart, saying he’d never survive in prison, Eileen urges him to face up to what he did. But how will they react when there’s knock on the door?

Peter (Chris Gascoyne) has a job on his hands getting Blanche (Maggie Jones) to agree to go out for the night but his work finally done he invites Michelle (Kym Marsh) round for a meal. But when she turns him down, saying Luke’s (Craig Kelly) already invited her for a drink, it looks like Peter could have missed the boat.

As Tony (Gray O’Brien) helps Maria (Samia Smith) assemble the cot he won’t answer his phone to Natasha (Rachel Leskovac). So how will she react when she spots him leaving her rival’s house?

And Julie lets slip to Chesney (Sam Aston) that she saw Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) at the hospital. Fiz covers claiming she was with Maria.


Wednesday 20 May 7.30pm

As the doctor arrives and reveals Colin (Edward De Souza) has died of a heart attack Julie (Katy Cavanaugh) rushes home. Seeing the police leave she senses something is wrong and is devastated to hear her father is dead. Julie sobs hysterically over Colin’s body but Eileen (Sue Cleaver) urges her to get a grip as she goes to break the news to Jason (Ryan Thomas). Eileen appears cold as she battles to hold it together in front of her family but when she opens Colin’s wallet and finds a photo of him with her when she was a little girl she finally breaks down.

Elsewhere Norris (Malcolm Hebden) is furious to find Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) holding court in the Rovers with Emily (Eileen Derbyshire), Ken (William Roache), Deirdre (Anne Kirkbride) and Blanche (Maggie Jones). He storms out as Rita (Barbara Knox) receives the shocking news that Colin has died. She retreats as she battles her emotions.

Chesney (Sam Aston) confronts Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) about her hospital visit but Fiz covers claiming she was accompanying Maria (Samia Smith) to an appointment. Chesney however is suspicious, worrying that his sister may be ill.

And returning from a good date with Luke, Michelle (Kym Marsh) is surprised to get a call from JD asking her to go on tour with the band. It’s something she’s always wanted to do but she’s quick to turn him down for Ryan’s sake.

This episode is written by Damon Rochefort and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is Pip Short.


Friday 22 May 7.30pm

Maria (Samia Smith) covers for Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) when Chesney (Sam Aston) quizzes her about her hospital appointment. But when he secretly phones the home schooling network and finds out Fiz is lying about her meeting that afternoon Chesney’s more suspicious than ever. Unaware Fiz goes to visit John (Graeme Hawley) in prison. Seeing him beaten up she cries tears of pity admitting she still loves him. It’s an emotional awakening for the couple but as Fiz leaves the prison she’s confronted by Chesney who’s followed her there. Will Fiz confess to the true extent of her feelings and how will Chesney react?

Julie (Katy Cavanagh) and Jason (Ryan Thomas) are sorting through Colin’s things when Paula (Sharon Duce) calls round. Julie’s disgusted with her mum and blames her for Colin’s death. Paula tries to defend her actions, saying she went to the police because she wanted justice. Will Julie be able to forgive Paula for her part in Colin‘s death? Meanwhile Eileen struggles with her emotions, unsure of what to feel.

Natasha’s (Rachel Leskovac) hurt when she finds out Tony (Gray O’Brien) lied to her about his business meeting when he was actually building a cot for Maria. She accuses him of preferring to spend time with Maria rather than her but Tony eases her fears by claiming he only feels pity for Maria.

Ryan (Ben Thompson) convinces Michelle (Kym Ryder) she must go on tour with the band and that he’ll be fine staying at Phil’s. Meanwhile Sian (Sacha Parkinson) worries that Ryan’s gone off her.


Friday 22 May 8.30pm

Chesney’s (Sam Aston) furious and blasts Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) for her deception. Suddenly seeing everything clearly he accuses Fiz of simply using him as an excuse to go and see John again. Fiz denies it but Chesney refuses to listen and back on the street he locks her out of the house. By the time Fiz gets into No.5 she discovers Chesney’s raided her purse, taken his things and gone. Panicking, Fiz sets about looking for her brother. But when Eddie (Steve Huison) tells her how he dropped Chesney at Piccadilly Station earlier on Fiz fears the worst.

