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27-02-2005, 16:35
I have three violent, crazy men. Danny Moon, Tommy Harris and Cain Dingle. Danny and Tommy have big storylines right now, but what has happened to Cain? Anything big coming up for him? Please tell me!

28-02-2005, 13:17
There must be plenty when Debbie's pregnancy comes out.

01-03-2005, 13:28
Cain is soooo stereotypical. All we get is temper tantrums and no substance. I wish that Charity was staying though, she is great - why could they not have written in the actresses pregnancy?

01-03-2005, 15:42
Cain is soooo stereotypical. All we get is temper tantrums and no substance. I wish that Charity was staying though, she is great - why could they not have written in the actresses pregnancy?

It is Chastity who is pregnant in real life not Charity.

Does any one know how, or when she will go ?

04-03-2005, 10:00
I've heard that Sadie's affair with Robert comes out when Jimmy runs down Debbie. Cain goes ballistic and tries to kill Jimmy and tells him about the affair and tells Andy he is going to be a dad. This is to all happen in the Woolpack, can't wait hope this is true.

04-03-2005, 14:55
that sounds great, i cant belive how brilliant emerdale has got over the last year i actually prefer it to eastenders and corrie these days

04-03-2005, 15:02
The missus watches is religiously, but I must confess I still know it as Emmerdale Farm and can vaguely remember Pat (Jack's wife) dying all those years ago :D

04-03-2005, 20:15
i used to hate emmerdale farm sounded boring so never got into it, i just started when jacks other wife got killed (what is it with his wives?)

11-04-2005, 12:11
Emmerdale's nastiest characters will team up to wreak havoc on the King family.

Scheming Sadie King with join forces once again with Cain Dingle to enact their revenge on the family for casting them out.

The pair previously teamed up to frame Charity and ruin her wedding to Tom, causing her to leave the village and Sadie to be expelled from the family business.

Sadie, played by Patsy Kensit, will leave Emmerdale after she finds herself broke and ignored by all her friends and family - but plans to return.

She keeps in contact off-screen with Cain, played by Jeff Hordley, who has similarly been forced out of the village because of his connections with Sadie.

When the pair return, they put their formidable talents together and cause chaos, the Daily Star reports.

"She will prove the beauty and the brains, he will provide the criminal skills and the brawn," a soap insider told the newspaper.

11-04-2005, 12:16
should be interesting,i expect she'l have to sleep with him along the way too?!

11-04-2005, 13:43
why would they repeat the story?! they hate each other! do you have a source

11-04-2005, 14:03
If you read closer it says " The Daily Star" :-)

11-04-2005, 17:02
I think it will be good, they had lots of chemistry when they were setting charity up.

eastenders mad
11-04-2005, 18:50
well good luck to them.
Cain and Sadie would make a great couple cause they both are the same

13-04-2005, 08:27
cant wait for this to happen

14-04-2005, 09:55
sadie does in fact sleep with cain,in the sun today

14-04-2005, 09:55
not sure whos worse ,him or robert,think id have to close my eyes with both of them! :lol:

14-04-2005, 12:56
Sadie does have more Chemistry with Cain than Robert. I'm still surprised that she even looked twice at him.

14-04-2005, 18:34
Noooo y does Sadie do that, she could have ne1, well if they didnt know what she was like lol!! Cain is nasty, Rob is a lot better!

14-04-2005, 18:41
Poor Sadie obviously not enough tottie in the village to go round poor thing she must be getting desperate

14-04-2005, 19:19
Maybe cain had a bath or something

14-04-2005, 20:49
Lol, I think they deserve each other, and Sadie does have more chemistry with Cain.

15-04-2005, 16:58
when does this happen does any one know

18-04-2005, 01:11
uhh this sounds so awful and so un-true. I thought when sadie returns she sleeps with someone high profile. I'm presuming Zoe or Matthew! :D

18-04-2005, 18:12
In the words of Homer Simpson ' I was being Sarcastic'! :lol: :rolleyes:

18-04-2005, 18:13
uhh this sounds so awful and so un-true. I thought when sadie returns she sleeps with someone high profile. I'm presuming Zoe or Matthew! :D
Zoe! ewwwwww :nono:

20-04-2005, 11:22
Rob is a little boy, surely Sadie doesn't sink so low, (again..) She is a mature woman and she needs a mature man, or at least a mature human with money. That leaves Zoe and Matthew both fully in the frame! And Cain and Rob out of it except for laughs. With Matthew in the throes of a Louise obsession that leaves Zoe as the only well off singleton, maybe this heralds her departure for yogaland?

20-04-2005, 17:16
Does Sadie really need to be with someone?

21-04-2005, 08:26
i think it woul dbe good to see matthew and sadie get together imagine the trouble that would cause - matt has already showed he hates Jimmy and would want to get at him and this is the perfect way but could you imagine tom's reaction.
his one son slept with his ex fiance now his other son would sleep with his soon to be ex daughter in law talk about keeping it in the family

23-04-2005, 12:18
i dont think this is true because on digital spy it says he trys to put the he catces sadie and robert together

23-04-2005, 15:01
Cain does catch Sadie and Robert together and he does tell everyone I read it in one of the soap mags and Cain and Sadie at the mo don't sleep together they snog for NOW

23-04-2005, 19:36
Do you think Cain tells Katie about Sadie and Robert?

23-04-2005, 23:29
Well it could explain how Sammy Winward goes on maternity leave

24-04-2005, 16:03

26-04-2005, 14:52
Apparently Cain goes to see Andy oh dear and in Inside Soap for the next issue which comes out next Tuesday not today there is a picture of Katie crying and the caption Goodbye Katie her dramatic farewell

26-04-2005, 17:01
That will be an episode to watch if Andy is the one to tell Katie that Roberts been sleeping around. LOL

26-04-2005, 19:52
That will be an episode to watch if Andy is the one to tell Katie that Roberts been sleeping around. LOL
Lol yeah!

18-01-2006, 15:27
cain finds sarah and emily

18-01-2006, 15:29
Could you possibly expand on that a bit...?

eastenders mad
18-01-2006, 15:33
yeah how did you find that out?
i hope he doesn't.
You can just imaging Debbies face when she sees Sarah again.

18-01-2006, 15:46
I read that too in 'What's on TV'. But Debbie doesn't respond to the baby as Cain would have hoped or something like that. Chas also feels sorry for Debbie and then decides she wants kids of her own.

18-01-2006, 15:48
cain finds sarah and emily


18-01-2006, 15:54
that could send Debbie over the Edge

18-01-2006, 17:02
That sounds good, but could you post a full article?

18-01-2006, 17:18
that could send Debbie over the Edge

Hopefully over the edge of a cliff, i really hate Debbie

18-01-2006, 17:38
Hopefully over the edge of a cliff, i really hate Debbieme too errrrr shes so annoying

18-01-2006, 18:24
i really want Sarah to return ill have tolook out for an article. I dont mind Debbie shes alright.

Chloe O'brien
18-01-2006, 21:15
what will cain do if debbie does not want to keep sara he can't force her

19-01-2006, 15:21
Andy might get to have a say thou. I really hope Debbie does change her mind, before the writers decided to change her character she would have made a good mum.

19-01-2006, 15:58
whoooooooooooo go cain !!! bring sarah back :D

20-01-2006, 00:02
Emily is on maternity leave she cant be coming back anytime soon..where is this source from?

20-01-2006, 16:44
It's from what's on TV and it says: "Debbie was under the impression that Emily had disappeared with her daughter sarah but Cain tracks down his grandchild. He is keen for Debbie to be reunited with sarah but she has other ideas and teh Dingles are aghast". Maybe she gives her to andy? I hope so, he'd be a better prent than Debbie anyway.

21-01-2006, 18:04
i want sarah back and living with andy whats the point in living with the dingles when her own mother doesnt want her

21-01-2006, 18:43
ohh sounds good :D

21-01-2006, 19:17
i did like the baby living with the dingles but isuppose theyve got Samson now, so maybe she wont live happily ever after with the dingles.

22-01-2006, 00:16
dont you agree that when it comes to children you see a total different side to the dingles almost softer side even cain. but debbie doesnt want sarah so why give sarah a life like that when andy would happily look after her and love her but could debbie handle that seeing her daughter every time she walks through the village

eastenders mad
22-01-2006, 10:39
yeah you do see a diffrent side to dingle clan when babies are around.
But if Debbie is not ready to be a mother like Charity was when she had Debbie. Then i think if the rumour is true the baby should go to Andy.
If any of the Dingle clan wants to see her then i think they should be aloud.

22-01-2006, 11:18
i think that cain bringd her home

22-01-2006, 13:17
I think the babuyshould go and live with Andy and then when Katie comes back her and Andy can get back togeva and look after sarah (wishful thinking)

22-01-2006, 15:46
Emily is on maternity leave she cant be coming back anytime soon..where is this source from?

but not neccerserily (sp?) emily will come back maybe he finds them in a hotel or something and cain get sarah back and emily would ring or something !? in a panick if you get me ? so emily isn't actually shown.

22-01-2006, 17:18
Or Cain could just come back with Sarah and nobody knows what happened to Emily until later?

22-01-2006, 17:27
Or Cain could just come back with Sarah and nobody knows what happened to Emily until later?

hmm maybe ... bit similar to Eastenders though.

22-01-2006, 17:55
hmm maybe ... bit similar to Eastenders though.
What like with Phil going off to Spain to get his daughter off Lisa? I thought that was really good and it was ages ago now so I don't see why emmerdale couldn't use it.

22-01-2006, 18:22
What like with Phil going off to Spain to get his daughter off Lisa? I thought that was really good and it was ages ago now so I don't see why emmerdale couldn't use it.

yeah i suppose lol ... it depends lol ... if they do a flashback it'll be a bit too similar though lol

29-01-2006, 01:35
hmmmm but all soap copy eachother these days i mean bring hillman back in corrie like enders brought back den - but i do think it would be a mistery to weather cain done anythink to emily for taking sarah

29-01-2006, 12:11
He would have done, he probably put her in hospital after what she did!

29-01-2006, 16:46
i hope he dose find them cause i felt so sorry for the dingels when emily left with sarah :(

eastenders mad
29-01-2006, 17:14
i didn't feel sorry for the dingles.

29-01-2006, 17:21
i did too because they are just such a likeable family in the soap

29-01-2006, 17:22
and they loved sarah so much it was all debbies idea she did it without discussing it

29-01-2006, 17:26
and they loved sarah so much it was all debbies idea she did it without discussing ityeah i really dont like debbie i think she a brat :angry:

29-01-2006, 17:28
the bit i dont understand now is how can she just act like sarah never existed no matter what age you are if you give your baby away you must feel something

29-01-2006, 21:31
when does cain find sarah ? and when does he actually go looking for her ?

29-01-2006, 22:30
debbie gave sarah to emily because she loved her so much and because dhe wanted sarah to have a better life than she had, she's not just a horrible cow as everyone thinks, or ahe wouldnt have been in tears over giving her away

eastenders mad
30-01-2006, 12:27
i think she did the right idea giving Sarah another chance and to get away from the dingle clan lol

31-01-2006, 01:36
yeah i really dont like debbie i think she a brat :angry:

31-01-2006, 11:29
I feel sorry for debbie, her moms left, she was in foster care for ages and her dads a nutter!! Plus she is a dingle - she was never gonna be normal.

I do think she should try and bond with Sarah when she returns though - though she hasnt really had a mom to set an example to her of what to do has she?

31-01-2006, 12:41
Debbie's intentions were always to have Sarah adopted and she did try before but Cain stopped her and promised to support her. Then he did he usual disappearing act for a couple of months.

When he came back Debbie still hadn't bonded with Sarah, at least Debbie knows Emily loves Sarah and will give her a life she has always wanted.

31-01-2006, 13:58
Debbie's intentions were always to have Sarah adopted and she did try before but Cain stopped her and promised to support her. Then he did he usual disappearing act for a couple of months.

When he came back Debbie still hadn't bonded with Sarah, at least Debbie knows Emily loves Sarah and will give her a life she has always wanted.true but all the other dingals loved her just as much and as much as i hate cain he did infact love sarah so but i do agree that emily makes a good mum :p

31-01-2006, 18:26
i liked her before but not now and her bonding with sarah will never happen simply because she doesnt want to she's more interested in drinking

31-01-2006, 18:45
i really dont like debbie i think shes a brat and i hate her

02-02-2006, 11:46
I read in TV Choice yesterday that when Cain brings Sarah back Debbis wants nothing to do with her and tells the Dingles she is moving out. After seeing the only place she can go which is a hostel she tells the Dingles she wants Sarah back as it will help her get housed by the Council, this leads to the Dingles disowning her!

