View Full Version : Bill Spoiler 7th MAY

23-04-2009, 21:37
P.C.s Leon Taylor and Roger Valentine attend a call-out where they find Tommy Mackenzie holding his father, Albie, who is bleeding from a serious head wound. After the ambulance takes Albie away, D.S. Stuart Turner and D.C. Mickey Webb question Tommy who tells them he returned home during his school break and saw a man running out of the house.

C.S.E Eddie Olosunje is called to the scene, where he confidently tells Stuart it looks like an aggravated burglary and sets about gathering the evidence.

Stuart and Mickey eventually trace Tommy’s mother Barbara, who says she separated from her husband when he developed Motor Neurone disease and couldn’t cope with Barbara being his full time carer. While talking to Barbara, her friend Mike Vincent turns up and tells Stuart that he often goes round to Tommy’s house to see how he and Albie are.

Stuart is more then a little suspicious when Mike volunteers this information and realises Mike fits the description of the suspect…

Elsewhere, D.C. Kezia Walker discovers that Tommy bought a huge amount of bleach that morning and used it in a huge clean-up operation in the house. She informs Stuart who confronts Eddie and makes it clear how furious he is with Eddie’s lack of care and attention. Eddie is devastated when he realises his arrogance has lost them precious hours of detective work and vital evidence.

As the investigation continues, Stuart and Mickey finally uncover the truth when Albie regains consciousness and reveals all. He tells the officers that he discovered Mike had been blackmailing Tommy by taking all of their benefit money and telling Tommy that he wouldn’t inform social services about Albie’s weakening condition.

When Mike turned up at the house that morning, Albie confronted him and was attacked in front of his son. Tommy, terrified that social services would take him away, cleaned up the blood to try and make it look like a burglary. Armed with this information, Stuart is desperate to arrest Mike but knows he needs forensic evidence.

The Sergeant heads back to the station where he tells a distraught Eddie that he can make up for his mistake by finding them the weapon used to attack Albie. Can Eddie turn the day’s events around and uncover the vital evidence needed…?

Chloe O'brien
23-04-2009, 22:40
It's not like Eddie to make mistakes. Is there something up with him?