View Full Version : Corrie's new vicar sparks unholy row

09-03-2009, 05:51
CORRIE churchgoers end up hot under the collar after a trendy new vicar rolls into town — and starts blessing ANIMALS.

Touchy-feely Rev Peach (Nick Caldecott) is taking over from Rev Sedgley — and he’s got lots of modern ideas.

He soon ruffles feathers by blessing pets — including chickens, ponies and rabbits — on Easter Sunday.

And battleaxe Blanche Hunt (Maggie Jones) goes berserk after stepping in dog muck at the church.

She blasts: “Just look at me new Scholls. It’s more like Rolf Harris’s Animal Hospital in here. You’ll do anything to get people through them doors with your daft new-fangled ideas. Call yourself a vicar... you’re a disgrace.”

But Sophie Webster (Brooke Vincent) likes the vicar and decides to get baptised. She tells mum Sally he’s “brought Jesus into my life”.

Bosses are plotting some big storylines for the cleric — who likes to be called Reverend Rick.

An insider said: “We’ve decided to go back to basics and to the days when the local vicar was very much a part of daily life.

“But viewers may find there’s a darker side to Rev Rick.”

His first scenes air on April 12.

09-03-2009, 16:35
“But viewers may find there’s a darker side to Rev Rick.”

it was going so well until that line...ffs, why can't he just be a normal, if a bit daft, person.

12-03-2009, 12:19
Sophie Webster has a new friend in Jesus, as we've seen. She's always popping down to the church youth club with her boyfriend Ben, and even Ryan Connor has been spending time there. It was only a matter of time before the vicar would put in an appearance.

The Sun says that Rev. Rick Peach is going to upset the more staid members of Coronation Street by being one of these trendy vicars who blesses family pets and wears denim. Big storylines are planned for the vicar, who will be played by Nick Caldecott - but beware, good people of Weatherfield: "viewers may find there's a darker side to Rev Rick," says the Sun's Corrie mole. There always is.