View Full Version : Janine Mellor and Ivana Basic Have left casualty

11-02-2009, 20:57
Actresses Janine Mellor (Kelsey) and Ivana Basic (Snezana) will both be onscreen until episode 31, due to be screened on 28th March.

Janine, has played nurse Kelsey since July 2005 and has been involved in a number of storylines including her past working in a brothel being uncovered and money problems which led to her moonlighting as a prostitute.

Meanwhile Ivana also quits the show, having been in the show for just a year. Her character, paramedic Snezana, was caught stealing from work to treat a community of Serbian immigrants and was also revealed to have a young daughter back in her home country.

11-02-2009, 22:31
Janine - Nooooo. :( No wonder she is leaving they haven't given her a proper storyline for ages! :mad: She deserves better than Casualty to be honest. I hope she finds another acting job soon. :)

Snezana - meh. No real loss, she was a boring character to begin with and they didn't do anything to improve or develop the character to make her more likable. The Daisha of Casualty. ;)

11-02-2009, 22:54
I agree completely with Kasple.

11-02-2009, 23:23
Snezana is a pointless character. Don't like her and she adds nothing to the show. She never smiles or appears to be happy. No real loss.

I rather like Kelsey.

Chloe O'brien
12-02-2009, 23:32
Shame Kelsey is going it's a shame she hasn't had any decent storylines this year, I was kind of hoping they were going to have her and Big Mac as the Vera and Jack of Holby she could have bossed him around the department to give us a smile among all the doom and gloom. No real loss that Sneza is leaving I don't think the public has warmed to the character or maybe the writers haven't shown us why she is like she is. When Ruth was first in casualty we all hated her with a vengence now since we found out about her past and the suicide attempt Ruthie is one of our favourite characters.