View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 4th - 8th May

20-04-2009, 16:24
Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) grows more concerned when she overhears Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) on the phone to someone, but he claims not to know what she’s talking about when questioned. When Mark also refuses to support Nathan at the protest walk, giving the excuse of a golf lesson, Natasha decides enough is enough. Natasha visits Debbie (Charley Webb) and demands her help in following Mark, believing him to be having an affair. His car stops in an urban area but when the ladies try and follow him they soon lose him altogether. Debbie resolves that they should go home, but by chance Natasha spots Mark in a café. After some time Mark exits the café and drives towards a driving range to play golf. Natasha realises she was wrong about the affair and asks Debbie to take her home. Mark watches the car pulling away and is relieved Natasha hasn’t uncovered his secret. Will Mark continue to outsmart Natasha?

Meanwhile, David (Matthew Wolfenden) gathers his supporters and heads for the Home Farm grounds. The protesters are confronted by Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) who announces that the public footpath is closed until the legal dispute has been resolved. Pollard (Chris Chittell) steals David’s thunder when he turns up at his protest walk and announces that he has already cleared it with the council to keep the path open. Nathan is aghast but Pollard privately assures him that once he’s elected by popular vote he can do anything he wants. Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) picks up on parts of their conversation and warns David that Pollard isn’t playing fairly. In protest David announces he’s moving out of Farrer’s. Can David match wits with Pollard and win the election?

Elsewhere, Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) makes Jimmy (Nick Miles) sleep on the sofa after finding out that Sandy was actually responsible for the love letter. She’s outraged when Jimmy suggests that she’s overreacting, but he rescues the situation by explaining he needed help as he was never good with words. Nicola softens at this but challenges Jimmy to write another letter in his own words. Jimmy decides to write a poem but his lyrical skills leave a lot to be desired and Nicola demands he improve and write another. Jimmy is incredulous and states that he didn’t even know about the love letter until after Nicola had moved in. Fuming Nicola kicks Jimmy and storms out. Can Jimmy salvage his relationship?


PI for the rest of the week follows:

Tuesday 5 May 7pm

Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) is angered when Val (Charlie Hardwick) states that continuing to support David (Matthew Wolfenden) could compromise her job at the factory. Leyla informs David that she thinks Pollard (Chris Chittell) is in cahoots with Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) to close the footpath once the elections are over. After accepting an offer from Edna (Shirley Stelfox) to move in temporarily David meets with her and Leyla to discuss strategy. David is grateful to have Leyla back in his corner even though she’s masking her true feelings. Later, David confronts his dad about Leyla’s theory, and Val (Charlie Hardwick) suggests they stage a debate in the village hall tomorrow so each candidate can present their case. Is David up to a political battle with his dad?

Meanwhile, Debbie (Charley Webb) receives notice that Andy is challenging her sole custody claim of Sarah. Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) offers any financial support Debbie requires but Cain (Jeff Hordley) is wary of her motives. He resolves to call his solicitor and assures her he can afford it. Can Cain and Debbie successfully defeat Andy?

Also, as the day of the auction grows closer the thoughts of Bob (Tony Audenshaw), Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) and Terry (Billy Hartman) turn to what the future holds. With Brenda seemingly intent on moving back to Hotten, Terry considers asking her to move in with him but worries that he’ll have to kick Bob and Jamie out. Terry moots the idea of Bob finding new residence but when Bob responds that he couldn’t survive without his mate’s generosity, Terry is stuck. Will Terry tell Bob the truth and get what he really wants?


Wednesday 6 May 7pm

David (Matthew Wolfenden) is indebted to Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) when she presents him with some preparatory notes ahead of the debate. Pollard (Chris Chittell) is unhappy that his battle with David has become personal but with Val (Charlie Hardwick) calling the shots there’s little he can do about it. As the debate begins Pollard gives a professional speech about his years of service to the council but David’s response about his own qualities fails to arouse excitement. Leyla helps David out by giving a passionate speech encouraging the villagers to support his honest values. David is buoyed by her vote of confidence and begins to turn a tide of voter hatred in Pollard’s direction. As the meeting disperses David pulls Leyla in for a lingering kiss, leaving Pollard and Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) wary of their growing partnership. Is David’s campaign building momentum?

