View Full Version : Deirdre leaving?

12-02-2009, 06:15
CORRIE’S Deirdre Barlow has given her strongest hint that she is set to hang up her spectacles.

After more than 34 years on the soap, actress Anne Kirkbride said she doesn’t want to grow old on it.

The 54-year-old said: “Acting is my job — it pays my mortgage. If I earned my living from art it might be different. What I enjoy about my art is it’s me, not part of a big machine.

“I’m happy to stay on but as I get older I hope to slow down to pursue different interests. I am loathe to grow old in the Street. I don’t know what the future holds.”

Show insiders revealed Anne will stay on until at least the end of next year for the show’s 50th anniversary. A source said the Barlows would be “central to the show”.

Anne added: “I don’t want to grow old working as hard as I am now, out on the cobbles for hours on a morning in winter. It’s been great but it’s a curse too.

“Being in the public eye is a huge responsibility. When I go home I want my life. I never answer to Deirdre. I have to have my own identity or I’d go mad.

“The Street is hard work. If you’ve got a big storyline it is 12 hours a day, six days a week. I get very tired.”

Anne claims playing Deirdre kept her sane when she became depressed. She said: “I felt terrified and couldn’t tell you what of — the cat, my food. One night I had hysterics when I saw the iron’s water reservoir. When I left work it began.”

She now takes anti-depressants and added: “I felt a different person. I’d coped all my life just getting through the days fighting fear. It’s one reason I stayed in the Street. I can go home every night.”

From The Sun

12-02-2009, 11:28
Coronation Street veteran Anne Kirkbride is sticking with the ITV soap for the foreseeable future, DS can confirm.

The 54-year-old actress, who has played smoker Deirdre Barlow since 1972, recently spoke about her life and work in a recent interview with Yours magazine, and revealed that working on the Weatherfield soap saved her life.

She went on to explain that despite the role helping her through her battle with depression, she is "loathe to grow old in the Street". However, she has expressed her intent to stay with the Manchester-based soap until at least the show's 50th anniversary at the end of next year.

"Acting is my job - it pays my mortgage," she said. "If I earned my living from art it might be different. What I enjoy about my art is it's me, not part of a big rolling machine. I'm happy to stay in the Street, but as I get older I hope to slow down to pursue different interests."

She continued: "I am loathe to grow old in Coronation Street. I don't know what the future holds. I'm open-minded, but I'm 54 and I don't want to grow old working as hard as I am now - out on the cobbles for hours on a Monday morning in the middle of winter!

"It's been great and given me a nice life, but it's a curse as well as a blessing. Being in the public eye is a huge responsibility. When I go home I want my life."

A Corrie spokesperson told DS this morning: "Anne is very happy at Coronation Street and has indicated her commitment to the show as we head towards the 50th anniversary in December 2010. As everyone is aware, the Barlows will be very much part of the storylines leading up to the anniversary."

12-02-2009, 15:47
Can't say that I'm that bothered, Deirdre is not a very interesting character, and, sorry but those stretched neck tendons when she over acts, reminds me of "Freddie Five Fingers"

It would be nice to have a"yummy mummy" come into the street, to replace her?
maybe a one whose a "normal" mum, you know the type, has an interesting job (that is not on the street) has a husband who fancies her, coz lets face it, could Ken really fancy Deirdre???
Obviously not, if he is going out the the "actress" on the boat, :nono:

12-02-2009, 17:32
i quite like Deirdre in a way, she seems like quite a realistic charcter for her age. but i do understand what she means about not wanting to grow old on the Street. How old is William Roche anyway? he's supposed to be a bit older than her and i could imagine they might want to retire at the same time. that would be nicer if they went off into the sunset together, lol.

12-02-2009, 17:45
i quite like Deirdre in a way, she seems like quite a realistic charcter for her age. but i do understand what she means about not wanting to grow old on the Street. How old is William Roche anyway? he's supposed to be a bit older than her and i could imagine they might want to retire at the same time. that would be nicer if they went off into the sunset together, lol.

William is 76, Anne 54, quite an age gap :eek: He does not look that old imo.

Chloe O'brien
13-02-2009, 00:02
The street would be strange without Deirdre in it, and what would happend to Blanche if she was to leave.

13-02-2009, 00:33
William is 76.. NO WAY!!!! :eek:. He looks about Deirdres age tbh!!! Fair play to him!!!!

13-02-2009, 13:35
i think the character Ken is supposed to be about 70. but wow, my mum is 59 and looks the same age, if not younger, the Deirdre!

15-02-2009, 00:40
Shes cant leave :( Shes like part of the furniture