View Full Version : Claire Bloom to star in 'Doctor Who?'

29-04-2009, 17:44
Claire Bloom is said to be filming a part for the upcoming Doctor Who specials.

The 78-year-old actress, who starred alongside Richard Burton in Hamlet, Look Back In Anger and The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, will appear in the final episodes of David Tennant's time on the show, the Daily Mail claims.

A friend told the newspaper: "The script is a very closely guarded secret, as the producers are desperate for Claire's appearance to be a surprise."

Bloom's manager in America, Marion Rosenberg, said: "It is happening. They are filming at the moment. I have been organising her schedule."

The star is rumoured to be playing The Doctor's mother, but a BBC spokesman declined to comment on the story.

14-05-2009, 06:31
On a closed film set in Cardiff, amid tight security, a 78-year-old actress with a celebrated past and the ghost of her once great beauty hovering in her dark eyes steps before the camera.
Claire Bloom has been a star for 57 years, since Charlie Chaplin chose her to be his leading lady when she was just 21.
She has won awards, conquered the West End and Broadway, as well as the British cinema and Hollywood, and counted Richard Burton, Laurence Olivier, Yul Brynner and Anthony Quinn among her lovers.
Yet all three of her marriages were disasters. Her first husband, the Oscar-winning Hollywood star Rod Steiger, was a chronic depressive who took his violent screen roles, including Al Capone and Benito Mussolini, home to his wife.
Her second husband, the Broadway producer Hillard Elkins, pocketed most of his wife's star salary, while 'he owned more shoes than Imelda Marcos and more suits than Liberace'. In the end, he cheated on her.
Her third husband, Philip Roth, considered to be America's greatest living novelist, forced her to sign a humiliating prenuptial agreement, drove her daughter by Steiger from the house, manoeuvured his wife out of both marital homes and bombarded her with menacing faxes. After their divorce, he exacted a final literary revenge by pillorying her as a bitch in a novel.

Now living alone with her cat in a flat in Fulham, South-West London, Bloom has astonished her friends by taking the modest cameo role of Dr Who's mother in David Tennant's final TV outing as the Time Lord.
Bloom's U.S. manager has confirmed she is filming the role, though the BBC declines to release details.

'The script is a closely guarded secret, as the producers are desperate for Claire's appearance to be a surprise,' says one of the actress's friends. 'She may have had a phenomenal career, but the truth is that she needs the work.'

From Daily Mail

20-05-2009, 19:51
That sounds interesting