View Full Version : Holby City Spoilers - Week 10

13-02-2009, 13:44
Airs on Tuesday, March 3 2009 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One

Faye and Joseph's relationship is over. Joseph is furious with Jac for allowing him to believe she was pregnant.

Faye goes to Linden for emotional support. Linden is finding this platonic relationship difficult as he's falling for Faye.

Julia, an old flame of Michael's, turns up at Holby wanting to rekindle their affair. When Michael rejects her, she tells Annalese of Michael's previous indiscretions while at Charing Cross.

Donna persuades Julia to retract her statement and Annalese believes her - until she spots Donna's necklace and realises that Michael has been playing away.

Elliot is forced to bring his dog to work and it destroys Connie's pashmina. Elliot's daughter Martha arrives with new husband Ben - which is news to Elliot who knew nothing of her marriage.

13-02-2009, 14:06
Poor Annalese. I understand that Donna actually likes her and doesn't want to upset her, but it's about time the woman knew the truth! Glad to see Jac back to her devious ways. Please get rid of Faye!

13-02-2009, 15:52
Oo Martha is back? I like Martha. She always seems to turn up when Joseph is having relationship problems. Coinsidence? :p But married. Oh dear :p.

And so Jac isn't pregnant :crying:. Ah well. Maybe next time :p.

13-02-2009, 16:35
Ooh this sounds like a good week. :D :cheer: Finally!!! :p

And so Jac isn't pregnant :crying:. Ah well. Maybe next time :p.
Joseph's blatantly going to slip up again *wink* :lol:

Elliot is forced to bring his dog to work and it destroys Connie's pashmina.
Oh Connie is going to be MAD. :rotfl:

13-02-2009, 17:01
Yay no more Faye and Joesph

Aww I want jac to be pregnant :(

13-02-2009, 17:03
I remember reading Rosie signed up for another 2 years so still time ;)

13-02-2009, 17:05
:D goooooooooooooood :p

23-02-2009, 02:30
looks like a good episode, martha is back cool liked her charactor, she should get a full time role