View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 25th & 26th February 2009

12-02-2009, 12:55
Wednesday, 25 February 2009, 8:00PM - 9:00PM

While out on patrol in a local Polish community, PCs Millie Brown (Clare Foster) and Mel Ryder (Rhea Bailey) are forced to break up a rowdy gang of teenagers intimidating burger van owner Slawomir Zelany (Velibor Topic). The leader of the gang, Pawel Jankowski (Laurence Dobiesz), is taken in for questioning and the officers are frustrated when they realise he can only speak Polish.

At the station, Millie calls on DS Max Carter (Christopher Fox), who is half Polish, and the Sergeant proves in no uncertain terms that Pawel can speak perfect English. After further investigation, Max realises there is an extortion racket taking place within the frightened community and Pawel’s uncle, Marek Jankowski (Goran Kostic), is the ringleader. As the residents are reluctant to talk, Max visits a local Polish social club where he meets attractive Julie Nowak (Honeysuckle Weeks) and is shocked to learn that Pawel is her step-son. Back at the station, DI Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) delves into Marek’s past and learns that his brother Thomas, was shot and killed by a CO19 officer several years ago. She is stunned when she discovers who fired the fatal shot…

Meanwhile, Max plans a sting after learning that Marek has a truckload of stolen cigarettes and is pressurising Julie’s uncle, Cezar Sobieskinski (Robert Jezek), to store them in his yard. Max asks Julie to be involved with the sting and she reluctantly agrees, telling Max the only reason she will help is because Pawel hero worships the increasingly dangerous Marek. Julie explains that her husband Thomas was killed by a CO19 officer during a raid that went wrong and Max is completely stunned when he realises that it was him who killed Thomas when he worked for CO19. Overwhelmed with guilt, he promises to keep Pawel safe.

During the sting, the stolen cigarettes are recovered, along with bags of cocaine and several of Marek’s cronies, but Marek himself is nowhere to be seen. As arrests are made, Max responds to a report of a shooting at Cezar’s house. The DS races to the scene and is greeted with the sight of a distraught Julie cradling a badly bleeding Cezar in her arms.

Righteous Kill: Part 2

Thursday, 26 February 2009, 8:00PM - 9:00PM

DS Max Carter (Christopher Fox) stands over Julie Nowak (Honeysuckle Weeks) who is cradling her bleeding uncle, Cezar Sobieskinski (Robert Jezek). While paramedics struggle, Max bears the brunt of Julie’s shock and rage when she is told Cezar has died. As Julie slowly comes to terms with Cezar’s death, she confesses to Max that she warned her step son Pawel Jankiwicz (Laurence Dobiesz) about the police sting, fearing that he was somehow involved.

Marek is eventually found and brought in for questioning, but plays it cool by giving an alibi and implicating Pawel in Cezar’s murder. After watching Marek’s interview, DS Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) decides to release him but keep him under surveillance. As the investigation continues, Pawel’s whereabouts are uncovered and Max heads out to find him. Cornering Pawel to tell him that Cezar is dead and Marek is setting him up for a fall, the teenager reveals he has a gun. But as Pawel is about to give himself up, he hears the police sirens and flees.

Back at the station, Max, Samantha and DS Stuart Turner (Doug Rao) work through the investigation, while Stuart voices his concern that Max is letting his guilt about killing Pawel’s father, cloud his judgement. A furious Max storms off and finds Julie, who is waiting in the station for him. As he pushes her for more information about Pawel and Marek, Julie talks about her husband. As Max explains the circumstances surrounding his death, Julie realises that he was there and is horrified when Max confesses he fired the fatal shot.

Determined that Pawel won’t end up like Thomas, Max makes it his mission to find the teenager. He finally gets a lead and without telling anyone where he’s going, heads off to a workshop where he finds an agitated Pawel. Gently approaching him, Pawel catches sight of Max and pulls out the gun.

18-02-2009, 16:26
Please NOTE. Due to changes in the ITV schedule Wednedays episode will bee seen on Thursday and Thursdays shifted to 4th March