View Full Version : ER: The Final ever episode *Warning contains spoilers*

03-04-2009, 16:37
Ive just watched the episode! So warning I will be ranting and this post WILL contain elements of whats in the episode so you you dont want to know DO NOT read below

I dont know if many of you know but Ive been downloading episodes and watching it so I was up to date with the US pace, well I only did it recently and caught up loads

I can believe its ended, its werid and so sad, you know that surreal feeling when Friends ended.
Also Its a 2 hour episode :D well thats with adverts, on its own its 1 hour and 24 mins long

Ok so firstly when it comes on they use the origanl screen shot of the title, you know with the green background and the orangey e.r, yep that one even that made me sad
The they actaul use opening titles!!! they havent done it in sooo long and they did it,its very cool cos its a mix of the opening titles through the years :) and obviosuly the names of the starring actors, so it inlcuded the past characters that made an entrance. this made me sad to

Obviously there are some character stories but not much, I thnk they kept to the basics of its a show set in the E.R so based it around them. The cases that come into the E.R are a right mix, a few very sad and die =( so you need tissues, and then a couple odd and strange, you know the typical odd E.R cases.

Ok so the faces that return are: Kerry Weaver, Susan Lewis, Peter Benton, John Carter, (Kem makes an apparence), Elizabeth Corday and also Dr. Greenes daughter Rachel is in it, now 22 and has a tour since she is going to be an E.R doctor.
they were all there to see the opening of the Carter centre and all have drinks and it was nice to see them all together =)

Oh and Neela appears again on the webcam

And its Sam birthday and Tony and Alex fixed up a car for her

I dont know what to say, its all surreal that its over
The ending was strange but good, I cant remember much of the early epiosde but at the end literelly everyone is outside waiting for an emergency, an explosion victims, and its all pretty quiet the camera moves around looking at all the different faces and then the ambulances arive and its all mad, the last scene include Carter saying he got the feeling od deja vu, im guessing some like this happened ages ago in the first few seasons, cos this moment stood out, have the hectic stuff he turns to rachel and says "Dr.Greene are you coming?" Im also guessing greene also said this to him, obviously used carters name, when he first started. It was a nice moment.
The camera then moves out so we get a wide shot of the ambulances and the whole hospital where we can see the name on the side. While this is happening the sound of theme music can be heard.
This signals the end until it goes to the black screen :(

SO sad I know!

It was a good episode even though it didnt focus on all the characters really just picked small moments, but I liked how it kept the feeling of a busy hospital carrying on.

:( Im going to cry some more now, I'll post anything else I can think of to write later, or if anyone asks me anything about it, I'll answer

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: Its over guys!!!

SBBB - Next Clue - The Bitch Is Back- What out soap land!