02-02-2006, 16:14
I read in TV Choice yesterday that when Cain brings Sarah back Debbis wants nothing to do with her and tells the Dingles she is moving out. After seeing the only place she can go which is a hostel she tells the Dingles she wants Sarah back as it will help her get housed by the Council, this leads to the Dingles disowning her!

:eek: Well she deserves it in the end, she doesn't even love her own daughter! :angry:

02-02-2006, 16:17
used to like Debbie but now she acts like a spoilt brat

02-02-2006, 19:06
:mad: see i dont understand that how can you not love your own flesh and blood shes just a heartless cow :mad:

02-02-2006, 19:54
:mad: see i dont understand that how can you not love your own flesh and blood shes just a heartless cow :mad:

Maybe she has post natal depression?

03-02-2006, 10:30
When Daz and Debbie where arguing she did whisper that she loved Sarah. I just don't think she's ready to be a mother.

03-02-2006, 15:46
i think she honestly wants to believe that she loves her but her actions are proving otherwise

03-02-2006, 16:37
I think there is genuine feeling for the baby but she is maybe just not ready to be a mom

04-02-2006, 18:21
no cain cant find her and when i comes back debbies happy so they go mad and she is nasty 2 lisa so lisa trys 2 batter her, and cain throw her out so she ask ashely if she can live with him

04-02-2006, 18:28
no wonder the dingles went mad after all cain is out there looking for his grandaughter and when he doesnt find her she's happy about it. weird

eastenders mad
05-02-2006, 10:28
apperently Cain just missed Emily when he said he was bringing her home. it said in the sun mag.
Thats when Lisa and Debbie have a fight and debbie gets through out on the streets.

18-04-2006, 10:13
Actor Jeff Hordley has confirmed he is to leave Emmerdale later this year with the door being left open for a possible return in the future.

Jeff has played ruthless hard man Cain Dingle since March 2000 and has been involved in some of the show’s biggest storylines in the past six years, including his affair with Angie Reynolds (Freya Copeland) - which resulted in her dying in his arms - discovering he was Debbie’s (Charley Webb) father; numerous scrapes with the law including a spell behind bars, and his volatile on/off relationship with Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins).

There is a dramatic time ahead for Cain as he becomes determined to seek revenge on Debbie for giving up his grand-daughter Sarah.

Of his departure, Jeff said: “I’ve had a great time on Emmerdale and feel privileged to have been given so many fantastic storylines, but after six years playing Cain I am keen to pursue other projects.”

Kathleen Beedles, Series Producer added: “Jeff is an extremely talented actor and a well respected member of the cast and we are very sorry to see him go. We wish him the best of luck for the future.”

Cain Dingle will remain on-screen until autumn 2006.

18-04-2006, 11:02
I've known about this for a while and also how he may leave.

I liked the character cain but he has been in Emmerdale very little lately and when he does appear it is only a very brief appearance, so therefore I think that this is the right decision for him to leave.

18-04-2006, 15:29
good luck to him he is making the right decision

18-04-2006, 21:07
I have heard about this for a while. I heard his exit involved Sadie though but if it involves revenge on Debbie for giving up Sarah, i think it would be more interesting.
Whatever happens, he is sure to go out with a bang :)

18-07-2006, 09:03
Cain Dingle fled the village recently after his fling with Jasmine Thomas was exposed and he was disowned by the Dingles. And it's going to come to light that the JCB incident, masterminded by Sadie King but implemented by Cain, is what caused the horrific show home collapse.

But if you think Cain is going to get away with yet another terrible crime then think again. The bad boy Dingle is going to more than pay for his sins as his past actions catch up with him – and we will be seeing a new side to Cain, the vulnerable one!

Cain’s already hurting thanks to losing the love of his daughter Debbie once and for all. But a new crisis is going to throw his world into a tailspin and Cain will be in for more pain and suffering. And it’s nothing less than he deserves….

(from itv website)

18-07-2006, 16:01
I think that Jimmy or Matthew gets him killed then again i do know that his exit will be with Sadie

18-07-2006, 18:54
When did the JCB get driven into the show home? Surely it wouldn't take very long i reality for an explosion to occur under those circumstances.

19-07-2006, 10:48
As far as I know Cain isn't being killed off.

Cain ends up fleeing the village and it doesn't look like he will be back

That's the last I read think it was ITV or DS

Also heard sometime ago:

Sadie and Cain have a car crash. Sadie dies and Cain flees the village

However things may well change and Matt may be responsible for his "departure" as I can't see Matt taking things lightly, espec if things turn out bad for his brother Jimmy, then Matt will want ot make Cain pay in blood and Possibly Sadie to.

19-07-2006, 12:03
Jasmine's pregnant with his child it may relate to that also.

19-07-2006, 13:02
Jasmine's pregnant with his child it may relate to that also.

I was thinking the same and maybe she has an abortion
and this is why Cain ends up hurting. On Jasmine's part it would be the perfect revenge.

20-07-2006, 16:47
i did hear that cain leaves with sadie and they have a car crash and cain runs off leaving sadie dead i cant remember were i heard that but if its true it wont be a new story didnt cain leave angie renalds dyin in a car crash with him?

20-07-2006, 17:35
No she backstabbed him and chased him with another copper but she crashed. Cain got her out but realised she was dead and ran.

20-07-2006, 23:34
I can't wait for Cain's vulnerable side to show...he has played the bad guy for too long so this would make a nice change and would add a new dimension to his character.

His vulnerable side could be revealed within the Jasmine's pregnancy storyline or even Alice's death.

22-07-2006, 09:12
I think this vulnerable side could well be connected with both Jasmine's pregnancy and the fact that he was responsible for the damage to the show house by driving the JCB into the side.
It maybe the Dingle clan who make him pay and finally break him:crying: As well as the Kings of course, espec Matt.

Cain was responsible for Angie's death as he casued her to crash whilst driving a van (I think after he did a job or something), she was chasing him in the police car. In the aftermath of this storyline we saw a vulnerable side to Cain including tears espec at the scene of the crash when he realised Angie was dead. So if they were to do this again with Sadie it would be repetitive.

I am now begininng to think that Sadie's departure may well end up being a whodunnit? Suspects being:
So far.:)
If this was to happen my money would be on Matt who gets Cain to do the job for him which leads to him fleeing the village.

23-07-2006, 14:58
Debbie might give Jasmine the money for the abortion.

24-07-2006, 09:17
Debbie might give Jasmine the money for the abortion.

Yes she may
Debbie demands money from Cain for Jasmine's abortion

28-07-2006, 22:07
The money comes from Sadie.

There is more information here:

http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/3359/a82b35e2xg5.th.jpg (http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=a82b35e2xg5.jpg)

29-07-2006, 14:46
Yeah the money is from Sadie wonder what Cain will think of that.

01-08-2006, 07:41
Cain goes to prison for Alice's murder, so that Sam can stay a free man and look after the baby

01-08-2006, 08:14
Cain goes to prison for Alice's murder, so that Sam can stay a free man and look after the baby I read this in the ITV spoilers. If true it shows a remarkable side to Cain:clap:

01-08-2006, 11:20
This is the spoiler I have read about Cain (DS)

The pressure builds at the Dingles and Zak calls a Dingle Court realising someone is going to have to own up to get them out of the situation. Insisting that Samson needs his father out of prison, both Marlon and Zak step forward. Zak is determined it should be him until, to everyone’s shock, Cain insists that he will go to prison for Alice’s death. Will the Dingles let him take the blame?
The Dingles are questioned about Alice’s murder. Sam and Lisa stay quiet but Marlon lets slip about Cain’s involvement. Later, Cain is interrogated and says that he killed Alice. Zak is the final person to be questioned. Will he stick with the same story or take the blame himself?

If true then this could be his exit, in which case my latest theory about Sadie's exit could come true (she hopes, crossing everything) Also Sadie will be left to battle the Kings all by herself..ah shame:rolleyes:

My theory about the tragic and premature death of Alice is that maybe all the Dingles step forward and claim that they were responsible for killing Alice. This way no one may go to jail and horrible Martin will end up with egg on his face:lol:

03-08-2006, 14:28
I thought this was really honourable and genuine. I also think its probably also because he has been feeling broody about being a dad again, so the idea of Samson being without both his parents would have stirred the good stuff inside of him - go Cain :thumbsup:

04-08-2006, 10:23
I read this in the ITV spoilers. If true it shows a remarkable side to Cain:clap:

i think they should do that insted of getting him killed of i quite like cain

04-08-2006, 10:27
I've read that all of the Dingles say they assisted Alice, even after Cain steps forward to take the rap for it, but his story is the only one that stays constant throughout questioning and although they believe it isn't Cain, they charge him for the offence and Zak tells him how proud he is of him as they take him away. I don't know if this is how he leaves though as he isn't due to leave for another month is he?

04-08-2006, 10:50
I've read that all of the Dingles say they assisted Alice, even after Cain steps forward to take the rap for it,

This is exactly what I thought would happen, reason being that the Dingles always stick together in a crisis no matter what. At the moment Cain is out of favour with the Dingles but once he steps forward and claims that he was the one who killed Alice he will be welcomed back into the fold. Also this would be a good outcome for the storyline where in actual fact no one goes to prison for killing Alice and Martin gets egg all over his face. I hope this is the direction in which things are going.
Cain is a big softy deep down, you could see this the other night when he went up to the Dingles to see if there was anything he could do.

I don't know if this is how he leaves though as he isn't due to leave for another month is he?

Unless things have chnaged I didn't think Cain was leaving until September along with Patsy Kensit.

04-08-2006, 10:57
Unless things have chnaged I didn't think Cain was leaving until September along with Patsy Kensit. Thats what I thought too Babe, so you could be right and maybe the case gets thrown out as although from the PM they know that it was a morphine overdose that she died from, because they are all fessing up to it etc they can't really prove who was actually responsible so are unable to go ahead with any proceedings.

That is the thing with the Dingles - it doesn't matter what happens, they always stick together in a crisis - I read that when Cain realises that Jasmine really is pregnant he wants her to keep it and wants to bring the baby up with her, but Sadie gives Jasmine the money for a termination - Jasmine has the termination and Cain is gutted - but its all heading for a showdown between them, which I think will be more likely ways for him to leave, rather than just disappearing to jail. Hes been too big a character for that to happen to.

04-08-2006, 11:24
I read that when Cain realises that Jasmine really is pregnant he wants her to keep it and wants to bring the baby up with her, but Sadie gives Jasmine the money for a termination - Jasmine has the termination and Cain is gutted - but its all heading for a showdown between them, which I think will be more likely ways for him to leave, rather than just disappearing to jail. Hes been too big a character for that to happen to.

I've read all that too and yes Cain is a great character and I am sad to see him go espec as we are now seeing a whole new side to the character. A reason I can see for Sadie giving Jasmine the money for the abortion is to get back at Cain, maybe he backs out of their plan to get back at the Kings and tells Sadie she's on her own? There again Sadie probably is just doing it to be a b"""" as usual.

I think that Sadie's exit is going to be a very good one with lots of "suspects"
I hope that the exit they have planned for Cain is a good one and that he isn't killed off. I would love it if Jeff decided to return sometime in the future, but I doubt he will:crying:

04-08-2006, 11:40
I've read all that too and yes Cain is a great character and I am sad to see him go espec as we are now seeing a whole new side to the character. A reason I can see for Sadie giving Jasmine the money for the abortion is to get back at Cain, maybe he backs out of their plan to get back at the Kings and tells Sadie she's on her own? There again Sadie probably is just doing it to be a b"""" as usual.

I think that Sadie's exit is going to be a very good one with lots of "suspects"
I hope that the exit they have planned for Cain is a good one and that he isn't killed off. I would love it if Jeff decided to return sometime in the future, but I doubt he will:crying: I can see Sadie doing this just to spite him. Shes always trying to rub somebody up the wrong way, as if to try and prove her world dominance (:rotfl: yeah right, as if thats going to happen Sadie!!)

In an interview with Jeff Hordley, he gets asked "Does Cain go out in a blaze of glory or does he get his comeuppance?" - Jeff Hordley replies, "I can't say anything about that. I'd love to but I can't. And who knows? If the door's been left open I might come back....."

Obviously playing things pretty close to their chests.

04-08-2006, 12:21
I can see Sadie doing this just to spite him. Shes always trying to rub somebody up the wrong way, as if to try and prove her world dominance (:rotfl: yeah right, as if thats going to happen Sadie!!)

In an interview with Jeff Hordley, he gets asked "Does Cain go out in a blaze of glory or does he get his comeuppance?" - Jeff Hordley replies, "I can't say anything about that. I'd love to but I can't. And who knows? If the door's been left open I might come back....."

Obviously playing things pretty close to their chests.

