View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 29th April

09-04-2009, 14:08
Returning to Sun Hill, a newly promoted and apprehensive Sergeant Diane Noble (Kaye Wragg) makes her way through the gates for her first shift. Throwing herself into the deep end, Diane and her troops head to an out of control party on the roof of a building site. The officers cut the music and as some of the teenage revellers run away from the scene, Diane notices Kieron Lawler (Sean Verey) on the edge of the roof.

Slowly making her way to Kieron, she soon realises that he has taken drugs and is behaving erratically. Diane nervously talks him into stepping away from the edge, but as Kieron takes her hand, his legs seize up and losing his balance, falls over the edge where he lies motionless on the ground below.

Later at the hospital, Diane talks to Kieron’s parents, Brendan (Kevin Doyle) and Michelle (Miranda Foster), who are horrified when Diane informs them their son had taken Ketamine before his fall.

As the investigation continues, Diane discovers that Kieron had contacted his sister Sarah (Laura Pyper), a drug addict, to ask her for ecstasy. The sergeant visits Sarah who swears she’s cleaned up her act and hasn’t taken drugs in six months. Sarah soon realises that Kieran must have been in contact with her ex-boyfriend and drug dealer, Ray Pelosi (Ben Cartwright). Desperate to help her brother and show her parents she has changed, Sarah tells Diane where they can find Ray.

A sting is arranged in a nightclub and PC Leon Taylor (Dominic Power) goes undercover. As soon as Ray takes Leon outside to sell him drugs from his car, Sun Hill officers swoop in and he is quickly arrested. Back at the station, an arrogant Ray tells the officers that neither the car nor the drugs belong to him and that they have nothing on him.

Although Diane knows he is lying, she is forced to let him go but later receives a terrified call from Sarah. Racing to her house, Diane and PC Mel Ryder (Rhea Bailey) are horrified when they find her lying silently on the floor, with a stab wound to her stomach.

09-04-2009, 14:24
When did Diane get promoted? Does this mean there will be three uniform sergeants again? I hope not, we hardly see the two we have at the moment.

16-04-2009, 01:02
Apparently this episode is now being shown on 30th April

16-04-2009, 12:07
There seems to be a bit of confusion.

I have now found this spoiler for WEDNESDAY 29th

Wed 29th April 8-9pm, ITV 1


Fresh from his stint as school liason officer, PC Nate Roberts (Ben Richards) is surprised when Insp Rachel Weston (Claire Goose) suggests that he is posted to Canley College in a similar role, after several incidents reported by young head Shelby Smith (Kelly Brook) over the past month. An initially hesitant Nate soon gladly accepts his latest posting, when Shelby is assaulted, and Nate comforts her at St Hughes. Is there a sparkle between these young professionals?

Meanwhile, PC Mel Ryder (Rhea Bailey) is running late for work, after her night of passion with PC Ben Gayle (Micha Balfour) and the relief, headed by PC Sally Armstrong (Ali Bastian) place bets as to who the unlucky man could be. CSE Eddie Olosonje (Jason Barnett) is seen sharing a doughnut with Mel, leading to rife speculation and frantic betting that the pair are an item. When the truth is eventually revealed later that shift, a jealous Sally finally admits her true feelings to Ben, which leads to an unexpected liason in the Crime Scene office.

As passion flies high amongst the uniformed officers, DI Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) and DC Jacob Banks (Patrick Robinson) are called to Canley College when Nate reports that class A drugs have been found in the staff rest room. As the CCTV footage is examined, Shelby makes a shocking confession to Nate. Could this new found young love be over before it has even started?

Back at the station, newly promoted DS Kezia Walker (Cat Simmons) catches her DI and Banksy in a compromising position upon their return from Canley College. Could all the time they are spending working together be leading to something?

At Canley College that evening, Nate is dazed and confused after Shelby's confession, and makes his way to the car park. He is approached by Shelby's boyfriend, Kelvin Kline (Dexter Fletcher) who points a loaded gun at the officers head, demanding to know what the constable has been up to with his woman . Is Nate's evening about to get a whole lot worse?

:searchme: :wall: :searchme:

Chloe O'brien
16-04-2009, 23:41
Is there anyone at Sun Hill not at it this week.:D

16-04-2009, 23:52
Is there anyone at Sun Hill not at it this week.:D
Just poor Eddie:crying:

22-04-2009, 15:05
how can Kezia be promoted to DS when she only got promoted from trainee a few weeks ago?:hmm:

Chloe O'brien
22-04-2009, 15:07
how can Kezia be promoted to DS when she only got promoted from trainee a few weeks ago?:hmm:

Because she went to the same fast tracking police college that PC Green went to she'll be Chief Inspector next month.