It’s the day of Colin’s funeral and, as the family set, off Eileen’s (Sue Cleaver) unimpressed to see Julie’s (Katy Cavanagh) wreath which spells ‘Dad’. Julie’s overbearing and as she delivers the eulogy saying what a wonderful person he was Eileen can’t take anymore. Pushing Julie out of the way she takes over, talking fondly about some of her childhood memories of Colin. As the mourners leave Eileen’s surprised to see Rita (Barbara Knox) at the crematorium. She tells Eileen how she really loved Colin and wishes she’d attended the service. It sets Eileen thinking about forgiveness and back on the street she goes to speak to Julie.

Michelle (Kym Marsh) tells Peter (Chris Gascoyne) she’s going on tour with the band for six months. Knowing he missed his chance, Peter admits he’ll be sad to see her leave. Luke (Craig Kelly) meanwhile is gutted to hear about her plans, having hoped they were starting something good.

Sian’s (Sacha Parkinson) gutted when Tamsin (Natalie Armstrong) puts her contact details into Ryan’s (Ben Thompson) phone and it’s clear he’s enjoying the attention.

This episode is written by Julie Jones and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is Pip Short.

05-05-2009, 13:28
Fiz really is an idiot for this John guy

RIP Colin

07-05-2009, 07:57
Ken and Deirdre?

I thought he left her for martha? :searchme:

07-05-2009, 07:59
Ken and Deirdre?

I thought he left her for martha? :searchme:

No, he chickened out at the last moment :)

10-05-2009, 11:58
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, Paula (Sharon Duce) stops in at Number 11 and announces that she's reported Colin (Edward de Souza) to the police for abusing her when she was a child. Eileen (Sue Cleaver), Julie (Katy Cavanagh) and Jason (Ryan Thomas) are stunned by Paula's actions and beg her to retract the statement.

As all parties involved attempt to come to terms with what could happen next, Paula tries to force her daughter Julie to choose between her or Colin, but Julie refuses to take sides.

Colin's distraught at the prospect of facing a potential stint in prison, but Eileen endeavours to reassure her father that it probably won't come to anything as drastic as that. However, when the police arrive, the worst happens.

The police arrive on the Street to question Colin about Paula's allegations but Eileen refuses to let them in. Under pressure, though, Eileen is forced to back down and when they walk through to the lounge, they're shocked to find Colin dead.

How will his family cope with this turn of events?

Airs 18t May

18-05-2009, 06:14
MICHELLE'S pride was hurt when Steve dumped her for Becky * but now she's got two smitten fellas vying for her affections!
Lovesick Peter is green with envy when he sees her out on a date with hunky factory boss Luke. But could a tempting offer from an old friend whisk Michelle away from both suitors?

"Michelle doesn't want to rush into anything," says Kym Marsh, who plays her. "She's scared of liking anyone at the moment, after what happened with Steve." Peter thinks he has made progress with Michelle, even persuading her to have tea with the Barlows a few weeks ago. Now, he's keen to get her round to the flat for a cosy date.

He spends hours trying to get Blanche to agree to clear off for the evening.

But when he invites Michelle round for a meal, she's already got plans * a night out with Luke!

"Initially there was something between her and Peter," admits Kym. "But it seemed to fizzle out.

"Luke kept trying to take her out, so she thought, 'Why not?' * he's a good-looking guy."

Peter is left cheesed off when he spots the pair enjoying themselves.

Michelle goes home happy * but is then surprised by a call from her old bandmate JD, who invites her to go on tour for six months. Will she go * or stay in Weatherfield and take a chance on love?

"She's quite confused," adds Kym. "She's still licking her wounds."

I suppose they wrote the six months tour into the script when Kim was pregnant to cover her maternity leave but will she still leave now that she is not? :hmm:

Chloe O'brien
19-05-2009, 21:16
She may leave for a few weeks then come back again.