View Full Version : xmas

31-05-2005, 13:40
neone know what this years xmas storline/s is?

i know its a bit early but i love them

ive herd various stories: a return of Janine, Alfie leaving with/without Kat..

ne contributions would be brilliant :bow:


31-05-2005, 13:42
i think it will be sharon and dennis wedding or baby thing

31-05-2005, 13:42
the Xmas storylines have not been Writen yet so who knows

31-05-2005, 13:53
Hopefully it is the wedding and Grant's return.

31-05-2005, 13:55
the Xmas storylines have not been Writen yet so who knows
i think it might be written

31-05-2005, 14:31
they havn't even recorded peggy's return yet

di marco
31-05-2005, 14:48
i think it might be written

i dont think it will have been written yet, they might have come up with a few ideas, but they wont have written the scripts

31-05-2005, 15:21
i think it might be written
no scipts are written in advance but not by 6 months. They plan thier storylines 4-6 months before but later write the scripts and edit them and make chages accordingly.

My guess is that we will see the departure of Alfie and maybe a shannis wedding. :wub:

di marco
31-05-2005, 15:26
i dont know why but i have a feeling that a shannis wedding could be around valentines day?

31-05-2005, 15:27
i hope not...

a shannis wedding at xmas no!!!

1) cant wait that long
2) phil cums back for the wedding so i want him back sooner
3) not another xmas wedding, (new xmas ideas please!!!)

festive weddings past:

Kat & Alfie
Little Mo & Billy
Sharon & Grant (Boxing Day)
Jamie & Sonia (Not technically but a ring on the finger counts!!!)


di marco
31-05-2005, 15:29
i def think alfie leaving will be a main story

31-05-2005, 15:35
I can wait until Christmas for shannis wedding. Its not long if you think about it and I don't even mind if we have it next year. I think one of the common mistakes is rushed weddings and then downfall straight after. I think ee have got plenty to go on for them before dragging them up the isle. It would be lovely eventually but I'm more looking forward to seeing them as boyfriend and girlfriend until they become man and wife. :)

31-05-2005, 15:55
its eastenders

nothing and no-one lasts forever

hapiness never happens (fact) no expection to the rule

sharon and dennis, if they split this time, they can never get back together again, as theyd have slpit up one to many times

proving they ent meant to be

unlike alfie and little mo :wub:


31-05-2005, 15:55
if they are planning the Xmas storyline the now then i think it might be Alfies Departure or Shannis wedding or even both

31-05-2005, 16:03
its eastenders

nothing and no-one lasts forever

hapiness never happens (fact) no expection to the rule

sharon and dennis, if they split this time, they can never get back together again, as theyd have slpit up one to many times

proving they ent meant to be

unlike alfie and little mo :wub:


I think the number of times a couple splits and gets back together doesn't undermine their love and 'their meant to be’ status. Just look at Ken and Deirdre in corrie. They have been on and off for the last 30 odd years, remarrying but they are soul mates and then you have Pat and Frank who have got back into each others arms numerous times because they have never loved any of their partners as much as each other.

However I do agree with your point about happiness and soap though. This is ee so why should Sharon and Dennis be an excetion? I do think that couples can be happy but not on a permanent basis. Soap need ructions to keep up public interest and developing characters. It would make a refreshing change to see a couple make it through the storm because in real life people can be happy and certainly last. Because this is ee, I won't hold my breath. Personally, I think there is a wide range of issues between Sharon and Dennis to keep them interesting and together. I can't wait to see what ee has in store for them. I have missed them and I can't wait to have them back on our screens. :)

31-05-2005, 16:05
I do think that couples can be happy but not on a permanent basis. Soap need ructions to keep up public interest and developing characters.

What about Jack and Vera... they have been together since the start and yet they are still in public interest

31-05-2005, 16:15
What about Jack and Vera... they have been together since the start and yet they are still in public interest
It depends on the couple and their and individual characteristics. I don’t watch corrie but just used that as an example. Couples can remain interesting through their constant funny banter, but 'I still love you' approach that some soap couple have adopted and fitted into perfectly. Dot and Jim are one of them and I love them for it.

Whereas with Sharon and Dennis there are too many physiological issues there to keep them happy on a permanent basis, especially Dennis who has suffered severe physiological trauma in his life, which realistically will cause collision between him and Sharon at some point. There is no doubt that they love each other but Dennis is still very much a closed book and can push that self-destruct button at any time. Issues of abandonment, neglect and isolation still persist and this will come to the forefront as his character is developed further. Sharon also has similar issues because she is an orphan. This is one of the reasons why I'm such a fan of them two as a couple. They have a lot of depth and complexity. :)

31-05-2005, 16:21
I think there is a wide range of issues between Sharon and Dennis to keep them interesting and together.

infertility...ivf...adoption...fostering...miacrul ous conception...surogracy etc...

look at all the possible storylines that await just because of Sharon's mistake years ago

personally I'd love to see her adopt a baby, as she was adopted herself and has come out ok, sharon would really care for that child

she may evern prefer it to dennis.... and fall in love with it (cus after all its only an adopted son... theres no blood ties... :rotfl: lmao)

knowing eastenders that really wouldn't surprise me


31-05-2005, 16:28
personally I'd love to see her adopt a baby, as she was adopted herself and has come out ok, sharon would really care for that child

she may evern prefer it to dennis.... and fall in love with it (cus after all its only an adopted son... theres no blood ties... :rotfl: lmao)


I don't think ee would go that far. That would be repulsive :sick: The difference being is that Sharon would raise this child as her son/daughter so naturally she will be mothering this child and form that maternal bond -not form sexual feelings for them when they are older. Sharon and Dennis's feelings and affair wasn't only about blood ties. It went way beyond that. With Sharon and Dennis, they met as two adults who were raised in separate households who were oblivious to each others existence up until the point they met so because they were never raised together they never formed the sibling bond. There is a huge comparison between the two.
Right that thought is turning my stomach now. Moving on...

