View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 6 - 10 April 09

24-03-2009, 13:11
Monday, 6 April 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

Ashley (John Middleton) continues to be aggrieved by Sandy’s (Freddie Jones) campaign, especially when he snaps at Gabby (Annelise Manojlovic). When Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) heads out to work she leaves Sandy to look after Gabby as she’s poorly. However, Sandy takes her to the café and whilst he takes his eye off her to canvass for support, Gabby wrecks the café’s computer. Ashley rails at his father’s incompetence and it leads to a three-way argument between the two of them and Laurel. That evening Laurel and Ashley ask Sandy to leave when they hear Gabby broke the computer so she would be sent to prison to ask them to free Jasmine for him. Sandy decides to disappear leaving Ashley to contemplate the possibility that he’s sentenced his father to a night in the cold. Will Sandy be alright?

Meanwhile, when Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) questions Marlon (Mark Charnock) about his relationship with Maisie (Alice Coulthard), neither notice Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) watching jealously. Maisie is pleased when Andy is jealous about her relationship with Marlon. She calls off her arrangement with Marlon and tells Andy to relax and enjoy the fun while they can. Can Maisie and Andy continue their tryst in secret?

Elsewhere, Aaron (Danny Miller) is uncharacteristically cheerful ahead of the move into Paddy’s (Dominic Brunt) place. Chas (Lucy Pargeter) is amused by the effort Paddy has made to ensure they’re comfortable and smiles as Paddy shows Aaron to his room. Later, Marlon (Mark Charnock) comes to visit and is pleased to see how happy Paddy is. After a full day moving stuff from the Dingles to the vets Chas and Paddy relax, each at ease with their new situation. Will Chas and Paddy enjoy playing happy families?

Tuesday 7 April 7pm

Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) vows to unearth Maisie’s (Alice Coulthard) true suitor by any means necessary. Over at Butlers, Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) is pleased when Maisie offers to help look after Sarah (Sophia Amber Moore). However, she soon bores of the childcare and tempts Andy into the bedroom. Debbie (Charley Webb) is livid to find Sarah alone and asks why Andy didn’t allow her access if he was busy. Andy is vehement in his response and orders Debbie to leave. Their row causes ructions between Andy and Maisie and he tells her to go as well. A furious Maisie confronts Debbie in the Woolpack and their argument is overheard by a shell-shocked Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne). Andy enters at the opportune moment and squares up to Nathan. Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) begs him to control his temper and after a steely glare is exchanged, the potential fight evaporates. Maisie refuses to end things with Andy warning her family the more they push the worse it will be. Will Natasha accept the stalemate or is it time for action?

Elsewhere, Ashley (John Middleton) feels guilty when there’s no word from Sandy (Freddie Jones). Debbie finds him lurking in Jarvis’ shed but gets short shrift when she tries to help him. Unwilling to abandon him, Debbie tells Sandy that Jasmine wanted her to look out for him. They have a heart to heart and she helps him accept Jasmine’s fate. Sandy realises he has to start putting things right within his family. Back at Mulberry, Ashley and Sandy make amends and the bridge-building is successful. Can the Thomases learn to live without Jasmine?

At Home Farm, Katie (Sammy Winward) isn’t impressed when she witnesses another side to Lee (Lewis Linford), shouting at Sam (James Hooton). After fending off another lunch invitation from Nathan, she agrees to a drink instead. Lee comes in to apologise and is put out to see Katie with another admirer. Will Katie choose between Lee and Nathan?

Wednesday 8 April 7pm

Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) tries to get a handle on Maisie’s (Alice Coulthard) involvement with Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and asks for her not to disrupt his rehabilitation. During her shift at the Woolpack, Maisie gets more grief from Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne). He tells her to end things with Andy but she refuses. Nathan decides to change tact and threatens that if Andy doesn’t break Maisie’s heart he’ll make his life miserable. However, Andy fronts up to Nathan’s verbal attack and the latter makes a retreat. Maisie arranges a meeting with Andy in the Woolpack and snogs him in full view of the regulars and her family. Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) is disgusted and storms out. Nathan furiously confronts Andy at the back of the pub and throws a punch at him. Andy ducks and Nathan hits the wall, screaming in pain. Will Andy regret crossing the Wyldes?

Meanwhile, Sam (James Hooton) is gutted to suspect that his dad has trapped a deer on the Home Farm estate. Nathan blames Lee (Lewis Linford) for the fruitless search for the culprit and warns him to buck his ideas up. After his shift Sam returns home and his heart sinks when Lisa (Jane Cox) serves up venison for dinner. Zak explodes when Sam queries where it came from and Lisa reveals they’ve got a deal with a local butcher. Sam is ashamed and Zak tells Sam not to accuse him again without proof.

Elsewhere, David (Matthew Wolfenden) is confused when Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) avoids his attempts to arrange a date with her, though she clearly likes him. That evening David catches Leyla working at the factory late and she admits to him that she needs cash to pay for her mum’s nursing home fees. David asks her to share her problems in future and Leyla is touched by his attitude. Will David and Leyla’s romance be rekindled?