Knowing Emmerdale it will be spectacular. I read sometime ago that there is a car crash where Sadie and Cain are arguing and the car crashes. Sadie dies and Cain runs. I think that this may now of changed and I get the impression that there could be a whodunnit..
Hope he will return one day, like the perverbal bad penny!!

04-08-2006, 14:55
I really hope they don't kill him off - hes been such a great character, I'd love to see him have a great exit, without his death being involved.

A whodunnit sounds ok, but then Cain would be at the top of the list as the likely suspect, especially if it involved Sadie's death so not sure how I would like to see him go to be honest.

05-08-2006, 08:41
IA whodunnit sounds ok, but then Cain would be at the top of the list as the likely suspect, especially if it involved Sadie's death so not sure how I would like to see him go to be honest.

My top suspect would be Matt or Tom even, as they have both recently threatened her.
I think Cain's exit would probably have something to do with the Show house collapse, Jasmine and Debbie, possibly Alice as well. Thinking about it, it would probably more likely be something to do with Debbie as she has sworn revenge on him..

12-01-2009, 12:31
Emmerdale bad boy Cain Dingle is to make a whirlwind comeback to the village in April after a three-year break, with money to burn and scores to settle.

Signalling his return from afar, Cain - played by 38-year-old Jeff Hordley - sends a high-profile solicitor to the Yorkshire Dales in the hope of securing his daughter Debbie's (Charley Webb) release from prison. Cain's journey, however, doesn't go as smoothly as planned when he's arrested on his way back to the village.

Hordley initially quit his rural role back in April 2006 to pursue other projects. His storyline saw Cain bow out of the serial drama following the character's successful kidnap and extortion plot involving Tom (Ken Farrington) and Sadie King (Patsy Kensit).

Speaking of his decision to return, Hordley said: "I am really looking forward to returning to Emmerdale. The storylines that lead to Cain’s return are in keeping with his character and a perfect way to bring him back to the heart of the Dingle clan where he belongs."

Series producer Anita Turner added: "I'm delighted to welcome Jeff back to the show. This storyline presented the exciting opportunity in which to reintroduce Cain. Debbie will be going through hell in the next few months and it’s such a boost to have her dad fighting alongside her."

12-01-2009, 12:53
This spoiler opens up a whole lot of storylines.

So Debbie is in prison probably for the Shane storyline, presumably so are Jasmine and Eli.

That means Ross is out :sick: so I wonder what happens between him and Ms Windsor-Dingle.

What about poor Moron Dingle sorry I mean Marlon

12-01-2009, 13:53
There are rumours that Donna uncovers the truth about Shane's murder but Jasmine does a runner and Eli and Debbie get sent down.

I'm glad Cain returns hopefully Charity will as well :cheer:

12-01-2009, 16:07
This is great news! something to get us interested in the show again

12-01-2009, 16:16
forget about Cain, it's Charity they want to get back!!!

13-01-2009, 00:11
Best news since I heard they were killing off Matthew King RIP

13-01-2009, 18:02
forget about Cain, it's Charity they want to get back!!!

I second that! :D

13-01-2009, 18:53
EMMERDALE’S hottest villain Cain Dingle will make a shock return to the village this spring.

And he will cause mayhem, not least with the King brothers who have a score to settle.

Cain – played by Jeff Hordley, 38 – fled in 2006 with a stack of cash after kidnapping Tom and Sadie King.

Now he is sure to cause new chaos, with his daughter Debbie (Charley Webb, 20) caught up in a bitter custody battle for her daughter Sarah and the King brothers hell-bent on revenge for taking their cash.

But a reunion with his family is prevented when Cain is arrested on his way back.

“I am really looking forward to returning to Emmerdale,” said Jeff.

“The storylines are a perfect way to bring him back to the heart of the Dingle clan where he belongs.”

13-01-2009, 20:36
This spoiler opens up a whole lot of storylines.

So Debbie is in prison probably for the Shane storyline, presumably so are Jasmine and Eli.

That means Ross is out :sick: so I wonder what happens between him and Ms Windsor-Dingle.

What about poor Moron Dingle sorry I mean Marlon
I was thinking the same thing. I hope Jasmine gets sent down for it. The thing was down to her stupidity and insistence on going out with anyman who so much as blinks at her. Debbie needs Charity to save her! The more Dingles the better!

14-01-2009, 13:06
It'd be brilliant if they could get Charity back aswell. Whats Emma Atkins up to these days anyway? I can't recall seeing her on much since she left.

14-01-2009, 13:10
If June Brown can get John Altman back as her son Nick, perhaps Jeff Hordley can ask for Charity to come back too :cheer:

15-01-2009, 16:57
It'd be brilliant if they could get Charity back aswell. Whats Emma Atkins up to these days anyway? I can't recall seeing her on much since she left.

Maybe shes doing theatre?

16-01-2009, 00:23
well it all sounds good

01-02-2009, 09:30
In Emmerdale, meanwhile, Debbie (Charley Webb) hears about Cain's (Jeff Hordley) arrest at the port and is ready to give up on her attempts to be released from prison. Her hot-shot solicitor Theo Hawkins (Tom Knight) hands her a mobile phone and tells her to wait for a call from Cain. Noticing a message, she returns the call and hears Jasmine (Jenna-Louise Coleman) at the other end. Debbie instructs her lover to stay where she is and as they swear their allegiance to each other, Debbie hears Sandy (Freddie Jones) in the background. Just how long can Sandy keep Jasmine hidden?

The following day, Debbie attends court for her preliminary hearing. With some last-minute evidence having come to light, Debbie's charge is upped to murder...

How would Debbie find out about Cain's arrest?

01-02-2009, 12:30
maybe the police mention it to her?

18-02-2009, 23:41
I was on iplayer yesterday and there was a picture of Emma Atkins on Doctors last week so looks like shes still acting!

12-03-2009, 17:13
Emmerdale actor Jeff Hordley has revealed his excitement to be returning to the ITV soap.

In January, producers announced the 38-year-old's comeback to the Yorkshire-based serial drama as bad boy Cain Dingle.

Next week, Hordley returns to the soap's set in Leeds where he begins filming for his reappearance in the village, which is due to air at the end of April.

Speaking of his return, he told The Citizen: "I always said I wanted to keep the part open. That's why Cain wasn't killed off. I'm really looking forward to going back.

"It'll be great to see my old friends and Cain was such a great character to play. Filming starts next week, the same week my current play opens. It's going to be brilliant - tiring, but brilliant."

"I've not played a bad guy like him since I left. My other roles haven't been that sort of character at all. The only one with a hint of evil is my current part in The Caretaker."

Hordley appears in Nobel Prize-winning writer Harold Pinter's play The Caretaker at the Bolton Octagon from next week, in which he plays a builder called Mick.

He added: "The stage roles have all been a real test for me and I hope to continue them, filming permitting, when I'm back in Emmerdale."

Hordley will continue filming with Emmerdale during the day and performing at the theatre in the evenings.

Cain's return to Yorkshire is scheduled to air the week commencing April 28. Kitty McGeever's first scenes as blind character Lizzie Lakely are also planned for the same week.

15-03-2009, 21:14
Why is Cain currently locked up now since his return? Is this in connection with Tom King's kidnapping :confused:

I cant wait for Cain to be back on screen

16-03-2009, 05:51
Yes, he blackmailed the Kings out of a couple of million pounds for Tom's release to then leave with Sadie King but in the end, he left her behind.

22-03-2009, 10:03
This new regime is really going to make a hash of things if their strategy is bringing back all these has-beens.
What's the point of bringing him back? There is nothing even vaguely likeable about him.
Let's hope his visit is VERY brief and he soon goes back to where he came from, taking Zak and Lisa with him.

23-03-2009, 13:36
i can not wait for cain to come back he is a brilliant character and not bad to look at either, roll on!!!!!

26-04-2009, 13:49
Does any body know if Cain has still got some of the money he toke from the Kings and that was how he afforded Debbies lawyer. The kings will try and grab it back. If he has I predict a purchase of Holgate farm for Debbie and Sarah (If Debbie win custody of Sarah) Also Cain and Sarah and Debbie will live there!?

29-04-2009, 09:06
After a two-and-a-half year absence, actor Jeff Hordley returns to Emmerdale next week as the village's unmistakable bad boy, Cain Dingle. With his first comeback attempt thwarted by police off screen, Cain finally makes his sudden reappearance on Tuesday, April 28 when his daughter Debbie (Charley Webb) finds him sat in the house. With Debbie's ongoing custody battle with Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) and the small matter of the £2.5m he stole from the Kings, it doesn't take Cain long before he's stirring trouble. Here, DS chats to Jeff about his sudden return mimicking his own life, Charity's return and Cain's secret.

How did the return come about?
"There were a few approaches but I kept putting it off, but I was approached by the new producer and I thought that the story was great and the time was right for me. Last year, I had a little boy and it wasn't the right time for me to return back then. Now everything seemed right for me to give it my all here again."

What are your thoughts on Emmerdale's new outlook?
"With Emmerdale in the hands of Steve Frost again and, of course, Gavin Blyth, they both care about the show massively and know it inside out. It's hopefully going to be a return to form and the good old days. It's a very big, positive thing and there's a great buzz and atmosphere around here at the moment."

And Cain's return to the village is quite sudden, isn't it?
"I think it's just Cain's way of coming back unannounced. I remember I made a similar return home years ago but did it badly... When I first travelled as a teenager, I went away to Greece for four months and my parents moved from the North-West down to Lincolnshire. I decided that I was going to return home unannounced, so I got on a train from Greece across Europe and when I got to Lincolnshire, I didn't have any money. So I got in a taxi and said 'I'll pay you when I get to the door'. We found this street that they lived on, knocked on their door and there was nobody there. I ended up having to knock on the neighbour's door with long hair, big tan and rucksack on my back! They didn't even know my mum and dad had an elder son! But I digress... Cain's style is to surprise people, but there has been involvement in the storyline as he was the one to get Debbie released from prison."

We'll be seeing more Cain and Debbie time, won't we?
"This is exactly why I was thrilled about coming back because they've really stayed true to the character's roots, which are that he'll do whatever it takes to look after that girl. If there's one Achilles heel of Cain, it's his daughter. It's his weakness and he'll move mountains for her. Admittedly, women are his other Achilles heel, but he won't move mountains for them."

You have some big fight scenes with the Kings during your first week, don't you?
"Yeah, I've been sat in the make-up chair getting cuts and grazes and bruises put on daily for the last few weeks. Because Cain waltzed off with the small matter of £2.5m, the Kings want some kind of payback. He goes to meet them and that's where the fight occurs."

Where is the money?
"Who knows? We've not found anything out about that yet, but what we do know is that he's had the money and he's been spending it. He returns to the village looking a bit smarter, wearing better clothes, a smarter haircut and a better BMW. I know Cain's been sending money to Debbie while he's been away, too."

You become involved with the character of Aaron, too?
"What's interesting on Cain's return is that everyone's moved on. The Elis and Aarons of this world are doing things that Cain used to do, so he looks down on them a bit. Aaron's like a little puppy looking up to Cain, thinking that his uncle's the bee's knees. There's a great relationship going to build there. Aaron stands for everything Cain was - he's a younger version of him and Cain recognises that. There's definitely lots of undiscovered territory there."

We spoke to Lucy Pargeter a few weeks ago and she mentioned that she wanted more screen time for Chas and Cain.
"It's the one thing that we've both always talked about over the years - that Cain and Chas's relationship hasn't really been explored. In all the years that we've been in the show, we're brother and sister, yet we have this non-existent relationship. So there's so much scope there and certainly with Aaron being involved, too. There certainly should be more involvement and I'm hopeful there will be."

And obviously we have the return of Charity…
"Yeah, it's going to be a big thing. I've been speaking to her recently and she's really excited about coming back. It should be great and I'd expect there'll be a lot of stuff between Charity, Debbie and Cain. It's a fantastic thing for the show that such a strong character is making a return."

Cain has a secret, too, doesn't he?
"All I can say is that it explains how he's managed to get Debbie freed from prison. That's what we find out in due course."

Which female residents of Emmerdale had better watch out now Cain's back?
"Whoever's not been on Cain's bedpost already! There's nobody initially, though, but there is a new family, isn't there..."

29-04-2009, 11:35
The Above,
thanks for the info above. I do have a very over imagination!

29-04-2009, 13:20
I think maybe Natasha is involved somehow - she is really keen to always help Debbie

I'm glad Cain is back

22-05-2009, 20:44
Some habits die hard and for Cain Dingle one of these is bedding both a mother and a daughter. He already bedded both Angie and Ollie Reynolds and now uses his charms on Maisie and Natasha Wylde but will he succeed and get both of them into his bed????????????????

22-05-2009, 20:47
He will with Maisie, but it remains unknown whether he will sleep with Natasha, maybe after Mark/Faye secret comes out she may for revenge.

