View Full Version : Tanya's sentence revealed spoiler

09-02-2009, 15:40
THERE’S no champagne on the menu for Tanya Branning after she receives a suspended prison sentence.

The blonde, who confessed to the attempted murder of estranged husband Max to cover for daughter Lauren, has nothing to celebrate.

She does her best to act surprised when daughter Abi organises a birthday party for her but, sadly for the youngster, her heart is just not in it.

Best friend Jane Beale does her best to try to convince Tanya that she must pull herself together for the sake of Abi and son Oscar.

She then manages to summon the strength to assure Abi that everything will be OK by giving her a hug, even though she doesn’t believe it herself.

An EastEnders insider said: “When Tanya sets off for her court appearance she’s convinced she’s going down for at least a year for perverting the course of justice.

“Jane and Max are frantic when they don’t hear anything from her all day. Jane goes out looking for her and is relieved to find her sitting in the café.

“But Tanya tells her she may as well be in prison as all she wants is Lauren to come home.

“It’s a really sad state of affairs but Jane manages to persuade her to come home as Abi has organised a party.

“Tanya does her best to act like everything will be fine but in her heart she knows that with Lauren’s own court appearance hanging over them it’s a long way off yet.”

Fans of the hit BBC1 soap will be able to watch the emotional scenes as Tanya returns home from court on Friday February 20.

From Daily Star Sunday

09-02-2009, 15:54
I don't get her.. she risked going to prison to protect one of her children.. she is now free but she still doesn't look out for the children she has there.. I would consider myself lucky that I could still protect and provide for 2 of my kids in hope to get the other one back by showing I have a stable home for her to return too

09-02-2009, 18:45
she is lucky for getting a suspended, all that wasting police time perjury she could have rotted in jail for a long time.

I agree you would think that she would be making the most of her kids that are there after all the time she has spent inside

09-02-2009, 18:48
I think she does want want to make the most with her children at home but also feels the need to get Lauren back too, I imagine this to be difficult to balance if you have just been released from prison.

di marco
10-02-2009, 22:19
i know she wants to get lauren back and doesnt like being apart from her, but if she doesnt spend time with her other kids cos shes too busy thinking/worrying about lauren isnt that almost the same as them not being there either?

11-02-2009, 10:12
i know she wants to get lauren back and doesnt like being apart from her, but if she doesnt spend time with her other kids cos shes too busy thinking/worrying about lauren isnt that almost the same as them not being there either?

That is what I am trying to say.. she can't just concentrate on one child.. she has 3 kids not just one and she need to consider them too