View Full Version : Rouass wants 'Footballers' Wives: The Movie'

16-04-2009, 05:56
Former Footballers' Wives actress Laila Rouass has called for a spinoff movie to the now-axed ITV show.

The 33-year-old, who is currently appearing as Egyptologist Sarah Page in Primeval, played the mentally unstable Amber Gates for three series of the glitzy football drama between 2004 and 2006.

However, the axe fell on the show in May 2006 following a significant drop in ratings.

Speaking on The Paul O'Grady Show, Rouass said: "Primeval is very similar to Footballers' Wives - it's pure fantasy. My character in Primeval is a bookworm but she is very sexy."

She added: "I don't think Footballers' Wives will return, [but] I think there should be Footballers' Wives: The Movie."

Primeval continues on this Saturday at 6.55pm on ITV1.

16-04-2009, 10:33
A movie would be amazing as long as Tanya Turner appeared :D

16-04-2009, 12:34
i'd go and see it! I always wish they'd kept it going, but then again i dont think it could ever get anymore OTT than it already was.