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2009, 21:38
If he does then his character hasn't improved since the last time and they're just recycling old plots, which is a waste of time bringing him back if the writers can't come up with new plots.

22-05-2009, 21:44
I prefered the old Cain to the New one, the old Cain wasn't a police informant/snitch:angry: I think they only brought him back for Debbies custody battle and now they are putting Cain against the Wyldes/Kings trying to start new feuds, it will be interesting to see if he gets on with the Bartons when they arrive or is a bit wary of them

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2009, 21:50
Yeah but having him feuding with the Wyldes then sleeping with the females of the family is just the same as he did with the Reynolds and Kings. He must be a police informant for some pretty huge crime as Cain wouldn't grass anyone up. I just thimk it will be pretty boring if he did the same as the last time he was in the dales.

22-05-2009, 21:54
I agree the feud with the Wyldes is the same as the Reynolds, but I think its to get to Marks secret, because he knows hes hiding something, but he just doesn't know what it is yet:hmm:

Cain snitched on some major criminals/gangsters when he was abroad, so this is how he became a police informant and can still get away with murder:angry: I am just waiting until his pastcomes back to haunt him, because we know everything will eventually crumble for Cain, but this being Emmerdale and him being a Dingle, can hardly see that happening

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2009, 21:59
The phrase falling in sh*t and coming out smelling of roses comes to mind.

23-05-2009, 15:27
I hate Maisie - Cain can do so much better than her - hopefully he will get back with Charity when she arrives i love them together

23-05-2009, 16:19
I would love Charity and Cain together, but you know that won't happen straight away, and from what Emma Atkins has said, Cain and Debbie won't be happy to see her.

07-06-2009, 15:15
I can see him getting Maisie into bed as he wouldn't have to try too hard but as for Natasha that could involve a lot of hard work!

24-11-2009, 06:53
ANGRY Cain Dingle decks his cousin Marlon after discovering he’s been secretly supporting Charity Tate.

Cain (Jeff Hordley, 38) unleashes a flurry of punches on the lanky chef (Mark Charnock, 40) after he confesses to allowing Charity (Emma Atkins, 34) to stay with him.

The blonde found herself out in the cold after trying to rob Cain.


12-12-2009, 14:37

Sparring Emmerdale lovers Cain and Charity Dingle - played by Jeff Hordley and Emma Atkins - reach a crossroads in their relationship on Christmas Day when Charity goes on bended knee and asks Cain for his hand in marriage. Following a disastrous Dingle dinner, Debbie (Charley Webb) incinerates the cash that her mother and father are arguing over, prompting Charity and Cain to return home and wallow in their own self-pity. Cain, however, is taken aback when Charity suggests that they should tie the knot. Realising that he has nothing to lose, Cain shrugs and happily agrees, before sealing the proposal with a kiss. Here, DS chats to Jeff and Emma about the Christmas Day episode and what's on the horizon for their screen counterparts.

How quickly did you both find that on-screen spark with each other again?
[JH] "Pretty much straight away. You know there are certain actors that you really spark off and bounce off. I don't know what it is but as far as I'm concerned, when Emma says the lines to me, it really penetrates through and she means it - so that makes it easier for me to act with her. You don't always get that with every actor you work with. I'm lucky that with Emma - and with Charley - I've got somebody I naturally bounce off."
[EA] "Absolutely ditto! We were talking [about this] earlier and a lot of it's based on trust and having the openness to try different things and not feeling stupid or embarrassed if something doesn't work. You can always fall back on that person because they'll never make you feel stupid. Having a good rapport in that way both on and off screen is vital I'd say."

Why don't Cain and Charity see that they're made for each other?
[JH] "They're too busy arguing!"
[EA] "I think now they're coming round to the idea of it. It's basically been that the grass is always greener for both of them and they both thought, 'Maybe we can do better than being together in this way'. They're so linked through their family and through Debbie that they question, 'Is this going to work?'"
[JH] "They're so busy competing and getting one up on each other they can't see they're acting the same as each other. It's, 'I'm better than you! No, you're better than me! You do this! You do that!' but actually they're both the same."

What's the mood like between them on Christmas Day?
[EA] "Christmas Day begins very hostile and moody."
[JH] "There's a very icy atmosphere - they're wishing each other merry Christmas through gritted teeth. Debbie, unbeknownst to the Dingles, brings Charity along to the Dingles' Christmas Day. It escalates from there and it's quite a hilarious situation round the Christmas table. You've got Chas there and Aaron and Paddy at the end of the table - they're not happy with Chas. Cain's not happy with Chas because Carl threatened Debbie... Everyone's sniping at each other and poor Lisa's trying to have the best Christmas Day ever! It ends in disaster and people end up rowing. Charity tells Cain to chill out and have a beer but when she opens it, it splurges all over him and it all kicks off from there."

How does the engagement come about?
[EA] "It's born out of a huge argument after the money's been burned. They reluctantly go back to the house together and there's absolutely nothing left. They're squabbling over who's going to finish the last drop of red wine and then Charity keeps pushing it saying, 'We might as well be married, there's nothing left to do but get married'. She mentions it again and Cain's like, 'Woah, woah, woah! Did I just hear what I think I heard?'"
[JH] "It's probably the only thing we've not explored!"
[EA] "She pushes it a bit further and we come back to a scene later on where she says, 'Sod it, if you're not going to do it I'll do it!' and she literally gets on both knees (laughs) She's not begging, though, because she's in control to a certain extent. To ask Cain of all people to marry her?! She's also certainly willing to get down on one knee to prove a point - so they agree to go for it and have a shotgun wedding."

Cain and Charity's battles have been over money and their daughter - where do they go from here?
[JH] "I don't really know. All that Emma and I are concerned with is carrying on working together because we're really enjoying it. We're just hoping that the writers will write some great stuff for us next year."
[EA] "There's a Charity/Cain scam brewing. At the moment, we're in the middle of filming scripts for a possible scam - it's a will they/won't they pull it off. So that's where we are at the moment, which leads us to believe that we're possibly doing a Bonnie and Clyde storyline but without the deaths!"

Did Charity save her old wedding dress?
[EA] "I think that got burnt with the money! (Laughs)"
[JH] "She can't fit into it anymore - she's had too much Christmas food!"

Will it be a white wedding?
[JH] "I think it'll be more a black wedding if there's such a thing."
[EA] "The thing is, I don't think she's ever been superstitious. Just to p*ss people off, she'd probably get the whitest dress in the world just to prove a point. I think they'll probably have a low-key civil affair if they didn't have any money. If they had money, though, they'd probably have a big ceremony!"
[JH] "They'd be like Jordan and Peter if they had money!"

'Emmerdale's Cain and Charity on cash, kids and more

I recently caught up with Emmerdale stars Jeff Hordley and Emma Atkins - Yorkshire's Cain and Charity Dingle - to chat about their upcoming Christmas engagement in the show.

Click here to read the main serving, or stay on this page to find out more about Cain's cash, whether any more kids are on the cards and if Jeff thinks a leopard really can change its spots.

Where did all of Cain's money come from?
[JH] "Cain got all his money from the Kings, so it is his money and that's why he's a dog with a bone and won't let it go. He really wants his money back. Even when the money's burned, I'm sure he's still going to want it back by hook or by crook."

Do you think Debbie really burns the money? Or do you think that she burns some scrap paper to make it look like it had gone up in smoke?
[JH] "Interesting one - but do I think the money is burnt?"
[EA] "I like that!"

Does Cain have a load more cash stashed away?
[JH] "As far as I'm aware, that's all the cash he's got, but you never know - the storyline writers might go, 'We forgot to say but actually there's a little bit more somewhere!' I honestly believe, hand on heart, that the holdall full is the end of it. It brings them back to a level playing field again and that's when it's going to be most exciting with those characters - how do they get hold of money again?"

When did Charity realise that family meant more to her than cash?
[EA] "When she got to the storage unit and had the chance to literally elope with all the money. She had freedom right in front of her and for some reason, she couldn't go through with it. That was the huge turning point… that spoke volumes about how deep her feelings run for Debbie and Cain. I think a stream of constant irresponsible, disloyal goings-on have made her rethink. Charity's a complete loser really, a confused mess - and the more she keeps running away, nothing's answering her problems."

Why doesn't Cain think Charity will ever change?
[JH] "Well, she has a history of always letting people down. If there's one thing history teaches us, it's not to repeat something - if there was no history we'd have the Second World War again. Thankfully, it's locked into Cain's memory that Charity's always let people down, particularly him - and that's why he doesn't trust her."

Do you think they'll want more kids?
[JH] "No, I think they've done the kid thing."

What do you think of Emmerdale's state of play at the moment?
[EA] "I think it's great! You've got the stalker situation with Laurel and Ashley - that's really keeping the audience wondering what on earth could happen next…"
[JH] "… And you've got all the Wylde stuff that's going to be coming out. The actors that are in it and what Gavin [Blyth]'s done with the show this year - it's really back on fire - literally with the church as well!"
[EA] "We were also excited to learn we'd done really well on Thursday night in the ratings."

Do you think that Debbie wants her parents to be together again or does she just want them to get along with each other?
[JH] "I think she just wants them to be happy and talking to each other and if that comes with them being together then so be it."

31-10-2010, 08:42
Emmerdale's Emma Atkins reckons Charity Tate and Cain Dingle could be in for some time apart.

The couple have long had a fiery relationship, but are currently living together in some semblance of domestic bliss.

But actress Emma thinks soap bosses are preparing to shake up their union.

She said: "From the way they're hinting, I'm getting the feeling that, as much as they love Cain and Charity they're sending us in slightly different directions for the time being."

Emma went on: "As much as Jeff [Hordley, who plays Cain] and I love working together we appreciate that maybe the audience want to see something else now. Maybe that will create the spark again between them.

"Once you put a couple back together again it can often be the case that domesticity sets in and people say 'We want the Cain and Charity we know best' and that's generally when they're off doing their scams and things."

She also suggested that things could get personal between Charity and businessman Jai Sharma (Chris Bisson), for whom she is doing some work.

"Whether that leads to anything on a more personal level, I'm not sure. But I would say watch this space. The way they're playing it's there's certainly going to be conflict between Cain and Jai, I would imagine, which would be really exciting to play.

"I think Cain and Charity are at their best when they're jealous because there's always something to play for. That thing of 'You're on my territory, you're on my patch' - I think that's the best storyline to play really."

30-11-2011, 01:38
ACTOR Jeff Hordley might play violent womaniser Cain Dingle on TV soap Emmerdale but at home he's just a pussycat.

So much so that when he tried out a few of his character's screen tricks on his family, they put him firmly in his place.
Jeff jokes: "I tried Cain's menacing stare with the children once and they just laughed.
"I think my daughter and son will have the better of me for the rest of their lives. I have little love hearts in my eyes when I see them."
Jeff reckons he's definitely bottom of the pecking order at home, behind his actress wife Zoe Henry — who plays vet Rhona Goskirk in Emmerdale — his children, Violet, seven, and Stanley, three, and even the dog, Rita.
He says: "Cain might rule the roost in Emmerdale but not in my house. I'd certainly never dare take home any of his bad temper or irritability — Zoe wouldn't allow it.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01415/SNF30CAIN3-532_1415519a.jpg Fury ... Debbie stops Cain going for Cameron

"There is a good balance between the two of us but Zoe has got the edge. Blokes like to think they're in charge but Zoe is really the boss.
"She has said once or twice that I'm probably too nice sometimes and I should have more of an edge to me. But when I'm with my friends I like to keep the equilibrium and the peace. I'm definitely someone who likes a quiet life.
"I'm nothing like Cain when it comes to women either. I've been with my wife for 17 years and we're extremely happy. We were students together and very young when we met — I was 24 and she was 21 — but I knew pretty quickly she was the one."
Similarly, while Cain gets his kicks causing trouble, Jeff's own pastimes are much more sedate.
The family live in a small West Yorkshire village and away from work he's involved with an online radio station, Radiorepublic.net, with fellow actor Graeme Hawley, who played John Stape in Corrie.
He spends his spare time walking Rita and tending his allotment.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01415/SNF30CAIN4-532_1415518a.jpg Attack ... Cain confronts Amy in the street