Elsewhere, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) is angry with Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) when she deliberately attempts to put off potential buyers for the café and shop. Bob is gutted when Terry (Billy Hartman) says that things will have to change at Connelton. Finally addressing the issue with Brenda, Terry gets it all wrong when she assumes he’s kicking Bob and the twins out in order to move her in as an act of charity. Brenda is upset, but can she find a way to compromise with Terry and stay in the village?

At Mill cottage Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Nicola’s (Nicola Wheeler) relationship is back to its fiery normality. Carl (Tom Lister) and Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) are pleased that Jimmy is happy again but Lexi (Sally Oliver) secretly wishes for Nicola’s downfall. Jimmy makes another attempt to write a poem for Nicola but ends up offending her. At a loss Jimmy tells Nicola that he won’t be making an effort any more. He moves out of Mill cottage and Carl and Lexi are stunned to realise Nicola doesn’t intend on going anywhere. Can Lexi rid her home of the unwanted guest?


Thursday 7 May 7pm

Upset to see the shop up for sale and fearing it’s the end of an era and Bob (Tony Audenshaw), Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) is struck with an idea and she speeds off from the village leaving Gennie (Sian Reese-Williams) wondering what she’s up to. Back at the café Bob makes an attempt to put on a brave face before the auction but doesn’t fool anybody. As they sit down in the Village Hall Bob laments the impending loss of his livelihood. Bob questions why Brenda hasn’t shown up and is hurt that she might have somewhere more important to be. However, just as the lot comes up Brenda arrives and whispers to Bob that she’s found the money to cover his debts. Bob refuses to take her money as an act of charity but is more open to the idea of Brenda becoming a junior partner in the businesses. Bob brings the auction to a last minute halt and announces the businesses are no longer for sale. However Gennie forces the truth out of Brenda that the money is from a loan shark. Has Brenda replaced Bob’s problems with some of her own?

After her performance at yesterday’s debate, Val (Charlie Hardwick) tries to fire Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) but is overruled by Pollard (Chris Chittell). Val takes umbrage with his decision but Pollard explains that it would damage his campaign to act so rashly. He assures his wife that there’s another way to deal with Leyla. Pollard tells Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) that Leyla has a weak spot - money. Leyla is like a lamb to the slaughter when she agrees to meet Nathan to discuss job opportunities at Home Farm. Will Nathan succeed in causing a rift between David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Leyla?

Meanwhile, Jimmy (Nick Miles) is reluctant to face (Nicola Wheeler) when Carl (Tom Lister) asks him to resolve the lodging problem at Mill cottage. Realising that Jimmy has no intention of facing his responsibilities, Carl gives Lexi carte blanche to do his dirty work. Lexi approaches Nicola in the pub and bluntly states that she’s throwing her out because Jimmy’s dumped her. Lexi smugly starts to leave but does an about turn when she discovers Nicola is in tears. Not knowing what to do, Lexi has no choice but to take Nicola home. Are Carl and Lexi stuck with Nicola?


Friday 8 May 7pm

Lexi (Sally Oliver) realises that Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) was crying crocodile tears and resolves to get rid of her once and for all. She decides to speak to Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) who is concerned to hear about Nicola’s yo-yoing emotions. While speaking to Laurel, Nicola bursts into tears once more and reveals that she thinks she’s pregnant with Jimmy’s child. Laurel encourages her to take a pregnancy test and they get confirmation that Nicola is having a baby. Nicola is horrified and starts listing the reasons why she’d be a terrible mother and can’t face telling Jimmy. Laurel insists she must but, when Jimmy insults her in the Woolpack, Nicola determines to deal with the baby on her own. Can she keep her pregnancy a secret?

Also, confident that Laurel can deal with Nicola, Lexi confronts Carl (Tom Lister) and tells him she wants to try for a baby. Carl tries to pacify her by explaining the business is not stable enough to provide for a family, but Lexi is upset and leaves under the impression he’ll never want children. Carl later apologises and tells her he does want children, but prefers that they have some fun first. Will Lexi change her mind when she finds out about Nicola’s bun in the oven?

Elsewhere, buoyed by the saving of his businesses, Bob (Tony Audenshaw) turns his attention to other people’s problems, namely Brenda (Lesley Dunlop) and Terry (Billy Hartman). Terry confesses that Brenda is ignoring him because of his suggestion for her to move in instead of Bob. Deciding to speak with Brenda, Bob offers to move into the flat with Jamie and the twins and tells her to grasp her chance of happiness with Terry. Realising she has been a fool, Brenda apologises to Terry and asks if she can still move in with him. He accepts and tells her it can’t come soon enough.