View Full Version : Tennant 'cried reading last Who script'

09-04-2009, 08:06
David Tennant has admitted shedding a tear when he read the scenes containing the demise of the tenth Doctor in his final script.

The actor told BBC Radio 1 that he is currently six weeks away from the end of filming on his final episodes of Doctor Who.

Tennant said: "I might have had a little cry. They were brilliant scripts and very moving. It was quite a big deal really.

"I sort of turned the phone off and made sure I could read it straight through without too much interruption."

He added: "Filming is now always out of schedule, so I don't know if I'll be sadder on the last day or filming the final scenes. That remains to be seen.

"It's weird because it's been four years. It's been so all-consuming and so life-changing. It's been such a big thing."

Tennant said upcoming Easter special Planet Of The Dead would be a "kind of a romp" and "the last time The Doctor gets to have fun" before the dark ending.

09-04-2009, 09:56
Aww - i wouldn't be suprised if he cried - i'll cry, - i'll ball infact!
I can't wait till the very last special - you know that its going to be an amazng episode with amazing writing - and a good send off to (IMO) one of the best Doctors.

09-04-2009, 20:18
Awww I agree Laybe I think he is one of the best doctors
Its goning to be very very hard to get used to the new one. It will feel like a different show

The last episode he does is going to be very sad. I know I will be crying

Chloe O'brien
09-04-2009, 20:46
Well if he cries what hope have the rest of us got. I can't wait to see it but I don't want to because I know there will be no more Mr Tennant.

09-04-2009, 21:55
No more Mr tennant .... on the verge of tears now :crying:

And :lol: Abbie - Laybe! Made me laugh :)

09-04-2009, 21:57
:lol: Im sorry Layne :o
sometimes if I type too quick I mis-spell :p

David Tennant is gonna be a very hard act to follow!

09-04-2009, 22:00
No no its fine - i quite like it really :lol:

I think Matt will bring a whole different aspect to the show - there is no way he can replace Tennant, but i dont think he will 'replace' him - he'll be a new doctor .... if that makes sense (:S) But yes hard act to follow!

Chloe O'brien
09-04-2009, 22:19
Maybe in a year from now we will be sayng David Who. We were all septical about Mr Tennant fillling Christopher Eccleson's boots. Couldn't be done we thought, how wrong we all were. Matt Smith has to be given a chance if he's mince then get rid of him. It just in televison there are certain roles that you can't imagine anyone else playing like David Jason when he was Delboy in only fools and horses no-one else could have played him and its the same with Dr Who I just can't imagine Dr Who without David.