He says: "Nothing beats going over there on a summer's evening after the children have gone to bed.
"I love it. It's the new rock and roll."
Jeff joined Emmerdale in 2000 and Zoe followed him two years ago. Over recent months viewers have seen Cain's already vile behaviour escalate out of control.
He has punched his father, Zak, seduced three women, including 16-year-old Amy, and married Moira, spilt the beans to her husband John so wrecking her marriage and generally made life as miserable as possible for anyone he encounters.
Now he is finally about to get his comeuppance when he is battered senseless and left for dead by a mystery assailant in two dramatic Emmerdale episodes entitled Judgement Day — on ITV1 on December 8 at 7pm and 8pm. No fewer than six characters are in the frame for the attack.
Jeff says: "He's the most hated man in soap at the moment and that's great fun to play. In this country we are generally all so polite and Cain isn't. He just speaks his mind.
"I'm in the character's shoes and I staunchly defend why he is like he is. I can see why he is gunning for Amy.
She told him she was 19 when they slept together and she was actually 16.
His ex, Charity, is marrying Jai so he is annoyed with them and I can see why he is angry with his dad, because he won't leave him alone.
"I've got mates who have had fisticuffs with their dads. I've never done it but it's not uncommon for fathers and sons to be at loggerheads."
Despite his nasty streak, Cain has proved hugely popular with viewers — girls fancy him and men want to be him. Yet Jeff seems genuinely baffled at his sex symbol appeal.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01415/SNF30CAIN2-532_1415520a.jpg Hated man ... Cain Dingle is badly beaten

He says: "I have no idea why. He's scruffy and unkind — you just wouldn't. If I was a woman I definitely wouldn't.
"But perhaps some women are drawn to the danger. He's a bad boy and they want to tame him. But there's no way on earth I'd let my daughter go out with someone like Cain. If she turned up with someone like that — oh dear."
Jeff, who grew up in Oldham, Lancs, was 23 when he decided he would like to be on the stage. He enrolled to study acting at Manchester Metropolitan University and after graduating in 1997 his first audition was at Emmerdale.
He says: "I got the job of a paramedic who tried to save Dave Glover who died in a fire. But a week before we were meant to film they pulled the part. I still got my fee but I didn't do the job. Then four years later I joined the show for real."
Meanwhile his TV debut was in Coronation Street. He recalls: "I was in it twice — as a nightclub owner with Mike Baldwin, then as a really camp theatre director called Wayne. It was a terrible part. It was with Hayley and Roy and the director told me to camp it up. I never want to see it again."
Jeff took a break from Emmerdale from 2006 to 2009 to spend more time with his young family and pursue more theatre roles.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01415/SNF30TV02N-532_1415516a.jpg Happy ... Jeff Hordley with his wife Zoe Henry

But he says: "I expressly asked the producer at the time not to kill me off, because I always knew I would want to return one day.
"I love the character and the people who work here. Now I'm back I've no plans to go anywhere."
Despite Jeff's own calm personality, he admits he occasionally can't help playing on Cain's hardman reputation, recently winding up Mark Charnock, who played Zoe's previous on-screen partner Marlon Dingle.
Jeff recalls: "He was always on set, going, 'Zoe, Zoe,' and putting his arms around her and then saying, 'Sorry Jeff.' But I got my own back.
http://s0.2mdn.net/dot.gif (http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3bcf/3/0/%2a/y%3B247728610%3B0-0%3B2%3B24193874%3B4307-300/250%3B45084758/45102546/1%3B%3B~aopt%3D2/0/f9/0%3B~sscs%3D%3fhttp://www.fabulousmag.co.uk/fabmag/fabulous/fab_ad_features/fab2/article1369205.ece)

"There was a scene in the Woolpack and I was at the bar and Marlon and Rhona were together.
"In the rehearsal Mark walked off and kissed Zoe. I said, 'Whoah, what are you doing?' Zoe kind of cowered a little bit and Mark went beetroot red."
Gentle Jeff and crazed Cain may be chalk and cheese but it seems being known as the nastiest man in soap does have its uses occasionally.

01-01-2012, 14:59
Emmerdale actor Jeff Hordley has revealed that he is fond of his new look.

The star, who plays Cain Dingle in the ITV1 soap, was forced to shave off his hair after his character was attacked and had to have fake stitches applied for hospital scenes.

He told Inside Soap: "My new hair is really working for me! It's no fuss in the shower, and soon it'll have grown out into a crew cut, which I really like.

"I didn't like it when my hair was first shaved off, though. I thought I looked like Sam the Eagle from The Muppet Show - the character with the big eyebrows."

However, Hordley went on to say that he has now been asked to change his hair back to how it was.

"I'm having to grow it all back now anyway, as I'm under strict instructions from the make-up department at Emmerdale," he added.

07-03-2012, 16:59
Emmerdale star Jeff Hordley has said that he is delighted to have more danger on the way for his character Cain Dingle.

Cain was at the centre of a huge whodunit story last year when he was brutally attacked. His father Zak Dingle was revealed as the culprit two months ago.

Dark clouds could be gathering once again for Cain in the coming weeks as tabloid reports have said that Adam Barton will try to kill him by setting fire to the garage.



Hordley told TV Times: "I had a fantastic year last year with the 'Who bludgeoned Cain?' story. It dipped in the New Year, but now we'll be seeing repercussions - the shockwaves."

Asked about the rumours of another attempt on Cain's life, the actor replied: "Well, apart from last year there haven't been any before, but somebody in the cast suggested that perhaps they could try and kill Cain off four or five times a year and he can be the cat with nine lives!

"I don't mind, as long as the character doesn't die, because I'm really enjoying it here at the moment."

The 41-year-old, who is married to Emmerdale co-star Zoe Henry, added that he is happy to have a quieter life once the cameras stop rolling.

He said: "After a day playing Cain, I go home and think, 'Thank God I'm really boring'… I'd hate to be Cain Dingle for real."

04-05-2012, 15:01
Emmerdale star Jeff Hordley has predicted that viewers have not seen the last of Cain Dingle's nasty side.

Cain has behaved more calmly in recent months as he continues to recover from his father Zak's brutal attack on him.

Hordley told Soaplife of his character: "He's gone into his shell a bit because of everything that's happened to him over the last year, but I'm sure he'll come out of it and start doing nasty things again.

"I hope so anyway, because it's fun playing a bad lad. But it's also good playing a softer, gentler side - that's probably a bit more like me."

Cain comes to Zak's rescue next week when the unstable pig farmer goes wandering on the moors and ends up in danger. However, Hordley warned that they will not necessarily settle their differences any time soon.

He said: "Cain told Zak and Lisa that while he would always keep up appearances in front of the family, his relationship with them was over because of Zak's attack on him.

"Going up on the moors is a massive thing for him to do, but I'm not 100% sure it will change things. You can't forget something like that."

Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV1.

Chloe O'brien
04-05-2012, 22:41
He will make Cameron's life a living misery if he finds out about him and Chas

06-05-2012, 20:42
why is he blaming poor lisa she didn't assault him

sarah c
07-05-2012, 10:05
why is he blaming poor lisa she didn't assault him

because she supported Zak and didnt condem him for attacking Cain. She also wanted the fact that it was Zak to be hushed up.

07-05-2012, 18:15
does cain have any effects from his head injury(sickness, fatigue, headaches etc)

15-06-2013, 23:16
Emmerdale star Jeff Hordley has praised the show's writers for exploring a softer side to his bad boy character Cain Dingle.

The actor, who has played Cain on and off since 2000, appeared on ITV's Loose Women this afternoon (June 14) and revealed that he enjoys his soap role more than ever.

Hordley explained: "When you stay in a show this long, the characters and the writing get better and better, because you have more layers to reveal, and I just think we're doing a great job with the character now.

"Just before I left in 2006, I was kind of a little bit bored of standing behind corners and looking round them! Directors used to say, 'Jeff, it's lurking position five today, please!' You kind of think, 'Okay, I think it's time for a change'.

"I've come back to the show in 2009 and I think the character has changed and evolved. That's thanks to the writers, because they've done a great job."

Last night, viewers saw Cain help Adam Barton to cover up his involvement in a hit and run accident. The two men have a long history of animosity as Adam disapproves of his mum Moira's relationship with Cain.

Discussing the future of the plot, Hordley said: "I think this story is about Cain and Adam coming together. Cain and Adam have been at loggerheads for a while, because he doesn't want Cain to be in the family or be with his mother.

"Cain helps Adam out and they come together. I think you see in tonight's episode that Moira says, 'Okay guys, we are a family - not the same as when John Barton was around, but we are a family with this dodgy guy at the helm! But we're going to work as a unit'."

On Cain and Moira's future, he added: "I think this is serious stuff and I think the writers are going to run with this. I love working with Natalie J Robb, she's amazing. She's special, she really is."

14-10-2013, 16:12
Will he be back for this week's siege?

I really wanna see Cain get a few smacks into Cameron

Also he proposes to Moira

14-10-2013, 16:12

15-10-2013, 10:11
Yep Cain may propose to Moira but there's a rumor of them breaking up. I think it has something to do with John Barton's brother coming into the village. I hope the writers keep Moira & Cain together, they make such an awesome couple. And I like the fact that he can be still a little rough around the edges.

26-11-2013, 17:35
Emmerdale actor Jeff Hordley has confirmed that his character Cain Dingle won't be staying out of trouble in the months ahead.

Cain has tried to tone down his bad boy antics since settling down with Moira Barton this year, but may find himself with something to prove when the new Barton arrivals move into Butler's Farm.

Viewers have already been introduced to James and Ross Barton (Bill Ward and Michael Parr), while Pete and Finn (Anthony Quinlan and Joe Gill) make their first appearances next week.

Speaking to TV Times about Cain's future, Hordley explained: "We're in a real purple patch at Emmerdale. We've got this amazing producer, Kate Oates, who knows how to tell stories and pace them correctly.

"We have all the new Bartons at the farm now for Cain to spar with. There's a lot of testosterone bouncing around. Cain would love to be sat in front of the fire with Moira rather than be doing scams all day long, but he won't give them up as he needs to keep his edge to be able to compete with the Barton men.

"Also, he's jealous of James and can see he's hanging around Moira too much. And of course, Charity has just made a move on him and she could be a threat to his relationship."

Hordley also promised that he will be sticking with Emmerdale for the foreseeable future.

He commented: "Why wouldn't I stay? They're writing great stuff for me all the time, my wife [Zoe Henry] is on the show, which is lovely, and we've got a young family - our children Violet and Stanley are 9 and 5 now. I'm extremely happy to be sitting in Camp Emmerdale right now."

27-11-2013, 15:20
^ Good to hear, love Cain one of the best characters ever on the show imo

28-11-2013, 22:08

28-11-2013, 22:08
Emmerdale star Jeff Hordley has backed the decision to keep exploring his character Cain Dingle's chemistry with ex-partner Charity Sharma.

Tonight's double bill (November 28) sees Charity make a move on Cain in the aftermath of her split from husband Jai.

While Cain's heart currently belongs to Moira Barton, Hordley today (November 28) told Loose Women that he also still shares a strong connection with Charity.

"You never write Charity and Cain off because we've got a lot of history with the show. I think it's good to keep that bubbling away," he explained.

"I think because they were young loves and they had Debbie when they were teenage loves, that first love [is] always going to exist. I think that's why the writers are writing these scenes."

Hordley added: "Of course, there's stuff to come with Cain and Moira as well, but there might be some repercussions from tonight. She's a tough old bird, is Moira!"

The actor also admitted that he prefers playing Cain now that he is showing his softer side more often.

He commented: "I like the way the character's moved now, because I think the guy's getting older and he wants to settle down a bit more. But his DNA hasn't changed - he can't help slipping back into the old Cain.

"He is a human, and it makes the character more three-dimensional instead of this two-dimensional villain. Since I've come back [in 2009], I've had a bit of a personality transplant, but in a good way because the DNA hasn't changed and I think it makes for a better character.

"I think the longer you stay in a show, the writers have got more tools to write for your character and there's more layers. I think the character now is the best it's ever been."

Emmerdale airs a double bill tonight at 7pm and 8pm on ITV.

03-12-2013, 16:28
Cain Dingle walks out on Moira next week when he becomes fed up with feeling second best.

The bad boy mechanic reckons Moira will never love him as much as she did John Barton and decides he doesn't want to have to compete with a ghost.

Moira, who shows signs of feelings for John's brother, James, is frosty with Cain after he admits Charity tried it on with him.

When Cain arrives at the farm, he gets a grilling from Moira who wonders where he has been.

A show insider says: 'In a moment of anger, he tells Moira he feels second best to John and to give them space, he is off to Italy to do a job. He hopes that by the time he gets back she will have realised how she feels about him. But it's a dangerous game because he could be giving James the perfect opportunity to muscle in on his patch.'

03-12-2013, 16:28
Cain Dingle walks out on Moira next week when he becomes fed up with feeling second best.

The bad boy mechanic reckons Moira will never love him as much as she did John Barton and decides he doesn't want to have to compete with a ghost.

Moira, who shows signs of feelings for John's brother, James, is frosty with Cain after he admits Charity tried it on with him.

When Cain arrives at the farm, he gets a grilling from Moira who wonders where he has been.