03-04-2009, 16:53
Ok cos my desription is a bit all over the place and well its just my initial reaction I went on the official website and here in the episode guide to it:
And in the End...
Monday, 4:00 a.m. In the driving rain, a lone figure emerges from the Jumbo Mart and heads for the ambulance bay. Gates joins Tracy, who's dodging rats the size of beavers while waiting on incoming. Nurse Wright wakes Morris to attend to Beverly, an old woman found wandering in the rain. Fireman Quincy carries Beverly into the ER, explaining that she must have fallen and broken her wrist, and has no ID.
Gates and Tracy get to work on 15-year-old Stacey, who was found passed out by the toilet at a slumber party and still hasn't woken up. When Stacey's blood alcohol test comes back at 420, Tracy muses that she must have drank a gallon of tequila. When Jerry informs her that the other girls from the slumber party want to see if their friend is okay, Gates snaps -- does Stacey look okay?
It's still pouring rain when Brenner comes in for his shift at 7:00 a.m. and the waiting room is packed. Gates and Tracy are still with Stacey, so Brenner grabs Julia and points Chaz in the direction of a projectile vomiter. Just starting his shift, Frank carps at Jerry for leaving unfinished paperwork, then fires on Morris for taking donuts without leaving cash in the donut jar. Trying to leave, Morris passes Chaz getting showered with vomit, then checks in on Beverly, now awake, though clearly suffering from dementia.
While checking Stacey's film, Gates runs Tracy through diagnosis. Stacey may have aspirated while unconscious, her brain may have been oxygen deprived, and she may still be altered when she wakes up. Now all they can do is wait. Gates sends Tracy home and tells Chuny that Stacey's friends can come in -- they should see the consequences of their actions. Gates surprises Sam, calling to wish her happy birthday, but she has to rush off to get Alex to school
Slumber party hosts Dick and Heather White usher in Stacey's friends. Gates explains to the girls that Stacey is in a coma and may have brain damage; they won't know for sure until she wakes up. Sammi admits that the girls were drinking vodka and Kool-Aid, playing "I Never." When Gates asks where the girls got the vodka, Dick and Heather step forward. They all know kids drink; they just wanted them to do it someplace safe. On the way out, Sammi leaves Stacey with her favorite stuffed animal. Gates tells nurse Suri to call the police.
Brenner tells Chaz to exchange his puke-filled clothes for scrubs. His next exciting task will be to head today's ER tour for overly ambitious prospective med students. Just as Morris is about to leave, Beverly's overly talkative daughter arrives to lambast her mother for leaving the yard. Unable to get a word in edgewise, Morris signs Beverly's release papers and threatens to punch Ryan in the face if he tries to prevent him from leaving.
Gates proceeds to the waiting room for a confrontation with Dick, Heather and a cop. Dick is irate that Gates is trying to have him arrested and lunges for him. Forced to take Dick down, the cop tells Gates to shut the hell up to keep the situation from imploding. At 10:00 A.M. it's still raining hard as Brenner and Julia receive Dickie, a construction worker who fell off a scaffold and impaled himself on some rebar. Having been out of town at a wedding, Stacey's parents finally show up.
The Carter Center is finally complete. Carter tours old friends Susan Lewis and Kerry Weaver through the facility. It's beautiful. Weaver can't believe Carter pulled it off. Carter admits he'll be fundraising for the rest of his life, since he's spent most of his grandparents' legacy. At least he has enough money to open the door. Back at the ER, Julia examines Mr. Gandhi, who's complaining of breathlessness. When Julia gives Haleh instructions for initial tests, Gandhi tells her to wear gloves -- he has AIDS.