Thursday 9 April 7pm

Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) is angered to hear that Katie (Sammy Winward) and Lee (Lewis Linford) are going on a date. Purposefully trying to make Lee late, Nathan tells him he’s heard poachers are on the grounds. Lee takes Sam (James Hooton) to investigate and they split up to cover the area more quickly. Sam discovers Zak (Steve Halliwell) and Shadrach (Andy Devine) with some rabbits, and mistakenly thinks they are the poachers, unaware that Nathan has allowed them to hunt. The Dingles scarper when Lee approaches and he mistakenly accuses Sam of being the culprit. On his way to tell the Wyldes what he’s found out Lee falls into a hunting trap and badly injures his leg. Unaware of Lee’s predicament Katie grows annoyed with his no-show and agrees to let Nathan buy her a drink. Back at Home Farm Lee drags himself out of the trap and hears voices ahead of him. Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) and Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) hear noises and suspecting the poacher is Faye, Mark nearly shoots Lee by accident. Lee is rushed to hospital, but later told he’ll be ok. Mick (Tony Haygarth) watches on riddled with guilt as he is in fact the secret poacher.

At Home Farm, Nathan tells Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) that he’ll deal with Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and suggests extending their gravel pit into Butlers Farm. Andy is fuming when Nathan shows up with a surveyor, but knows he’s powerless to stop him. After telling Diane (Elizabeth Estensen), she corners Maisie and asks about her feelings for Andy, worried that he’s being played on both fronts by the Wyldes. Hearing that her family have been blackmailing Andy, Maisie warns them if they continue to hassle them she will move in with him.

Meanwhile, Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) is grateful to receive a loan from David (Matthew Wolfenden) to help with her mum’s nursing home costs. Val (Charlie Hardwick) witnesses the exchange and marches straight to Pollard (Chris Chittell) to inform him of his son’s frivolity. The two of them confront David and try to convince him that Leyla is just making up stories to get her hands on his money. David rejects the idea outright but doubts begin to creep in when he can’t reach Leyla by telephone. Later, David meets Leyla and struggles to mask his doubts when she tells him that the money he lent her has almost all gone.

Friday 10 April 7pm

Sam (James Hooton) quits his job at Home Farm and tells Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) and Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) that Zak is behind the poaching. News spreads around the village and soon Katie (Sammy Winward) and Lee (Lewis Linford) hear about the real culprit. Mick (Tony Haygarth) guiltily checks to see how his grandson is and is made to feel even worse by Zak’s implication in his own crimes. Nathan visits the butchers that Zak claims to have bought the venison from and is given a description of their supplier that doesn’t match Zak. Lee is unaware of Mick’s guilt when Nathan tells them that he will get to the bottom of who is thieving from the estate. Has Mick’s dodgy scheme been rumbled by Nathan?

Meanwhile, Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) studies the CCTV footage from the previous day and sees Faye entering Home Farm. Calling her mobile, he leaves a threatening message warning her to stay away or she’ll regret it. Will Faye heed Mark’s words?

Elsewhere, Lee is brought home from hospital and Katie is pleased to see him on the mend. Nathan confronts Katie and accuses her of using him while Lee was incapacitated. Katie is stunned when Nathan insinuates that she wants much more from him and is slapped by Katie. Will Nathan continue to manipulate Katie and Lee?

29-03-2009, 08:56
ANGRY Nathan Wylde ambushes sister Masie's hated boyfriend Andy and takes a wild swing at him. But he misses-and wallops the wall.

Poor Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) suffers yet more pain as he then has to watch his sis demand that Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) kiss her-right in front of the whole Woolpack crowd.

But as Andy walks away laughing, Nathan rubs his sore hand and seethes: "This isn't over." Watch the action packed episode on April 8.


29-03-2009, 09:51
Two of the most hateful characters on Emmerdale fighting. Lets hope they kill each other.

29-03-2009, 20:59
I dont like Maisie or Nathan Wylde at all

29-03-2009, 22:42
Maisie is sort of growing on me, if she wasn't such a spoilt little cow, I might take to her more. Can't stand Nathan, I will be laughing when he punches the wall.

29-03-2009, 23:42
Is there more to Nathan and Maisie's relationship than brother - sister love :hmm: He is very controling of her

30-03-2009, 10:02
Is there more to Nathan and Maisie's relationship than brother - sister love :hmm: He is very controling of her

Surely to god, Emmerdale cant do another incest relationship, they've already got sort of one going with Daz and Vic, even though they aint brother and sister. :hmm:

I think he just likes being in control, like a father figure to her, trying to make himself look better in front of his parents, so he gets all the attention.

30-03-2009, 16:52

His maw and Paw have made millions-(?) in business deals throughout there life, but can't see what there son is up to with all the double dealing and lies.