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20-01-2009, 13:29
I shall try to watch some of it on telly when I get home from work. Anybody else going to watch the 44th President of the United States getting sworn into office?

20-01-2009, 13:47
I'm recording it. Will probably watch it later in the week.

20-01-2009, 15:45
I will be watching. :) I think the future will be bright for America.

20-01-2009, 17:10
There we have it. President Obama.

20-01-2009, 17:11
Wooo no more Bush.


His speech is good.

20-01-2009, 17:13
An historic moment for the whole world.

di marco
20-01-2009, 22:02
i was at uni so i couldnt see it, probably would have had it on in the background if id been at home though

21-01-2009, 06:07
Don't know why but I got awfully emotional watching the inauguration. Now the world has an African American world leader, hopefully racial attacks will become a piece of the past, though sadly I doubt it :(

21-01-2009, 06:42
Do you think that he will fulfill the expectations that people will have of him?

21-01-2009, 09:47
Well he can't do worse than Bush. *crosses fingers* :p Well I don't know many of his policies, but I do know he's meaning to tackle the environment, while Bush actually rushed through laws that were damaging the environment.

21-01-2009, 10:25
Bush hasn't left him much to work with, it will be an up hill struggle for him but here's hopping he has strong enough policies to turn things around.

21-01-2009, 11:46
Don't know why but I got awfully emotional watching the inauguration. Now the world has an African American world leader, hopefully racial attacks will become a piece of the past, though sadly I doubt it :(

When I went to America last year, the segregation was still very clear. The majority of African American folk there were working the low paid jobs, bus drivers, bellboys, valet etc. The white still had all the power.

I really don't see what the fuss is about. So he's the first black president in the united states. It doesn't make any difference to me what his race is. The media are just drawing attention to the fact that he is black.

21-01-2009, 12:49
Don't know why but I got awfully emotional watching the inauguration. Now the world has an African American world leader, hopefully racial attacks will become a piece of the past, though sadly I doubt it :(

When I went to America last year, the segregation was still very clear. The majority of African American folk there were working the low paid jobs, bus drivers, bellboys, valet etc. The white still had all the power.

I really don't see what the fuss is about. So he's the first black president in the united states. It doesn't make any difference to me what his race is. The media are just drawing attention to the fact that he is black.

He is now proof that the American Dream can happen, thats what the fuss is about. Like you said, segregation has still been very clear in the States, so the fact that he has managed to get the most important and powerfull job in the world shows that attitudes are finally changing. Its a very important step.

21-01-2009, 13:04
my mam got emotional too whilst watching it.

I thought it was nice to see him going in.

di marco
21-01-2009, 14:33
i noticed its on iplayer, i might see if i can watch some of it as we were talking about it in our seminar today and my seminar leader said the speeches would be good for us to watch

21-01-2009, 17:46
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.

21-01-2009, 19:16
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.

How can you possibly know his promises are empty, when he hasn't even been in office for a full 24 hours?

21-01-2009, 19:36
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.

How can you possibly know his promises are empty, when he hasn't even been in office for a full 24 hours?

he's a poliitican, they will be, like they've been for every politican before him. it's all PR pap to get the votes, then it's the same old bull**** with a different leader. He has good intentions, but so do they all, never quite works out that way in the end though.

21-01-2009, 20:10
I can't remember who said it, but the phrase "we have the best democracy money can buy" rings true for America. Congress is influenced by lobby groups. The more money they have, the bigger the influence. I hope Obama does make a differences in health care, human rights, foreign policy - all the things that Bush ****ed up.

22-01-2009, 08:21
I can't remember who said it, but the phrase "we have the best democracy money can buy" rings true for America. Congress is influenced by lobby groups. The more money they have, the bigger the influence. I hope Obama does make a differences in health care, human rights, foreign policy - all the things that Bush ****ed up.

I hope that he concentrates more on homeland policy than foreign. Bush spent far too much time and money trying to fix the rest of the world (and failing), and forgot about his own country. If Obama can be more strict and make the U.S. his top priority, especially sorting the banking crisis, then he will be much more successfull than Bush.

22-01-2009, 09:04
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.

How can you possibly know his promises are empty, when he hasn't even been in office for a full 24 hours?

he's a poliitican, they will be, like they've been for every politican before him. it's all PR pap to get the votes, then it's the same old bull**** with a different leader. He has good intentions, but so do they all, never quite works out that way in the end though.

Were would the human race be if we always expect the worse from everyone? Were would be we be with no hope for the future, and no hope of improvement?

Obama was voted in by people who want change. Time will tell whether or not he can deliver - and it will be an almost impossible task to meet the expectations of people; but surely he must try!

The positive point here is that millions of people who have never voted before, who felt disinfranchised and divorced from democracy registered to vote in this election - and got their man as far as the White House.

This in itself is a huge achievement, and goes some way to redress the huge fraud in Florida eight years ago.

di marco
22-01-2009, 11:33
another politican with empty promises, more full the gullible american citizens who believe he will change the world. why will he be any different to any other politican? the world is corrupt, no body delivers what they promise. I'm sure in 4/8 years time we wont be thinking Obama is the best thing ever.

How can you possibly know his promises are empty, when he hasn't even been in office for a full 24 hours?

he's a poliitican, they will be, like they've been for every politican before him. it's all PR pap to get the votes, then it's the same old bull**** with a different leader. He has good intentions, but so do they all, never quite works out that way in the end though.

Were would the human race be if we always expect the worse from everyone? Were would be we be with no hope for the future, and no hope of improvement?

Obama was voted in by people who want change. Time will tell whether or not he can deliver - and it will be an almost impossible task to meet the expectations of people; but surely he must try!

The positive point here is that millions of people who have never voted before, who felt disinfranchised and divorced from democracy registered to vote in this election - and got their man as far as the White House.

This in itself is a huge achievement, and goes some way to redress the huge fraud in Florida eight years ago.

i dont think you can say he wont achieve anything cos he hasnt had time to prove himself yet. i know most politicians dont keep their promises but that doesnt mean theyre all going to be like that. obviously hes not going to be able to change america entirely as i dont think that would be possible, as much as everyone would like it to be, but he might do a good job of improving it and making it better. i think we should leave it a while and see what he actually does before we judge him

22-01-2009, 17:53
He's closing Guantanamo Bay. Shows that even on his second day in office, he is taking steps in the right direction.