A show insider says: 'In a moment of anger, he tells Moira he feels second best to John and to give them space, he is off to Italy to do a job. He hopes that by the time he gets back she will have realised how she feels about him. But it's a dangerous game because he could be giving James the perfect opportunity to muscle in on his patch.'

15-04-2014, 05:16
Emmerdale's Cain Dingle takes drastic action on the day of Belle's big court hearing next week.

With Belle still adamant that she is going to plead guilty over Gemma's death, Cain makes one last-ditch attempt to convince her to change her mind.

Here, Jeff Hordley - who plays Cain - reveals his character's plan to save Belle from a stretch behind bars.

How concerned is Cain about Belle's plans to plead guilty?
"Cain thinks that Belle is throwing her life away. He is also extremely concerned because his dad is showing signs of having a breakdown again. Of all the Dingle children, Belle has always been the bright one - the one that's not like the rest of them. Now she's fallen into Dingle mode and is going to plead guilty for something that was an accident.

"Cain is really scared and doesn't want her to do that. He knows it would break the family apart, because Zak's going to have another breakdown if Belle goes to prison."

What are the signs that Zak is taking a turn for the worse again?
"At one point, Cain goes into the barn and sees that Zak has really lost the plot. Zak is holding onto a blanket and he isn't making any sense, just like he was when he was on top of the cliff. Cain is quite shocked, and that's the catalyst to make him realise that he really needs to do something to change Belle's mind."

What happens when Cain confronts Belle?
"On the morning of the court hearing, Cain finds Belle in the café and tells her that Zak isn't taking her to the court any more because he's not well. Cain tells Belle that she's got a choice - he can either drive her to court and she can be a martyr, or he'll take her to see what's happening to her dad. Obviously Belle is concerned about her dad, so she chooses the second option.

"Cain drives Belle up to the edge of a cliff and basically shows her the place where Zak was going to jump off last year. He says, 'If you carry on trying to be a hero, then this is where you're going to find your dad'. Cain says it'll be because of her.

"Cain knows how that feels, because he's been in the same situation himself. The reason why Zak had the breakdown in the first place was because of his attack on Cain. Cain says, 'You don't want to be in the same position that I was in, which is feeling terrible that you were the reason he had a breakdown'."

Will those words make an impact on Belle?
"I think Cain feels it's the last roll of the dice. It's quite a desperate measure and he's not particularly forceful with her, but he's so genuine that there's a little bit of desperation in the way he's acting. Hopefully that will change Belle's mind, but whether it does, we'll have to wait and see."

When Belle later arrives at court, it's only with seconds to spare. What's the mood like?
"Everybody is panicked because they think that Belle is not going to turn up. Cain just gives Belle a little word before she goes in and says, 'Right, now it's down to you, sis'. Then we'll see what happens in the court…"

We don't often see Cain and Belle scenes. What has it been like to work with Eden?
"This particular story for Eden has shown that she's no longer a young child actor any more - she's one of the mature adult actors. She's been on the show for so long now, but this really is the maturing of Eden in terms of an actress. She's fantastic and has been great to work with.

"What I love about these scenes is that I don't think many people remember that Cain and Belle are brother and sister. Belle is Cain's little sister and he does care about her. He doesn't want her to be like the rest of the Dingles, because she's the one bright hope of the family.

"Cain has got a lot of time for Belle and it's great to see them in scenes together. I just hope they write more for us further down the line."

Do the Dingles have a hard road ahead regardless of Belle's plea?
"I think regardless of whether Belle pleads guilty or not guilty, she's not necessarily going to get off with it. The charge is manslaughter so even if Belle says not guilty, it doesn't mean to say that she's going to walk free. There's a long road ahead. Belle will carry the guilt of what happened to Gemma and potentially what could happen to her dad."

While all of this is going on, there are increased tensions between Moira and James. Is Cain aware of that?
"Cain isn't really aware of it, as he's got so much going on with Belle's situation. Moira makes Cain aware that there has been some tension, but Cain points out that they've been in this position for a while and she'll just have to put up with it for the sake of the business. That's how Cain deals with it. In a way, he's pleased that the penny has dropped for Moira when it comes to James!"

Is Cain now convinced that James's feelings for Chas are genuine?
"I think Cain is buying that the two of them have become an item. I also don't think Cain sees James as a threat when it comes to Moira any more. Now that he and Moira are engaged, Cain is convinced that their relationship is strong and they can deal with James and the other cuckoos living in their nest."

The week of the court hearing also sees Chas tell Cain that she is organising a secret wedding for him and Moira. How does he react?
"Cain is initially really naffed off at Chas for doing that. He said to Moira previously that the reason they can't plan a wedding just yet is that the whole family are dealing with the Belle situation and nobody will be in the mood for partying. When Chas puts him on the spot he says, 'Okay, let's do it, I suppose everybody does need to smile now'. Cain changes his mind and says they can go through with it, as long as Chas runs everything past him with no games.

"I think Cain realises that if somebody else is willing to do it, and his sister has got a nice little idea, it'll be a great surprise for Moira."

Is Cain still convinced that Moira is the right woman for him?
"Yes, most definitely. He's 100% certain that Moira is the one for him now. They've been through so much together and she's created an honest man of him."

29-07-2014, 00:09
Cain Dingle resorts to blackmail next week as he tries to bail his new wife Moira out of trouble.

Cain has behaved coldly towards Moira (Natalie J Robb) for weeks, but he still wants to help her come up with the £20,000 compensation money she owes Andy Sugden following his accident at the farm.

Turning ruthless once again, Cain targets his ex-partner Charity Macey by threatening to reveal her abortion secret unless she buys his silence…

Here, Jeff Hordley - who plays Cain - reveals all the gossip on another eventful week for his character.

How has Cain been feeling since the truth came out about Moira and James's secret?
"As Jeff, I think it's a bit of a double standard that Cain is not happy, but he feels like Moira has cheated on him and he is really making her pay for it. Ever since the truth came out, he's made life miserable for Moira and there's been weeks of them not getting along.

"However, you do see that Cain still cares for Moira because he helps her out by getting this money via Charity, so the audience do see that obviously there is still something there. Cain would have walked away otherwise."

Has Moira broken Cain's heart?
"I wouldn't say she has broken Cain's heart, but she has broken his trust. Cain says to her that the reason he's never been married before is because this is the time that it's meant something to him. He didn't get married to be lied to in such a big way."

Would you say the two of them are still meant to be together?
"Yeah, I think they are. Zak says to Moira that Cain has never been like this with anyone else, and I do think she is the first woman possibly since Charity who has really captured his heart."

What can you tell us about Cain blackmailing Charity?
"Cain needs to get compensation money to bail Moira out for Adam's mistake. He's desperate to find the cash from somewhere, so he realises that he's got something on Charity - the abortion of Declan's child. Cain casually reminds her about that and fortunately she agrees to give him the cash."

Does Cain have any conscience about treating Charity this way?
"No, because Cain just thinks, 'Sod it - she's got the money!' She's certainly somebody who will probably help him out, so Cain decides to use that."

How does Charity react?
"Charity can't believe it at first, but I think once she realises how serious Cain is, she just thinks she has got the money so she might as well give it to him."

Is there still chemistry between them?
"I think so - I think there'll always be chemistry between Cain and Charity. Certainly I love working with Emma and I think that always creates something on screen. With the way their scenes are written, there's always a little spark of something in there."

Will it ever be fully over between Cain and Charity?
"I don't think it should ever be over between Cain and Charity, because it's good to keep that bubbling away. They were childhood sweethearts and they've got a common bond with Debbie. I think there should always be something there.

"Now that Cain is with Moira he seems really happy, but Charity does always keep popping up!"

When Cain starts spending time with Charity to blackmail her, Moira fears they're back together! Does Cain realise that?
"He hasn't got a clue until she confronts him about it. Moira sees them together at the garage and confronts them both. Cain is still quite rude to her, while Charity walks off.

"Later, Cain goes back to the house and has a bit of a ding-dong with Moira. He says, 'Right, I might as well go and pack my bags then'.

"That's when Cain says that the reason he hasn't been married before is that this one actually means something to him. He puts that out to Moira and there is a tipping point between them. They make it up and Cain decides to stay."

What is it that makes Cain change his mind like that?
"Moira tells Cain that they've got to move on from this. She says that if he doesn't forgive and forget, they're never going to be able to carry on. He relents and everything seems to be back to normal - until the next hurdle!"

What would you do in Cain's position?
"I think his attitude is a case of double standards, but that is totally Cain. I think he's oversensitive and is flying off the handle a little bit, but for Cain, marriage is such a big step. He's put everything on the line for this woman, and then right at the beginning of their marriage, he's found out that she has lied to him about something massive.

"Cain thinks it's not the start he wanted to their marriage, so he feels extremely let down, disappointed and hurt. But I think he's overreacting because it did happen years ago! If it was me, I'd be like, 'It's fine, don't worry about it!'"

29-07-2014, 00:09

29-07-2014, 11:13
Bout time Moira & Cain Yeah,

22-10-2015, 00:02
head of the dingles zak passing the baton down

22-10-2015, 06:39
head of the dingles zak passing the baton down

You kinda could see that coming with Zak & Lisa getting older and Cain settling down with Moira. They are stable and I thing Cain & Moira would suit that role completely in my opinion. And it was a very touching scene between a father & son, well played.

22-10-2015, 21:20
You kinda could see that coming with Zak & Lisa getting older and Cain settling down with Moira. They are stable and I thing Cain & Moira would suit that role completely in my opinion. And it was a very touching scene between a father & son, well played.

I really liked the Zak and Cain scene

Telly Watcher
03-01-2016, 14:16
New Year, New Me

We take a peek at Cain Dingle's list of New Year's resolutions...

1. Be a better husband and don't drive Moira into the arms of another man. (RS: So you already know about blue-eyed Pete then? [Have I just unintentionally dropped a big clanger here though??? Hmmm! Haha!])

2. Keep baby Moses away from the Bartons. Rotten family. Not like us Dingles. (RS: ... [I'm lost for words right now. But this isn't usual for a Sugden! I'll be back to normal real soon! Haha!]...)

3. Buy a giant roll of sticky tape and patch up Zak and Lisa's marriage. (RS: Spoiler alert! Zak and Joanie go house-sitting in Ireland for a while real soon, you'll see soon enough...[Er, is that another of my clangers today? Hmm? Let it go, let it go... Haha!])

4. Get rid of that strumpet Joanie. See point 3. (RS: See point 3! Haha!)

5. Get rid of anyone who's likely to cause us Dingles any more strife. (RS: May I respectfully suggest, sir, that we start with "the who must not be named"...)

6. Smile more. (Yeah, right.). (RS: Aww, c'mon. Once upon a smile and all that... It's new year, after all. Let's all give a little more to the ones we truly love [to hate]! Haha! Chop, chop. Or should that be bang, bang?)

TV Soap, The Sun, 3-9 January 2016

03-01-2016, 23:51
cain should send zak off to be with debbie wherever she went

04-01-2016, 16:12
Thats just a whole lot of BS if Cain & Moira breakup. I thought that now Cain is the head of the Dingle Clan, him and Moira will become the New Zac & Lisa, especially when Zac thinks hes 16 years old again. Get your **** together writers and leave at least one couple whole. If yous want to distroy a couple, get rid of Doug, FFS kill him off already.

04-01-2016, 16:13
Thats just a whole lot of BS if Cain & Moira breakup. I thought that now Cain is the head of the Dingle Clan, him and Moira will become the New Zac & Lisa, especially when Zac thinks hes 16 years old again. Get your **** together writers and leave at least one couple whole. If yous want to distroy a couple, get rid of Doug, FFS kill him off already.

Can they kill Paddy off aswell?

04-01-2016, 16:13
Thats just a whole lot of BS if Cain & Moira breakup. I thought that now Cain is the head of the Dingle Clan, him and Moira will become the New Zac & Lisa, especially when Zac thinks hes 16 years old again. Get your **** together writers and leave at least one couple whole. If yous want to distroy a couple, get rid of Doug, FFS kill him off already.

Can they kill Paddy off aswell?

04-01-2016, 16:15
Can they kill Paddy off aswell?

Yes and him too please.

Telly Watcher
05-01-2016, 14:11
So who really is the favourite character on Emmerdale from 2015? Ross? Robert? Someone else?

Here are the results of a recent fun poll from another forum:

Favourite Emmerdale Characters 2015

Public opinion poll results for "Who are your favourite characters in Emmerdale in 2015?"

Character and points

Cain 24
Kerry 21
Robert 20
Bernice 18
Chrissie 18
Aaron 16
Alicia 16
Leyla 16
Ross 16
Nikhil 15
Charity 14
David 14
Nicola 14
Carly 13
Kirin 13

(55 other characters scored less than 13 points)

Multiple Choice Poll. One vote per registered username. Voters: 55.

