View Full Version : Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 20th - 24th April

Jessie Wallace
01-04-2009, 15:08
Monday 20th April

Are Callum's nightmares about to become a reality? Donna fights her mother with love. Zeke and Sunny are forced together during auditions.

Tuesday 21st April

Toadie and Callum are held hostage by Guy - is history about to repeat itself? Bridget asks Declan to move back in. Zeke and Sunny receive surprising news.

Wednesday 22nd April

Elle is forced to make an impossible choice. Toadie buries the trauma of his hostage ordeal - but more bad news is to come. Zeke's DJing secret comes under threat.

Thursday 23rd April

Ramsay Street bids farewell to an old friend. Elle must choose between her father and her boyfriend.

Friday 24th April

Cass tries to push her daughter away, but Donna is determined to stand by her mum. Libby convinces Ty that he must put his heart on the line. Zeke and Sunny continue to fight a growing attraction.

02-04-2009, 13:42
Who leaves or dies?

Jessie Wallace
04-04-2009, 15:22
Bob the dog! lol

Jessie Wallace
04-04-2009, 15:24
Monday 20th April

Callum has nightmarish visions of Guy returning. Toadie uses Harold’s Ramsay Street history book to help explain that while bad events might befall good people, often there is a positive outcome. Callum’s reassured, but his fears are re-ignited when Guy appears again - inside the house!

Tuesday 21st April

Guy reveals that he knows Callum is the one who handed in his money so he’s holding Toadie responsible for his reimbursement. He’s not going anywhere until he gets it. When suspicious Zeke is alerted to the strange goings on at Number Thirty, he informs the police and as the net closes in, Guy gets increasingly desperate…

Wednesday 22nd April

Threatened by Lucas and Elle’s relationship, Paul continues to antagonise Lucas at home and work. Lucas brings this up with Elle and is annoyed that she stands up for her father. When Paul tries to white-ant their relationship again by bringing up Lucas’s insecurities about commitment, Lucas decides the three of them can no longer live under the same roof and wants Elle to make a choice. Elle must choose between two men who both represent uncertain futures.

Thursday 23rd April

Steph and Libby find Toadie at the park where he’s taken Bob. Toadie admits that he can’t stand the idea of losing Bob because it makes him think about how Callum would be left alone if something were to happen to him. Susan urges Toadie to live for the present rather than the future and the community comes together to support Toadie and farewell Bob in a touching ceremony.

Friday 24th April

When Libby finds out Ty’s fallen out of contact with Rachel, she discovers he’s convinced that Rachel’s moved on with a new man. Libby shows him it’s just a misunderstanding, but Ty’s still uncertain where he and Rachel stand. Libby thinks there’s only one way to find out, and that’s to tell Rachel how he feels.