Brenner runs Julia through options for Gandhi. His X-ray shows bilateral effusions outside of his lungs making it hard for him to breathe, so they'll drain the fluid. The fluid looks a little bloody, so Brenner sends it out for tests. Sitting with Stacey, Gates catches up on charts. Suri sends him home, promising to call if anything changes. On the way out, Gates passes by another of Stacey's friends, Sloan, who's been crying in the waiting room. Sloan admits that Stacey was texting her about throwing up last night, but she thought it was funny. She should have called someone.
Chaz leads nine eager prospective med students through the ER, pointing out the highs and lows of the job. As one blonde girl lags behind, Chaz makes the mistake of guiding the tour into a trauma room where Brenner is performing CPR. Unable to find Brenner, Julia reluctantly decides to give Gandhi the news about his tests on her own. Gandhi admits that he's been fighting AIDS since '87; he can take whatever Julia throws at him. Still, he's surprised when Julia informs him that he has cancer.
Carter stops by the ER to say hello, informing everyone that Weaver and Lewis are in town for the opening of the Carter Center tonight. An ambulance brings in Lisa, pregnant with twins. On the way to the hospital after her water broke, her car was T-boned by a bus. Carter stashes his bag and pitches in to help. Since this is her fourth pregnancy, Lisa is screaming to get unstrapped from the backboard -- she needs to push, and one of the twins is already crowning!
Under Brenner's watchful eye, Julia delivers the first girl, and Lisa is thrilled. Haleh pages OB, but Coburn is amidst an emergency C-section, promising to send a resident. Lisa's nervous husband Chris arrives to hold his newborn. Lisa reminds him to pick up their three other kids at pre-school in an hour, even though he wants to send his mother Tory. Suddenly, Lisa starts screaming, giving birth to her second twin.
Baby number two comes out silently, and everyone gets to work sucking out her meconium. Suddenly, blood starts gushing from between Lisa's legs and a large mass flops out -- it's uterine inversion. Carter instructs Julia to push it back inside, but she can't, and Lisa passes out.
It's 4:00 p.m. when Gates finally gets to bed, but it's way too noisy for sleep. Back at the ER, Julia finally manages to push Lisa's uterus back inside her just as OB resident Zwerling finally arrives. Carter instructs Julia to keep hold of Lisa's uterus as she's wheeled out to the OR. If the bleeding doesn't stop, Lisa will need a hysterectomy. Before he knows it, a shattered Chris is left alone in the trauma room, awash in his wife's blood. Carter points to the phone -- Chris might want to have his mother pick up the kids
Unable to sleep, Gates picks up Sarah at school, asking if she's ever played "I Never." How many drinks does Sarah think it would take to kill her? Surprisingly, the number is six. Gates programs a coded number into Sarah's phone. Next time she's at a party and someone has had too much to drink, she can call that number, and Gates will come right away, no questions asked. Meanwhile, Chris' mom Tory arrives at the hospital with her three grandchildren in tow. Does anyone know where Lisa is?
Carter is amazed to learn that the blonde prospective med student is none other than Mark Greene's daughter Rachel, now 22. She did her undergraduate work at Duke, since Corday gets a break on tuition. Carter invites both Rachel and Corday to attend the opening of the Carter Center that night, just as Banfield calls Rachel in for her interview.
At the Admit desk, Julia hangs up the phone to inform Brenner that Gandhi has primary effusion lymphoma, with a median survival rate of two months. Brenner thinks Gandhi may be relieved to know how and when his death will happen after all his years living with HIV. Meanwhile, at a garage, Gates guides Alex as he puts the final touches on a project for Sam.
Julia apologizes to Gandhi for taking so long with his tests, but he's happily visiting with his old friend Gerry. Everything looks clear except for the cancer, which means Gandhi could tolerate chemo. Claiming he's already lived 20 years past his time, Gandhi turns down chemo. He has no regrets, and hopes that the experience of death will be like skydiving -- floating free. The only thing is, he doesn't want it to hurt. Julia promises that she can help with that.