Poll open from 30/12/15 at 14:52. Results stable and obtained today on 5/1/16 at 14:00.

Voters were allowed to enter the poll once for a registered username (=email address).

Voters provided a list of their favourite characters, in any order, for as many characters as they wanted, out of a master list of 70 named characters, plus "other" category for other characters not within the 70 named. Each character mentioned in the voter's list got one point added to that character's points score. (So Cain was voted for by 24 of the 55 voters who took part.)

Cain won this poll under the given conditions for the 55 voters. 55 voters is not really very many though, and it was a fairly basic poll with no account taken of the one top character choice for each voter.

So there we are. Cain, you seem to be the Emmerdale legend for 2015! Well done! :clap: :cheer:

Source: Digital Spy

05-01-2016, 14:42
So who really is the favourite character on Emmerdale from 2015? Ross? Robert? Someone else?

Here are the results of a recent fun poll from another forum:

Favourite Emmerdale Characters 2015

Public opinion poll results for "Who are your favourite characters in Emmerdale in 2015?"

Character and points

Cain 24
Kerry 21
Robert 20
Bernice 18
Chrissie 18
Aaron 16
Alicia 16
Leyla 16
Ross 16
Nikhil 15
Charity 14
David 14
Nicola 14
Carly 13
Kirin 13

(55 other characters scored less than 13 points)

Multiple Choice Poll. One vote per registered username. Voters: 55.

Poll open from 30/12/15 at 14:52. Results stable and obtained today on 5/1/16 at 14:00.

Voters were allowed to enter the poll once for a registered username (=email address).

Voters provided a list of their favourite characters, in any order, for as many characters as they wanted, out of a master list of 70 named characters, plus "other" category for other characters not within the 70 named. Each character mentioned in the voter's list got one point added to that character's points score. (So Cain was voted for by 24 of the 55 voters who took part.)

Cain won this poll under the given conditions for the 55 voters. 55 voters is not really very many though, and it was a fairly basic poll with no account taken of the one top character choice for each voter.

So there we are. Cain, you seem to be the Emmerdale legend for 2015! Well done! :clap: :cheer:

Source: Digital Spy
Didn't you say the other day that public votes and polls mean nnothing? Double standards yet again?

05-01-2016, 14:42
So who really is the favourite character on Emmerdale from 2015? Ross? Robert? Someone else?

Here are the results of a recent fun poll from another forum:

Favourite Emmerdale Characters 2015

Public opinion poll results for "Who are your favourite characters in Emmerdale in 2015?"

Character and points

Cain 24
Kerry 21
Robert 20
Bernice 18
Chrissie 18
Aaron 16
Alicia 16
Leyla 16
Ross 16
Nikhil 15
Charity 14
David 14
Nicola 14
Carly 13
Kirin 13

(55 other characters scored less than 13 points)

Multiple Choice Poll. One vote per registered username. Voters: 55.

Poll open from 30/12/15 at 14:52. Results stable and obtained today on 5/1/16 at 14:00.

Voters were allowed to enter the poll once for a registered username (=email address).

Voters provided a list of their favourite characters, in any order, for as many characters as they wanted, out of a master list of 70 named characters, plus "other" category for other characters not within the 70 named. Each character mentioned in the voter's list got one point added to that character's points score. (So Cain was voted for by 24 of the 55 voters who took part.)

Cain won this poll under the given conditions for the 55 voters. 55 voters is not really very many though, and it was a fairly basic poll with no account taken of the one top character choice for each voter.

So there we are. Cain, you seem to be the Emmerdale legend for 2015! Well done! :clap: :cheer:

Source: Digital Spy
Didn't you say the other day that public votes and polls mean nnothing? Double standards yet again?

05-01-2016, 18:31
who would vote for chrissie seriously

05-01-2016, 18:57
who would vote for chrissie seriously

She is good looking ...don´t think all the voters went for acting skills :D

Telly Watcher
06-01-2016, 15:08
Didn't you say the other day that public votes and polls mean nnothing? Double standards yet again?

Believe me, I have no plans to have double standards. Nothing has changed and I still think the same as before about fun public opinion polls and awards and their fun voting systems. I have posted details of other polls and their results here on soapboards before, and that includes the Inside Soap Awards in October, so I would really like to think that I am completely impartial on making posts about polls like this. As long as who wins seems to win fairly then I am all too ready to congratulate the winner. The polls are meant to be for fun. It's just that some people seem to take the results far too seriously and don't question why people voted the way they did or whether things were fair or not.

I posted the results here of this recent "Favourite Emmerdale Characters 2015" fun opinion poll so that others could see the results of this for themselves from the latest poll for around New Year 2016.

The voting system for it seems fairer than most polls like it. This poll allowed open selection from 70 listed characters (plus an unnamed "other" category) for one online vote of a personal list of favourites per registered user and the vote was free to enter. So there was no limit on character choice, there was one-time named-user voting and the poll organiser got no money from running the poll, so an independent and impartial poll on the face of it.

The poll results do agree somewhat to comments which appear on social media websites like Facebook Emmerdale when questions like "who is your fave character" or "do you prefer X or someone else?" are asked, as Cain does get mentioned a lot in answer to these.

I didn't vote in this fun poll. I have only posted the results and voting details for it here on soapboards. For me, anyway, I remain impartial and the Top 15 in this fun poll and their order were a complete personal surprise. The poll results suggest that some voters have been watching Emmerdale for much longer than I have, as Cain for me has been a fairly quiet character over the last 2 years or so. Even so, I made a point of congratulating Cain on his success in this fun poll. (It's usually best to keep Cain sweet and onside, haha!)

A similar but more detailed poll is being held at the moment which is being voted on in stages (now at Heat 2). I'll post the final results for this new poll when they become available in several weeks time.

The other point raised (IS awards, etc) is better discussed in another thread at this time, see at:

12-01-2016, 00:37
May have missed something. But isn't Cain being a little harsh on Moira? Seems all a bit strange that he's taking it out on her so much

12-01-2016, 00:45
May have missed something. But isn't Cain being a little harsh on Moira? Seems all a bit strange that he's taking it out on her so much

I was thinking the same thing Dalesfan, what did I miss. LOL.

I know that Pete told Moira about the gun that Ross had, but thats not really bad on the grand scale of things. Is it?

But I think Cain's just taking his frustrations out on Moira because he can. But I'm glad Moira told/or will tell Cain about the kiss with Pete, and I hope that this will reinforce their future as a stable couple. Yeah they may have problems, but at least they'll pull through them all.

12-01-2016, 02:59
moira only tells cain about the kiss which she enjoyed as pete tells finn

12-01-2016, 09:18
moira only tells cain about the kiss which she enjoyed as pete tells finn

Maybe so, it’s better coming from her than someone else, as we all know secrets always come out at the end. But Cain needs to focus more on his wife and son, instead of trying to fix everyone else problems. Because if Cain & Moira go bust then it’s back to boring old Charity, until she finds another rich man to sink her claws into and then dumps Cain AGAIN.

I’d like to see Charity end up with Ross, she deserves to be with him. JMO

01-04-2016, 11:12
does he see kyle anymore since joanie took up with zak

01-04-2016, 12:56
does he see kyle anymore since joanie took up with zak

I'm assuming we're suppose to believe he does see Kyle offscreen.

23-06-2016, 00:21
seems charity will land her man cain as they get steamy again moira who

23-06-2016, 09:42
Its really hard to believe that Cain would leave Moira for Charity after all that Charity has done in the past. So to me the "Affair" Storyline makes No sense. No matter how much Moira deceived Cain, I just hope in the end Moira fights for her man. And to be honest I am still trying to get over Lisa & Zack marriage ending.:sick:

23-06-2016, 16:41
Does Moira cheat on Cain first?

It must be a big bad deception to him if he does sleep with Charity

23-06-2016, 16:51
Does Moira cheat on Cain first?

It must be a big bad deception to him if he does sleep with Charity
I get the impression Moira hides Holly´s drug taking from him which he gets upset about rather than her cheating on him with somebody else ..

katie hunter
29-06-2016, 23:20
Its really hard to believe that Cain would leave Moira for Charity after all that Charity has done in the past. So to me the "Affair" Storyline makes No sense. No matter how much Moira deceived Cain, I just hope in the end Moira fights for her man. And to be honest I am still trying to get over Lisa & Zack marriage ending.:sick:

It makes no sense to me either but then again nothing going on in Emmerdałe makes any sense at the moment.

Cain always expects Moira's support when there is trouble in his family but he seems to really struggle to give her the same support. I am not so sure I want Moira to fight for Cain, if he betrays her then he should do one. she deserves better.

30-06-2016, 13:39
Moira forgave Cain for trying to kill Ross for Debbie, his daughter who he would do anything for

01-07-2016, 18:21
Moira forgave Cain for trying to kill Ross for Debbie, his daughter who he would do anything for

Thats one thing that will never make sense to me, when Moira first arrived she was just a normal warm loving wife who wouldn't look at scum like Cain. Yet now she every time she find s out Cains has battered, kidnapped or threatened somebody she doesn't even bat an eyelid. What makes Cain so appealing to Moira? His sense of humour? The fact he never smiles? The fact that if it was up to him, her daughter would be left to kill herself?
I dont buy that Moira has changed Cain or made him more human, he really is at an age now when he should just calm down and leave behind the world of crime. Yet he still does these things, Moiras influence on Cain isnt working.

01-07-2016, 18:21
Moira forgave Cain for trying to kill Ross for Debbie, his daughter who he would do anything for

Thats one thing that will never make sense to me, when Moira first arrived she was just a normal warm loving wife who wouldn't look at scum like Cain. Yet now she every time she find s out Cains has battered, kidnapped or threatened somebody she doesn't even bat an eyelid. What makes Cain so appealing to Moira? His sense of humour? The fact he never smiles? The fact that if it was up to him, her daughter would be left to kill herself?
I dont buy that Moira has changed Cain or made him more human, he really is at an age now when he should just calm down and leave behind the world of crime. Yet he still does these things, Moiras influence on Cain isnt working.

03-07-2016, 23:07
Yes I never understood why Moira cheated on John with Cain but now I don't mind them as a couple but Cain will do anything for Debbie he should know Moira would do the same for her kids including Holly

24-12-2016, 11:09
Emmerdale's Cain Dingle gets tough with Kerry Wyatt in the New Year when he bans her from having any access to her grandson Kyle.

Cain (Jeff Hordley) has never been Kerry's biggest fan anyway, but he makes his drastic decision after a week of erratic behaviour from her pushes everyone to breaking point.

It all kicks off when Cain starts to interfere with Kerry's access to Kyle and she retaliates in pretty drastic fashion by vengefully (and drunkenly) setting fire to his caravan.

The scary incident horrifies the Dingle family when they spot the blaze and realise that an unwell Zak could be inside, sleeping off a cold.

Kerry Wyatt targets Cain Dingle's caravan in Emmerdale
Kerry Wyatt targets Cain Dingle's caravan in Emmerdale
Lisa Dingle battles with a caravan fire in Emmerdale
Cain Dingle battles the caravan fire in Emmerdale
Kerry's arson attack doesn't actually claim any lives (phew) and her luck is in when Zak covers for her over the blaze, letting everyone believe that he was responsible by leaving the hob on.

Just when everyone is getting over that drama, though, Kerry's catastrophic week continues as her own health takes another turn for the worse when she's out for a walk with Kyle.

When Kerry passes out and Kyle runs back to the café to get help, Zak and Cain both assume that Kerry must have fallen over while drunk. Finally losing faith in Kerry, Zak decides to tell Cain that she was the one who set fire to the caravan.
Kerry Wyatt's health takes a turn for the worse while she's out with Kyle in Emmerdale
Kerry Wyatt's health takes a turn for the worse while she's out with Kyle in Emmerdale
By the time Kerry is found by her ex Dan Spencer, she's on the verge of hypothermia and needs emergency medical attention. Luckily, there is a bright side as the unfortunate incident could make Dan realise how much he still cares about Kerry after the weeks they've spent apart.

Not so prepared to consider things from Kerry's point of view, Cain finally bans her from seeing Kyle at all after the chaotic events of the last week.

When Dan tries to fiercely defend Kerry at the garage, Cain returns to his old ways by losing patience and punching him there and then. How will Kyle react to his dad's violent side when he witnesses the whole thing?

Digital Spy

03-01-2017, 01:27
cain gets close to person least expected so is it emma or kerry

03-01-2017, 04:55
Emmerdale's Chrissie White gets a taste of her own medicine next week as Cain Dingle finds a vicious way to blackmail her.

With Chrissie hugely concerned for the safety of her son Lachlan as he remains locked up in Youth Offenders, cunning Cain (Jeff Hordley) decides to make her pay for his protection.

