View Full Version : Corrier Spoilers 16-20 March

03-03-2009, 19:25
Monday, March 16 19:30

Becky is nursing the mother of all hangovers and can remember very little from the previous day – not least the wedding ceremony. Steve is in a quandary – he knows he has to tell her what really happened but can’t bring himself to do it. Torn about what to do he heads out leaving Becky at the pub, but once he is gone she starts searching desperately for her wedding ring, realizing it is not on her finger. Meanwhile in the bar news of what happened at the wedding is spreading and when it reaches Michelle’s ears she wastes no time in filling a stunned Becky in on the gory details.

Following their meeting with Luke, Tomand Maria now meet with Tony to discuss Ladrags. Tom is surprised that Maria has got Tony involved but she insists she wants someone to cast an objective eye over the business and that she has changed her opinion of Tony. Tony tells Maria some home truths about the business and about Tom.

Gail is thrilled when she arrives home to see Joe’s car outside number eight. She dashes inside believing that he has decided to come back but is devastated when she finds him packing his belongings.

Elsewhere Norris reluctantly sets off for the Lake District in the Motor home with Mary.

Monday. March 16 20:30

A gutted Becky demands some answers from Steve who is forced to come clean about what happened at the wedding. Michelle takes great delight in their discomfort and Becky can’t believe that Steve wanted to start their life together by hiding something from her. Devastated she flees to Roy’s Rolls where she tells Roy and Hayley what Steve has done. Will Steve be able to persuade her to give him another chance?

Luke is furious at Tony’s interference with Ladrags and offers Tom and Maria £25,000 each for their share. Tony insists that is not enough and Maria agrees. But it is Tony’s turn to be aggrieved when he discovers that Luke has struck up a deal with Kevin – he’ll allow him to use their forecourt to park vehicles in exchange for free services. Will the two business partners ever see eye to eye?

Gail manages to talk Joe round and convinces him to stay in Sarah’s old room whilst he sorts himself out. Joe is grateful but David is far from happy when he discovers what she has done and demands she choose between him and Joe.

Elsewhere Norris and Mary arrive back early from their trip but Rita is less than impressed that he has cut the holiday short and Sophie is embarrassed when her mum and dad arrive at the Christian Centre.

Wednesday, March 18

Steve is desperate to try and make Becky see sense and asks her to join him for a Chinese so they can talk things through. Steve is worried though when Liz and Lloyd arrive at the same restaurant and his worst fears are realized when his pleas with Becky to go with him on their honeymoon to the Maldives fall on deaf ears as she and Liz start trading insults across the tables. As Lloyd joins in, Steve can’t resist and as a full blown row breaks out Becky does a runner. Steve is thrilled however when she turns up at the Rovers later to see him – will she agree to go on honeymoon?

Gail is enjoying having Joe back around the house but David does not share her joy, especially as he and Tina are no longer an item. Gail is stunned when he storms downstairs with his bags telling Gail he is leaving to stay with his dad in Liverpool and Gail realizes there is nothing she can do to stop him.

Tony calls in the salon for a haircut and to discuss Ladrags with Maria. Natasha enjoys flirting with him as she does his hair but he is quick to point out that he is still a married man. Meanwhile Luke has a go at Tony for doing other business in Underworld time.

At the Christian Centre Ryan Connor’s band is a big hit and Sian is totally smitten. Sophieis sick of her going on about him so Sian takes things into her own hands and tells Ryan that she thinks the band are brilliant and they snog.

Elsewhere Umed remains cynical about Tara and Jason’s relationship.

Friday, March 20 19:30

Luke and Tony are continuing to rub each other up the wrong way and Tony is determined to stop Luke’s attempts to buy out Tom and Maria. Tony is not best pleased when a customer complains about the quality of stitching on an order and wastes no time in blaming Luke for the shoddy workmanship. But he is left floundering when a smug Luke announces to the factory staff and Tony that he has bought out Carla’s share of the business and is their new boss.

Liz is furious when she overhears Lloyd chatting to Poppy and discovers that he is heading off to Ibiza with a gang of mates and hadn’t bothered to tell her about it. Lloyd tells Eileen about the row and she tells him she isn’t surprised by Liz’s reaction but refuses to get drawn into the argument.

Peter is amused at how many walks Ken is taking Eccles on these days – unaware that Eccles is merely a smokescreen for his dad’s clandestine visits to Martha. Ted meanwhile asks Ken if he has come clean to Martha yet about the fact that he is married.

A desperate Joe has a word with Len about his money problems and Len offers to put him in touch with a man who could help him out.

Elsewhere Amber is thrilled to be offered a place at Kings College London and Dev plans Tara’s opening night party.

Friday, March 20 20:30

Tony is in a state of shock following Luke’s announcement and heads straight to see Carla’s solicitor to find out what is going on. The lawyer confirms that Carla has indeed sold her share and wants to cut all ties with her ‘ex-husband’. Tony is devastated and, feeling utterly rejected he packs all Carla’s things into bin bags and tells Rosie to get rid of them. Meanwhile Natasha tries to win Tony round by telling him that Carla is not worth crying over.

Liz is struggling with her jealousy over Lloyd’s planned trip to Ibiza and seeing him laughing and joking with Poppy at the bar is not helping things at all. It is with heavy heart that Liz waves him off on his holiday.

Tara’s opening party at the gallery goes well but Dev is concerned when Tara tells him that she bought three pieces of art on his credit card. Umed continues to be unimpressed with the way Tara appears to be using Dev as a sugar daddy to fund a pipe dream.

Ken enjoys another afternoon with Martha but is almost caught out by Chesney who is walking along the tow path and another opportunity to come clean about Deirdre comes and goes.

Elsewhere Audrey chastises Gail for taking Joe back and Joe is embarrassed.

03-03-2009, 21:32
So Becky and Steve do get married :cheer:

03-03-2009, 21:49
So Becky and Steve do get married :cheer:
It doesn't sound like that from the spoilers above

14-03-2009, 06:39
BOOZY Becky can't recall a thing about her wedding when she wakes up the next morning * and panics when she thinks she's lost her ring.
But what she doesn't remember is that she and Steve didn't tie the knot because she was too drunk!

Steve struggles to find the right time to tell her the truth, and later the couple end up fighting with Liz and Lloyd!

First, Becky wakes and sees she isn't wearing her wedding ring. She instantly assumes she's lost it * and is terrified Steve will find out.

"Becky spends the day retracing her steps," says Katherine Kelly, who plays her, "and avoiding Steve"

Meanwhile, Steve is about to tell Becky they never tied the knot * but Michelle gets to her before him. Becky is so distraught she tells Steve they should end things.

Later in the week, Steve persuades Becky to meet him for dinner. But when he arrives, Liz and Lloyd are at the same restaurant!

They earwig as Becky tells Steve they'd be stupid to stay together when everyone is against them.

Accusations are soon flying and Liz and Becky end up in a catfight, while Lloyd and Steve battle over their women!

Will Becky ever resolve things with Liz and be with Steve properly?

"The thing is," laughs Katherine, "I think Liz knows that if she had a daughter, she'd be just like Becky!"