03-04-2009, 16:58
It's 7:00 p.m., and another shift change is under way, as Brenner runs the board for Banfield, Morris, Gates and Tracy. Stacey's parents want her transferred to Mercy Hospital, and she's still waiting on a transport team. Dressed for his opening, Carter stops by to ask about Rachel's interview, telling Banfield that she's Mark Greene's daughter. Skeptical that Carter knows nothing of Rachel's academic record, Banfield admits that Rachel made the first cut.
Carter joins Brenner in a video conference with Neela. When Dawn informs that pedes has finally shown up to extubate the meconium twin, both doctors sign off to watch the procedure. Chris is thrilled when his second baby girl of the day breathes on her own. In the ambulance bay, Morris and Tracy meet the Mannings, an elderly couple. Marjorie has MS and is suffering respiratory distress and fever due to infection. Paul tells Morris that Gates took care of them before.
At the Carter Center, Carter gives a speech to celebrate the opening of his state-of-the-art outpatient service facility. Just as he is explaining why the facility is named after his son Joshua, Kem arrives. In the aftermath of Joshua's death, Carter and Kem realized that their small tragedy might become bearable by making a difference in the lives of other people. Lewis, Weaver, Benton and Reese are on hand to congratulate Carter, who barely has a moment to say hello to a sad-looking Kem before he's whisked away.
Gates explains Marjorie's problem to Paul. She has low blood pressure due to her sepsis, and giving her IV fluids will only cause more damage to her lungs. They discussed this possibility when Paul insisted on taking Marjorie home without treating her infection. Still, Paul isn't ready to lose Marjorie. Even though Marjorie has a DNR, Paul has her power of attorney -- doesn't that give him the right to choose? Gates explains that even with aggressive treatment, Marjorie will only live for another week or two, hooked up to machines. Now's the time to make her comfortable.
Julia checks with the OR nurse to learn Lisa's status. Did she need to have a hysterectomy? OR nurse Levey informs that Lisa went into DIC and died on the table. Back in the ER, the staff surprises Sam with a birthday cake, and Alex arrives to give his mom her present. Gates follows Sam and Alex out of the building to the curb, where Alex hands Sam the keys to a cherry red Mustang that he's fixed up for her with Gates' help. Stunned, Sam can hardly believe her eyes.
Brenner finds Julia in the break room, curled up in a ball. Julia's not sure that she can continue in emergency medicine. What is she supposed to do when she can't help people? Brenner advises her to go home, get some sleep and come back tomorrow to try to help the next patient. At 10:00 p.m., Morris, Laverne and Chuny meet an ambulance containing Linda, who got hit on the head with a beer bottle during a drunken brawl at a wedding. The next ambulance contains Tiffany, the bride and Linda's new daughter-in-law. When Tiffany claims that Linda broke her arm, the fight breaks out anew.
The reception at the Carter Center wraps up, and Weaver tries to convince everyone to go out for a nightcap. Although Benton claims that he has to get Reese home, he promises to try to make it when he learns that Corday may show up. Carter invites Kem to join in, but she's tired after her long flight, and plans to leave tomorrow night. She relents to join Carter for lunch the next day, and leaves. It's clear that she's still grieving the loss of Joshua, preventing her from being with Carter.
Tracy calls Gates to help with randy patient Preston. Preston has fractured his penis, which will require surgery, taking him out of action at his nursing home for the next six weeks. Sam pulls Gates out of the examining room to check on the Mannings. Sam doesn't feel like she can keep the car, since it's obvious that Gates bankrolled the whole thing. Gates explains that Alex worked his butt off and learned how to rebuild a car from the ground up; if Sam doesn't take it, she'll break his heart. When Chuny informs that another patient is arriving, Gates sends Sam to walk Paul through what's happening to Marjorie.
Paul is disturbed that Marjorie's breathing is irregular, but Sam explains that it's part of the dying process. Paul met Marjorie in the sixth grade when her family moved to town from Nebraska, having lost their farm. Paul fell in love at first sight, and has never looked at another woman in 72 years. Meanwhile, Corday and Rachel arrive at the bar for a reunion with Weaver, Benton and Lewis. Carter smiles contentedly, delighted to be amidst all his old friends.
Morris sews up Linda's head as she argues with Tiffany, who's having a cast put on her arm in the next room. Linda thinks that Tiffany trapped her son Donnie into marriage by getting pregnant, but Tiffany claims it was a near-rape experience. When beleaguered Donnie finally shows up, both women insist that he attend to them. Sam explains Marjorie's situation to her daughter Sue, who has driven all the way from Milwaukee. Sue could never understand her father's devotion to her mother, who was a hard and difficult woman. The last time they talked, they argued, though Sue can't remember about what. And now, it simply doesn't matter. Schooled, Sam returns to the Admit desk, and calls her own mother