After Lachlan gets viciously attacked on two separate occasions, Cain confronts Chrissie (Louise Marwood) and orders her to hand over her share of the garage – otherwise her defenceless son will pay the price.

Lawrence White and Ronnie Hale are both horrified when they find out that Lachlan has been targeted twice and that Cain could be behind it.

Rebecca is more sceptical and reckons that Cain is just bluffing, but it's clear that he's really not messing around when he later pays a terrifying visit to Lachlan.

Cain warns Lachlan to take his advice or die, and it doesn't take long before the Whites receive the upsetting news that he's been beaten up for a third time.

Finally accepting defeat, Chrissie signs over the garage to Cain, but is later hit with another major curveball when she goes to see Lachlan and he makes a very unexpected confession...

The wrangle for the garage is just part of a dramatic week for the Whites, as Lachlan is also back in court over Lawrence's shooting and the clever cover-up that followed.

With time running out to get Lachlan off the hook, Lawrence makes a last-minute plan to take the blame for everything.

Stunned by Lawrence's crazy idea, Ronnie desperately wants him to reconsider and ends up locking him up in Home Farm so that he can't be in court.

Ronnie regrets his intervention when he fears that the stress of the situation has caused Lawrence to suffer another heart attack in the locked room, but is everything as it seems?

And what will Lachlan's fate be in court?

Digital Spy

katie hunter
03-01-2017, 12:22
cain gets close to person least expected so is it emma or kerry

I agree it has to be either Emma or Kerry.

Bit stupid considering that Cain dumped Charity because he realised that Moira was 'the love of his life' and now he is getting his head turned by someone else :wall:

14-04-2017, 23:19
cain gets close to person least expected so is it emma or kerry

I would never have thought Harriet, they seem very wrong but I laugh at him hiding in the church for the service

18-04-2017, 19:21
no believes cain he rogering the vicar :lol:

01-05-2017, 07:56
Emmerdale boss on Cain and Harriet – I just liked the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
Emmerdale boss Iain MacLeod has revealed why he’s put Cain Dingle and Harriet Finch together – he loves the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
The two villagers have struck up an unlikely romance lately and it will turn into a full blown relationship but Iain says Moira Dingle will always be Cain’s true love.
He told us: “Harriet is somebody who is on her own, she’s an intelligent, feisty, attractive woman and there’s come a point in her life where she’s thinking ‘what the hell am I doing here?’.
“Often when people reach that crossroads in their life they do something horribly unsuitable, so we thought who is more unsuitable for her than Cain?
“Also, he’s had his heart broken by Moira so we think Cain is a proud man and there’s a limit to the amount of times you can go knocking on the same door and having it shut in your face before you make the conscious decision to move forward.
“We thought it would be funny and made sense with both their characters, also, I just liked the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
“Call me a weirdo if you like but it seemed like a good idea and the stuff coming up is sexy, funny and puts a smile on Cain’s face for the first time in months.
“Moira will always be the love of his life, I have to stress that, but Cain and Harriet is just a fun, sexy interlude which turns into something more.
“It’s not just a bit of fun, it will take on a more serious tone as it progresses. I totally love it.”

katie hunter
01-05-2017, 08:05
It's great to hear that Iain 'totally loves' Cain and Harriet together, it's a shame he doesn't appear to give a toss about what the majority of viewers think about this storyline :sick:

01-05-2017, 15:12
It's great to hear that Iain 'totally loves' Cain and Harriet together, it's a shame he doesn't appear to give a toss about what the majority of viewers think about this storyline :sick:

Or something called chemistry either..

01-05-2017, 16:20
Emmerdale boss on Cain and Harriet – I just liked the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
Emmerdale boss Iain MacLeod has revealed why he’s put Cain Dingle and Harriet Finch together – he loves the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
The two villagers have struck up an unlikely romance lately and it will turn into a full blown relationship but Iain says Moira Dingle will always be Cain’s true love.
He told us: “Harriet is somebody who is on her own, she’s an intelligent, feisty, attractive woman and there’s come a point in her life where she’s thinking ‘what the hell am I doing here?’.
“Often when people reach that crossroads in their life they do something horribly unsuitable, so we thought who is more unsuitable for her than Cain?
“Also, he’s had his heart broken by Moira so we think Cain is a proud man and there’s a limit to the amount of times you can go knocking on the same door and having it shut in your face before you make the conscious decision to move forward.
“We thought it would be funny and made sense with both their characters, also, I just liked the idea of the angel and the devil having sex!
“Call me a weirdo if you like but it seemed like a good idea and the stuff coming up is sexy, funny and puts a smile on Cain’s face for the first time in months.
“Moira will always be the love of his life, I have to stress that, but Cain and Harriet is just a fun, sexy interlude which turns into something more.
“It’s not just a bit of fun, it will take on a more serious tone as it progresses. I totally love it.”

Well if Moira is the love of Cains life then what's the point of Cain and Harriet getting closer? He's already telling us the outcome. It's absolutely pointless. He done the same whilst talking about Robert and Aaron.

07-06-2017, 21:20
where is he hiding, has harriet got him locked in church vestibule, her red room waiting for 50 shades of cain :p

12-06-2017, 00:48
They have to hide Cain & Harriets affair, everyone seems to cringe when they are seen in any romantic embrace. Looks like Iain MacLeod is the only one to find them cute and funny, no one else does. Yuck is all I have to say about it.

17-10-2018, 15:10
Is Joe his first "killing", he was going to kill Ross, Simon, Cameron anyone else for Debbie :p

17-10-2018, 16:27
Is Joe his first "killing", he was going to kill Ross, Simon, Cameron anyone else for Debbie :p

Is it his guilt about thinking he killed Joe that he turned the table over when Moira wanted him to talk?

17-10-2018, 19:59
Is Joe his first "killing", he was going to kill Ross, Simon, Cameron anyone else for Debbie :p

Yes you'd think there would be more. But yes to Cain this would be his first kill. Like I said before...I wonder how long they will milk this story of Cain being consumed with guilt and Graham making Cain believe that he is a murder and turning Graham into the "villain". Now Graham will become such a waste of a potential great long-term character. IMO

22-10-2018, 04:33
From EastieOaks

When Debbie talks about looking for Joe, Cain tries to discourage her whilst covering his own guilt. Cain tells Debbie as soon as Sarah is better he’s sending her and the kids away to go on the run. Debbie is left bewildered.

As Cain tries to hide his guilt over Joe, Moira tells him if he can’t tell Debbie whatever the truth is, then he will have to leave rather than sending Debbie away. When an angry Moira presses him further regarding Joe, Cain makes the horrifying admission he killed him, leaving Moira utterly stunned.

(Picture ITV)

Moira hears what happened but when she tries to reassure him she realises just how broken he is over this. Soon a troubled Moira confronts Graham seeking assurance they can trust him not to ever tell Debbie. She’s pained to learn Joe was coming back for Debbie. Moira then hears the voicemail where Joe told Graham he loves Debbie. Moira is left horrified realising how much this recording could affect Cain should he ever hear it.

Later, Moira tells Cain about going to see Graham but doesn’t mention the voicemail, knowing he can’t ever know about it. Can Moira trust Graham?


22-10-2018, 10:41
From EastieOaks

When Debbie talks about looking for Joe, Cain tries to discourage her whilst covering his own guilt. Cain tells Debbie as soon as Sarah is better he’s sending her and the kids away to go on the run. Debbie is left bewildered.

As Cain tries to hide his guilt over Joe, Moira tells him if he can’t tell Debbie whatever the truth is, then he will have to leave rather than sending Debbie away. When an angry Moira presses him further regarding Joe, Cain makes the horrifying admission he killed him, leaving Moira utterly stunned.

(Picture ITV)

Moira hears what happened but when she tries to reassure him she realises just how broken he is over this. Soon a troubled Moira confronts Graham seeking assurance they can trust him not to ever tell Debbie. She’s pained to learn Joe was coming back for Debbie. Moira then hears the voicemail where Joe told Graham he loves Debbie. Moira is left horrified realising how much this recording could affect Cain should he ever hear it.

Later, Moira tells Cain about going to see Graham but doesn’t mention the voicemail, knowing he can’t ever know about it. Can Moira trust Graham?


Once upon a time Moira was just a nice farmers wife who loved her family. Now she's a murderer who just see's this sort of thing as normality while she's with Cain.

26-10-2019, 20:29
Emmerdale fans will see Amy Wyatt become a surprise new ally for Cain Dingle next week. :angry:

Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson) is on hand to support Cain as he heads on a downward spiral after the devastating events of the past few days.

Next week's episodes see Cain (Jeff Hordley) hit the bottle as he tries to adjust to life without his wife Moira, who cheated on him with Nate Robinson.

Cain is quick to set some ground rules by telling Amy that Moira can't be part of Kyle's life anymore – and he asks her not to let him down like everyone else.

Amy is only too happy to follow Cain's instructions, harbouring her own resentment towards Moira after hearing how she went behind her back with Nate.

Although Amy is supporting Cain, she does become concerned about his drinking and how it might affect Kyle.

Amy warns Cain that it's time to get his act together and suggests that he should come away with her and Kyle for a few days.

Cain reluctantly agrees, but Moira is devastated that her estranged husband will be even further away.

Is it time for Moira to realise that there's no going back for her marriage?

Digital Spy

katie hunter
26-10-2019, 23:52
Emmerdale fans will see Amy Wyatt become a surprise new ally for Cain Dingle next week. :angry:

Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson) is on hand to support Cain as he heads on a downward spiral after the devastating events of the past few days.

Next week's episodes see Cain (Jeff Hordley) hit the bottle as he tries to adjust to life without his wife Moira, who cheated on him with Nate Robinson.

Cain is quick to set some ground rules by telling Amy that Moira can't be part of Kyle's life anymore – and he asks her not to let him down like everyone else.

Amy is only too happy to follow Cain's instructions, harbouring her own resentment towards Moira after hearing how she went behind her back with Nate.

Although Amy is supporting Cain, she does become concerned about his drinking and how it might affect Kyle.

Amy warns Cain that it's time to get his act together and suggests that he should come away with her and Kyle for a few days.

Cain reluctantly agrees, but Moira is devastated that her estranged husband will be even further away.

Is it time for Moira to realise that there's no going back for her marriage?

Digital Spy

I know this is press office wording but it really sounds ridiculous.

Surely Moira realised that her marriage was over the first time she slept with Nate?

27-10-2019, 00:12
cain listening to amy, that is stupid, out of character, he should take the kids and go see debbie

29-10-2019, 15:28
Cain should concentrate on his boys

29-10-2019, 17:09
I know this is press office wording but it really sounds ridiculous.

Surely Moira realised that her marriage was over the first time she slept with Nate?

Maybe not first time if it had been only time ... but not 3 months down the line, she maintained she loves Cain so why go be intimate with somebody else???

29-10-2019, 20:11
kerry knew but cain sleeps with her

29-10-2019, 20:21
kerry knew but cain sleeps with her

I do not think it is because he likes her much though ..

30-10-2019, 17:34
Well, at least just a night night stand .. but he is self destructing :(


12-03-2020, 22:49
cain unburdening to billy, cain does not do talking, seems cain is scared of malone and worried

18-03-2020, 01:53
cain unburdening to billy, cain does not do talking, seems cain is scared of malone and worried

Cain is scared for Moira and their children. Good sign that he still care, and hopefully the beginning to them reuniting. I hope Moira doesnt end up in bed with Malone like some have suggested. I hope she stands by Cain and helps him through this, coming up with a descent plan with Harriet and Will to get of Malone for good.

10-06-2020, 19:07
his lockdown lock still good :p

10-09-2020, 00:36
How does Cain know Malone is dead?

05-07-2022, 00:42
Jeff Hordley has teased that there is a further big storyline ahead for Cain, as the 50th anniversary of the popular soap approaches.

?I do know that after this there?s something else coming that?s pretty big,? he hinted, piquing all of our attentions.

?But I can?t tell you ? I?ll lose my job!?

01-11-2022, 20:03
is jeff leaving, taking time off?

02-11-2022, 04:28
is jeff leaving, taking time off?

It is Panto season coming up...........

02-11-2022, 17:06
It is Panto season coming up...........

does jeff do pantos?

03-11-2022, 05:14
does jeff do pantos?

Not that I have ever read about it but first time for everything... I do not believe he is leaving so I think the truth will come out before too long, hopefully ..

03-11-2022, 09:58
Saw him on Loose Women earlier this week. He said there will be lots of ripple effects from this story line, which makes sense to me.

03-11-2022, 11:00
I think somebody else was in the barn and fired the gun, not sure whether to kill Al or Cain but I hope we will find out soon

03-11-2022, 15:32
cain covering for kyle