Yes I do think IVF/surrogacy is something that ee should consider for them. I also always thought that Sharon was the only and ideal person Dennis to confide in over the sexual abuse that he suffered as a child. :)

31-05-2005, 16:32
i think they should bring someone from dennis's past in

a carer or child that abused him

we'd see the vunerbale side of him...

and it would strengthen shannis

and we'd get to know more about dennis murky past


31-05-2005, 16:40
i think they should bring someone from dennis's past in

a carer or child that abused him

we'd see the vunerbale side of him...

and it would strengthen shannis

and we'd get to know more about dennis murky past


Oh absolutely. I always thought that Dennis's child molestation issue needed unravelling more. The two hander with him along side Den in April was top quality, when he traunted him over his childhood) but that was it, they just left it there. This storyline certainly has a lot of potential. Like you, I would love for his abuser to come to the square but I don’t think that will happen because it's already been done with Billy and the bloke who used to beat him up. This was screened about 3 years back.

I always thought that they should do a Dennis spin off. The episode could start with him talking to Sharon about his past and then it will go straight into the early 80's when he was just a child, living with his alcoholic mother who let her boyfriends bash him. Then him moving into several children’s homes and at 16 got taken under the wing of Jack Dalton and introduced to a world of crime. They would need to cast a younger Dennis and someone to play Paula Rickman, Dalton and some additional people. However, because it's a very sensitive issue, they would have to tread carefully and handle it with much care. :)

31-05-2005, 16:43
I always thought that they should do a Dennis spin off.

Brillinat! Loving the idea! It makes perfect snese!!! someone right to Nigel Harman telling him this!!!

They did it well with Dot, Pat & Mo, it gives a bit more backgreound to the characters and we understand why they are what they are

luvin the idea!!!


31-05-2005, 16:46
Brillinat! Loving the idea! It makes perfect snese!!! someone right to Nigel Harman telling him this!!!

They did it well with Dot, Pat & Mo, it gives a bit more backgreound to the characters and we understand why they are what they are

luvin the idea!!!


Thankyou :cheer: . but it's not up to Nigel, but the scriptwritters. Maybe I should write to Kate Harward about this. :hmm:

I totally agree about giving more background to characters too. Dennis is the character with most depth on the show. I personally think it would be really interesting.

31-05-2005, 16:50
i know sharon faced her mom before but...

she gets some illness

needs family donor

dennis gives her support to trace family once more...

it gives todays generation the chance to see sharon's struggle

i missed it first time round

and it would encourage all adoptive children to trace their roots, by using a poopular and legendary character such as sharon

and this could tie in with the sonia/martin/pauline thing, her being given or her giving support to any of them three


31-05-2005, 19:27
I don't think anybody actually knows yet,but there is a big chance that it will be the wedding for Sharon And Dennis,and/or the return of Grant Mitchell.
I Can't Wait!!!!!

:heart: Melanie :heart:

31-05-2005, 21:06
is Kate Harwood the producer or is John Yorke?? :confused:

di marco
31-05-2005, 21:08
is Kate Harwood the producer or is John Yorke?? :confused:

i know that kate harwoods the executive producer of ee and john yorke oversees everything on the bbc (i think)

Carrie Bradshaw
01-06-2005, 13:22
i dont know why but i have a feeling that a shannis wedding could be around valentines day?
Aaaaw!! :wub: a Valentine's Day wedding would be really good!

01-06-2005, 14:27
Aaaaw!! :wub: a Valentine's Day wedding would be really good!

That would be nice as Valentines day 2004 was when they got together and Sharon realised that she was actually in love with him. :wub:

01-06-2005, 15:34
it would be good if shannis had a white xmas wedding

01-06-2005, 15:35
i dont think the xmas storyline will be written yet because they dont start filming till october do they? but they will have an idea what is instore!!

01-06-2005, 15:36
like Alfie and kat had?

kat 4 alfie
01-06-2005, 17:15
i think it will be sharon and dennis wedding or baby thing sharron cant have kids though can she

01-06-2005, 17:16
sharron cant have kids though can she

you're right, although IVF and/or surrogacy is always an option :)

01-06-2005, 17:18
Aaaaw!! :wub: a Valentine's Day wedding would be really good!But that would be ages away

01-06-2005, 17:20
But that would be ages away
I can wait actually. I don't like rushed weddings. Plus we can see them as boyfriend and girlfriend for a while :wub:

01-06-2005, 17:21
i know that kate harwoods the executive producer of ee and john yorke oversees everything on the bbc (i think)

thank you di marco!! :)

kat 4 alfie
01-06-2005, 20:21
you're right, although IVF and/or surrogacy is always an option :)
yeah spose i can see sharron adopting

01-06-2005, 20:45
yeah spose i can see sharron adopting

That would be nice but I doubt it will be possible because of Dennis's past criminal convictions and he was in prison for GBH.

kat 4 alfie
02-06-2005, 14:39
That would be nice but I doubt it will be possible because of Dennis's past criminal convictions and he was in prison for GBH.
oh yeah , i forgot bout that! it was a nice thought though.

02-06-2005, 15:31
a white xmas wedding no way

too mcuh of a copykat idea

i want a valentines day wedding, they are madly in love so that would be the best day to do it...

besides xmas should be wholey and souly based around Alfie

for the past few years he has been a major character in the show, giving us great storylines, terrefic acting and adding humour to at times a dull show

he deserves the special goodbye treatement this xmas, just like surrane jones in corrie


02-06-2005, 15:36
thats true