As the reunion at the bar breaks up, Carter invites Rachel back to the ER and Lewis decides to tag along. Benton walks Corday back to her car, with comforting words -- Rachel is an adult now, and can take care of herself. They joke about Corday's rental car -- a Hummer -- and Corday admits that she's too busy with Ella and her career to do any dating. After a big hug, Corday revs up the Hummer, and Benton walks off, as another ambulance bound for County passes him by.
It's hugs all around for Lewis and Rachel at the ER. Tracy is busy picking maggots off a homeless guy's feet, and Morris has his hands full with a psychotic patient. Carter advises Rachel that Haldol is truly a miracle drug, as the psychotic guy passes out. They proceed to trauma one, where Laverne treats Mr. Meyer, who polished off a few too many bottles of fine burgundy at Spiaggia, fell off a curb and broke his ankle. Carter takes over administering the IV so he can teach Rachel how to do it.
Passing Carter, Banfield asks Jerry why Carter is performing medical procedures on their patients. Mystified, Jerry answers with a question: because he's a doctor? Sam grabs Gates to inform that Marjorie Manning has died. Gates turns off Marjorie's heart monitor, telling Paul that he can stay with her as long as he likes. When Jerry unloads several pizzas, Morris runs up and digs in. Banfield warns that if Morris keeps eating like this, he might as well schedule his angioplasty for three years from now.
Banfield is surprised to find Lewis at the Admit desk, catching up with Chuny, as Tracy wanders through, carrying a piece of caulk dangling from a clamp. Her patient has erectile dysfunction. Unable to afford Viagra, he resorted to squeezing bathroom caulk into his urethra. Banfield scolds Tracy to put the caulk into a biohazard bag. Dawn tells Morris that police have brought in Beverly, who once again was found wandering the streets in her nightgown.
Sam and Gates watch through the glass as Paul climbs into bed with Marjorie to stroke her face. Sam thanks Gates for everything he does with Alex, and takes his hand. At 4:00 A.M. Gates finds Carter shooting baskets. Carter explains that he's afraid if he closes his eyes, he'll miss his important lunch date. Gates asks Carter if he's coming back to work at County. He hangs around so much that he might as well take some shifts and get paid. Chuny calls Gates away from the game
The transport team from Mercy Hospital has finally arrived to pick up Stacey, but she started thrashing and groaning. Parents Amy and Mark look concerned as Gates rubs Stacey's sternum and calls her name. Her eyes are open, but she's not responding or focusing. Gates orders another CT to check for swelling, explaining that it's still too early to tell if Stacey will have lasting brain damage. Chuny wheels Stacey out to CT and her parents follow, leaving Gates to discover Stacey's stuffed animal, which has been left behind.
A group of the female staff members hang around the Admit desk, regaling a rapt Rachel with their tales of the ER. Tracy tells a story of being locked in a prison exam room with a creepy convict after doing a rectal exam. Laverne explains how she learned the hard way never to call a nurse "Nurse" instead of her name. Sam isn't sure why this is, except that nurses know more than most doctors. Clearly, Rachel isn't scared by the stories, and is eager to create some of her own.
Julia comes in early to catch up on charts and check on the meconium twin. Sam looks up from the computer, concerned, demanding to know Banfield's whereabouts. There's been an explosion at a power substation, and at least eight blast victims are three minutes out. Morris starts shouting orders, and Tracy tells Rachel that this is the fun part of working in the ER.
Everyone runs into the ambulance bay to wait for incoming, including Rachel. Chuny brings a gown and gloves to Carter, who's still playing basketball, and he joins the team. Banfield assigns Morris to triage as the ambulances start rolling in and unloading. Carter is caught up in a feeling of déjà vu, but Morris breaks him out of his reverie to ask if he's working, and assigns him a man with burns over 90 percent of his body. Carter summons a wide-eyed Rachel to help him, as the triage continues.

Chloe O'brien
03-04-2009, 22:28
Abbie if you want a bubble watch season 8 were you will see Dr Greene loose his fight with a brain tumour. The basketball goes way back to when Dr Carter was a new interm and Dr Greene was his attending, then when Dr Pratt first joined the ER as an Interm the season Dr Greene died Dr Carter was his attending. It symbolised the student becoming the teacher so with Dr Carter throwing the basketball to Rachel means that one day she will be a teacher instead of the student.

03-04-2009, 22:55
Oh thanks I couldnt remember what that meant

Ive already seen season 8 when greene dies, Ive seen that episode so many times :crying:

09-04-2009, 10:23
Does anyone know when the last episode will be shown over here on More 4?

09-04-2009, 20:20
I dont know but theres sill another 8 episodes to go I think on More 4
so maybe in about 2 months?